genius evil

Chapter 438

Chapter 438

"This Jiang Chen's achievements in the future will be limitless." Elder Tong walked out without knowing when, and said with emotion.

"Grandpa, since that's the case, why don't you be more determined?" Fairy Tale asked in a low voice.

"Easier said than done, easier said than done?" Mr. Tong had a helpless expression on his face.

Many things are like this, knowing it is one thing, doing it is another.

Countless people watched the fierce battle between Jiang Chen and the Bai family.

Jiang Chen was strong, and the Bai family held back and waited.

Of course, there are many people who are optimistic about Jiang Chen, but not necessarily, everyone is bad-mouthing the Bai family.

Mr. Tong naturally knows much more about the background of a family that has reached the status of the Bai family than anyone else.

In Old Master Tong's view, the Bai family's forbearance doesn't mean that the Bai family can handle Jiang Chen casually, that kind of forbearance is only temporary.It can even be understood as accumulating strength in secret, just to explode one day.

Under such circumstances, standing in line has become an extremely embarrassing and embarrassing thing.

Whether it is the Tong family or even the Guan family, they are all actively trying to win over Jiang Chen, and actively handling the relationship with Jiang Chen... But this is not to stand in line.

They are just fighting for one more chance for themselves.

Moreover, a very important point is that regardless of the battle between Jiang Chen and the Bai family, whoever loses in the end wins, and if they don't stand in line, at most they will not benefit or lose a little.As for standing in line, once you stand in the wrong place, it means that you will lose everything.

Under such circumstances, it can be said that Mr. Tong has no choice but to be a fool. If he is like this, why is it not the case of the Guan family?
Unless Jiang Chen or the Bai family showed the strength to absolutely suppress the opponent, otherwise, the issue of standing in line would always be a deadlock.

"But, I seem to have made Jiang Chen unhappy." Tong Hua murmured.

"Don't forget the original intention, what Jiang Chen said is very good." Gently patted Tong Hua on the shoulder, Old Master Tong said.

Once, when they were in Yilan City, Tong Zhi went to Jiang Chen, and Guan Shan took Guan He to go to Jiang Chen.

At that time, although the two sides were ambiguous, Jiang Chen already knew what the behavior of the Tong family and the Guan family represented, so Jiang Chen refused all of them out of politeness.

Jiang Chen was not surprised by the result of today's meeting, let alone disappointed.

Everyone has selfishness, perhaps the only thing Jiang Chen regrets is the fairy tale... This girl who lives in her own world will inevitably be involved in worldly disputes one day.

Tong Zhi was waiting for Jiang Chen outside the villa, and when he saw Jiang Chen coming out, he immediately went up to greet him and said, "Young Master Jiang, I know there is a restaurant that tastes good."

"Is this planning to invite me to dinner?" Jiang Chen smiled half-smile.

"Young Master Jiang must show you some face." Tong Zhi said sincerely.

"Forget about eating." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said with a light smile, "However, for the sake of your sincerity, I will give you another suggestion. If you have time in these two days, go to a 4S shop and choose a good car. .”

After saying this, Jiang Chen strode away.

"To choose a good car?" Tong Zhi muttered to himself, his expression suddenly brightened.

Because Mr. Tong likes to be clean, all the cars of Tong's family are parked in the same parking lot. In this way, it is clear at a glance whether the car is good or bad.

In this way, what kind of car is driven by what identity, even if it has not been stated, it has become a matter of convention.

In terms of his status in Tong's family, he can only drive that kind of car at the middle and lower level... It has nothing to do with money.

Jiang Chen reminded him to choose a good car, which made Tong Zhi realize that it is very possible that the opportunity he has been waiting for for a long time will come soon.

When Jiang Chen walked out of the villa, he was quite surprised to see two people standing beside his car.

"Haha, Young Master Jiang, long time no see." The two also saw Jiang Chen, and the young man was full of smiles, full of vigor.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen walked over.

"Jiang Shao, Han Ye and I heard that you came to Tiannan City, and now you are at Tong's house, so we just came here and wanted to treat you to a light meal." The woman said.

These two people are the couple Han Ye and Qi Qian.

"Yes, Young Master Jiang, you can't refuse this matter. There is a fateful friendship between us." Han Ye said exaggeratedly.

"It seems that the recovery is not bad, let's go, lead the way." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

Jiang Chen could refuse Tong Zhi, but Han Ye and Qi Qian were very kind, so it was not easy to refuse.

Obviously, the simple meal Qi Qian said was not casual at all.

The car drove for about [-] minutes, and came to a hotel as magnificent as a palace. Before arriving, Han Ye had booked a box. After arriving, he walked directly inside under the guidance of the waiter.

"Jiang Shao, I don't want to thank you for saving my life. I will finish this glass of wine first." After pouring three glasses of wine, Han Ye picked up one, said solemnly, and finished it in one go.

Then Han Ye picked up the second cup and said: "Jiang Shao, I originally planned to go to Yilan City with Xiaoqian to find you, but because of a trivial matter, I didn't go there for a long time. I will give this cup to Jiang Shao." You apologize."

After drinking the second cup in one go, Han Ye picked up the third cup and said, "Young Master Jiang, this is the first time I drink with you, so I would like to toast you."

"Okay." Jiang Chen picked up the cup with a smile, a little appreciative of this guy's straightforwardness, and each drank a cup.

Han Ye didn't seem to drink very well. After three glasses of wine, his face was as red as a monkey's butt. Qi Qian was funny and distressed, and said, "Han Ye, don't drink, so as not to forget Let's talk about business."

"Yes, let's get down to business." Han Ye patted his head and said with his tongue out, "Jiang Shao, it's like this, Xiaoqian and I plan to get married soon, please do me a favor and come over to be the best man."

"Jiang Shao, Han Ye and I thank you sincerely. Han Ye has suffered a bit, but he finally accepted it." Qi Qian said.

"This is a good thing, there is no reason not to agree." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, then it's settled." Han Ye's eyes lit up, and he picked up the bottle and poured wine again.

Then after drinking the fourth glass of wine, Han Ye hit his head on the table with a "bang", and passed out completely drunk.

"Young Master Jiang, we all know that you are very busy, so it would be presumptuous for you to take time out of your busy schedule to be our best man." Qi Qian said embarrassedly after glancing at Han Ye who was drunk.

"Well, is there something else?" Jiang Chen said carefully.

"It's like this, we still need a bridesmaid, Young Master Jiang, do you think it's possible for your girlfriend to come over and be a bridesmaid for us?" Qi Qian was even more embarrassed.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen immediately dilated.

It's no problem for him to be the best man, but he has so many girlfriends, who should he ask to be the bridesmaid?

"I said, you are cheating me." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

"Jiang Shao, is there something wrong?" Qi Qian asked suspiciously, not understanding what was going on.

"There is no problem, but I have to think about it." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.


At ten o'clock in the morning, by the Weiming Lake, Jiang Chen was sleeping soundly, but the sound of footsteps came from afar.

"Jiang Chen, where have you been these few days?" Tangyue walked over and said a little unhappy.

"Teacher Tang, what do you want from me?" Jiang Chen blinked, pretending to be stupid, and said in a daze.

"Come with me." Tangyue beckoned, signaling Jiang Chen to get up.

"Teacher Tang, I'm really too tired, let me sleep for a while first." Jiang Chen yawned and said.

He stayed in Tiannan City last night, and drove back from Tiannan City this morning, and he just lay down for a while.

"Don't be lazy, move quickly." Tangyue urged.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to get up, reluctantly following Tangyue.

Tangyue has already moved into the new dormitory arranged by the school. The new dormitory building is just behind the original building... Because of the bombing, the building has partially become dangerous. The school is planning to demolish it. The plan has not yet been finalized.

On the third floor, Tangyue took out the key and opened the iron door, letting Jiang Chen go in first, then entered the room by herself, and closed the door.

"Teacher Tang, you're running out of space in this room, do you want to go shopping? I just have time." Jiang Chen looked around and said.

"Jiang Chen, this is a new tutoring plan I made for you, please take a look first." Tangyue took a piece of paper from a desk placed in the living room and handed it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took a look, and his face turned black.

"Teacher Tang, although beauties are fickle, you are changing too fast." Jiang Chen said with a headache.

"I thought about it, the previous tutoring plan was not properly arranged. Since you don't go to the classroom and have time all day long, then the tutoring will be done according to my time. The schedule above is mine. Except for the teaching time, you will study with me during the rest of the time." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, is this any different from my going to the classroom?" Jiang Chen asked wonderingly.

"If you are willing to go to the classroom to teach, I still say that, that is the best result." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, I haven't finished talking yet. The biggest difference is that I can spend at least seven or eight hours alone with you, Teacher Tang, out of 24 hours a day." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tang Yuefen blushed slightly, and said, "Do you want some water? If not, let's start."

Then, Tangyue pointed to an English test paper and said, "There are still two hours before dinner. In these two hours, you will do this test paper. In the afternoon, we will explain this test paper."

"Teacher Tang, do you have a knife in this room?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"What do you want a knife for?" Tangyue asked in surprise.

"I was thinking, Mr. Tang, you might as well just kill me with a knife." Jiang Chen said bitterly.

"Jiang Chen, is it so difficult for you to study hard?" Tangyue's pretty face stiffened.

"Hey, it doesn't seem too difficult, Mr. Tang, please stop talking and don't disturb my thinking about the problem." Jiang Chen picked up a pen at some point, and pretended to be doing the problem...

(End of this chapter)

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