genius evil

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

What Mu Fang said was both puzzled and regretful, and he also had the meaning of hating iron for being weak, as if Jiang Chen had done such a heinous and inferior thing to Mei Hongyi.

Hearing what Mu Fang said, Jiang Chen just laughed, and said lazily: "Old Mu, when did this group get so reduced that it needs a woman to protect it?"

"Ahem, I simply believe that it is wrong to hit a woman. No matter what the circumstances are, no matter what the reason is, you should never do anything to a woman." Mu Fang coughed dryly.

"Old Mu is right, let the boy be educated." Jiang Chen nodded and said humbly.

"That's the right attitude. After a while, you go and apologize to Hong Yi. My little girl, sometimes, it's inevitable that you are small-minded. If you get angry and lose your temper or something, as a man, don't take it to heart... ...You are so popular with women, you should be the most clear, what women need is coaxing, if you really can't coax, go buy some small gifts, by the way, what Hong Yi likes most is a car. "

"Finished?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"After talking, hurry up and coax Hongyi, don't delay." Mu Fang urged.

"I have received news that the people from Baishanmen have been active in Tiannan City." Jiang Chen picked up the teacup, took a shallow sip, and said casually.

"Does this have anything to do with Hongyi?" Mu Fang asked in surprise.

"An old account between me and the Bai family has not been properly settled for a long time. For what reason, you and I are well aware. This time, I will just ask , what do you think I should do?" Jiang Chen pretended not to hear Mu Fang's nonsense, and said directly.

As expected of an old fox, Mu Fang said a few words, avoiding serious matters and neglecting the serious ones, turning a blind eye to him beating up other people, and only blaming the whole matter on Mei Hongyi.

It's a pity that he, an old fox, met Jiang Chen, a little fox. Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to be fooled by Mu Fang.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Mu Fangfang understood that even if he didn't want to face up to Jiang Chen's appearance, it was impossible, so he coughed dryly again and said, "Jiang Chen, I dare you to come here for this matter, why? It's too early to say."

"The meaning of this is that your team has already received news about the movement of the Baishan Gate in Tiannan City?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

Mu Fang was stunned for a while, and said with a wry smile: "You boy, is it necessary to be so preoccupied? What's the difference if you know sooner or later?"

"Old Mu, it's time for you to answer my question." Jiang Chen reminded with a half-smile.

"Well, at present, all the activities of the Baishan Gate in Tiannan City are still within the normal range. Of course, if there is any change, our local team will intervene as soon as possible." Mu Fang said seriously.

"Old Mu's meaning, I understand." Jiang Chen nodded slightly.

"What do you understand?" Mu Fang asked in astonishment.

"Aren't you just telling me to wait for the right time to make a move?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

Mu Fang's face turned black for a while, he sighed, and said, "This is what you said, what the land group owes you?"

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Chen was noncommittal.

"Jiang Chen, you should know what your existence means to some people. Many things are not as simple as you think." Mu Fang said.

"Then make things a little easier." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"The local team will not interfere with this matter." Mu Fang said again, giving Jiang Chen an inoculation in advance.

"Old Mu, you are wrong. Since the land group owes me, and now there is a chance, they must pay back what they owe me. Otherwise, if I come here to beat people from time to time... Oh, I am looking for someone to learn from. How do you carry out your work?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

Elder Mu's face couldn't help but darken, and he said dumbfoundedly: "Jiang Chen, you are threatening me."

"How dare I threaten you to grow old? It's just that I have a not-so-good habit, that is, I can't owe others favors, and others don't want to owe me anything. Do you understand what I mean?" Jiang Chen asked road.

Jiang Chen put it this way, even if Mu Fang wanted to pretend not to understand, it was impossible, so he had to say: "What do you want my team to do?"

"This is even simpler. We work together, one to kill and the other to bury... Now, the question arises, are you better at killing? Or are you better at burying people?" Jiang Chen asked extremely slowly.


For a moment, Mu Fang had a strong urge to swallow.

The young man in front of him was seventeen or eighteen years old, about the same age as his grandson. He looked gentle and harmless, with a tired smile on his face. If he didn't show his ferocious head, anyone would feel that this was undoubtedly A boy who is very easy to get along with and very easy to attract girls.

In fact, it is indeed very attractive to girls.

However, it is this young man, but he shows his edge intentionally or unintentionally, which makes people realize his terrifying side.

Picking up the tea in front of him, he took a sip to conceal the shock in his heart, and after pondering for a while, Mu Fang slowly said: "Jiang Chen, do you know what level the master of the Baishan Gate is? cultivation?"

"Is it important?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

"You may not be his opponent." Mu Fang said solemnly.

"Perhaps you are right, but if I want to kill him, there are at least a hundred ways." Jiang Chen also said solemnly.

"So, are you going to kill me?" Mu Fang asked after hesitating for a while.

"More than a thousand ways." Jiang Chen stretched out a finger and said with a light smile.

"How do you make me believe your words?" Even though he was quite old, Mu Fang still said quite unconvinced when he heard Jiang Chen's outrageous words suddenly.

Jiang Chen's hand suddenly stretched out, and without warning, it clasped Mu Fang's neck, lifted Mu Fang from the chair in an instant, and said expressionlessly, "You can believe it now!"

After 1 minute, Jiang Chen left the study and went downstairs.

In the study, Mu Fang sat there with a shocked face, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and after a long time, he sighed softly.

When Jiang Chen grabbed his neck with one hand just now, it wasn't that he didn't react, but at a sudden moment, his head suddenly became dizzy, and then his hands and feet went limp.

In that situation, even if he could react, he couldn't make an effective response at all, and Jiang Chen could only lift it up directly like he was holding a puppet.

This was just a test, and Mu Fang knew that if Jiang Chen wanted to kill him, he would be dead in an instant.

Not terrible.

But what made Mu Fang's back break out in cold sweat was that he hadn't even noticed when Jiang Chen did something to him.

Or, from the moment Jiang Chen entered the study, Jiang Chen had manipulated him... That is to say, for what would happen after entering the study, Jiang Chen had already expected it and planned it long ago. Clearly.

If this is the case, it is estimated that regardless of Jiang Chen's strength, this kind of mentality is enough to shock Mu Fang.

"This guy is getting more and more incomprehensible." With a low sigh, Mu Fang said silently, picked up the phone on the table, and made a call.


When Jiang Chen went downstairs and walked out of the villa, he saw Mei Hongyi and the others standing there one by one.

Seeing Jiang Chen walking out, Mei Hongyi looked at him coldly, while the rest of the people glared at each other, especially the face of Meng Xin, who showed a strong anger.

"Jiang Chen, I thought we were friends." Meng Xin said loudly.

"I thought so too, but unfortunately right now, it's not." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean by that?" Qiao Yan said in a low voice.

"It means that in the future, we may be friends, but not now." Jiang Chen said.

Meng Xin and Qiao Yan frowned involuntarily, and they didn't know whether they understood the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, or they simply couldn't understand what Jiang Chen's words meant.

Jiang Chen stopped talking and continued to walk outside.

Walking out of the courtyard of the villa, he opened the door and got in the car, but at this moment, the door of the co-pilot was opened, and a figure quickly got into the car, who else could it be but Mei Hongyi.

Slightly astonished, Jiang Chen glanced at Mei Hongyi, then smiled, got into the car, and asked casually, "Where are you going?"

"What did you talk to Elder Mu about in the study just now?" Mei Hongyi didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, she folded her arms around her chest, staring at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Drink a cup of tea, and talk about life ideals by the way." Jiang Chen said slowly, started the car, and drove on the road.

"You came here for the Baishan Gate, right?" Mei Hongyi said suddenly.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile, "You are smarter than Meng Xin and the others."

"So, what are you going to do next?" Mei Hongyi asked again.

"The next step is to go to eat naturally... If there is a restaurant nearby, I'll treat you to dinner." Jiang Chen said lightly.

With her beautiful eyes still fixed on Jiang Chen, Mei Hongyi said softly, "Jiang Chen, are we friends?"

"Now, of course." Jiang Chen said without thinking.

"Now?" Mei Hongyi was puzzled.

What does it mean now, is it possible that it is now, but it will not be in the future?

"Girl in red, you know something about me. You should understand that I am notoriously sympathetic. I don't have many hobbies in my life. My favorite is beautiful women... You are such a beautiful woman, dangling in front of me, As a man, it's very likely that I won't be able to hold on, and in that case, we won't be friends anymore." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Her pink face was slightly red, but Mei Hongyi still couldn't hold back and asked, "What is that?"

"It's my woman." Jiang Chen turned sideways suddenly, looked at Mei Hongyi closely, and said with a smile.

Jiang Chen's sudden action made Mei Hongyi suffocate, her face turned hot red...

(End of this chapter)

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