genius evil

Chapter 441 Asking for a Justice

Chapter 441

Around eight o'clock in the morning, in the hotel room, on a big soft bed.

A shallow moaning sound came out, and the Sleeping Beauty slowly opened her eyes, which were slightly sore due to lack of sleep, at the same time stretched out her soft and weak hands, and gently rubbed her eyebrows and eyes.

Turning her head, she glanced at Jiang Chen who was sleeping next to her. Thinking about the madness of last night, Sleeping Beauty couldn't help but flushed and hot.

In the past, it could almost be said that she hated sleeping the most, but it was the first time in her life that she had physical symptoms caused by lack of sleep. This did not make Sleeping Beauty a bit strange.

"Now, I am becoming more and more like a normal person." Silently, Sleeping Beauty said in her heart.

Lifting the quilt, Sleeping Beauty was about to get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower, when the cell phone by the bed rang at the right time.

Sleeping Beauty saw that the call was from Uncle Zhong, and picked up the phone to answer it.

The phone was connected, and after listening to a few words, the sleeping beauty's expression became a little dignified unconsciously.

"Jiang Chen, something might happen." Pushing Jiang Chen, Sleeping Beauty said softly.

A hand stretched out, wrapped around Sleeping Beauty's slender waist, and wrapped it in his arms. Jiang Chen said vaguely, "Sleeping Beauty, did you sleep well last night?"

"Uncle Zhong called. In Tiannan City, there are people who discovered the Baishan Gate." Sleeping Beauty said with a frown.

"What does this mean?" Jiang Chen asked indifferently.

"This shows that the Bai family might have to take action soon, and more likely, the master of the Baishan Gate is coming back soon." Sleeping Beauty's voice was a little heavy.

"Huh?" The eyes opened suddenly, and Jiang Chen murmured, "It seems that I have to ask Teacher Tang for leave."


Around three o'clock in the afternoon, Tiannan City, Baijia.

During this period of time, the Bai family has become much cooler, and it is no longer the bustle of the old days full of guests, but this afternoon, it is obviously more deserted. Inside the huge villa, there are almost no people walking around.

Inside one of the villas, old man Bai sat there with serious eyes, and there was a person standing beside him, who was indeed Bai Jingxuan.

The two of them, one sitting and the other standing, turned their heads to the side from time to time, looking towards the door, feeling a little anxious, clearly waiting for someone to arrive.

And as old man Bai, the person who could make him wait for him in person was obviously extraordinary.

Just like that, after waiting for almost an hour, I saw a figure appearing at the door.

When he saw that figure, old man Bai got up suddenly, and with the support of Bai Jingxuan, he walked over quickly.

"Mr. Bai." Mr. Bai greeted him with a little respect.

It was a middle-aged man, dressed in a white robe, with a pale and ordinary appearance, but his aura was quite fierce.

"I heard that something happened during this time." Glancing at old man Bai, the man in white robe said lightly, and walked straight inside at the invitation of old man Bai.

"Yes, something happened." Mr. Bai nodded and said.

"Tell me, what happened." The white-robed man said indifferently.

Mr. Bai was very quick, and told all the things that happened in the Bai family during this period of time.Perhaps because he was worried that talking too much would cause the white-robed man's impatience, when Mr. Bai mentioned these things, he tried to be as simple and direct as possible.

"Ban Chi is dead?" The white-robed man's complexion suddenly sank, and there was a bit of awe-inspiring coldness in his voice.

"Yes." Old Master Bai's expression changed quietly, and he didn't dare to vent his breath.

"That Jiang Chen, where is he now?" The man in white robe asked with a cold snort.

"Yilan City." Mr. Bai said quickly.

"Very good." The white-robed man nodded slowly, and in those eyes, gradually, a sharp killing intent burst out!


At about the same time, a Range Rover appeared at the gate of a villa.

"Stop!" There was a low voice from the entrance of the villa, and the person guarding there gestured for the car to drive quickly.

Jiang Chen Shi Shiran got out of the car, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, it's me."

"Jiang Chen?" The gatekeeper was quite surprised to see Jiang Chen getting out of the car, and asked curiously, "What are you doing here?"

"Beat people." Jiang Chen said lightly, walked over, kicked casually, and kicked the guard to the ground.

Caught off guard, he was kicked by Jiang Chen. The guard was stunned and dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on, and asked with an uneasy face, "Jiang Chen, could it be that you are here to ask for trouble."

"Guess is right, but unfortunately there is no prize." Jiang Chen laughed and kicked over again.

The guard reacted fairly quickly. Seeing Jiang Chen kicking him, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked him.


The two legs collided fiercely.

Accompanied by that collision, the guard's expression quietly changed drastically.

He felt that when he collided with Jiang Chen's foot, he seemed to have kicked a steel plate, making his calf bone seem to be about to split.

His face flushed suddenly, and he staggered a few times outside the door, trying to control his body, but fell to the ground.

Jiang Chen glanced at the guard with a half-smile, and swaggered towards the villa.

"What happened?" The sound of fighting outside attracted the attention of the people inside, and two figures quickly ran out from inside.

"Jiang Chen, is anyone fighting outside?" It was Meng Xin and Lu Li who rushed out. Meng Xin was slightly surprised when he saw Jiang Chen, and asked.

"It's not that someone is fighting, it's me who is fighting, both of you, give me a shot." Without saying a word, Jiang Chen hooked his hands towards Meng Xin and Lu Li.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Meng Xin was confused and puzzled.

"Hurry up, if you don't make a move, I will." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

Meng Xin and Lu Li looked at each other, still not understanding what was going on, but at this time, Jiang Chen had already made a move, very simple kicks with two kicks one after another, like thunder, attacking Meng Xin and Lu Li indiscriminately.

Both Meng Xin and Lu Li were taken aback, and retreated subconsciously.

"Jiang Chen, speak up if you have something to say." Meng Xin said in a hurry.

"It won't be too late after I finish beating someone up." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly, and kicked Meng Xin over by the way.

"Too much deceit." Na Luli was furious.

"That's right, but it's too much to deceive people." Jiang Chen said lightly.


Lu Li choked for a moment, a little speechless, after all, Jiang Chen expressed his position like this, what else could he say?

Immediately, Lu Li was angry and aggrieved. With a low growl, he clenched his fist and slammed viciously at Jiang Chen.

"Too weak." Jiang Chen shook his head, punched Lu Li casually, and continued to walk inside.

"Jiang Chen, you're crazy." Meng Xin lay on the ground, cursing angrily.

"Who is crazy? Jiang Chen is crazy? What happened?" At this moment, Mei Hongyi and Qiao Yan rushed out of the villa, and Qiao Yan yelled, saying in a low voice.

"I'm crazy, so, don't provoke a lunatic." Jiang Chen punched Qiao Yan in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Then, Jiang Chen punched Mei Hongyi again.

Mei Hongyi stood there motionless, neither retaliated nor dodged, her eyes widened slightly, staring straight at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's punch was about five centimeters away from Mei Hongyi's delicate face. He suddenly withdrew his strength and said dumbfoundedly: "Don't be dazed, strike quickly."

"You can't beat you on either side, what's the point of making a move?" Mei Hongyi looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"Then get out of the way." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, have you finished the fight? Have you had enough trouble?" Mei Hongyi said very angrily.

"Of course not." Jiang Chen walked around Mei Hongyi and walked inside.

As soon as Mei Hongyi stretched out her hand, she grabbed Jiang Chen's left hand and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Girl in red, if a man or a woman can kiss each other, please don't talk about it." Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"If you feel that the ground group has wronged you, then I am also a member of the ground group, and you beat me up too." Mei Hongyi was very angry.

"Girl in red, you're clearly trying to embarrass me, and it's not like you don't know that I'm notoriously sympathetic." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

"If you don't do it, I'll do it." Mei Hongyi pulled Jiang Chen's arm into his embrace, followed by a standard over-the-shoulder throw.

Jiang Chen stood there, motionless.

Mei Hongyi was very unconvinced, tried harder, and fell again.

Jiang Chen still didn't move.

Patting Mei Hongyi's shoulder, Jiang Chen said with a smile: "You rest for a while, and I'll play wrestling with you after I've dealt with the matter."

As he spoke, he drew his hand away and entered the living room of the villa.

Mei Hongyi watched Jiang Chen enter the living room, gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, but she didn't know what to think, so she didn't chase after him.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of wind is it today that brought you to my camp?" A voice came into Jiang Chen's ears from upstairs.

"There's no wind blowing, I'm here to seek justice." Jiang Chen looked up at Mu Fang upstairs and said.

"Oh, what do you mean by that, what does my team owe you?" Mu Fang asked deeply curiously.

"That's right, the land group owes me, so, this is fair, will your land group give it or not?" Jiang Chen asked directly.

"Jiang Chen, our team has always acted fairly. If we really owe you, this justice will be given to you naturally." Mu Fang said noncommittally.

"Very well, I'm just waiting for your words." Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen grinned happily.

Seeing Jiang Chen smiling so happily, Mu Fang frowned subconsciously. For some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling of falling into Jiang Chen's trap.

Two minutes later, in the upstairs study room, two cups of hot tea were overflowing with fragrance. Mu Fang looked at Jiang Chen who was sitting across from him, pondered for a while, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked in bewilderment : "Jiang Chen, what on earth does my team owe you to make you so angry that you almost beat Hongyi up? Besides, no matter how resentful you are, you can't do anything to Hongyi, right? It's outrageous , It's too outrageous!"

(End of this chapter)

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