genius evil

Chapter 436

Chapter 436
"This kind of family ethics farce can't be seen all the time." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

Tong Zhi was even more sluggish, and said embarrassingly: "Jiang Shao, let's go, it's just ahead, we'll be there soon."

While talking, Tong Zhi continued to lead the way.

"Do you usually read novels?" Jiang Chen asked casually while walking, as if walking was too idle and he had nothing to say.

Tong Zhi didn't quite understand Jiang Chen's meaning, he was stunned for a moment, and said, "I don't have time to read. I usually read books on philosophy and finance the most."

"For the sake of letting me watch a good show, I suggest you read a few online novels tonight, especially urban novels... My personal favorite is the kind that does not bully young people. Poor, it's the style of a dick's counterattack." Jiang Chen said casually.

A dick's counterattack?

Hearing the sound, Tong Zhi suddenly raised his head and glanced at Jiang Chen.

But it was only a glance, Tong Zhi lowered his head slightly again, led the way honestly, and said in a low voice: "Jiang Shao, I will watch, thank you for your suggestion."

"You're welcome, it's just that reading is the book, but don't make yourself the protagonist." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Why?" Tong Zhi asked hesitantly.

"Protagonist, is there anyone as ugly as you?" Jiang Chen hit him angrily.

Tong Zhi felt ashamed and angry immediately, could it be that he was doomed to be a supporting role because he was ugly?
Jiang Chen was smiling. The reason why he said it casually was because he saw something called ambition in Tong Zhi.

Ambition has already sprouted, and he doesn't mind at all, just a little stimulation.

Moreover, when there was a conflict between Tong Zhi and Tong Guang just now, as long as Tong Zhi is willing, as long as his name is reported, Tong Guang and the three of them must be honest immediately.

However, Tong Zhi did not do that, but chose to solve the immediate troubles in his own way, even if it brought him even greater troubles.

If Tong Zhi was really what he showed on the surface, how could he do such a stupid thing?
The reason why they did something, in the eyes of Tong Guang and the others, was extremely stupid, was just a manifestation of Tong Zhi's ambition.

This was the second time Tong Zhi had come to him. Jiang Chen found this guy quite pleasing to the eye, and he didn't mind him calling his name.

Tong Zhi is unwilling, that's because he doesn't want to waste an opportunity.

What's more, the son of a big family, if he doesn't go to pick up girls, go racing, go to nightclubs, go to dinner and wait to die, he doesn't read Dragon and Tiger Gate, he doesn't read Huahua Company, but he actually reads books on finance and philosophy.

It's nothing more than finance. Poor people read such books to learn how to make money, while rich people want to spend money conveniently for themselves.

Philosophy books are different.

There is a saying that stupid people look at chicken soup for the soul, normal people look at success, and smart people look at philosophy.

And there is no doubt that Tong Zhi is a smart person.

Smart and ambitious, Jiang Chen was looking forward to what this guy could do in the future.

About two or three minutes later, Tong Zhi led Jiang Chen to appear in a villa in the center of the villa manor. After entering the villa, Jiang Chen saw at a glance that there were two big trees planted in the yard of the villa.

The branches of the two trees spread out, covering the small half of the courtyard. The leaves were lush, leaving clusters of cool shadows.

In the middle of the two trees, there is a swing frame, and a girl is sitting on the swing frame.

With the wind, the swing was swaying, and the girl was sitting on it, holding a book in her hand, obsessed with it, completely unaware of external affairs.

Tong Zhi took a step forward and was about to say hello. Jiang Chen patted Tong Zhi on the shoulder, shook his head slightly, walked over, stood behind the swing, stretched out his hand, and pushed it lightly.

The swing frame swayed a bit, the girl's skirt fluttered, and the refreshing fragrance made people feel refreshed.

Seeing such a scene, Tong Zhi blinked and quietly backed out.

From the angle where Jiang Chen was, he could see the girl's delicate side face, her hair hanging down a little, covering the small half of the ear, and from the chin to the jawbone, a line that was stunning enough to make people dizzy.

There are many beautiful things in this world.

A blooming flower, a flying butterfly, and a beautiful girl.

The girl is as picturesque as it is quiet, and so is its movement. Jiang Chen realized that he really couldn't find it. What could be more beautiful than this.

Jiang Chen stood still behind the swing frame, pushing the swing frame, controlling the strength just right, the girl dangled, indulging in her own small world.

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed.

"Ah, Jiang Chen, when did you come here?" Suddenly, the girl turned her head, saw the figure behind her, and let out a little exclamation.

"Half an hour ago." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Why don't you say hello to me?" The girl was a little embarrassed and wanted to jump off the swing.

"Don't move." Jiang Chen said, with a little more strength, he pushed casually, and the flying skirt was like a group of butterflies flying together, exuding dazzling splendor under the sunlight.

"Giggle..." The girl laughed crisply, swinging her hands, stretching them forward, making a gesture that I want to fly.

"I haven't contacted me for so long, where have you been?" Looking at the happy girl, Jiang Chen casually asked, this girl is just a fairy tale.

"I went to Denmark." Fairy Tale laughed.

"Because there is Andersen there?" Jiang Chen also laughed.

"Unfortunately, I didn't find a better fairy tale." Fairy Tale said regretfully.

"If you have a good egg, you have to taste the egg, not find the hen that laid it...and I think, if you do find the one For a hen that lays eggs, it won't be a situation that makes you very appetizing." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It sounds reasonable." Fairytale blinked.

"Hey, when did I actually learn to reason with people?" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

"Bad guy." Tong Hua leaned back and fell into Jiang Chen's embrace. Jiang Chen easily caught her and held her in his arms.

"I miss you." Whispering like a raving, Fairy Tale said softly.

Jiang Chen's heart moved slightly, and he asked, "What do you miss me?"

"I don't know, I just miss you anyway." Tong Hua said, her small face leaning against Jiang Chen's heart, listening to Jiang Chen's heartbeat.

"Your heart beats so fast." Fairy Tale said.

"Any man will probably feel excited when a woman suddenly confesses his love to him, especially when that woman is still a beautiful woman." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Have I confessed my love to you?" Tong Hua smiled, jumped up from Jiang Chen's embrace, and said, "You can't talk nonsense, I didn't confess my love to you."

"Then, I'll confess my love to you." Jiang Chen took Tong Hua's little hand, pulled Tong Hua over, wrapped him in his arms again, and said, "I miss you too."

The soft body trembled slightly, and Tong Hua raised her head subconsciously. She looked at Jiang Chen unblinkingly with her big eyes, and there was a strange light flickering in her eyes.

"What do you miss about me?" Fairy Tale asked.

"I don't know, I just miss you anyway." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I hate it to death." The little hand thumped Jiang Chen lightly, and then, Fairy Tale laughed out loud again, as beautiful as a flower!
"Sister, it's not good, something happened." Just as Jiang Chen and Tong Hua were talking, suddenly, a figure hurried in from the outside, panting, and said loudly.

After the words fell, the man couldn't help being stunned abruptly after seeing Jiang Chen's existence. He had to open his mouth wide to speak clearly due to difficulty in breathing, so he couldn't help opening his mouth even wider. I can't close it either.

"Why are you here?" After a while, he swallowed hard, and the man had the expression of seeing a ghost.

Moreover, it's fine to say that Jiang Chen is here, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen is holding Fairy Tale in his arms. Why didn't he know, when did Jiang Chen and Fairy Tale become so close, like a couple?
Or, is Jiang Chen taking advantage of the fairy tale?
"What's the matter?" Tong Hua left Jiang Chen's embrace, blushing and said.

"I don't know clearly, sister, just go and have a look with me." The man said, when he spoke, his eyes still fell on Jiang Chen, and he didn't move away.

"Let's go." Tong Hua nodded and pulled Jiang Chen closer.

"He's going too?" the man said strangely.

"What's wrong?" Fairy Tale asked suspiciously.

"I don't like this guy very much," the man said truthfully.

This person had dealt with Jiang Chen once when he was in Yilan City, and left an unforgettable and not so wonderful impression of innocence.

Based on that kind of impression, it's hard to call Tong Zhen a liking for Jiang Chen.

Even if this guy has become very famous recently, although he is far away in Yilan City, he is often heard of in Tiannan City.

"It just so happens that I don't like you very much either." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"This is Tong's house." Tong Zhen became angry.

"Could it be that you want to drive me out too?" Jiang Chen was immediately amused.

"I——" Tong Zhen's eyes flickered a few times, and after all, he dared not say something, bowed his head, and said, "Sister, let's go quickly."

Tong Hua glanced at Jiang Chen, then at Tong Zhen, and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you two?"

"I beat him up before." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Is the beating bad?" Fairy Tale became even more curious.

"Very powerful." Jiang Chen said.

"But why did you beat him?" Fairy Tale was a little puzzled.

"Didn't you realize that this little brother of yours looks like he deserves a beating?" Jiang Chen took it for granted.

Tong Zhen was walking, and when he heard Jiang Chen's words, he staggered and almost fell to the ground. Why did he look like he deserved a beating? Jiang Chen, a bastard, is so irritating!

From Tong Zhen's point of view, at least from Jiang Chen's point of view, he really deserves a beating. However, Jiang Chen didn't intend to beat Tong Zhen up again today. It's just that he didn't beat anyone, but someone was beating someone...

(End of this chapter)

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