genius evil

Chapter 435 You Will Die Soon

Chapter 435 You Will Die Soon

Walking out of the teahouse, Jiang Chen saw a familiar guy.

"Jiang Shao." When that guy saw Jiang Chen, he hurried over, there was no one but Tong Zhi.

"Where's the person?" Jiang Chen asked directly, paying no attention to this treasure.

"Jiang Shao, who is it?" Tong Zhi asked pretendingly.

"Believe it or not, I'll sew your mouth shut with a needle?" Jiang Chen had an extra silver needle in his hand.

Seeing this, Tong Zhi hastily stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and said vaguely: "Jiang Shao, why are you so violent, and, if you want to sew my mouth shut, shouldn't you use an embroidery needle? How to sew this silver needle? It can’t be threaded, can it?”

"From what you mean, it seems quite interesting?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"No, of course not." Tong Zhi shook his head like a chicken pecking rice, and said hastily, "Jiang Shao, are you going to take my car, or drive and follow me there."

"Lead the way." Putting away the silver needle, Jiang Chen said lightly.

Tong Zhi drove a BMW. After getting in the car, he started on the road and led the way. Jiang Chen drove the car and followed behind unhurriedly.

Twenty minutes later, two cars, one in front and one behind, stopped in front of the gate of a rather secluded villa manor.

"The old man at home likes to be quiet, and doesn't like family members to drive the car in. No matter who it is, the car must be parked outside. Don't mind, Young Master Jiang." After Tong Zhi got out of the car, he ran over to open the door for Jiang Chen, saying in a Hu tone, After all, it was a lot of seriousness.

Then, Tong Zhi pointed to the villa manor and said, "This is a property owned by the Tong family in Tiannan City. It will not be sold outside after development. The old and the young will all live here. Invite Jiang The one who came without you also lives here."

Jiang Chen nodded lightly, and suddenly saw that in front of the gate of the villa manor, there was a large parking lot specially opened up, and cars were parked there, no matter in terms of quantity or luxury. , no less than any large auto show in China.

Tong Zhi's BMW can only be ranked in the middle and lower reaches among many cars.

A car, to put it simply, is a means of transportation in the popular sense, but in some occasions, the meaning of a car's existence can be called a very intuitive status symbol.

What kind of saddle for what horse, what kind of person, what kind of car to drive.

From this point of view, this Tong Zhi's status in the Tong family probably wouldn't be too high. Naturally, Jiang Chen wouldn't just talk about it boringly.

After getting off the car, Tong Zhi led Jiang Chen inside.

From the outside, this villa manor does not seem to be much different from other villa manors in Tiannan City, but after entering, the design and layout of all aspects are quite ingenious.

Of course, considering that this is the base camp of the Tong family in Tiannan City, these circumstances are not surprising enough.

"Tong Zhi, what are you doing?" Tong Zhi was leading Jiang Chen to walk, when suddenly a low voice came over.

Along with the sound of talking, three people came over.

Among the three people, there were two men and one woman, and the one who spoke was a young man walking in the front.

He approached and looked at Tong Zhi arrogantly, and when he looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes contained scrutiny and scrutiny, as well as a touch of ridicule and disdain.

"Who is he?" the man pouted and asked casually.

"Tong Guang, what do you mean by that? Could it be that I, Tong Zhi, brought a friend over to play, and I have to report to you?" Tong Zhi's face just became a little ugly.

"Tong Zhi, it's no problem for you to bring your friends to play. Tiannan City is so big, you can play it however you want, but do you want me to tell you carefully what kind of place this is? Not any cat or dog is eligible to come in." The man Zhi called Tong Guang said slowly.

"Brother Guang is right, Tong Zhi, you brought people in so casually, is this treating our Tong's house as a vegetable market on the side of the road?" Another man said with a smile.

"A cat or a dog? Vegetable market?" Tong Zhi's face turned black for a while.

"Why, I'm speechless. Brother Guang just asked you to introduce him. Maybe we've heard of his name before?" The man said teasingly again.

"Tong Yuan, you like flattering so much, don't you worry about accidentally slapping a horse's leg?" Tong Zhi said displeased.

"Tong Zhi, let me tell you why you speak so badly. Tong Yuan is also thinking about the internal safety of our Tong family." The woman said rather bitterly.

"Tong Fei, I know you all don't like me, and you just want to step on me from time to time, okay, no problem, you can step on whatever you want, but this is someone brought by me, Tong Zhi, if you dare to point fingers, Don't blame me for being rude." Tong Zhi said angrily, obviously in Tong's house, he was often oppressed by these three people.

"You're welcome? Could it be that you want to make a move?" Tong Guang said jokingly.

"Hey, it seems that your friend's background is indeed a bit big, and it gave you the courage to do something. How about you say hello to my face a few times, and I promise not to fight back. What do you think?" Tong Yuan said in fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"Well, I thought it was coming for me, so it's not." At this moment, Jiang Chen said, feeling relieved.

Hearing the sound, Tong Zhi couldn't laugh or cry, he already had enough headaches, why did Jiang Chen join in the fun, he thought he didn't die fast enough?
Of course, Tong Zhi also knew that if he reported Jiang Chen's name at this time, Tong Guang and the others would immediately retreat in despair.

However, Tong Zhi didn't intend to do that. Firstly, he knew very well that Jiang Chen would never like it. Secondly, he had another little selfishness.

"Boy, don't be too serious, you are the one who caused this incident, or you should get out now?" Tong Guang said with a sidelong glance at Jiang Chen.

"Shut up." Tong Zhi was furious.

"Tong Zhi, I have to say that your courage has indeed grown a lot, and you even dare to bluff in front of me. Why, do you feel that your life is too comfortable? How about I say something for you , send you to Africa to dig coal?" Tong Guang said dismissively.

"Brother Guang, I think your suggestion is very good. This guy has long hands and feet. He is definitely a small coal digger. Maybe he can be rated as a coal digger." Tong Yuan flattered and said with a smile .

"That's right, there are too many idlers in our Tong's family. Brother Guang, if you help arrange a job for him, Tong Zhi will definitely thank you." Tong Fei said eccentrically.

"Tong Guang, I'll just say a word, you don't like me, let's talk about it after today, you can do whatever you want, what do you think?" Tong Zhi suppressed his anger, not wanting to make things too big.

"Not at all." Tong Guang shook his head and said, "You said next time will be the next time, where will I put Tong Guang's face? If this matter gets out, people may think that in this Tong's house, everyone You Tong Zhi has the final say."

"Tong Guang, do you have to do this?" Tong Zhi was very annoyed.

Normally, although Tong Guang didn't get along well with him, he was never so blatant. Tong Zhi couldn't figure out what happened.

In turn, Tong Zhi understood that Tong Guang was deliberately stomping on Jiang Chen in front of him, making him ashamed to face others outside.

"It's not that I have to do this, it's that you don't know how to be a human being. Hurry up and take your so-called friends and get out. I don't have time to spend time with you." Tong Guang became impatient.

"It's you who got out." After trying to understand Tong Guang's vicious intentions, Tong Zhi couldn't bear it a long time ago. Hearing these words again, he exploded in an instant.

In an instant, Tong Zhi rushed forward, raised his foot and kicked Tong Guang to the ground.

Not to mention, after kicking Tong Guang over, Tong Zhi ruthlessly added a few kicks, which made Tong Guang unable to stand up in pain.

"Tong Zhi, you are crazy!" Tong Fei yelled.

"Shut your crow's mouth, I'm most annoyed by a bitch like you, don't force me to beat women." Tong Zhi said in a vicious voice, and waved to Tong Yuan again, saying: "Come on, beat me up Me, or I'll beat you up."

"You—" Tong Yuan was very stunned, but I have never seen Tong Zhi blowing his hair. Isn't this guy always smiling, as docile as a dog?Why did he suddenly bite someone?

Perhaps it was because of Tong Zhi's sudden outburst of momentum, Tong Yuan flinched for a while.

"If you don't dare to do anything, don't babble in front of me, get the hell out of here." Tong Zhi shouted.

Tong Yuan and Tong Fei hurriedly helped Tong Zhi who was screaming in pain on the ground, and they were about to walk away.

"Tong Zhi, I think you have taken the guts of a bear, and you dare to do something to me... Very good, I will keep this account in my heart, just wait, I will definitely make your life worse than death." " Tong Guang said harsh words, his face twisted ferociously, obviously he was deeply jealous of Tong Zhi.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to settle the score with me." Tong Zhi nodded, but his face was unusually calm, as if it was not a big deal to do something to Tong Guang.

Tong Yuan and Tong Fei soon left with Tong Guang supported.

Tong Zhi embarrassedly said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Shao, I told you to watch a joke."

"Do you think it's funny?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"'s not funny at all." After being stunned for a while, Tong Zhi smiled wryly.

"To be honest, it's really not funny. I've already started to beat the other party to death, or at least cripple it. Why wait for the other party to settle the score? What an idiot are you?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"How dare I." Tong Zhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Not to mention killing and maiming Tong Guang, even if he was injured a little bit, he would not be able to live a happy life in Tong's house in the future.

"You dare not, but that Tong Guang dares." Jiang Chen said nervously.

"He—" Tong Zhi thought for a while, then hesitated.

"So, you will die soon." Jiang Chen laughed, and he looked quite happy.

Tong Zhi was like an eggplant beaten by frost, he didn't have the slightest momentum to strike just now, and couldn't help asking: "Jiang Shao, does this kind of thing make you so happy?"

(End of this chapter)

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