genius evil

Chapter 450 A Method of Killing

Chapter 450 One Hundred Ways To Kill
He fell heavily on the ground, opened his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of blood. Bai Yu's body was in severe pain, and he felt that his internal organs were about to be smashed to pieces by Jiang Chen's punch.

Bai Yu only felt that his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't understand what happened. He was obviously crushing Jiang Chen, so how could it be that Jiang Chen crushed him?
Moreover, Bai Yu could see very clearly that Jiang Chen had never hidden his strength from the beginning to the end.

After all, if Jiang Chen didn't hesitate to be injured by him in order to hide his strength, Jiang Chen would have to be insane to do such a thing.

However, since he never hid his strength, Jiang Chen's strength suddenly exploded, which made Bai Yu feel that his IQ was not enough.

"No, Jiang Chen said thank you... Could it be that he made a breakthrough during the battle?" Soon, Bai Yu realized that the situation was not as simple as he thought, and came to a conclusion.

After reaching this conclusion, Bai Yu's complexion suddenly changed, she lowered her head, and spat out another big mouthful of blood.

Jiang Chen walked towards Jiang Chen, and said casually: "I said, I will give you a surprise, you don't believe it, you should believe it now? I said again, I have a hundred ways to kill you, this question, you now , can also be believed."

Talking casually, Jiang Chen took out a pistol and aimed it at Bai Yu's head.

"Shameless!" Bai Yu cursed loudly.

Jiang Chen was actually carrying a gun with him... No matter how good his martial arts were, he was still afraid of bullets.

No matter how unwilling Bai Yu was, he had to admit that if Jiang Chen had just brought out the gun from the beginning, he would definitely be dead now.

This was one of the hundred ways Jiang Chen wanted to kill him.

"It's not shameless, it can only be said to use strengths and avoid weaknesses. Just like in the era of cold weapons, a good knife and a good sword are sought after by thousands of people. In the era of hot weapons, killing people with guns is much more efficient than killing people with fists. "Jiang Chen said very indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, you are an ancient martial arts cultivator. If you use a gun to kill people, you are not afraid that the news will spread and make you laugh?" Bai Yu said fiercely. Being pointed at by Jiang Chen with a gun like that, Bai Yu's scalp felt numb for a while.

"I've always paid more attention to practicality. Can things like face be taken for granted?" Jiang Chen said with narrowed eyes.

"You—" Bai Yu choked, a little speechless.

Gritting her teeth tightly, after a while, Bai Yucai said: "Jiang Chen, I lost... But, I don't understand why you didn't just take out your gun and shoot at me, what you did was completely superfluous. "

"It's not easy to have such a good training partner, how can I be willing to let you die so soon." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Sure enough, you broke through." Bai Yu nearly gritted his teeth, and opened his mouth to spit out another mouthful of blood.


Jiang Chen regarded him as a training partner, and this situation was even more uncomfortable than sending him a bullet directly.

The majestic master of Baishan Sect was being teased by such a young man, Bai Yu felt that he was really aggrieved.

"That's why I want to thank you..." Jiang Chen said lazily, and casually pulled the trigger, ending Bai Yu's life.

After the gunshots rang out, I heard the sound of a roaring engine, and a car rushed up from the foot of the mountain with its headlights on.

It was a black Bentley, the door opened, and a figure hurried out.

"Dead?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

"Dead." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Why did it take so long?" Sleeping Beauty complained a bit.

After Jiang Chen drove up the mountain, she waited at the foot of the mountain. The two parties agreed that the gunshots would be used as a signal. When the gunshots sounded, she would drive up.

Sleeping Beauty waited at the foot of the mountain for a long time, a little worried about Jiang Chen's safety... You know, according to the agreement between her and Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen shot and killed Bai Yu directly after meeting him.

As Jiang Chen said, killing people with bullets is completely different from killing people with fists.

Even though, if news of killing people with bullets spreads out and the ancient martial arts practitioners know about it, Jiang Chen is likely to arouse public outrage... But so what, he can't be eagerly sent to his death, can he?

Sleeping Beauty was still a little worried that Jiang Chen would be stupid and wouldn't shoot. After worrying for a long time, she finally heard the gunshot, and hurriedly motioned for Uncle Zhong to drive up.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was fine and Sleeping Beauty complained, he was greatly relieved.

"I'm not a quick shooter." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"No." Sleeping Beauty looked at Jiang Chen, was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Did you fight Bai Yu?"

Taking another look at Bai Yu who was sent a bullet by Jiang Chen, he suddenly saw that Bai Yu was also injured, so he couldn't help asking: "You still defeated Bai Yu?"

"Sleeping Beauty, you can't believe what's going on with your tone of voice, you have to believe in my strength as your man." Jiang Chen said smugly.

Sleeping Beauty couldn't laugh or cry, but at the same time she was a little shocked.

Because Sleeping Beauty is very clear that Bai Yu is not simple, the majestic master of Baishan Gate, Gu Wu Hou Tian's cultivation base, with such a cultivation base, looking at the ancient martial arts world, he can be regarded as one of the best masters.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Chen defeated Bai Yu.

Then, what kind of cultivation is Jiang Chen?
"You're hurt, don't talk yet, get in the car and rest for a while." Sleeping Beauty said.

"Sleeping Beauty, come here first and give me a hug." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The Sleeping Beauty didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she still walked over. Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and wrapped the Sleeping Beauty into his arms. Immediately, his body softened and he lost his balance.

Sleeping Beauty was startled, she quickly supported Jiang Chen, and asked anxiously, "Jiang Chen, are you okay?"

"I can't die, I'll be fine after a night of rest, don't be nervous." Jiang Chen leaned into Sleeping Beauty's hair, took a deep breath, and looked intoxicated.

Sleeping Beauty's head is full of black lines. This man has become like this, yet he still doesn't forget to take advantage of her. He really doesn't change his mind.

However, Jiang Chen could still take advantage of it, and it was also to reassure Sleeping Beauty. He helped Jiang Chen get into the Land Rover, drove himself, and headed down the mountain.

Uncle Zhong, after disposing of Bai Yu's body, drove into the Bentley and followed closely behind.

Jiang Chen fought with Bai Yu and forcibly broke through, which is not without risk. If there was a slight mistake, he did not break through, but died in Bai Yu's hands.

But everything has risks, Jiang Chen didn't want to miss this excellent opportunity.

Borrowing Bai Yu's attack, forcibly stimulating the blood in the body, opening the tendons and bones... This breakthrough method is undoubtedly more direct and more effective than quenching the body with medicinal liquid.

However, in this way, the sequelae are quite obvious. After the First World War, Jiang Chen was exhausted. This is why Jiang Chen would call Sleeping Beauty when he was fighting Bai Yu. He needed a A safe environment to ensure that you will not be disturbed after breaking through.

"Fifth Body Tempering Level!" Jiang Chen murmured to himself, rather high-spirited, no matter what, it was worth it!

Sleeping Beauty drove directly and brought Jiang Chen into the nursing home.

"Sleeping Beauty, it's getting late, you should go to bed." Entering the small villa, Jiang Chen said.

With a glance at Bai Jiangchen, Sleeping Beauty helped Jiang Chen upstairs and entered the bedroom...


White House.

This night, for the Bai family, is destined not to be a peaceful night.

All the children of the family were restricted from going out that night, and in the main villa, a family meeting hosted by Mr. Bai himself was being held.

This family meeting was attended by important family members of the Bai family. The white tree whose head was shot by Zhou Ji with a wine bottle and whose head was wrapped in gauze was also on the list.

"Master Bai said that we must not disturb the fight between him and Jiang Chen, but according to the agreed time, news will come back soon." Old Master Bai said slowly.

All the people looked at old man Bai and quietly listened to what old man Bai said.

"This family meeting is mainly to make a plan for the future development direction of the Bai family. If you have any suggestions, let's talk casually." The old man Bai said again.

"After Jiang Chen's death, whether it is the Tang family or the Xu family, they will lose their backbone. I think that since these two families are so ignorant, there is no need for them to exist." Bai Jingxuan was the first to say.

Especially when the Tang family was mentioned, Bai Jingxuan hated it even more.

"Besides, I think that this time, the Tong family and the Guan family both wooed Jiang Chen by coincidence. They obviously didn't take my Bai family seriously. It's time for them to remember." Soon, Bai Jingxuan Said again.

"Don't pay attention to the Tong family and the Guan family for the time being. It's doomed to be difficult. But the Tang family and the Xu family should really let them understand that our Bai family cannot be provoked." Mr. Bai said lightly.

"Old man, there is also Ji's family, that Ji Feng, who is too showy recently." Bai Shu said.

"Ji Feng, it's just a clown." Bai Jingxuan said indifferently.

"Although he is a clown, Ji Feng has some ability. It would be best if he can be recruited and used by my Bai family. If he can't be recruited, he can just be wiped away." Mr. Bai made a conclusion on this matter.

Following this chorus, the atmosphere at the scene soon became lively.

The Bai family has endured for too long, and has been aggrieved for too long, all of which is to make them think that, as the head of the three major families in Tiannan City, the Bai family can be manipulated by anyone.

This bad breath is suffocating in everyone's heart, everyone is impatient, looking forward to a big fight, looking forward to elated.

They are all gearing up, impassioned, and making suggestions for a better tomorrow of the Bai family.

Both Mr. Bai and Bai Jingxuan were very satisfied with the outcome of the meeting.

This family meeting was held at this time, and it was originally intended by Mr. Bai...Because of Jiang Chen, the morale of the family members within the Bai family was low, and people's hearts were chaotic. The purpose of this meeting was to stir up people's hearts. Re-establish the style of the Bai family family!
As for the so-called attack on the Xu family of the Tang family, or the Guan family of the Tong family, after Jiang Chen's death, it is a matter of course. It is to let the family members understand a problem, that is, the Bai family has not been weakened, on the contrary, the Bai family is still as strong as ever, and will soon become even stronger.

"Old man, there are people outside who want to see you." Just as the family meeting was in full swing, a servant suddenly ran in and whispered in old man Bai's ear.

"Who?" Old Master Bai frowned. At this time, who would want to see him?

"Tang Tianxiong." The servant replied.

"Tang Tianxiong?" He was slightly surprised, and immediately, Old Man Bai smiled and said, "Since he wants to see me, let him in..."

At this moment, Mr. Bai was in high spirits, and he seemed to be talking about youth madness. He was a little curious, what kind of purpose did Tang Tianxiong have when he came to see him at this time!
(End of this chapter)

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