genius evil

Chapter 432 Killing You Like Killing a Chicken

Chapter 432 Killing You Like Killing a Chicken

At around nine o'clock in the morning, at the entrance of the Grand Hyatt Hotel, a red Mercedes-Benz sports car left quickly.

"It's time to go back to Yilan City." Watching the sports car leave far away, Jiang Chen murmured, walked to the side of the road, and stopped the car.

A black car stopped beside Jiang Chen silently.

The window glass on the co-pilot's position fell, and the driver said, "Get in the car."

"To the airport?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If someone wants to see you, if you are sensible, you'd better get in the car honestly." The driver said coldly.

"Idiot." He popped out a silver needle to make the driver completely shut up, and Jiang Chen reached out to stop the car again.

After a while, a taxi stopped, Jiang Chen opened the door, got into the car, the driver kicked the accelerator, and drove on the road.

"Have you asked me where I'm going?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled after the car drove for a while.

"Where are you going?" the driver asked.

"Forget it, I'll drive there by myself." Jiang Chen knocked out the driver with a hand knife, and grabbed the steering wheel. After the car shook on the road, Jiang Chen had already changed places with the driver, and drove towards Tianhang Go in the direction of the city airport.

In a very short period of time, less than 5 minutes before and after, Jiang Chen just knocked out the two drivers. However, this did not affect Jiang Chen's mood.

The car drove very fast. In less than 10 minutes, they got on the airport expressway, and the speed increased again. Jiang Chen drove the car like lightning, and headed for the airport.

Not far behind the taxi, a black sports car followed the road, roaring like a mad cow. After getting rid of the complicated road conditions and vehicle conditions in the urban area, the superior performance of the black sports car was brought into full play by the driver in the blink of an eye. Extremely fast, shortening the distance with the taxi.

It took less than 3 minutes, and the black sports car was less than 200 meters away from the taxi.

"Bump it!"

On the co-pilot's seat, the man in priestly robes gave a sinister order.

The driver nodded, kicked hard, and directly stepped on the accelerator. The engine roared, black smoke billowed, and the speed of the sports car exceeded 20 in less than [-] seconds.

Like a black cannonball, the front of the black sports car viciously hit the back of the taxi.

And at the moment when the two cars collided, two figures jumped out of the taxi and the sports car respectively.

Landing on the ground, rolling sideways, Jiang Chen got up, reached out and patted the dust on his clothes, smashed his mouth, and sighed: "What an idiot, what a prodigal."

"You're lucky, you didn't die." Just as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a voice sounded.

It was the man in the Taoist robe who was speaking. This person was somewhat similar in appearance to the Daoist Feng that Jiang Chen had met on Huxin Island before, but unlike that Daoist Feng in appearance, this person was extremely sinister vulture.

"Who are you, Daoist Feng?" Jiang Chen asked after looking at this person a few times.

"What, you admitted that you killed him? I'm his brother." said the Taoist robed man.

"Are there any other brothers and sisters in your family... Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in your family relationship, I'm just a little worried. If I kill you together, wouldn't your family be broken?" Already?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Kill me?" As if hearing a big joke, the man in Taoist robe burst out laughing.

"You think you can kill me by killing my little brother, that trash? Childish." The Taoist robed man said dismissively.

"Your good-for-nothing brother, but with a four-level cultivation base, how can you be a big brother?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You can't see the depth of my cultivation, that's my brilliance." The Taoist robed man said gloomyly.

"The cultivation base of the sixth floor of Houtian is probably not very good. I don't understand at all. What are you so proud of?" Jiang Chen said in a serious manner.

"Huh?" Hearing the sound, the man in Taoist robe suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He was indeed at the sixth level of acquired cultivation, and he didn't expect that Jiang Chen could tell the depth of his cultivation with just a single glance.

And more importantly, since he appeared, he has been paying attention to Jiang Chen, but he found that he couldn't tell the depth of Jiang Chen no matter what.

This situation is not uncommon for him.

After all, it is impossible to say that Jiang Chen has no cultivation. You must know that Jiang Chen killed his younger brother Feng Daochang, but Jiang Chen is clearly not weak, but he can't tell the depth of Jiang Chen's cultivation. This point made the man in Taoist robe feel strange.

But to say that Jiang Chen is very strong, his cultivation has far surpassed him, and he has reached the seventh floor of Houtian, or at least the late stage of the sixth floor of Houtian, if his cultivation is infinitely close to the seventh floor of Houtian, what is the man in Taoist robes like? Neither would believe it.

Without him, Jiang Chen is really too young, even if he started cultivating from the womb, at this age, how can he be so good at cultivation?
Ancient martial arts practice, one step at a time, laying down the foundation, is extremely difficult.

Although the major ancient martial arts sects, especially those with profound backgrounds, did not lack geniuses and monsters, those geniuses and monsters were all numerous, but they had never heard of Jiang Chen.

"Don't be too nervous. Although I can see your cultivation, it doesn't mean that I can kill you as easily as killing a chicken. It still takes a little effort." Jiang Chen comforted.

The reason why the Taoist robed man couldn't tell the depth of Jiang Chen's cultivation was because Jiang Chen was a cultivator, not an ancient martial arts practitioner at all.

And after Jiang Chen had a relative understanding of the division of strength in ancient martial arts, with his powerful soul perception ability, it was naturally easy to see the opponent's cultivation base.

And after seeing that extremely dangerous middle-aged woman in a green dress, the appearance of this man in Taoist robes naturally made Jiang Chen unable to take it to heart.

And the cultivation of the middle-aged woman in the green skirt, in Jiang Chen's cognition, has reached the level of cultivation of the acquired seventh level.

With that kind of cultivation, among the ancient martial arts practitioners in all of China, it is estimated that they can be regarded as one of the few masters. In comparison, this Taoist robe man is not enough.

"If you want to kill me like a chicken, I want to see who you and I kill." The man in the Taoist robe said angrily.

He has always been arrogant, even though Daoist Feng is his own younger brother, in his eyes he is still just a worthless piece of trash, who has never been humiliated so presumptuously before, and his murderous intentions are instantly aroused.

As soon as the words fell, the Taoist-robed man moved his wrist, and pulled out the fly whisk on his back. The whisk turned into a horse, rolled the air, and went straight to Jiang Chen's chest.

"Not bad power." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, moved his feet, and walked sideways, avoiding the attack.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you, you can't escape." The man in the Taoist robe snorted coldly, and as he spoke, the whisk swung, bringing a gust of cold wind and sweeping towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't bump into the man in the Taoist robe head-on, kicked his feet on the ground, and used his body to shoot back, dodging again.

"Just now you said that killing me is like killing a chicken. Why, is it just such a skill?" the man in the Taoist robe asked mockingly.

He made two shots in a row, Jiang Chen didn't dare to make consecutive moves, he only chose to dodge, which made the man in Taoist robe think Jiang Chen was ridiculous.

"If you really remember my words, you should remember the second half of the sentence." Jiang Chen didn't care too much, he didn't have a weapon in his hand, but the Taoist robed man had a weapon in his hand, so how stupid would it be to choose head-to-head?
"Anyway, you're going to die today." The man in the Taoist robe stopped talking, whipped or swung the whisk in his hand, and continued to attack Jiang Chen ferociously.

Jiang Chen used his feet as support points, and his body was like a spinning top, quickly dodging.The Taoist robed man was never allowed to get close. Of course, he would not choose to fight close to him.

It seems that there will not be a big difference between the sixth-level cultivation base of the acquired day and the fifth-level cultivation base of the acquired day, but in fact, Jiang Chen understands the gap between the two How big it is.

The sixth level of the day after tomorrow is not only strong in strength, but also in the reaction of the body... Moreover, at this level, all of them have rich combat experience, which means that men in Taoist robes are not so easy to fight. deal with.


The whisk pierced the air, making a sharp sound, and the silver threads, like tiny sharp needles, were pulled towards Jiang Chen's face.

"Bastard, you can attack me wherever you want, but you can't hit me in the face." Jiang Chen was furious all of a sudden.

"Boy, after you die, I will trample your face to pieces." The Taoist robed man said in a sinister voice.

"It seems that in order to keep my face, you have to die." Jiang Chen said, feeling rather regretful.

"It's almost done, it's time for me to take action." Before the words finished, Jiang Chen said again like raving.

At this moment, Jiang Chen, who was dodging, suddenly accelerated, and appeared in front of the Taoist robed man almost in the blink of an eye.


Raising his hand, it was a slap across the face of the man in Taoist robe.

"Slap me in the face!" Jiang Chen was very angry.


Raising his hand, it was a slap across the face of the man in Taoist robe.

"If you are ugly, you are ugly. Is it easy for me to be so handsome? If you disfigure me, how can I pick up girls?"

clap... clap...

Jiang Chen was chattering, slapped one after another, greeting the Taoist robed man's face without asking for money.


The men in Taoist robes were beaten a little bit, furiously, the dust whisk in their hands rolled towards Jiang Chen's neck, but they didn't see it, Jiang Chen's mouth suddenly showed a strange smile.

"The game is over." Jiang Chen said.

The figure flashed, avoiding the attack of the man in the Taoist robe, and appeared on the left side of the man in the Taoist robe in an instant. He reached out and grabbed the man's left hand, and snapped it off with a snap.

In another flash, it appeared on the right side of the man in the Taoist robe, grabbed the right hand of the man in the Taoist robe, and snapped it off.

"Ah—" A sharp scream came from far away.

"Die!" Jiang Chen said expressionlessly, and appeared right in front of the man in the Taoist robe. He punched him in the heart, and the body of the man in the Taoist robe flew out like a kite with a broken string... …

(End of this chapter)

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