genius evil

Chapter 439

Chapter 439
At noon, Jiang Chen and Tang Yue ate in the school cafeteria.

Tangyue didn't want to eat at first, but in order to keep an eye on Jiang Chen, lest Jiang Chen sneak away while eating, so she came here as a supervisor.

Seeing Jiang Chen and Tang Yue together, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan walked over with their food trays.

"Jiang Chen, isn't the rice delicious?" Xu Anqi couldn't help asking when she saw that Jiang Chen was picking up and delivering rice to his mouth one by one.

In the past, every time he ate with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would gobble it up. The speed at which he ate was like a storm. It's very fragrant, and I can't help but have a big appetite, and I eat too much without knowing it.

After knowing each other for such a long time, I have never seen Jiang Chen like this.

Jiang Yanyan said quietly: "An Qi, please don't expose, Jiang Chen must be Teacher Wangtang here, I'm sorry."

"Jiang Chen is probably a little tired, he'll be fine after a short rest." Tangyue said amusedly.

"What did Jiang Chen do this morning?" Jiang Yanyan asked curiously.

"It's like this. I made a tutoring plan for Jiang Chen. In the morning, he would do the test papers in my dormitory... An Qi, Yan Yan, both of you have good grades in your studies. If you have time, you can help me. Jiang Chen took tutoring and tried to make him catch up with the progress of the college entrance examination." Tangyue explained.


Hearing what Tangyue said, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan looked at each other with wide eyes.

Although Tangyue said this matter in a more casual tone, according to the understanding of the second daughter, it was clearly kidnapping Jiang Chen forcibly to study.

"Teacher Tang, I will definitely do it." Jiang Yanyan smiled from ear to ear, this matter is simply too funny, she can't help but secretly swear in her heart, Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, you also have today.

Xu Anqi also nodded, and said, "Teacher Tang, if it's convenient, Yanyan and I can go there after class at noon and afternoon."

"No, it's not convenient at all." Jiang Chen's head shook like a rattle.

What a joke, Tangyue alone is already difficult enough, if Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan are added to this, it will kill him.

"It's not inconvenient, but the premise is not to delay the review of the two of you." Tangyue smiled.

"Teacher Tang, let's make a happy decision. An Qi and I will go there at noon today." Jiang Yanyan said with a smile, like a little vixen.

"Student Yanyan, life is already so difficult, why can't you show kindness and do more good deeds?" Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

"Student Jiang Chen, this is your fault. An Qi and I sacrificed our time to tutor you. Isn't this doing a good deed?" Jiang Yanyan said solemnly.

"There are many kinds of good deeds. For example, you can help an old lady cross the road, and you can be a girlfriend to a handsome guy... There are so many things in life that you can do, why do you embarrass me like this?" Jiang Chen said helplessly. Said.

Then, Jiang Chen said to Tangyue in a serious manner: "Teacher Tang, you don't have much rest time, so don't add extra burdens to yourself. A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be in school. The most important thing you should do every day is go shopping, buy clothes and cosmetics, and buy a plane ticket to London Square to feed pigeons in your spare time... You don’t have to worry about money, I have money.”

While talking, Jiang Chen took out a card, stuffed it into Tangyue's hand, and said grandly: "There are two hundred million here, just swipe and use it casually, and ask me to use it when you run out."

Afterwards, Jiang Chen said to Xu Anqi: "Squad Leader Xu, do you know what NP-complete problems are? Do you know the existence and quality gaps of Yang-Mills? Well, if I ask you this way, you will definitely think that I am making things difficult on purpose. You, then ask a simple question, one dime for a peach, three peaches for one peach, how many peaches can you eat for 1 yuan?"

After a slight pause, Jiang Chen continued happily: "You still don't know, right? Look, what does this mean? There is no limit to learning, and there is no limit to learning. How can you use your own time to study?" , spent on me."

Xu Anqi and the three daughters were stunned for a while, and they all looked at Jiang Chen with crazy eyes.

"Fifteen." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes and said.

"Student Yanyan, I'm asking Squad Leader Xu, what are you rushing to answer to make it look like you can? You're so capable, why don't you go to heaven?" Jiang Chen jumped and shouted.

No matter how much Jiang Chen objected, his objection was eventually ruled invalid.

Women don't like reasoning, what's more, they have long believed that what they do is reasoning.

So, after eating, no matter how reluctant Jiang Chen was, he was escorted to Tangyue's dormitory.

"Teacher Tang, you are so empty here." Jiang Yanyan said, looking at the situation in the room.

"I just moved in, so it's a little messy," Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, if you need to buy anything, call me and Yanyan, and we will carry things for you." Xu Anqi said.

"There are a lot of things to buy, and then I will trouble you two." Tangyue said.

"How about this, Mr. Tang, make a list first, and write down all the things you want to buy." Xu Anqi suggested.

"Okay." Tangyue nodded.

If she were to go shopping alone and bring them back, she would have to run many times. With the help of Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, things would become much easier.

"Teacher Tang, the three of you chat slowly, I'll go for a walk." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, there is a comprehensive test paper on the table, you do it first." Tangyue ordered.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan just giggled coquettishly.

Being ravaged by one woman is happiness, being ravaged by three women... If it wasn't for the wrong way of being ravaged, being in the same room with three beauties would probably make even the heavens envious of Jiang Chen's beauty.

"Bang bang..."

Just when Jiang Chen was about to solve the problem without interest, there was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Tangyue went to open the door and asked suspiciously when she saw an unfamiliar face.

"I'm looking for Jiang Chen." The man outside the door said.

"I just heard from a female teacher that Jiang Chen is with you, so..." Immediately afterwards, the man explained.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen pushed away the test paper and ran over.

"Are you Jiang Chen?" Seeing Jiang Chen appearing, the man looked Jiang Chen up and down carefully, and introduced himself: "I don't have a name, but you can call me Jian Yi. Presumably you don't know me, but , you should still remember that you once fought against a man named A Jian."

"Oh, so you are his big brother, let's talk in another place." Jiang Chen pulled Jian Yi's arm and walked out, and said to Tang Yue while walking: "Teacher Tang, I have something to deal with ,People in the arena involuntarily."

While talking, Jiang Chen pulled Jian Yi and walked quickly.

"Are you still a student?" Jian Yi asked calmly while letting Jiang Chen pull him.

"Good vision." Jiang Chen praised.

"You like your female teacher very much, right?" Jian Yi said again.

"The vision is really good." Jiang Chen appreciated again, people like this vision are rare now.

"That female teacher of yours didn't catch up, you can let go now." Jian Yi's voice suddenly became indifferent.

Jiang Chen let go of his hand with a smile, and said, "You can leave now."

"I'm here to look for you. I won't leave until the matter is over... I came here from the capital city, and I came here to compete with you." Jian Yi said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I admit defeat, so you can always leave, right?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"You once said to Ah Jian that you must not use the sword for the rest of your life, or you will die. Do you know what that means to our disciples of the Long Sword Sect? The sword is life, and you are depriving him of his life." As if Jian Yi didn't hear Jiang Chen's words, his voice became deeper and deeper.

"Why is that guy so stupid? Anyway, I can't see it. As long as he doesn't use his sword in front of me, wouldn't it be fine?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"You don't understand anything at all." Jian Yi looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

"That's right, I really don't understand, so why don't you leave now?" Jiang Chen expelled.

"Let's have a contest with me. If you beat me, it's okay for Ah Jian not to use a sword for the rest of his life. If you lose, please take back what you said before." Jian Yi said in an unquestionable tone.

"Don't you think it's stupid to wield knives and guns in broad daylight?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Or, you can choose to be at night, in a place where there are no people... This is a battle of dignity, and there is no room for retreat." Jian Yi said seriously.

"Do you have a master?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"Of course there are." Jian Yi said solemnly.

"In case I accidentally beat you, wouldn't your master also come to find me?" Jiang Chen expressed his doubts about this matter.

"If I lose, it's because my skills are inferior to others, so naturally my master won't trouble you." Jian Yi said.

"What's the winning or losing standard?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Leave the long sword, or you will defeat me." Jian Yi said proudly and confidently.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen lifted his foot and kicked towards Jian Yi. With one kick, he kicked firmly at the bend of Jian Yi's leg, and knelt down on the ground with the one knee that Jian Yi kicked.

"You lost." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said.

"You—" Jian Yi was furious. He never expected that Jiang Chen would make a shameless sneak attack. It was too hateful.

"You will definitely say that a sneak attack doesn't count, but in fact, if I killed you just now, you would not be kneeling, but dead now." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"I will remember your words." Jian Yi stood up and said silently: "I will come to you again at night."

"I will sleep early tonight." Jiang Chen reminded.

"It's okay, we'll fight again when you wake up." Jian Yi said, and limped away.

"This guy is interesting." Seeing Jian Yi's leaving back, Jiang Chen grinned lightly...

(End of this chapter)

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