genius evil

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

"Hey, what a good day it is today, let's forget about Jiang Chen coming to class, Guo Hu and the others are also coming back to class."

"However, Guo Hu and the others are really lucky to have escaped an exam."

"Not to mention, they came at the right time, but I don't know whether Jiang Chen will hit Li Nengchao in the face, or Li Nengchao will hit Jiang Chen in the face."


Everyone in the classroom whispered quietly, but because of Tangyue's presence, they didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and kept their voices as low as possible.

It was Guo Hu, Zhang Dapeng and Gao Ming who came in after Tangyue. After the three of them entered the classroom, they returned to their seats honestly.

"Class is about to start, everyone be quiet." Pushing her glasses, Tangyue said.

Tangyue's voice was not high, but she still attracted everyone's attention to her, and the classroom fell silent all of a sudden.

Tangyue is still wearing a slightly old-fashioned suit. She seems to have many such clothes, but the color of each suit is different, but no matter what color it is, Tangyue is more than enough to control it. It's a very figure-defining suit, and when she wears it, she feels very seductive as an OL.

Of course, perhaps Jiang Chen was the only one who would have such an idea. The other students still respected Tangyue quite a bit.

But at this time, Tangyue realized that Jiang Chen was actually in the classroom, perhaps because she hadn't seen Jiang Chen in class for several days, a slight surprise flashed in her eyes under the lens.

But this is naturally a scene that Tangyue is more willing to see. In the final analysis, Jiang Chen is still a student. As a student, it is a matter of course to study textbooks. The astonishment flashed by, and Tangyue's complexion soon returned to calm and normal. color.

"The mock exam for the college entrance examination two days ago, now the results are out, everyone has worked hard." Tangyue's voice sounded again slowly.

"This mathematics subject, the exam questions are quite difficult, but everyone performed very well, especially some students, it is worthy of praise. I hope everyone will refrain from arrogance and impetuosity, and make persistent efforts. After all, this is just a mock exam, not a real college entrance examination. , the college entrance examination is your battlefield." The elegant voice, like a strange magic power, attracted everyone's attention.

"Next, distribute the test papers." Tangyue didn't talk too much, this was Tangyue's usual style of class, she went to class as soon as she was in class, and rarely brought any personal emotions into it.

"Zhang Guangtong, 86 points."

"Xiao Pingping, 98 points."


As Tangyue read out the names one by one, people continued to go up to get the test papers, and everyone's attention was attracted by the scores reported by Tangyue.

"Bao Shifan, 88 points."

"Cao Feng, 112 points."


"Li Nengchao, 136 points."


When it was Li Nengchao's turn, Li Nengchao quickly took down the test paper, turned his head, glanced at Jiang Chen and smiled coldly.

There are dozens of people in the class, and he is the one with the highest score so far, maybe he won't be the one with the highest score in the end, but as Tangyue said, the exam this time is rather difficult, with 136 points, which is considered a rare high score up.

Jiang Chen's test paper hadn't been handed out yet, but Li Nengchao was already confident enough to slap Jiang Chen in the face.

"Jiang Yanyan, 125 points."

"Anqi Xu, 142 points."


The test papers were distributed continuously, and after a few minutes, there was only one test paper left in Tangyue's hand, and that test paper belonged to Jiang Chen, and now Jiang Chen's test paper has not been handed out.

"Jiang Chen, how do you feel about this exam?" To everyone's surprise, Tang Yue did not send the exam paper to Jiang Chen immediately, but asked.

"I don't have any thoughts." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"I hope you can answer my question seriously." Tangyue was slightly displeased, while some people in the class began to gloat.

Li Nengchao gave Jiang Chen a contemptuous look. He thought that Jiang Chen would give him some surprises. Now it seems that Jiang Chen was picked out by Tangyue alone. .

But at this time, Jiang Chen wanted to pretend to be aggressive, to see how he would become an idiot in a while.

"Teacher Tang, as I said last time, I actually don't like to be in the limelight. You make me very embarrassed. Otherwise, don't read the scores, just give me the test paper." Jiang Chen smiled. laughed.

"Oh, are you not confident in yourself, or are you too confident?" Tangyue asked softly.

"Teacher Tang, which one do you think it is?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Tangyue's question, but asked instead.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you." Tangyue's expression was slightly weird.

"In fact, no matter whether you are confident or not, it doesn't make much sense to say it. After all, to me, getting a full score in the test is not something to be proud of. A man's self-confidence is not used in this kind of place." Jiang Dust said lazily.

"Full score? This guy said he got a full score?"

"Fuck, Jiang Chen's shamelessness is so thick that he has broken through the sky."

"I think it's about zero."


The voice of whispering and discussing sounded, Jiang Chen smiled slightly, as if he didn't hear it, and Tangyue's reaction was also quite strange, she didn't interrupt everyone's discussion, but just looked at Jiang Chen in amazement.

Seeing Tangyue's reaction like that, Li Nengchao's heart suddenly thumped, a bad premonition came to his mind, and he became a little uneasy.

"Since you don't want me to read out the scores, then come up and get the test papers." After a while, Tangyue said.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything else, just took the test paper down, glanced at it casually, smiled, and then Tangyue started to talk about the questions.

This morning, Jiang Chen really attended four classes honestly.

In the past, every time the bell rang for the end of the fourth class, everyone would immediately leave the classroom and go straight to the cafeteria, but today's situation is a bit different. Itching, waiting for Jiang Chen to reveal the answer.

"Hey, how many points do you have? You are so mysterious, you can't really be zero." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

Jiang Chen smiled, but ignored Jiang Yanyan. He stood up and walked towards Guo Hu.


As soon as Jiang Chen walked in front of Guo Hu, he raised his hand and slapped Guo Hu on the face.

A crisp slap sounded, and everyone was dumbfounded, including Guo Hu.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Guo Hu said angrily.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, he raised his hand and slapped Guo Hu's face again, and there was a clear and clear slap.

"Jiang Chen, are you crazy?" Zhang Dapeng and Gao Ming couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted at each other.

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the two of them, stretched out both hands, and slapped both of them, leaving five red finger marks on the faces of Zhang Dapeng and Gao Ming.

Then, in the classroom, there were endless crackling sounds.

The faces of Guo Hu and the others turned red, blue, and swollen, but Jiang Chen still had no intention of stopping. He slapped them one after another, making countless people's scalps go numb.They thought Guo Hu and the others were lucky just now. This is not luck, it is a tragedy.

"Jiang Chen, you bastard...ah, it hurts...don't hit me, please don't hit me...we were wrong...we really didn't know we were wrong, we shouldn't count you..."

Guo Hu and the others were able to resist for a while at first, and even tried to resist, but later found that they could not resist at all, and could no longer bear the pain, begging for mercy loudly.

"Did Guo Hu and the others offend Jiang Chen? Why didn't I know?" Jiang Yanyan asked suspiciously.

I have to say that Jiang Chen's beating was too ruthless. Even Jiang Yanyan liked to watch the excitement, and she was a little frightened watching it. Speaking of which, she had only seen Jiang Chen's hippie smiling face, and never I have never seen such a ruthless side of Jiang Chen.

"I don't know either." Xu Anqi shook her head.

Although from the yelling of Guo Hu and the others, it can be judged that they offended Jiang Chen, but how they offended Jiang Chen, no one knows.It's just that Xu Anqi understands that Jiang Chen seems to be fooling around, and he is definitely not an unreasonable person. Guo Hu and the others must have offended Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen will be so heavy handed!
"Okay, don't worry about it, I don't know how many points that guy Jiang Chen got in the test." Jiang Yanyan didn't care about Guo Hu's life and death, but instead focused on Jiang Chen's math score.

Taking advantage of Jiang Chen beating someone, Jiang Yanyan quickly grabbed Jiang Chen's test paper and read it.

"Hey, it's really a perfect score." After a glance, Jiang Yanyan was dumbfounded.

"What, full marks?" The attention of the others was attracted by Jiang Yanyan.

On the test paper, the imprint left by the red signature pen was very conspicuous. Li Nengchao looked at it curiously, and his face suddenly swelled and ached. Jiang Chen's slap was on Guo Hu and the others. As far as it is concerned, it is like hitting him in the face,
People who saw Jiang Chen's math results were all shocked, but the shock didn't last long, and soon their attention was shifted to Jiang Chen again. Jiang Chen was still slapping, Guo Hu and the others They were all beaten into pig's heads, and I guess I don't even know my mother.

"Jiang Chen, forget it, stop hitting." Xu Anqi walked over, grabbed Jiang Chen's hand, and said softly.

She is the squad leader, and these can be regarded as her duties. If Jiang Chen hits people like this, if it gets out, he will definitely get into trouble. Xu Anqi's dissuading Jiang Chen at this time is not because she feels sorry for Guo Hu and the others, but because she doesn't want Jiang Chen to be punished. School accountability.

"Hey, what happened to these three guys? Who are they?" Jiang Chen withdrew his hand, looking confused.

Xu Anqi was a bit dumbfounded, it was clearly Jiang Chen who beat Guo Hu and the others so badly that he was still pretending to be stupid here.

Xu Anqi said helplessly: "Okay, stop joking, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Squad leader Xu, tell me, you invite me to dinner?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Yeah, don't say you don't have time." Xu Anqi gave Jiang Chen a white look, and her slightly coquettish tone made Jiang Chen's heart skip a beat.

"If it were someone else, I might not have the time, but I definitely have the time for your treat, Squad Leader Xu." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Of course, as long as it's a beauty treat, you have time." Jiang Yanyan looked unhappy.

"Yes, for example, if you treat guests, I definitely don't have time." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, I'll fight you!" Jiang Yanyan was very hurt, why was she always the one who was rejected?

(End of this chapter)

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