genius evil

Chapter 440 I Must Be Missing You Too Much

Chapter 440 I Must Be Missing You Too Much
Around eleven o'clock in the evening.

The students went to study at night, the lights in the classrooms were turned off, and there was silence in the huge Yilan Middle School.

Under the dim light of the street lamps, a figure walked slowly on the campus.

Dressed in neat black shorts and carrying a long sword, if some unsuspecting students saw this scene, they would probably think it was a blockbuster costume film shot in Yilan Middle School.

"Stop pretending to be cool there, come with me." Jiang Chen appeared, waved his hand, said a little uncomfortable, turned around and walked towards the bank of Weiming Lake.

"I thought that you would avoid the battle as you did during the day, but it seems that you, like me, are eager for this battle." Jian Yi looked at Jiang Chen's figure, with a strong fighting intent in his eyes.

"Don't be too self-righteous, I just woke up and went out for a walk." Yawning, Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Why deny it." Jian Yi naturally didn't believe it.

Jiang Chen is a lazy nonsense, with a virtue that you can believe it or not.

"Jiang Chen, this place you chose is not bad." The figure stood still, looking at the sparkling water, Jian Yi said.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's do it, I'm going to sleep later." Jiang Chen yawned again.

"Where's your sword?" Jian Yi looked at Jiang Chen, but didn't find the sword from Jiang Chen's body.

Jiang Chen casually broke off a willow branch and said, "In order to prevent you from thinking that I am humiliating you, I will use this as a weapon."

Jian Yi's face turned black. This behavior made him feel more humiliated than Jiang Chen not using a weapon.

"Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant." Jian Yi said coldly.

It was just a willow branch, soft and hard to use. Jiang Chen actually wanted to use it as a weapon. It was too rampant, which made Jian Yi extremely uncomfortable.

Smiling, Jiang Chen said, "Do you know why I don't let Ah Jian use the sword?"

"Why?" Jian Yi asked, frowning.

"That's because, in my eyes, your swordsmanship is all rubbish. Since it's like rubbish, you don't need to use it." Jiang Chen said casually.

"You—" Jian Yi's face turned even darker.

"So, let me give you a proof that your swordsmanship is not rubbish." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Very good." Jian Yi was furious, backhanded, pulled out the long sword on his back, pointed at Jiang Chen, and said: "Jiang Chen, if you lose, you have to take back what you said to A Jian before. In addition, in addition, you need to apologize to me, Changjianmen, otherwise, I will kill you."

"There's so much nonsense, let's talk about it after you win." Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

As soon as the wrist was turned, the sword was released. The long sword in his hand pierced the air, and he slashed straight towards Jiang Chen.

The sharp edge of the sword seemed to have pierced even the air, and the sword moved out in anger, with a forceful momentum.

Of course, for Jiang Chen, such a sword is full of loopholes, very childish.

Almost lazy to take a look at it, Jiang Chen waved the willow branch in his hand, avoiding the edge of the sword, and slapped it on the back of Jian Yi's hand.


The willow branch was drawn, leaving a deep mark on the back of the hand. Under the pain, the sword retreated hastily.

Lowering his head, looking at the imprint on the back of his hand, Jian Yi was stunned.

"Do you want to continue?" Jiang Chen asked lazily, playing with the willow branch in his hand.

"Of course." Jian Yi said in a deep voice.

Jian Yi didn't see clearly how Jiang Chen hit the back of his hand with the willow branch, which meant that when Jiang Chen made a move, the soft willow branch perfectly avoided the attack range of the long sword.

But the question is, how did Jiang Chen avoid it?It's weird.

Exhaling and making a sound, Jian Yiwu held the long sword in his hand, rolled up the blossoming sword flowers, and with the momentum of thunder, he made the second sword strike.


The willow branch was once again accurately drawn on the back of Jian Yi's hand.

As if Jian Yi had been bitten by a snake, his arm quickly retracted.

If the first time, there may be elements of accident and carelessness, then this second time, it has already shocked Jian Yi's heart.

No coincidence, no accident.

Jiang Chen just stood there, without any fancy, and he didn't seem to have any skills. A simple move was to break his offensive, leaving him with a long sword in his hand, but it was like a target, and Jiang Chen couldn't avoid it at all. The willow branch in Chen's hand.

"Jiang Chen, how did you do it?" Somewhat hoarsely, Jian Yi asked bitterly.

"When you made your first strike, there were seventeen loopholes, and when you made your second strike, there were thirteen loopholes. Do you know what this means?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

"This means that you have seventeen and thirteen chances to kill me." Hearing Jiang Chen's question, Jian subconsciously replied.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Jian Yi was stunned.

You know, the reason why he is named Jian Yi is because he is the eldest disciple of Changjian Sect.

As a big disciple, he came to Yilan City to look for Jiang Chen. Jian Yi came here with the honor and disgrace of his master.

However, in front of Jiang Chen, he was so vulnerable, Jian Yi couldn't believe it, but the imprint on the back of his hand reminded him very clearly what happened just now.

"To be more specific, I have seventeen and thirteen chances to injure you respectively. If I want to kill you, it is naturally a little more complicated. After all, at your current age, you can have the ancient martial arts of the fifth level of the day after tomorrow." Cultivation is quite good." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"What is your cultivation level?" Jian Yi asked.

"Slightly lower than you." Jiang Chen said.

The cultivation level of his body quenching stage is essentially not much different from the division of the acquired realm of ancient martial arts cultivation.

In terms of his current cultivation level of the fourth level of Body Tempering, it corresponds to the cultivation base of the fourth level of Guwu Houtian.

Of course, the division of realms cannot absolutely define the strength of combat power.

As far as Jiang Chen is concerned, although he is only at the fourth level of Body Tempering, crushing ancient martial arts to cultivate at the fifth or even sixth level of Houtian, unless he encounters a super powerful perverted level, there will be no big problem.

Jiang Chen could even fight against the slightly weaker Guwuhoutian seventh-level expert. However, in that situation, in the end, Jiang Chen could only run away.

After all, although a strong monk can easily leapfrog the battle, once the gap in cultivation between the two sides is too large, the leapfrog challenge will become more and more difficult.

Moreover, all the monks who leapfrogged and fought were all prominent and talented.

"It means that you are only at the fourth level of acquired cultivation?" Jian Yi said in surprise.

"You can think so." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Is this possible?" Jian Yi asked doubtfully.

It is a bit strange that the fourth floor of Houtian crushes the fifth floor of Houtian, but Jian Yi also knows that there are some genius disciples in the sect who have this kind of combat power.

However, Jiang Chen not only crushed him, but completely made him powerless to fight back.

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and said nothing, the facts are right in front of him, why bother to say more?
"I lost." After a short silence, Jian Yi said dejectedly.

"This means that I can go back to sleep." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen, even though I don't understand why your acquired fourth-level cultivation is so strong, I will continue to challenge you if I have the opportunity in the future." Jian Yi said seriously.

Jian Yi quickly left.

"Sleeping Beauty, aren't you coming out yet?" Jiang Chen said with a smile when Jianyi left.

"How do you know I'm here?" The Sleeping Beauty floated up and appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"Sleeping Beauty, what perfume are you using today? It smells so good." Jiang Chen pulled Sleeping Beauty into his arms, lowered his head, put it in his hair, took a deep breath, and was intoxicated.

Sleeping Beauty snuggled into Jiang Chen's embrace, and said with a slight smile, "It's not about the perfume."

The position she was in just now was downwind, no matter how sensitive Jiang Chen's nose was, it was impossible for him to smell the perfume on her body.

Moreover, the location where she was hiding, not to mention the distance from where Jiang Chen was, was extremely concealed, otherwise, it would be impossible for Jian Yi not to have discovered her existence.

"That must be because I missed you so much, so I couldn't help calling your name." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Sleeping Beauty was helpless, but also knew that Jiang Chen would definitely not tell the truth, so she could only say: "That Jianyi, looking at all the ancient martial arts sects, among the younger generation, his cultivation can be regarded as amazing, but Being hit so wantonly by you, he doesn't even have the power to fight back, and I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune for him."

"Sleeping Beauty, you have to believe in one thing, but all my enemies will end up with misfortune." Jiang Chen said narcissistically.

"As soon as the sword appeared, is it possible that Changjianmen suspected that you had tampered with Wu Menghua? So he was specially sent here to test you?" Sleeping Beauty asked suspiciously.

"I didn't feel the killing intent on Jian Yi's body." Jiang Chen said casually.

If Jian Duo had killing intent on him, tonight would not have ended so simply.

"How do you know that he has no intention of killing you?" Sleeping Beauty asked curiously.

"Of course I know." Jiang Chen said very casually.

"Perhaps, Jianyi didn't intend to kill you, but you have exposed your own strength by fighting him this time. Maybe, after passing this matter back through Jianyi, it will cause some unnecessary doubts. Trouble," said Sleeping Beauty.

Ever since Jian Yi appeared in Yilan Middle School, Sleeping Beauty has paid attention to it. The reason why she appeared was that she was worried about these problems.

"Sleeping Beauty, such a beautiful day, are you sure you want to continue these unpleasant topics?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"Jiang Chen, this is no small matter." Sleeping Beauty reminded.

"How do you say it? Soldiers come to cover the water and earth, what should come will come sooner or later, don't worry too much." As he spoke, Jiang Chen picked up Sleeping Beauty and left.

"Where are you taking me?" Sleeping Beauty said angrily.

"Of course I'm going to find a place to do some fun things to live up to." Jiang Chen hugged Sleeping Beauty and walked quickly.

After a while, a Range Rover left Yilan Middle School and headed towards the nearest hotel...

(End of this chapter)

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