genius evil

Chapter 449 Thank you, go to hell

Chapter 449 Thank you, go to hell

Killing people is of course not a big deal, at least for Jiang Chen.

Because under normal circumstances, Jiang Chen would be very simple and direct, or even extremely rough, to get rid of the other party.

But this time, it's different.

It has been premeditated for a long time and arranged in many ways for the final result. In this way, invisibly, the act of killing this time can be called art and greatness!

After leaving the Huayuan District where Mei Hongyi lived, Jiang Chen drove away alone, so he drove west all the way for about half an hour, and the car stopped at the peak of a mountain.

This is a small tourist attraction that has been developed, but it was late, and there were no tourists on the mountain. On the top of the mountain, a figure in white robe stood alone.

Below it is a cliff hundreds of meters deep, like a knife and an axe.

Below the cliff, there was a faint sound of water flow, and the turbulent water flow circled past, breaking the silence of the entire mountain.

"Jiang Chen!"

The car stopped, just as Jiang Chen got out of the car, the white-robed figure suddenly turned to face Jiang Chen's direction, and spit out these two cold words.

"This place is not bad." After getting off the car, Jiang Chen Shi Shiran walked over.

"That's right. After you die, I will throw you down here." Pointing at the cliff with a finger, the white-robed man said in a deep voice.

Grinning and smiling lightly, Jiang Chen said, "Then it will probably take hundreds of years."

"You don't have to wait that long, it will be soon." The white-robed man also grinned, looking at Jiang Chen like he was looking at a dead person.

Then, without waiting for Jiang Chen to reply, the white-robed man continued, "Jiang Chen, are you ready to die?"

"Is it possible to prepare for this kind of thing?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

"It seems that you are not mentally prepared. Then, you can prepare now. If you need it, I will give you time." The white-robed man said lightly, but he was not in a hurry to make a move.

"The scenery on the top of this mountain is not bad." Jiang Chen said with a smack of his mouth.

"Let's take a look while there is still time." The white-robed man laughed.

"Don't you watch it? It's really good." Jiang Chen kindly reminded.

"Tonight is still very long, I have plenty of time, so don't worry." The white-robed man said nonchalantly.

"Since you don't want to watch it, then don't waste your time, let's do it." Sighing, Jiang Chen expressed regret.

"Oh, are you so impatient to die? Of course I will help you." The white-robed man said, the aura on his body suddenly changed as he spoke. With the biting mountain wind, it swept towards Jiang Chen.

"This again?" Jiang Chen was helpless.

Earlier, when he met Mei Lanting for the first time, Mei Lanting used this method. Now, this man in white robe is also using this method. Don't they know that this kind of behavior is very stupid?


The breath was released, and seeing Jiang Chen not responding, the man in white robe couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Breath, although it is a very mysterious thing, this thing is like temperament, it can be seen but cannot be touched, but just like a superior person, there is always a kind of breath that is close to the body, which makes people unable to resist submitting.

He, Bai Yu, has cultivated for many years, and has had countless human lives on his hands. His aura is vicious and stern, and just this aura is enough to shake the minds of ordinary people.

Jiang Chen didn't respond, which either meant that Jiang Chen was slow to react, or that Jiang Chen's mind was extremely strong.And the greatest possibility naturally belongs to the second point.

The strength of a person's mind often means that he has extremely rich experience and experience. However, Jiang Chen is only seventeen or eighteen years old. No matter how rich his experience and experience are, how rich can he go?
This is exactly where Bai Yu felt quite astonished.

"No wonder, when I asked Mei Lanting whether he admired this kid, Mei Lanting told me that when I saw this kid, I would have an answer... This kid is really good." Bai Yu said secretly in his heart.

"Hey, I told you to act, don't be in a daze." Jiang Chen urged impatiently.

"Shut up." Bai Yu was sullen, and when he moved his feet, a gust of cold wind was brought up, and he rushed towards Jiang Chen, clenched his right hand and smashed it head-on.

"In this way, it's a bit interesting." Jiang Chen nodded.

Seeing Bai Yu's punch rushing towards him, Jiang Chen stood still. At the same time, he twisted his waist slightly, clenched his fist, and punched it.


Two fists collided viciously in mid-air.

Like a crushing machine for human flesh, Bai Yu pushed forward vigorously. When the figure stopped, he appeared at Jiang Chen's position.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen's figure was swaying, he staggered a few times, and stepped back ten steps one after another, barely stabilizing his figure.

His face was pale, his whole body was full of qi and blood, his internal organs seemed to be about to burst... This was Jiang Chen's body feeling after a punch, and this was exactly the powerhouse of the seventh-level cultivation base of Gu Wu Houtian , possessed of terrorist combat power.

"Boy, you have said so many big words, I thought you have some ability, you can't even take a mere punch from me?" Bai Yu said dismissively.

Smiling, Jiang Chen stuck out his tongue, licked the slightly dry corners of his lips, and said with a faint smile, "This is just the beginning, isn't it? Maybe, I will surprise you."

"Then I'm looking forward to it, what kind of surprise can you give me?" With a cold snort, Bai Yu charged at Jiang Chen again, and punched again.

A simple punch, straight and ruthless, without any fancy, this is the embodiment of pure physical strength.

"Punch me again." Bai Yu shouted.

"One punch is enough." Jiang Chen said casually, without dodging or evading, exhaled loudly, clenched his fist, and directly bumped into it.


His body shook, Jiang Chen stepped back again, still about ten steps back, before forcibly stopping.

"It's really good strength. My bones are almost blown apart by you." Jiang Chen sighed in admiration.

"Don't worry, I will help you and blow every bone in your body." Bai Yu sneered, and made a third punch. He wanted to see how many punches Jiang Chen could receive before he fell down.







Another punch, another punch, Bai Yu's attack method remains the same, directly crushing Jiang Chen with strength, every time Jiang Chen is bound to be thrown back.

After the fifth punch, Jiang Chen opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood. His body was shaking like a willow in the wind, as if he might fall down at any time.

"What about the agreed upon surprise?" Bai Yu sneered, looking at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

"It's not yet time, let's continue." Shaking his head, trying to keep his consciousness clear, Jiang Chen's voice became a little vague.

"No more, die!" Roaring, Bai Yu threw out all his strength, and the sixth punch violently blasted at Jiang Chen.


It was as if there was a sound of bones breaking, one sound at a time, which made one's scalp tingle slightly.

Jiang Chen's whole body was hit by Bai Yu's punch, like a cannonball, he fell backwards and hit the ground heavily.

"Things beyond their means." With a sneer, Bai Yu walked towards Jiang Chen step by step.

He knew that Jiang Chen wasn't dead, he was just injured a little bit.

This is a murder, not a martial arts contest, there is no end to it... He came to kill Jiang Chen, the time and place were all decided by him, this place was carefully selected by him to bury Jiang Chen's bones.

"Ahem..." Coughing violently a few times, Jiang Chen struggled and got up from the ground. His breath was sluggish, and even his eyes were filled with a faint blood red.

"Jiang Chen, I think, you should be mentally prepared now, right?" Walking towards Jiang Chen, Bai Yu asked word by word.

"What about you, have you ever been mentally prepared?" Jiang Chen said casually, with his head raised slightly, and wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth.

"The dead duck has a hard mouth." Bai Yu was angry.

But at this time, Bai Yu suddenly saw that Jiang Chen raised his head and laughed. First, there was only a little smile at the corner of his mouth, and then the smile gradually enlarged until it turned into a loud laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Frowning, Bai Yu asked.

"If I tell you that there are at least a hundred ways to kill you, do you believe it or not?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Bai Yu's question, but asked.

"Are you an idiot?" Bai Yu scolded coldly.

Jiang Chen has become like this, and he is still talking so much. What is the difference between this and an idiot talking about dreams?
"I have a hundred ways to kill you, that is to say, you missed a hundred ways to die." Jiang Chen curled his lips and said.

"Really? Next, are you going to kill me?" Bai Yu said mockingly.

"That's right, that's why I kindly asked you, but I was mentally prepared." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"Although I don't listen to jokes very much, I have to say that your joke made me laugh." Bai Yu smiled with neither yin nor yang.

Jiang Chen made a move at this moment.

Before, he had always accepted the moves passively and had never made a move. This was the first time he had taken the initiative to make a move.

The way of attacking was no different from Bai Yu's, it was the same as a punch, bluntly, and blasted out.

"Death to me."

Seeing Jiang Chen make a move, a violent light flashed in Bai Yu's eyes, without any hesitation, he punched him right away.


After the punch, Bai Yu moved her feet and subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

"You—" Looking at Jiang Chen in amazement, Bai Yu's expression changed slightly.

Previously, he had always pushed Jiang Chen horizontally in a crushing manner, leaving Jiang Chen with no room to fight back, but Jiang Chen's punch actually knocked him back.

"I will give you a surprise as agreed, and then, you can enjoy the surprise I gave you." Jiang Chen said with a blank face, and made the second punch.




One punch after another, the fists are as dense as raindrops, and the time interval between each punch will not exceed three seconds, which means that every time Jiang Chen punches, until the reaction caused by the collision is resolved There is no time to even think.

Jiang Chen didn't have time to think, and Bai Yu naturally didn't have it either, so he could only be quite passive, constantly receiving Jiang Chen's bombardment.

In the beginning, although Jiang Chen was able to push Bai Yu back, he retreated even more, and then slowly, the two gradually became evenly matched. After these dozen or so punches passed, Bai Yu was horrified to find that the body on Jiang Chen The breath has changed.

"This is, what's going on?" Bai Yu couldn't understand at all.

"Thank you, you can go to die." Jiang Chen said softly, and shot with a punch.

After the violent bang, a figure, like a kite with a broken string, fell back hard... That was, Bai Yu!

(End of this chapter)

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