genius evil

Chapter 54 Let's go to open a room

Chapter 54 Let's go to open a room

Xu Anqi once had the experience of inviting Jiang Chen to dinner. This time, she directly filled Jiang Chen's plate to the brim, and brought it to Jiang Chen until there was no more room to hold it.

"Jiang Chen, An Qi is really kind to you." Jiang Yanyan said a little sourly.

"Yes, Squad Leader Xu is really considerate. Come on, Squad Leader Xu, I'll treat you to a chicken leg." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, and took a chicken leg over.

"Jiang Chen, An Qi doesn't eat chicken." Jiang Yanyan immediately became dissatisfied, but as soon as the words fell, Jiang Yanyan was injured again, only to see Xu Anqi was gently biting off a piece of chicken leg, chewing slowly.

"Yanyan, let's eat." Xu Anqi said softly.

Jiang Yanyan was speechless, Xu Anqi obviously didn't eat chicken, at most she ate a little red meat like beef, why did she just eat it, could it be because Jiang Chen gave it to her?
"No, it's tricky." Jiang Yanyan thought in her heart.

"By the way, Jiang Chen, why did you beat Guo Hu and the others just now? Although they are annoying, you can't beat them like that." Jiang Yanyan asked while eating.

"Remember what happened in the campus forum last night?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"Could it be that you suspect that the three of them were the ones responsible? But do you have any evidence to prove that they did it?" Jiang Yanyan is also a smart person, so she quickly realized it.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Fight without you?" Jiang Yanyan said strangely, she thought Jiang Chen had evidence.

"My hands are itchy and I just want to hit someone." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Jiang Yanyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Guo Hu and the others were too unlucky to meet such a freak as Jiang Chen, so there was no place to justify being beaten.

After eating, Jiang Yanyan was sent away by Xu Anqi with an excuse.

"Jiang Chen, let's go." Xu Anqi's voice was always soft, not as carefree as Jiang Yanyan.

"Okay." Jiang Chen smiled.

Then, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi started walking in the campus. The two of them were indeed walking, and kept walking. Because Xu Anqi didn't speak, Jiang Chen didn't speak.

As a result, the atmosphere between the two of them seemed a bit weird, but the two of them still attracted the attention of many people walking in the campus.

"See, that's Xu Anqi, that man seems to be Jiang Chen."

"It's really Jiang Chen. It seems that he was really taken care of by Xu Anqi."

"Xu Anqi's flower was planted on cow dung, why didn't she keep me."


Xu Anqi's reputation was already great, and because of the riots in the forum last night and the incident of Jiang Chen's supernatural power in the dormitory building, every move she made attracted extraordinarily attention.

As for Jiang Chen, even though the whole school knew him because of Xu Anqi, even if someone recognized who he was, they would still pay more attention to Xu Anqi.

There is no way, who told Jiang Chen that this face is too worthless to appreciate.Boys won't look at him out of envy and jealousy, while girls don't look at him at all, even though he is the legendary man who was adopted by Xu Anqi.

Even in the eyes of some girls, Xu Anqi's vision is too bad. They may not be as beautiful as Xu Anqi, and their family background is not as good as Xu Anqi, but their current or future boyfriends will definitely be more handsome than Xu Anqi's man. Sheng's mood is quite balanced, after all, he finally surpassed Xu Anqi in a certain aspect.

"Jiang Chen, there is a red paper on the announcement wall in front, let's go over and have a look." After walking for about ten minutes, Xu Anqi finally spoke.

Jiang Chen accompanied Xu Anqi towards the announcement wall. The content of the red paper was the list of the top [-] students in this mock exam.

At a glance, Jiang Chen saw Xu Anqi's name on it. She is fourth in grade and her performance is quite normal.

Cao Fang's No. 1 laurel in grade was taken away as expected, but No. [-] is not Qiu Zhenhui from the second class who is very popular, not Xu Mengxiong from the third class, and she has no chance with the top students in other classes.

It was a girl with a very strange name, her name was Fairy Tale!
"This fairy tale, her name is so strange, I don't seem to have heard of it before." Xu Anqi said after looking at it for a while.

Xu Anqi is still very concerned about her grades and the ranking of the whole school. This has nothing to do with vanity, but because she is diligent and motivated and has a strong sense of competition.

"I haven't heard of it." Jiang Chen was slightly curious. He was no stranger to the names of the top three students in the third grade, but he had never heard of this fairy tale.

"Could it be her?" For no reason, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of a person, a girl who liked to read fairy tale books.Then he laughed dumbfounded. If it was really that girl, this matter would be quite interesting.

"Jiang Chen, what are you laughing at?" Xu Anqi asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Jiang Chen shook his head. This matter is his conjecture, and he can't be sure. There is no need to tell Xu Anqi too much. Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation and asked, "Squad Leader Xu, do you have anything to say to me?" ?”

From Xu Anqi's dinner party to Jiang Yanyan's departure, Jiang Chen knew that Xu Anqi had something to say to him. After walking for so long, Xu Anqi couldn't say it, so Jiang Chen didn't ask.

Jiang Chen's patience is naturally beyond doubt, but Jiang Chen suspects that if the development continues at this pace, Xu Anqi may not be able to say what she wants to say in the end.

"Ah..." After being stunned for a moment, Xu Anqi said embarrassedly, "Actually, I want to ask you why your math is so good all of a sudden."

"Squad leader Xu, do you know that you are really good at lying." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Why?" Xu Anqi touched her small face, could it be that she was so obvious.

"If you would lie, you would ask if you plagiarized your math test. After all, few people would think that I got that result based on my own real ability." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"No, I didn't." Xu Anqi was very serious, she was a little anxious, lest Jiang Chen might misunderstand, she said, "I never doubted this."

Xu Anqi did not have any doubts. Mathematics is no different than anything else. You can't plagiarize if you want to. Even if you just copy a book, you may not be able to get a good grade in the exam.

"Okay, don't be nervous, but this is not the question you want to ask the most." Seeing Xu Anqi like this, Jiang Chen couldn't bear to continue molesting her for a while.

"Jiang Chen, you are really smart. If you put more effort into studying and reading in class, you will definitely be among the top ten in the school." Xu Anqi said sincerely.

The implication of Xu Anqi's words was that she agreed with Jiang Chen's statement. After a little hesitation, Xu Anqi asked a little coyly: "Jiang Chen, what I want to ask you is, how did you do it a few days ago? Do you know where I am coming?"

Jiang Chen was stunned, and immediately burst out laughing. Unexpectedly, Xu Anqi swayed for a long time, and what she wanted to tell her was such a thing. No wonder Xu Anqi couldn't say it for a long time. For a little girl like Xu Anqi, such words It's really a bit embarrassing to say it.

"Jiang Chen, don't laugh, answer my question seriously." Xu Anqi was extremely shy, and became more and more embarrassed, her chin almost dropped to her chest.

"Squad leader Xu, not only do I know that you came here a few days ago, I also know that every time you come, your stomach will hurt for two days." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Squad leader Xu looked up, surprised, her face suddenly turned red, she did have such a problem, so at that time every month, the family would send ginger brown sugar water over.

Jiang Yanyan knew about this matter, but Xu Anqi didn't think that Jiang Yanyan would tell Jiang Chen such a thing, after all, it was a girl's secret, and Jiang Yanyan still had some sense of propriety.

But Jiang Chen knew that she would come without saying anything, and also knew that her stomach would hurt, how could Xu Anqi not be surprised by this?
"Jiang Chen, how do you know everything?" Xu Anqi's voice was so shallow that only she could hear it.

However, after Jiang Chen tempered his body, his senses became much more sensitive, so he naturally heard Xu Anqi's words clearly. Seeing Xu Anqi's embarrassing appearance, he couldn't help but smiled, and jokingly said: "Squad leader Xu, how do you think I know?" , because I have cared about you for a long time."

"Ah—" Xu Anqi whispered.

What does Jiang Chen mean by this? Could it be that Jiang Chen has been secretly paying attention to her all the time in private?It's just that why didn't she find out at all before?

Seeing Xu Anqi's reaction like this, how could Jiang Chen not know that Xu Anqi misunderstood him, he joked: "Squad Leader Xu, you guessed right, I have indeed been paying attention to you."

Xu Anqi's face turned red, and she clenched her fist quietly. She wanted to look at Jiang Chen but didn't dare to look at her. In the end, she let go of her small fist and took a soft breath. Xu Anqi said, "Jiang Chen, stop teasing me. ……I……"

So unbearable to be teased, Jiang Chen only smiled secretly in his heart, but said on his mouth: "Squad leader Xu, in fact, I am not the only one who cares about you, all the boys in our class, and even the entire Yilan Middle School, pay attention to you." .”

As the school belle of Yilan Middle School, Xu Anqi is not only beautiful, but also has good academic performance. Naturally, she is loved by teachers and students.

Jiang Chen's words, although suspected of being a little exaggerated, Xu Anqi would not be so narcissistic that everyone noticed her, but after Jiang Chen said such words, Xu Anqi felt a little relieved. At least this may indicate that Jiang Chen The care and attention to her is not so out of the ordinary.

It's just that for some reason, while she was relieved, Xu Anqi also felt a little bit lost for no reason.

"Jiang Chen, I told you about this because I saw a post you posted. You said you can cure illnesses, right?" After a while, Xu Anqi dared to raise her head, but she still didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen. dust.

"You mean, you want me to heal that pain for you?" Jiang Chen was a little more serious.

Xu Anqi nodded, and said in a low voice: "I've been in pain for several years, and I've seen many doctors, but nothing worked. If can...then..."

"Of course I can, this is a very simple matter, let's go, let's open a room first!" Before Xu Anqi refused, Jiang Chen took Xu Anqi's little hand and walked towards the school gate...

(End of this chapter)

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