genius evil

Chapter 433 Because You Are So Beautiful

Chapter 433 Because You Are So Beautiful


Exhaling deeply, Jiang Chen suddenly puffed his ass and sat on the ground, sweating profusely, and even the clothes on his back were soaked with sweat.

During Jiang Chen's fight with the man in the Taoist robe just now, he slapped several times in a row, which seemed to be hearty and refreshing, but it was a gamble.

If there is a slight mistake, if there is a slight mistake, it will not be the man in the Taoist robe that will die, but him!
Relying on the powerful power of soul perception, and, in the early stage of the confrontation, he kept dodging, so as to gain insight into the strength and moves of the man in the Taoist robe. The men in Taoist robes were defeated like a mountain.

Among them, no matter which part of the calculation is wrong, or if the man in the Taoist robe is wrongly underestimated, the result will be very different.

Furthermore, don't look at Jiang Chen slapping the man in Taoist robe, he slapped it very happily, but in fact, the man in Taoist robe has a whisk in his hand, capable of both offense and defense, Jiang Chen can't find any other flaws other than slapping his face.

"You were killed after being slapped so many times by me." Seeing the corpse of the Taoist robed man, Jiang Chen said to himself.

In this way, after sitting on the ground and resting for about [-] minutes, Jiang Chen's physical strength recovered a little bit. He got up, patted his buttocks, and walked towards the road.

After the two fought against each other, there was a distance from the road. Jiang Chen found out after walking back that there was a long queue of cars blocking the airport expressway.

And the culprit was clearly the two piles of rubbish left after the collision between the taxi he was driving and the black sports car the man in the Taoist robe was riding in.

Among them, at the front of the long queue of cars, a pink RV looked unusually conspicuous.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

Including this time, this is the second time he has seen this RV. The color is so special that it is easy to leave an impression on people.

The owner of this caravan belongs to that beautiful woman in a green dress with a very special aura.

The windows of the RV were all closed, so Jiang Chen couldn't see what was going on inside the car, and he didn't know if the beauty in the green skirt was in the car, but soon, Jiang Chen saw another green figure, which was the one in the middle. young woman.

The middle-aged woman stood behind the pink RV, alone, standing there quietly, like a human sculpture.

In the rear, all the cars, the closest one, the pink caravan, were about 200 meters away. Judging from the situation, it was clearly the middle-aged woman who forcibly stopped all the cars and did not let anyone A car approaches the pink RV.

"What a domineering woman." Jiang Chen sighed.

"You, come here." When Jiang Chen saw the middle-aged woman, the middle-aged woman also saw Jiang Chen, stretched out her hand and said in a commanding tone.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen smiled lightly and strode over.

"For the sake of politeness, you can call me by my first name. My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen introduced himself with a gentle smile on his face.

"I don't have any interest in your name. You have to do something for me. If you see the two piles of garbage in front of you, remove them." The middle-aged woman then ordered.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes wide and looked at it, then shook his head and said, "Sorry, I didn't see it."

"Do you want to die?" The middle-aged woman's face darkened.

"I'm so young, so handsome, and have so many beauties who love me. Of course I don't want to die, but I think, if you want me to do something, do you have to add a word before it, or please, or beg?" Jiang Dust said lazily.

"Boy, are you teaching me how to behave?" The middle-aged woman said displeased.

"My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen corrected him solemnly.

"You—" the middle-aged woman gritted her teeth, and heard the sound of the car's horn from behind, knowing that these drivers were probably getting impatient, so she said, "Forget me, please do me a favor. ,I will remember."

Remembering these two words, the middle-aged woman deliberately accentuated her accent.

"It's useless for me to ask for your favor. How about this? I just happen to be going to the airport. Your cars are so big. I think you definitely don't mind taking an extra person at all, right?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

In the face of weak targets, Jiang Chen is not very reasonable.

But in the face of a powerful existence, Jiang Chen is very fond of convincing people with reason. He likes the feeling of suppressing the other party in terms of reason... Moreover, the other party clearly hates him to death, but there is no reason to do it. Don't be too cool.

"Keep an inch." The middle-aged woman snorted angrily.

"I'll help you, you help me, in a harmonious society, between people, there should be more harmony, right?" Jiang Chen said very sincerely.

"There are so many cars here, you can just find one." The middle-aged woman said impatiently.

"In that case, I have to trouble you to get rid of those two piles of rubbish yourself." Jiang Chen said embarrassingly.

"I'm most annoyed by others threatening me, boy, you'd better think about it clearly." The middle-aged woman looked at Jiang Chen's pretending, and felt an urge to do something.

"Auntie, let him get in the car, we don't owe him any favors." While speaking, the door of the pink caravan opened a crack, and a head poked out, the beauty in the green skirt said softly.

"See, the little girls are more reasonable than you. At your age, you really live..." Jiang Chen said hesitantly.

"Live to what?" The middle-aged woman asked coldly.

If Jiang Chen dared to say that he lived on a dog, she would definitely make Jiang Chen suffer on the spot.

"Where did I go to live? I don't read much, so I can't remember it for the time being. After getting in the car, I slowly think about it. Now go and remove the garbage." Jiang Chen chuckled. While talking, he ran to the front of the pink RV.

"Bang... bang..."

With a few random kicks, Jiang Chen kicked the two rubbish-like cars to the side of the road, and the road was opened up like this. After that, he opened the door and got into the pink car.

The RV started on the road and headed towards the airport.

"Boy, I warn you, don't ask questions, don't open your eyes and look around. When you get to the airport, get out of the car obediently." The middle-aged woman in the car warned.

"No problem." Jiang Chen smiled and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

"You are so dirty, what did you do just now?" The beauty in the green dress looked at Jiang Chen and asked curiously.

"Little sister, don't talk to him." The middle-aged woman said.

The beauty in the green skirt said, "Auntie, let him wash his face, it's too dirty."

"Boy, go wash your face." The middle-aged woman just said.

"Uh, before I go to wash my face, can I ask a question first?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Shut up." The middle-aged woman was not polite.

"She calls you aunt, you call her little sister, what is the relationship between the two of you, why am I so confused?" Jiang Chen asked himself as if he hadn't heard the middle-aged woman's words.

"My name is Xiaomei." The woman in the green skirt said.

"This name...not bad..." Jiang Chen laughed, and ran to the bathroom to wash his face. He couldn't make other girls feel disgusted.

The equipment in the pink caravan is complete, like a walking palace.

The only thing that made Jiang Chen feel a little awkward was that this caravan, except the outside was pink, many things inside were also pink.

It can be seen that the pink paint on the outside of the car was not painted on later, but this car, which has been this color since the factory, that is to say, this is a privately customized RV.

After washing her face, the beauty in the green skirt gave Jiang Chen a wet tissue. Of course, the wet tissue was pink. It seemed that this woman had a soft spot for pink, but, strangely, the skirt on her body was is green.

"I like pink so much, why don't you wear pink clothes?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I told you to shut up, didn't you hear? Do you want me to kick you down?" The middle-aged woman lost her temper.

"Because of aunt, you wear a green dress." The beauty in the green dress said as a matter of course.

"This reason... well, it's very powerful." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Boy, you talk too much. I will warn you again. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will throw you out immediately." The middle-aged woman said unbearably.

"You haven't told me why you are so dirty." The woman in the green skirt said.

Jiang Chen didn't answer first, and glanced at the middle-aged woman. The middle-aged woman had black lines all over her head. He knew that no matter what, Jiang Chen couldn't really shut up.

"I had a fight with someone just now." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Fight?" The eyes of the beauty in the green dress lit up, looking very curious.

"Have you ever fought with someone?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I've fought. Do you want to fight with me?" the beauty in the green skirt said a little excitedly.

"Eh—" Jiang Chen's face suddenly became weird, and he didn't see that this woman has a tendency to violence. What's the situation?

"Forget it, don't fight." Jiang Chen took the initiative to retreat.

"If you come to Tianhang City next time, you can come to me." The beauty in the green skirt said seriously.

"That's no problem. If you go to Yilan City, you can also find me. When the time comes, I'll give you a gift." Jiang Chen said.

"There is one more question. Yesterday, why didn't you let me sit down?" The beauty in the green skirt nodded, and after exchanging terms with Jiang Chen, she asked very strangely, as if Jiang Chen rejected her because of a A very strange thing.

Jiang Chen naturally understood where this strangeness came from. Probably the beauty in the green skirt had never been rejected by anyone since she was a child.

"Because you are so beautiful, do you like this reason?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Giggle..." The beauty in the green skirt laughed out loud, trembling like a flower branch.

"A glib thing." The middle-aged woman's face turned black.

The pink car arrived at the airport, and Jiang Chen and the green-dressed beauty got off the car. Not long after Jiang Chen bought a ticket and got on the plane, a car crashed on the airport expressway. A car stopped, and a young man in black got out of the car.

"Both the driver and the Taoist priest are dead." Someone came to report.

"How did you die?" The young man asked casually, playing with the jade wrench in his hand.

"One was in a car accident and the other was killed." The man said truthfully.

"Check!" With a click, the jade finger was crushed by the young man, and the casual tone of voice finally had a bit of ruthlessness!
(End of this chapter)

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