genius evil

Chapter 454 Dedicated to Education

Chapter 454 Dedicated to Education

On the grassland beside the Weiming Lake.

Jiang Chen used his hands as pillows, lying on the grass, squinting his eyes and fell asleep, with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, chewing it time after time, with a relaxed and contented expression.

He drove back from Tiannan City alone this morning. Compared to Tiannan City, Yilan City is undoubtedly a small place. Yilan Middle School, in Yilan City, is only a small place. Can't be any smaller.

But Jiang Chen liked the environment of Yilan Middle School quite a lot. Only here could he be able to relax wholeheartedly.You don't have to calculate, and you don't have to worry about being calculated!
On the cobblestone path, soft footsteps sounded, the girl held a book in her arms, and walked towards Jiang Chen gently.

The girl walked to Jiang Chen's side, sat down on the spot, flipped through the book she carried with her, and soon became addicted to it.

The sky is bright, the lake is sparkling, boys and girls, one lying down and the other sitting, unintentionally, forming a static and beautiful picture scroll.

"Does it look good?" It was Jiang Chen who broke the beauty.

"It's pretty." The girl said.

"What I'm asking is do I look good?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Ah—" The girl was startled.

"When you appeared on the cobblestone path, you stopped three times. When you were sitting here reading a book, you were distracted six times. In total, there were nine times. These nine times were all looking at me furtively." Jiang Chen Said, with a sigh of emotion, "I really look so good-looking."

"How do you know?" The girl's face flushed slightly, she was very shy.

He clearly saw that Jiang Chen's eyes were closed, and he seemed to be asleep, but how could he even notice such a small detail, and what's more, he said it so accurately.

This feeling, to the girl, is like being caught stealing a candy, flustered, like a deer bumping around.

"From your eyes, I noticed a different heat, that heat almost melted my heart." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The girl's heart became more confused, her face turned redder, and she said softly, "When did you come back?"

"When did you come back?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I...yesterday." The girl said.

"I... today." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Saying this, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Come on, lie down." Jiang Chen greeted as he reached out and patted the grass beside him.

Without hesitation, the girl took advantage of the situation and lay down beside Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, this feeling is really good." The girl said in a whisper.

She regretted leaving for such a long time. She went to Denmark to pursue her dream, but it was just a dream after all, and the person beside her was real.

Fortunately, it was not too late, she came back, and he was still here.

Perhaps, some things have changed, but at least, when the two of them were lying here, some things remained unchanged.

"Yes, that's great." Jiang Chen also sighed softly, turned his head, and saw that the girl's eyes were slightly closed, her long eyelashes were blinking slightly, and she was about to fall asleep.

With a knowing smile, Jiang Chen's eyes also quietly closed.

The warm wind was warm, the lakeside was quiet, and they didn't know how long they slept until Jiang Chen's cell phone rang, and the two woke up.

Yawning, Jiang Chen stretched his waist and lazily stood up.

"Jiang Chen, I'll treat you to dinner at noon." The girl also stood up.

"There may not be time." Jiang Chen said truthfully.

"Then... have you decided where to go to college?" The girl suddenly became a little nervous.

"Also...not necessarily." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said.

"If you're sure, please tell me, okay?" The girl's big eyes looked at Jiang Chen with a pleading tone, revealing a light that one couldn't bear to refuse.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Jiang Chen, this is our agreement. If you break the agreement, I will hate you forever." The girl said loudly, holding a book in her arms, and ran away quickly.

"It's such a long life, it's not easy to hate someone." Grinning, Jiang Chen murmured.


A lifetime is very long, but the time for learning is too short too short.

In the new teacher's dormitory building, Tangyue was carefully sorting the tutoring materials prepared for Jiang Chen. She looked a little tired and more helpless.

Jiang Chen disappeared as soon as he said he disappeared, and he disappeared for several days in a row without even saying hello, and he couldn't find anyone, which made Tangyue almost lose his temper and throw away all the materials.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen called her early this morning, and made a serious apology on the phone, which made Tangyue feel a little more at ease, otherwise how could she be in the mood to sort out these materials?
However, even though the hype that Jiang Chen said on the phone was even better than singing, Tangyue would definitely not believe Jiang Chen because of Jiang Chen's own understanding.

It's useless to talk about learning this kind of thing, you need to take practical actions.

Therefore, Tangyue waited for Jiang Chen's actual actions.

When the knock on the door sounded, Tangyue waited for 20 seconds before getting up and going to open the door.

"Teacher Tang, have you looked in the mirror today?" Jiang Chen looked at Tangyue at the door and said with a smile.

"What's wrong?" Tangyue asked puzzled.

"Teacher Tang, if you look in the mirror today, you will find that you are more beautiful than yesterday." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Oh, that means, I wasn't pretty yesterday?" Tangyue asked with a half-smile.

"Teacher Tang, you understand. Of course I don't mean that. I just think that you look even more beautiful today." Jiang Chen's expression seemed to be as sincere as possible.

"It still means that I wasn't pretty yesterday." Tangyue was a little cold.

"Um, Teacher Tang, in this world, is there anyone who is blind and thinks you are not beautiful? If there is such a person, I don't think he is just blind, he must also have a brain problem." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"There is a person who is not blind and has no brain problems, but he just doesn't want to stay with me. Do you know who that person is?" Tangyue asked intentionally.

"Who is that person? Teacher Tang, tell me, and I'll teach him a lesson." Jiang Chen became even more angry.

"Then teach yourself a lesson." Tangyue then said.


Jiang Chen's body suddenly bounced back, hitting the wall behind him heavily, making a dull sound.

"What are you doing?" Tangyue was startled, and quickly reached out to help Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, have you calmed down yet? If not, I'll teach myself a lesson." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

After he knocked on the door, Tangyue waited for 20 seconds before opening the door. How could Jiang Chen not understand that Tangyue deliberately wanted to let herself go for a while... and what Tangyue said, which sounded thorny, actually contained incomparable grievances, Jiang Chen How can I not be clear, I have indeed done a little too much.

Probably, all of Yilan Middle School, except him, would regard studying with Tangyue as a kind of torture. The other boys, no matter how much they don't like studying, will immediately become diligent, just to be able to Spend more time with Tangyue.

This is called a typical person who doesn't know the blessings in the blessings. If Tangyue can calm down, Jiang Chen doesn't mind at all, and he will teach himself a lesson.

"Okay, stop pretending, come in quickly." Tangyue said angrily.

This guy taught her a lesson, scaring her half to death.

Jiang Chen giggled, followed Jiang Chen into the room, and said, "Teacher Tang, I'm really not pretending. I'm going to change my face, be a new person, and come to accept your re-education."

"Am I a prison here?" Tangyue was a little annoyed.

"Yes." Jiang Chen said seriously.


"It's the prison of my heart, lock my heart here firmly." Jiang Chen said affectionately.

With her pink face flushed slightly, Tangyue said embarrassedly: "It's just that I can keep your heart, but I can't keep your people, right?"

"The heart has been kept, and people will keep it sooner or later. It depends on how you behave, Teacher Tang... You know, Teacher Tang, I really want to keep people here." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"I'm just your math teacher, but now I want to teach you English, Chinese, and comprehensive, how do you want me to behave?" Tangyue said deliberately, not giving Jiang Chen a chance to talk nonsense. .

"Those who are able work hard, haha..." Jiang Chen laughed dryly.

"There is still one week before the college entrance examination. Although I have arranged a tutoring plan for you in this week, it is your own business whether you study according to the plan. However, if you do not pass the entrance examination, I am satisfied. University, I will never forgive you." Tangyue said angrily.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and said embarrassingly, "Teacher Tang, I have to ask you, how high is the threshold for a university you are satisfied with?"

"The top ten universities in China." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, otherwise, you can just kill me." Jiang Chen drooped his brows and eyes.

"Get out!" Tangyue said, pointing at the door.

"Teacher Tang is just one of the top ten universities in China. How could it be difficult for me? I'm a genius..." Jiang Chen grinned, ran over to pick up a piece of information, and said, "But you know, Teacher Tang. I am very lazy, so I have to be motivated to study hard, Teacher Tang, can you give me some rewards, so that I can be stimulated?"

"What reward do you want?" Tangyue said hesitantly.

Tangyue decided that if Jiang Chen could really get into the top ten universities in China, he could agree to any request, as long as the request was not excessive.

"It's very simple, wait for my title on the gold list, Teacher Tang, will you be my girlfriend for a day? How about it?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"One day?" Tangyue was taken aback for a moment.

"Originally, I wanted a lifetime. If Teacher Tang thinks that one day is too short, I don't mind turning this day into a lifetime." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"One day!" Tangyue said hastily.

It's only one day, and it will pass quickly. Let's think of it as dedicating yourself to the cause of education in the motherland, Tangyue thought in her heart, as if she was going to hypnotize herself!

(End of this chapter)

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