genius evil

Chapter 444 Stay away from idiots, everyone is responsible

Chapter 444 Stay away from idiots, everyone is responsible
The Zhou family is engaged in import and export business, and the scale is not large. Although it is not short of money, in general, it is not very famous in Tiannan City.

The three major families of Bai Guantong have influence covering the whole city, and among them, the Bai family is the most important.

Families like the Xu family or the Song family and the Tang family, although they are quite famous to a certain extent, but all in all, they are quite a bit of survival.

Today's Zhou family is still not well-known, but Zhou Ji has found a different way, but it is quite like a fish in water.

At around ten o'clock at night, in a bar, Zhou Ji called friends and led a group of people to drink.

Among this group of people, there were three Jiang Chen knew, the tall Su Tai, the short and stocky Hu Yichun, and the big-chested Gan Qinger.

"Why are you so happy that you have to drag us to the bar for a drink." Gan Qing'er asked curiously, shaking the wine glass in her hand.

"There are many happy things." Zhou Ji said with a smile.

The happiest thing was naturally to let the white tree be shrunken in front of him, but Zhou Ji was not an idiot enough to show off this kind of thing everywhere.

"I don't care about you, don't get drunk anyway, remember to pay the bill." Gan Qing'er just said.

"It's necessary, you guys, just let go and drink, it's not bad for money." Zhou Ji said grandly.

"I said Zhou Ji, don't you just want to make love to Qing'er, and deliberately drag Yichun and me to be light bulbs?" Sutai asked with a strange smile.

"Um, where do I have the guts? Qing'er has saved my life by not breaking my legs." Zhou Ji said with a bitter face.

"You are self-aware." Gan Qing'er rolled her eyes.

"Hey, the atmosphere is so lively, do you mind if I sit down and have a drink?" A strange voice sounded rather abruptly.

While talking, the man sat down carelessly.

"Bai Shu, what are you going to do?" Zhou Ji looked at it, feeling a little displeased.

"Drink, didn't you see?" Bai Shu replied, poured himself a glass of wine, and said to Gan Qing'er with a playful smile: "Beauty, let's have a drink, I wish you more and more beautiful It's getting better and better, and I wish you, starting today, stay away from fools and live a happy life."

"Bai Shu, are you scolding me?" Zhou Ji's face turned blue for a while.

"If you consider yourself a fool and admit it voluntarily, I don't mind giving you these two words at all." Bai Shu said slowly.

"Bai Shu, I think you have forgotten what happened two days ago?" Zhou Ji gritted his teeth and reminded.

"Forgot?" Bai Shu sneered, looked at Zhou Ji, and said, "What do you think?"

"Since the impression is so deep, I advise you to get out of here as soon as possible." Zhou Ji said bluntly.

"If I don't get out, could it be that you want to do something to me?" Bai Shu said with a sneer.

"What do you think?" Zhou Ji asked in exactly the same tone.

"I don't think you dare." Bai Shu said lightly.


Grabbing a beer bottle on the table, Zhou Ji just smashed it on Bai Shu's head.

"Bai Shu, I have endured you for a long time, tell me honestly, I wanted to beat you last time." Zhou Ji said coldly.

"Good beating." Bai Shu said vaguely, but passed out.

"Hit...all hands to me."

As Bai Shu fell into a coma, immediately, someone yelled at the top of his voice, the bar suddenly became chaotic, more than a dozen people rushed towards Zhou Ji and the others in a swarm.

"Bastard, you've been tricked." Zhou Ji said angrily.

Even if he was an idiot, he would understand that Bai Shu was deliberately provoking him, even forcing him to do it. Otherwise, how could Bai Shu bring so many people here?
"Qing'er, you hide aside, Su Tai, Hu Yichun, you two follow behind me, beat the guy out." Zhou Ji said loudly.

"Get out? Can the three of us do it?" Su Tai asked suspiciously.

"If you can, you have to do this, otherwise the three of us will be beaten to death here." Zhou Ji said.

"Su Tai, what Zhou Ji said is right, we will fight." Hu Yichun picked up a chair, and Su Tai immediately grabbed two wine bottles.

Wine bottles are much harder than beer bottles, so they are best used for headshots.


Suddenly, Zhou Ji threw a wine bottle over and hit a person in the head. The bottle exploded, and a scuffle kicked off.


An hour later, Ji Feng hurried to a hospital in Tiannan City.

Seeing Zhou Ji and the other three wrapped up like zongzi, Ji Feng was a little bit dumbfounded, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Brother Feng, you have to be careful, this dog from the Bai family is going crazy." Zhou Ji said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Ji Feng frowned suddenly.

Jiang Chen was forcing the dog to jump over the wall, and now the dog jumped over the wall, and even bit someone.

"Did you find it?"

"where is it?"

"Hurry up, the police will be here soon."


Ji Feng was talking with Zhou Ji in the ward, when suddenly there was a messy sound from the outside corridor, someone was walking around, and the chaotic footsteps alarmed many people.

"You four, stop them." Ji Feng turned around and ordered the four people behind him.

These four people are the bodyguards that Ji Feng specially arranged for him in the past few days, they are always protecting them, and they just come in handy at this time.

"Brother Feng, can you handle it with just these four people?" Zhou Ji asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter if you can't bear it. What I want to do now is to create a reason for Young Master Jiang to kill someone justifiably." Ji Feng sneered.

"Is this going to war?" Zhou Ji suddenly realized.

"So, if Young Master Jiang finds out about this, maybe he will reward you well." Ji Feng said with a faint smile.

"Don't...Jiang Shao just don't peel off my skin." Zhou Ji shivered.

Outside, soon there was the sound of fighting, a young man in white robe, with every gesture, overturned the four bodyguards brought by Ji Feng to the ground, and appeared in the ward as if strolling in the courtyard the door.

"You are Ji Feng." The man in white robe looked at Ji Feng expressionlessly.

"It's me." Ji Feng nodded, with an extra pistol in his hand, and said, "Next, you can guess whether I dare to shoot or not?"


The white-robed man's complexion changed slightly, he looked at the gun in Ji Feng's hand with some surprise, and immediately asked, "Do you dare?"

"I dare." Ji Feng said with great certainty.

After the words fell, gunshots rang out, and a bullet was accurately sent into the thigh of the man in white robe.

"Looking for death." The white-robed man was furious.

"Stop, stop everyone, don't move around." The police came, and a group of policemen held guns and aimed at everyone.

Casually stuffing the gun into his trouser pocket, Ji Feng glanced at the white-robed man, smiled lightly and said, "Guess again, next, who will be more unlucky between the two of us?"

"I will kill you." The white-robed man said angrily.

"I can only express my regret, you have no chance." Shrugging his shoulders, Ji Feng said indifferently, stretched out his hands towards the policeman, and said, "Several police officers, you came just in time, give us all Take it away."

Several policemen looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what was going on.

You know, when they saw the gun in Ji Feng's hand, they were still a little nervous, worried that Ji Feng would shoot indiscriminately, causing unnecessary casualties.

Who would have thought that Ji Feng would ask to take him away in the next second.

But even though they were in a daze, several policemen acted quickly, each with a pair of handcuffs, and took them away in handcuffs.

In the hospital, quiet soon returned.

"Zhou Ji, what's the situation?" Both Su Tai and Hu Yichun were confused.

"It's nothing. Are you two sleepy? I'm going to bed." Yawning, Zhou Ji said lazily.


A high-rise building in the center of Tiannan City.

This building has a very domineering name, Dingtian Building.

This name was chosen by Tang Tianxiong. I heard that when Tang Tianxiong named this building, it originally meant Dingtian.

Later, the feng shui master felt that the name was too evil, so he had to compromise and choose a homonym. Of course, for this reason, it was terrible to be ridiculed by Tang Tian for being uneducated.

Tang Tianxiong owns many companies in Tiannan City, most of which are involved in the real estate industry. Apart from his underworld background, he can be regarded as a real estate tycoon in Tiannan City.

Dingtian Building is where Tang Tianxiong works in Tiannan City, and he himself, if there is no accident, lives here 360 ​​days a year, nearly [-] days.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, a middle-aged man, supporting an old man with white hair and white eyebrows, appeared downstairs of the building.

When the two security guards saw the two people appear, their eyeballs immediately swelled.

Dingtian Building, from another point of view, can be said to be Tang Tianxiong's lair. On the surface, it is an office building, but in fact, the employees who come in and out are basically people under Tang Tianxiong.The two security guards are no exception.

In addition to being ruthless and black, the most important thing for anyone who is involved in the underworld is to have good eyesight.

This middle-aged man and the seemingly ordinary white-haired old man may not have much reaction in the eyes of some people, but in fact, when the identities of the two are recognized, the two The security guard's heart was shaken immediately.

"Mr. Bai, Mr. Bai." The two security guards greeted each other politely. These two were none other than Bai Jingxuan and Mr. Bai.

"Is President Tang here?" Bai Jingxuan asked casually.

"I'm... I don't know, Mr. Tang, what can I do with Mr. Tang?" The security guard smelled it cautiously, lest he would offend someone inadvertently.

Just as soon as the voice fell, the walkie-talkie on the security guard's waist rang.

A majestic voice came from: "Boss Bai, Mr. Bai, please come upstairs. Tang has prepared some tea."

"This Tang Tianxiong is really not simple." Bai Jingxuan said something, helped old man Bai, and walked towards the elevator.

Enter the elevator, go upstairs, at the exit of the elevator upstairs, there is a figure waiting there, it is Tang Tianxiong, seeing Bai Jingxuan and Mr. Bai walk out of the elevator, Tang Tianxiong took a quick step, stretched out his hand, and said with a hearty smile: "Bai Come on, old man, let me help you."

(End of this chapter)

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