genius evil

Chapter 452 Everyone Has Ambitions

Chapter 452 Everyone Has Ambitions

"Sleeping Beauty, did you sleep well last night?" At around nine o'clock in the morning, at the dining table in the small villa of the nursing home, Jiang Chen looked at Sleeping Beauty and asked with a half-smile.

Sleeping Beauty's skin is white and greasy, but there are two light blushes on her face without makeup, which makes her look extremely gorgeous. The best rouge color in the world is probably no more than this.

Feeling helpless, she rolled Jiang Chen's eyes, Sleeping Beauty gritted her teeth, and said, "Not good."

She had to take care of Jiang Chen last night, so she didn't sleep much, and when Jiang Chen woke up early in the morning, he tossed her hard for more than an hour. At this time, she was a little sleepy while eating breakfast.

However, from the length and strength of Jiang Chen tossing her, Sleeping Beauty knew that Jiang Chen's body was completely fine.

"It just so happens that I didn't sleep well last night, why don't we go to sleep for a while after breakfast?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

The evil expression is like luring a little girl to eat a lollipop.

How could Sleeping Beauty know what Jiang Chen was planning, and said, "It's a mess outside, can you still sleep?"

"Those have nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"The Tong family and the Guan family may not be able to sit still." Sleeping Beauty reminded.

"Well, Sleeping Beauty, you don't eat much, you can't tell, it turns out that you have such a big appetite, and you became a fat beauty after eating carefully." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I heard that there is a little beauty in the Tong family." Looking at Jiang Chen, the Sleeping Beauty also said with a smile.

"Hey, who did you hear it from? How come I don't know?" Jiang Chen looked very surprised.

"That little beauty is called a fairy tale." Sleeping Beauty said unhurriedly.

"The name is good, the person lives up to the name, she must be a little beauty." Jiang Chen said decisively.


Outside the nursing home, a black car was parked there. The driver stood beside the car. When he saw Jiang Chen coming out of the car, he respectfully opened the door and let Jiang Chen get in the car.

The car left quickly. The driver was driving, and accidentally glanced at Jiang Chen through the rearview mirror. Seeing Jiang Chen's weird look, he couldn't help asking nervously, "Young Master Jiang, are you... all right?"

"If you come later, something will happen." Jiang Chen sighed.

When Sleeping Beauty mentioned fairy tales, there were clearly thorns in her words, and those thorns were still very sharp.

In this world, there probably won't be a woman who is truly not jealous, how can Sleeping Beauty be an exception?But one thing Jiang Chen can be sure of is that Sleeping Beauty must have been stimulated by his phrase "Fat beauty".

But naturally, Jiang Chen didn't intend to touch the Tong family and the Guan family, and naturally it had nothing to do with the little beauties of the Tong family, but rather, there was no such need at all.

The car soon arrived at the Dingtian Building. Downstairs, a row of people were waiting, and the person standing at the front was none other than Tang Tianxiong.

"Father-in-law, what's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked after getting off the car.

"My son-in-law, I specially arranged to welcome you, how about it?" Tang Tianxiong said triumphantly.

After saying this, the two of them looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Tang Tianxiong was the biggest beneficiary of the confrontation between Jiang Chen, the Bai family and the Baishan Gate, but of course the two would not explain the specific reasons.

Tang Tianxiong was very proud of his spring breeze. Whether it was his clothes or the expression on his face, he was full of arrogance.

Mensao Sao.

"At first I wanted to make a call to ask Ami to come back, but after thinking about it, I felt that it was unnecessary. It would be good for the two of us to chat." Entering the office, Tang Tianxiong poured two cups of tea with his own hands, and pushed one to Jiang Chen. , said on the lips.

After saying this, Tang Tianxiong was deeply saddened again.

Back then, when Jiang Chen had a commotion in Tiannan City, he made a special trip to meet Jiang Chen and asked Jiang Chen if he wanted to be a spoiler or a destroyer.

The answer Jiang Chen gave him was that he would not be a spoiler or a saboteur, he would seek a third possibility.

Now, Jiang Chen has done it, he is not a spoiler, not a destroyer, he is about to become the rule maker of this city, or, Jiang Chen is already formulating his own rules.

One after the other, it didn't take long. Seeing him building a tall building, seeing his building collapse, Jiang Chen's transformation was dazzling. Such a change, how could Tang Tianxiong not be embarrassed.

Back then, he went from being a gangster who wandered the streets step by step to today, and he has always taken it as his greatest pride, but compared with Jiang Chen's achievements, he was nothing compared to Jiang Chen's achievements, which was not enough.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"Just chat, when do you plan to marry Ami?" Tang Tianxiong asked.

"Just talk about this?" Jiang Chen smiled half-smile.

Tang Tianxiong laughed and said, "I'm just such a daughter. She's very precious. Usually, when someone bullies her, she must be desperate at the first moment..."

Speaking of this, Tang Tianxiong was a little discouraged when he saw that Jiang Chen didn't have much reaction. He changed the subject and said, "I will speed up the processing of the Bai family's matter. What are your plans?"

"No plan." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"There are three major families in Tiannan City, but now, the three major families are not worthy of their names. At this time, they can do something." Tang Tianxiong reminded.

"for example?"

"For example, turn the three major families in Tiannan City into the Jiang family, the Guan family and the Tong family." Tang Tianxiong said seriously, this is the real purpose of his calling Jiang Chen here today.

Everyone is ambitious, the only difference is the size of the ambition, or if it is further subdivided, the size of the ability to realize that ambition.

Tang Tianxiong is naturally ambitious. Once upon a time, the three major families were superior, and the rest of the families were struggling to survive. It's not that he didn't want to lead the Tang family to make further progress, but it was too difficult.

People with vested interests have already drawn red lines so that no one can go beyond the rules.

The fate of the Song family can be said to be a living example.

Although the Song family declined rapidly because of Jiang Chen, but behind that, after all, there were still the shadows of the three major families behind it.

The three major families do not want their interests to be divided up, so the end of the Song family, even without Jiang Chen, was doomed early on.

Under this general situation, even if Tang Tianxiong had ambitions, he must be suppressed.

But now, the situation is different. Tang Tianxiong doesn't need to suppress it any more. A brand new and great opportunity is right in front of him. Grasping this opportunity will definitely create a new situation in Tiannan City.

"It sounds quite interesting." Jiang Chen smiled.

"So, you also have the will in this regard?" Tang Tianxiong's eyes lit up, and he said hastily.

"If I say no, will you be disappointed?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Huh?" Tang Tianxiong frowned slightly.

"Someone told me before that Yilan City is too small, and Tiannan City is actually quite small." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Eh—" Tang Tianxiong looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

Yilan City is indeed very small, not only the city is small, but also the layout.

In Tiannan City, according to Tang Tianxiong's feeling, the layout must be enough, at least for him, it is definitely enough.

But Jiang Chen said that Tiannan City is too small.

This means that Jiang Chen looks down on being placed in a Jiang family among the three major families, even if the Jiang family ranks first among the new three major families.

"In this regard, I don't have much will. Of course, if you always have this idea, I am quite willing to support it." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"The Tang family? The Guan family? The Bai family?" Tang Tianxiong murmured.

"Sounds pretty good." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, you should think clearly, this is not just a false name." Taking a deep breath, Tang Tianxiong said.

All the things were done by Jiang Chen, Tang Tianxiong didn't have the idea of ​​overstepping his authority, and, sooner or later, his family business would be handed over to Tang Tian, ​​whether it was the Jiang family or the Tang family, it didn't matter too much. big difference.

Of course, deep down in Tang Tianxiong's heart, in his private heart, there is still a little difference.

Jiang Chen didn't like it, and was willing to push the Tang family, which made Tang Tianxiong's heart thump.

"Perhaps, I will still be interested in the Seven Great Families of China." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

To be honest, Jiang Chen really didn't care much about the three major families in Tiannan City.

The names of the three major families sound nice to say the least, but they are just nice.

However, Tang Tianxiong had wishes and ideas, but Jiang Chen didn't mind at all, let the Tang family go a step further... Think of it as making this future father-in-law happy?
"In the future, when Ami and I get married, all you need is a dowry." Jiang Chen laughed.

"No, absolutely not." Tang Tianxiong waved his hands broadly, and said in an old-fashioned way: "Raising a daughter is different from raising a son... the dowry is not only indispensable, but also more, anyway, you have money. "

"The Tang family has such a large family business, it shouldn't be easy to go bankrupt, right?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

Tang Tianxiong's face changed, and he cursed: "Damn boy, you are threatening me."

"Oh, I just think, anyway, I'm so rich, it doesn't matter if you always have money or not, just retire early and enjoy the happiness?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"It's really not easy to raise a daughter. You'll know when you have a daughter in the future." Tang Tianxiong said shyly, "However, as long as you treat Ami well, it doesn't matter whether the dowry is a dowry or not. It's too vulgar to talk about money. , drink tea."

Jiang Chen sat with Tang Tianxiong for about an hour. Originally, Tang Tianxiong insisted on inviting him to dinner, but Jiang Chen flatly refused.

Just after walking out of the Dingtian Building, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

"Jiang Shao, it's me, Han Ye, do you have time these two days? My marriage with Qi Qian has been finalized, and it will be the day after tomorrow." After the call was connected, Han Ye spoke from the other end of the phone with a slightly excited voice. came.

"So fast?" Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment.

"Young Master Jiang, it's not too late. I've asked for marriage several times." Han Ye was so excited that he talked nonsense, and asked again: "Young Master Jiang, Xiaoqian asked me about my bridesmaid, you must have found a good bridesmaid." right?"

In the afternoon, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi were shopping in a large shopping mall in Tiannan City.

"Jiang Chen, what do you want to buy?" Mei Hongyi asked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen said he wanted to buy something, so he called her to come out. Although Mei Hongyi was very puzzled that Jiang Chen would call her to go shopping together, but he happened to have time, so he came over.

However, after shopping around for quite a while, Jiang Chen didn't buy anything, so Mei Hongyi couldn't help asking.

"Let me ask you a question, have you ever seen a bridesmaid at a wedding who was dressed in black?" Jiang Chen just asked.

"I haven't attended a wedding... But, I probably haven't." After thinking about it, Mei Hongyi said.

The groomsmen did wear black and black suits, but the bridesmaids wore black, which is very strange when you think about it.

"It is precisely because of this that the problem arises, you need to buy a skirt." Jiang Chen took the opportunity to say.

"You want to take me to the wedding? You want me to be a bridesmaid?" Mei Hongyi quickly realized and asked vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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