genius evil

Chapter 443 See also the pretender

Chapter 443 See also the pretender
Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen drove the car and stopped at the entrance of a restaurant.

After getting off the car, Jiang Chen led Mei Hongyi and walked into the restaurant.

After being seated under the guidance of the waiter, Jiang Chen smoothly pushed the menu over to Mei Hongyi, and said with a slight smile, "Order whatever you want."


It took a while for Mei Hongyi to react, picked up the menu, and quickly ordered a few home-cooked dishes.

"What are you thinking?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"I didn't think about anything." Mei Hongyi replied almost subconsciously.

She really didn't think about anything, her mind was a little confused because of Jiang Chen's words before, she was flustered, and she didn't know what she was doing.

"I heard from Mr. Mu that you like cars?" Jiang Chen didn't pursue the question, and changed the subject casually.

"Yes...Why did Mr. Mu tell you about this?" Mei Hongyi asked a little strangely.

"Girl in red, it's obvious that he wants me to know you better... and then let me pick you up." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.


Mei Hongyi looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

"I'm a handsome guy, and you're a beautiful woman. Even if I really want to pick you up, I don't need such a big reaction, right?" Jiang Chen said a little dissatisfied.

"Nonsense." Mei Hongyi said angrily.

"Girl in red, this is your fault, how can you be talking nonsense, just like what I said just now, I have always been famous for being sympathetic and sympathetic." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but find it interesting that Mei Hongyi, who had a strong personality, would have such a shy and feminine side.

"Jiang Chen, this is just an excuse you gave yourself to be extravagant." Mei Hongyi snorted coldly.

This guy, it doesn't matter that there are so many women around him, and those women are all excellent, they can be called stunning, ordinary men, who can have one of them, will feel that it is the admiration of eight lifetimes of cultivation, and they must take good care of them and have no other distractions.

Jiang Chen was good, he seemed to feel that there were too few women around him, and he went around hooking up with other women... It was simply too shameless, he could be called a fighter among scumbags.

"Girl in red, what I have to solemnly declare is that if you say I'm flirtatious, it's fine, but if you say I'm promiscuous, I won't agree." Jiang Chen yelled.

Mei Hongyi immediately sneered, glanced at Jiang Chen, and said, "Isn't a fickle heart just abusive?"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and said solemnly: "It's normal for a young man to be philandering, and it's not normal if he is not philandering. As for promiscuity, I am definitely a good-looking man who will die forever."

Mei Hongyi looked at Jiang Chen as if she was insane.

From the beginning to the end?

She really didn't understand, how could Jiang Chen have the nerve to say such a thing.

"Cough... What I mean is, the principle I have always adhered to is that I only love beautiful women, not ugly ones." Jiang Chen brought his shameless advantages to the extreme.

Covering his lips, he couldn't help laughing.

After giving Jiang Chen a blank look, Mei Hongyi said, "That's fine, why am I telling you this?"

Then he reached out and greeted the waiter: "Add a few more dishes."

The waiter came over quickly, and Mei Hongyi added the most expensive dishes, and while ordering, she kept slandering in her heart. This guy Jiang Chen shamelessly defended his fickleness, and he must let Jiang Chen bleed a little.

"Hey, Jiang Chen, why are you here?" But at this moment, a voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

The person who spoke was a guy who was dressed like an elite figure, and it was Zhuang Bifan.

"Pretending to be a criminal, it's you." Jiang Chen was overjoyed when he saw this guy.

"Xiaxiazhuang..." Zhuang Bifan's face twitched.

"No need to introduce yourself, I remember your name, pretend to be a criminal." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"My lord Zhuang Bifan." Zhuang Bifan explained very seriously.

"Is there any difference?" Jiang Chen asked Mei Hongyi.

"There is no difference." Mei Hongyi said indifferently.

Except for the occasional coquettish appearance of a little woman in front of Jiang Chen, she was always deserted in front of the outside world, giving people a feeling of being extremely difficult to get close to.


Zhuang Bifan smacked his mouth, and stopped explaining his name, and said in a low voice: "Brother, master. If I have time, I will ask you for advice on how to pick up girls."

"Picking up girls depends on talent, do you understand?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Talent is something I have. Look at me. I'm tall and handsome, with a successful career. A typical elite man." Zhuang Bifan patted his chest and said narcissistically.

"I said you will die if you don't brag?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Zhuang Bifan chuckled and said, "Brother, I really didn't expect to meet you here, I should have invited you to dinner..."

"You can definitely buy the list for this table." Jiang Chen interrupted Zhuang Bifan.

"No problem, it's all trivial, I just have a small favor, brother, you must help me." Zhuang Bifan said furtively.

At the end, Zhuang Bifan pointed at a table in the restaurant and said, "Brother, did you see that girl? I've been chasing her for a long time. Is there anything you can do to help me make something good happen?"

"Girl?" Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines.

The woman's appearance is considered dignified, her figure is plump, she is about thirty years old, she is not a girl after all, she should be called a young woman.

"No way." After taking a look, Jiang Chen said with averted gaze.

"Brother, I beg you." Zhuang Bifan said with a bitter face, as if Jiang Chen would die if he didn't help.

"I really can't help you with this." Jiang Chen chuckled, and said lightly, "Besides, you're going to be in bad luck soon, big bad luck."

"During this period of time, the wind and water have been booming, how can I be unlucky." Zhuang Bifan asked very puzzled.

"What are you doing here?" Almost as soon as Zhuang Bifan finished speaking, a man's voice suddenly sounded in the restaurant.

The man who spoke quickly walked towards the young woman and began to question loudly.

"Honey, why are you here?" the young woman asked suspiciously.

Zhuang Bifan's eyes darkened, he almost passed out, and cried out: "Jiang Chen, I swear, I didn't know she had a husband, she clearly said she was not married."

While talking, he ran out in a desperate manner, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What's the matter with that person?" Frowning, Mei Hongyi asked.

"A guy who often has bad luck." Jiang Chen simply explained.

Almost every time he ran into Zhuang Bifan, this guy was trying to pick up girls, but he never succeeded... I have to say that the name determines the fate, Jiang Chen was deeply moved.

"People are divided into groups and things are like flock together!" Mei Hongyi said coldly.

"Girl in red, you are forcing me." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

"What did I force you to do?" Mei Hongyi was taken aback by Jiang Chen.

"You are clearly forcing me to pick you up... Otherwise, how can you be worthy of the saying that people divide like groups and like like gather together?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Shut up." Mei Hongyi interrupted Jiang Chen.

After a meal without any surprises, he walked out of the restaurant.

Jiang Chen looked at the sky and said regretfully, "It's too late, all 4S stores should be closed."

"I don't want you to give me the car." Mei Hongyi said angrily.

God knows if what Jiang Chen said is true, what did Mr. Mu ask him to pick her up, but Jiang Chen thinks she is who, can he pick her up if he wants?
Unless this guy, not so flirtatious.

Thinking about it this way, Mei Hongyi felt that it was wrong again. Could it be that if Jiang Chen didn't play tricks and was not promiscuous, he could pick her up?
"No, no, no way." Mei Hongyi muttered in her heart.

"I just want to see the car, by the way, what kind of car do you like?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Big guy." Mei Hongyi said.

"An off-road vehicle, or a super fierce pickup? I think the Hummer H2 is pretty good. Is it sold in Yilan City?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That car is only available in Tiannan City, but it doesn't mean you can buy it if you want, you have to make a reservation." Mei Hongyi reminded.

"It's scheduled." Jiang Chen nodded.

"I've already said, I don't want you to give me a car. If I want a car, I'll buy it myself." Mei Hongyi said quickly, not knowing what was wrong with her. When talking about cars, she couldn't stop.

But who told her to really like cars? Who told Jiang Chen to know her only hobby?

Mei Hongyi felt that this kind of thing was really going to kill her.

Moreover, if Jiang Chen really gave her a car, she felt that it was still unknown whether she would be able to refuse at that time.

"It's clear, it's not a gift, it's a purchase. I want to buy it myself. If I have time some other day, let's go shopping in Tiannan City." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Mei Hongyi's duplicity was so obvious, if Jiang Chen couldn't detect it, he would just head over him and kill him.

"No time." Mei Hongyi said.

"No, you will have time soon, and you will go to Tiannan City soon." Jiang Chen said with certainty.

After saying these words, Jiang Chen's heart suddenly moved.

Then Han Ye and Qi Qian are about to get married, and she is the best man, but the bridesmaid has not been determined... The main reason is that there are too many bridesmaids, so it is difficult to determine... Jiang Chen suddenly felt that Mei Hongyi was very suitable for that bridesmaid Candidates.

"Send me back." Mei Hongyi said.

She knew what Jiang Chen said was right, maybe she would really go to Tiannan City soon, but if she followed Jiang Chen's words, it would only make more and more chaos, and Jiang Chen might take advantage of the chaos Insatiable.

Out of consideration for her own safety, Mei Hongyi felt that it was better to separate from Jiang Chen earlier.

Jiang Chen drove Mei Hongyi back.

The car arrived at the villa, Mei Hongyi got off the car, Jiang Chen yelled: "Girl in red, if you go to Tiannan City, remember to call me, when the time comes, I will give you a surprise."

"No." Mei Hongyi firmly refused, and said coldly, after getting off the car, she walked quickly.

"Hey, there are some things that you can't just let go of if you don't want to." Jiang Chen said cheerfully.

If he just thought that Mei Hongyi was a good candidate for a bridesmaid when he was at the restaurant just now, then now, Jiang Chen has a bit of a bad taste and wants to facilitate this matter.

I really want to see what kind of scene it will be when Mei Hongyi changes out of black clothes and puts on a bridesmaid outfit... Maybe it will open his eyes or not...

(End of this chapter)

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