genius evil

Chapter 453 My Girlfriend

Chapter 453 My Girlfriend
"I have thoughts in this regard." Since Mei Hongyi guessed it, Jiang Chen honestly admitted.

"And what about you, aren't you the best man?" Mei Hongyi asked warily again.

"Although I know that I am too handsome, and I can easily cover up the groom's demeanor, but what does your disgusting look mean?" Jiang Chen asked in confusion.

"I won't go." Mei Hongyi refused.

It was quite strange for her to be a bridesmaid, and what was even more strange was that Jiang Chen was going to be a best man.

What's more, it's really hard for Mei Hongyi to imagine Jiang Chen being the best man. The style of painting is completely wrong... Could it be that this guy just has nothing to do except occasionally do some cruel and outrageous things? Specialize in something that looks boring but is even more boring doing?

"I've already promised the other party for you." Jiang Chen smiled.

"You..." Mei Hongyi was so angry that she was going to die. What is the relationship between her and Jiang Chen? How could Jiang Chen make his own decisions?Moreover, she doesn't know who is getting married.

"Don't worry, the bride is not as beautiful as you." Jiang Chen said.

"That's not the point." Mei Hongyi said angrily, "I mean, I don't know your friends at all. What does their marriage have to do with me?"

"You can think of it as a rehearsal for our future marriage." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Rehearsal...rehearsal?" Mei Hongyi was dumbfounded.

"I know you're definitely moved." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Mei Hongyi turned around and was about to leave. Ever since she pretended to be a boyfriend and girlfriend and staged the daily life of a boyfriend and girlfriend, she felt that something was wrong. She and Jiang Chen were going to the wedding with Jiang Chen as the best man and bridesmaid. It turned into a rehearsal for her and Jiang Chen's wedding.

And, the biggest question is, who is going to marry Jiang Chen?Shameless guy!
"Girl in red, did I ask you for anything? Can you take it as a way to save me?" Seeing that Mei Hongyi was about to leave, Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Who told you to talk nonsense." Mei Hongyi said angrily.

"Okay, I'm not talking nonsense, now, I officially invite you to be a bridesmaid, is that okay?" Jiang Chen became serious.

"Let me think about it." After hesitating for a while, Mei Hongyi said.

"You only have 10 minutes to think about it, because soon, the bride-to-be and the groom-to-be will arrive." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Mei Hongyi was taken aback, wouldn't this be driving ducks to the shelves?

Han Ye and Qi Qian arrived on time in 10 minutes.

They came here specially to see Mei Hongyi, to see how the bridesmaid Jiang Chen was looking for. Although they always knew that with Jiang Chen's taste, the woman in the match would definitely not be too bad, but after meeting Mei Hongyi, Han Ye He and Qi Qian were still in a daze.

"Jiang Shao, don't be joking." Han Ye said with a sad face.

It took a lot of courage for him to ask Jiang Chen to be his best man. He knew that his limelight would definitely be snatched away by Jiang Chen.

However, if it's just that, it's fine, Jiang Chen actually finds such a beautiful woman as a bridesmaid. In this way, wouldn't the bride and groom be completely ignored?
Who is getting married?
"Don't talk nonsense." Qi Qian pinched Han Ye hard, telling him to shut up.

"I'm not talking nonsense, this girl is too pretty." Han Ye was really about to cry, but was pinched by Qi Qian.

"It's not intentional to be so beautiful, it's just casual." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Hearing the sound, Mei Hongyi gave Jiang Chen a white look, as if she grew up eating white rice from Jiang Chen's family.

"Sister, I think you are quite suitable, and you are a good pair with Young Master Jiang." Qi Qian said, although it was a surprise that Jiang Chen found such a beautiful woman.

But Qi Qian also knew that Jiang Chen was willing to be the best man, it was to give Han Ye enough face, otherwise, with Jiang Chen's identity, how could he agree?
"Xiaoqian, you are really discerning. Let me introduce, my girlfriend, Hongyi." Jiang Chen pulled Mei Hongyi and formally introduced her.

"My name is Qi Qian, and his name is Han Ye." Qi Qian also introduced, quite the style of a strong woman who is a hero inside and a woman outside.

Then Qi Qian asked again: "Sister in red, I'm really sorry, I really couldn't find a suitable bridesmaid candidate, so I wronged you."

"No...not wronged." Mei Hongyi said aggrievedly, this time, she was really kicked out of the shelves.


Han Ye and Qi Qian's wedding was scheduled for the day after tomorrow, and Jiang Chen had nothing to do, so he just stayed in Tiannan City. By the way, he lived with Mei Hongyi.

For this point, Mei Hongyi firmly refused, but Jiang Chen would not give her a chance to refuse no matter what, and just lived in without saying a word.

The official "cohabitation" life between Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi naturally attracted the attention of many aunts in the community, which directly caused Mei Hongyi's house to be very lively for the next two days.

Aunt Huang and Aunt Yuan have almost become regular customers, and Aunt Yao, who wanted to introduce a partner to her nephew, did not give up and went to inquire about information once. After confirming that Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi were indeed "couples", And after there is no possibility of breaking up in a short period of time, it is completely dead.

In this way, Mei Hongyi almost didn't even dare to leave the door. Jiang Chen played the role of a housewife by the way. Talking about something has won the favor of many people. In a short period of time, the popularity in this garden community has increased greatly. Even the security guards in the community have known this so-called boyfriend of Mei Hongyi.

Mei Hongyi was so angry, she said repeatedly that she would kick Jiang Chen out, otherwise this guy would take the initiative to enter the house, and he would really become the master of the house.

Furthermore, the very important point is that I don't know how Jiang Chen managed to coax a group of aunts into a daze. If she really finds a boyfriend in the future, she might be scolded with a poke on her spine. vixen.

Mei Hongyi wanted to cry without tears. She had a vague feeling that it wasn't that Jiang Chen wanted the fake show to be real, but that if Jiang Chen stayed with her and lived longer, she would have to have the fake show. If you really do it, you will become Jiang Chen's girlfriend.

Fortunately, after staying for only two days, Mei Hongyi breathed a sigh of relief when Han Ye and Qi Qian's wedding time came.

The wedding venue was set at a big hotel in the center of Tiannan City. Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi appeared as best man and bridesmaid.

It's okay for Mei Hongyi to say that she is beautiful, but she is a strange face.

Jiang Chen was different. During this period of time, he was in the limelight in Tiannan City, attracting the attention of countless people, and countless people watched his every move openly and secretly.

After the big movement in the Bai family, many people have been looking forward to Jiang Chen's follow-up actions. Who knew that Jiang Chen would disappear immediately. Just after everyone thought Jiang Chen returned to Yilan City, who knew that Jiang Chen appeared at a wedding , or as a best man.

As a result, the newlyweds, who had been robbed of the limelight by Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi's demeanor, lost even the slightest sense of existence.

Of course, countless people, while paying attention to Jiang Chen, also secretly gave Han Ye a high look.

Han Ye got married and was able to invite Jiang Chen, how much face would it take to do it?Naturally, no one would have imagined it. It wasn't a matter of face at all, but Jiang Chen found this kind of thing interesting and amusing, and he had a good impression of Han Ye, so he was willing to help.

The wedding lasted about two hours. After eating and drinking, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi left first.

"Jiang Shao, thank you so much." Han Ye and Qi Qian sent Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi out of the hotel.

Han Ye didn't think too much about inviting Jiang Chen to be the best man at the beginning, but at the wedding scene, the way some people looked at him made Han Ye realize what kind of feat this was.

For this reason, it is almost conceivable how he will benefit, and those will all be brought to him by Jiang Chen. Perhaps, Jiang Chen does not care about it, but this thank you, Han Ye feels that he is no matter what. All to say.

"You don't need to thank him, this guy just has nothing to do." Mei Hongyi pouted and said.

"Eh..." Han Ye and Qi Qian both had black lines on their heads.

After getting in the car, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi drove away.

"Girl in red, I didn't expect you to look down on me on the surface and be very impatient, but in private, you know me quite well." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, haven't you thought about the impact your coming to Han Ye's wedding will have?" Mei Hongyi asked seriously, ignoring Jiang Chen's nonsense.

I feel that with Jiang Chen's shrewdness, it is impossible not to predict.

"What kind of people do you think Han Ye and Qi Qian are?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Mei Hongyi's question, but asked with a smile.

"They can be regarded as two very good people, and they have no intentions." After thinking about it, Mei Hongyi said.

She hadn't dealt with the two of them very much, but since they met in the mall that day, she had a good first impression, otherwise, even if she was pushed out of the market, she would have to reject it.

And at today's wedding, neither Han Ye nor Qi Qian changed anything because of Jiang Chen's special status, which made Mei Hongyi look up to the two of them.

"Yeah, two very good people. I eat, drink and have fun here. They are happy, and I am also happy. The beauty of adults, why not do it?" Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

"Not everyone thinks as easily as you do." Mei Hongyi reminded.

"If some people want to make things complicated, then let it be." Jiang Chen said indifferently, and didn't mind letting Han Ye take advantage.

"You are really too casual." Mei Hongyi was speechless.

"Girl in red, let me ask you, how do you feel about this wedding?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"No." Without thinking, Mei Hongyi said directly.At the same time, she became vigilant in her heart, thinking about Jiang Chen's intention for asking her such a question, she must answer carefully, otherwise she might fall into Jiang Chen's trap.

"Then, when everyone made a fuss and asked the bride and groom to kiss each other, how did you feel?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"No." Mei Hongyi replied more directly
"You don't, but I do. Do you want to hear my thoughts?" Jiang Chen asked, looking at Mei Hongyi.

"What does your feeling have to do with me?" Mei Hongyi asked to clear the relationship.

"Of course it has something to do with it... because, when those guys were booing, I suddenly had an unusually strong urge to see you standing beside me." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Want to get married impulsively?" Mei Hongyi asked curiously.

"No, I have the urge to kiss you." Jiang Chen said, stepped on the brake, stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around Mei Hongyi's neck, searched for Mei Hongyi's red lips, and kissed viciously...

(End of this chapter)

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