genius evil

Chapter 445 2 million to buy candy

Chapter 445
Tang Tianxiong's move seemed to be abrupt, but there was a natural element in it.

Leaving aside the identities of each other, Mr. Bai can be regarded as a senior, and no matter what Tang Tianxiong is, he can only be regarded as a junior. In a sense, it is the most appropriate thing for a junior to support the senior.

Bai Jingxuan stretched out his hand, gently pushed Tang Tianxiong's hand away, and said calmly, "The old man can walk by himself."

Tang Tianxiong didn't take it seriously either, he chuckled and said, "Can you really go?"

"Old man, I am old. My legs and feet are quite flexible. I should still live for many years." The white eyebrows raised slightly, and the old man Bai said.

"If there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, you will live longer, old man." Tang Tianxiong said along the way.

As he spoke, he led Old Master Bai and Bai Jingxuan towards his office.

The female secretary was making tea, and the aroma of the tea was overflowing. When she saw three people coming in, she poured three cups, and then walked out lightly.

"Please sit down and drink tea," Tang Tianxiong invited.

After taking a sip of clear tea, Tang Tianxiong asked: "Old man, I don't know what order you have to come here this time?"

"What is your identity, Mr. Tang? How can we order you? It's just that someone came here and asked Mr. Tang for something, but I don't know if Mr. Tang is willing to give it to you." Before old master Bai could speak, Bai Jingxuan Yes said.

"Could it be my life?" Tang Tianxiong laughed loudly.

"Mr. Tang, your life is certainly valuable, but if you really want your life, there is no need for me and the old man to come in person." Bai Jingxuan said coldly.

"This means that you want something more valuable than my life?" Tang Tianxiong said in a pretentious manner.

"That depends on how much you think your life is worth, Mr. Tang." Bai Jingxuan said noncommittally.

"In my early years, I was fooling around on the streets of Tiannan City. I had a lot of dirty things on my hands. I didn't talk about it until I finished my meal. Sometimes I got addicted to cigarettes, and I even did the business of picking up cigarette butts on the street. ... At that time, I was thinking, his mother's life is really too cheap, you said it was either starving to death or freezing to death, or being hacked to death on the street one day, what is it worth?" Tang Tianxiong said with emotion.

"It's hard work that makes you a master. Mr. Tang's rich experience is admirable." Bai Jingxuan complimented without yin or yang.

"I made the two of you laugh." Tang Tianxiong laughed again, and then said seriously: "Mr. Bai, you just said how much my life is worth. Seriously, it's really not worth much. Look. This office, this table, this chair, and making tea are probably much more expensive than my name."

Hearing what Tang Tianxiong said, Bai Jingxuan's expression turned ugly.

"However, if it is really worthless, why is it so hard to be reconciled? When I was living on the street, I didn't starve to death or be hacked to death. I was lucky enough to live like a dog, and I didn't have a good life. After a few days, I'm still looking forward to a better future... It's really hard to settle this account, why don't you, Mr. Bai, settle it for me?" Tang Tianxiong said again.

"Mr. Tang, why do I hear you are threatening me?" Bai Jingxuan said unhappily.

"Old man Bai, why don't you come and do the math for me?" Tang Tianxiong turned to old man Bai.

"Old man, I'm already old, and my mind is already very confused. How can I make any calculations." Old Man Bai snorted lightly.

Tang Tianxiong smiled slightly, and said: "It seems that both left and right can only be confused. By the way, I don't know. What exactly do you want, Boss Bai?"

"The Tang family." Slowly, Mr. Bai spit out these two words.

"What about the Tang family?" Tang Tianxiong asked confusedly.

"The entire Tang family." Bai Jingxuan's voice raised slightly.

"Boss Bai, I've never heard of you being so humorous before." Tang Tianxiong laughed.

"Or, to kill you." Bai Jingxuan looked sideways at Tang Tianxiong, and said word by word.

"President Bai, what's the difference between wanting my entire Tang family and my life?" Tang Tianxiong asked seriously.

"The difference is, you live, or you die." Bai Jingxuan said firmly.

"I can only agree?" Tang Tianxiong said.

"You have no chance to refuse." Bai Jingxuan said noncommittally.

"Boss Bai, what would you think if one day someone came to your Bai family and told you that they wanted your entire Bai family, and you still couldn't refuse?" Tang Tianxiong asked puzzled.

"I guess you really want to do that, but it's a pity you won't have that chance... Don't blame us for doing things too badly. If you want to blame it, blame you for having bad eyesight and choosing a son-in-law who doesn't have eyes." Bai Jingxuan said coldly. Said.

"You're talking about Jiang Chen, right?" Tang Tianxiong sighed, and said regretfully, "The reason you're bothering me is because of him. You can go to him directly."

"Accounts, one by one, slowly." Bai Jingxuan said in a deep voice, "Now, you can give me the answer, accept it, or reject it?"

"Come here." Tang Tianxiong didn't answer Bai Jingxuan's question, but pressed a red button on the table. Soon, several people rushed in from the outside.

"Master Bai and Bai are always distinguished guests, you guys, treat me well, don't neglect me," Tang Tianxiong ordered.

"Tang Tianxiong, did you reject it?" Bai Jingxuan's face suddenly sank.

"Mr. Bai, if you want my life, I can also want yours. The difference is, whose life is harder, are you going to take a gamble, which of us will live longer? " Tang Tianxiong squinted his eyes and said, the aura of a gangster broke out in an instant.

"Very bold." Mr. Bai clapped his palms.

"It's no better than Bai Laoyou. You didn't take anyone with you, but you came here to order me around. No matter how courageous I, Tang Tianxiong, I think, I can't do this kind of thing." Tang Tianxiong said mockingly.

"Since you've seen this, you should also understand that it's impossible for me to be unprepared." Old Man Bai said deeply.

A middle-aged man in a white robe walked in from the outside at this moment.


After the white-robed man entered, he let out a low shout.

The few people who were called in by Tang Tianxiong couldn't help turning pale when they heard the shout, and their legs trembled under the pressure of the powerful momentum.

"Go out." Seeing this, Tang Tianxiong waved his hand.

The four people were relieved, and after hearing the sound, they quickly walked out the door one by one.

"So brave." The middle-aged man in the white robe looked at Tang Tianxiong and said jokingly.

"They don't dare to do anything to you, it's useless to stay here." Tang Tianxiong said noncommittally.

"It's a little clever, but it's a pity that you are still too stupid. You rejected my request. Do you know what will happen to you next?" The middle-aged man in white robe said expressionlessly.

"Kill me?" Tang Tianxiong smiled, stretched out his hand again, and pressed another button on the table. Immediately, a wall behind him moved to both sides, revealing more than a dozen muzzles.

"As long as I press it casually, those muzzles will shoot indiscriminately." Tang Tianxiong said silently, pointing to those guns.

"Looking for death." The middle-aged man in white robe had a gloomy expression on his face.

"I don't seek death, but you come to kill me, then I don't mind everyone dying together." Tang Tianxiong said indifferently.

"Do you think that I won't be able to kill you?" The middle-aged man in white robe said coldly.

"Come on, come and kill me." Tang Tianxiong suddenly slapped the table and stood up, glaring at each other, and said angrily: "What is it that keeps saying that it wants my Tang Tianxiong's life, wants to kill me Tang Tianxiong, come on, let me see who dares to do it. "

Bai Jingxuan and old man Bai looked at each other, although they both knew that this mafia tycoon was not simple, but they did not expect that Tang Tianxiong would do such a thing.

As for the middle-aged man in the white robe, his face was ashen. He clenched his fists with both hands, and he seemed to be unable to bear it.

However, in the end, the middle-aged man in the white robe did not make a move after all. He let go of his fist and said slowly: "Tang Tianxiong, I remember you. When you walk out of this room, I promise, it will be yours." Time to die, let's go."

With a wave of his hand, the middle-aged man in the white robe walked out first. The old man gave Tang Tianxiong a deep look, and led Bai Jingxuan to follow behind.

"Not even ready to die, play with me?" Seeing the backs of the three leaving, Tang Tianxiong said dismissively with a chuckle.

When the three of them left, Tang Tianxiong pressed the mechanism with his big hand, and immediately, candy sprayed out from the muzzles of several guns... This used to be Tang Tian's playroom, but he later changed it into an office.

Picking up a candy casually, peeling off the icing and stuffing it into his mouth, Tang Tianxiong smiled again, then picked up his phone and called Tang Tian.

"Ami, tell Jiang Chen for me to transfer 24 million to me within [-] hours." Tang Tianxiong said loudly.

On the other end of the phone, Tang Tian was stunned for a moment, then jumped up, her voice was louder: "What do you mean, you are cheating on your daughter and me. You clearly know that Jiang Chen's money is my money."

"Why, let him, the son-in-law, cheat on my father-in-law, but I, the father-in-law, can't cheat on him. One hundred million, not a penny less." Tang Tianxiong blew his beard and stared.

"What happened?" Tang Tian asked strangely.

"It's nothing, it's just that there is a guy who wants to kill me, and I scared him away...By the way, are those organ candies of yours expired? Why do I get stuffed between my teeth?" Tang Tianxiong asked.

"How many years have you put it? It must have expired. You are so old, why are you still eating candy?" Tang Tian rolled her eyes.

Tang Tianxiong spat out the candy with a bah, grinned his teeth and said, "Then tell Jiang Chen that the candy at home has expired, and ask him to transfer [-] million to buy candy for me."

"I'll send you a truckload of candies tomorrow, so you can eat slowly." Tang Tian smiled and hung up the phone quickly.

"You won't be able to stay in a female university." Tang Tianxiong sighed, turned his head, looked at An Xie's organ candy, and couldn't help laughing out loud...

(End of this chapter)

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