genius evil

Chapter 455 Our Youth

Chapter 455 Our Youth

The time for the college entrance examination is approaching day by day.

Although, in the senior three class, the countdown time of the college entrance examination is updated every day on the blackboard in the classroom, in order to let the students hurry up and not relax in the slightest.

However, when the time entered the penultimate week, this time period was like a watershed, which made the nerves of all the third-year students tense.

Jiang Chen was also conscious, allowing himself to invest in it.

On this day, Jiang Chen stayed in Tangyue's dormitory until the evening before he was able to come out to take a breath of fresh air.

In the cafeteria, Jiang Chen dined with Xu Anqi and Tang Yue.

"Jiang Chen, when did you become so attentive?" Seeing that Jiang Chen was eating with a big mouthful while holding an English dictionary, reciting it vaguely, speaking with a thick imitation accent of which country he didn't know, Jiang Yanyan felt a little bad all over.

She got up very early today, and she didn't see the sun come out from the west.

Since the sun didn't come out from the west, could it be that Jiang Chen's nerve was wrong?But this scene is really scary.

"Hurry up and eat, and go back to the classroom to read after eating. The college entrance examination is one week away. Time is life, and you don't have much time left." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, you took the wrong medicine." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

I don't know why, the words that other people said were extremely normal and full of encouragement, but when they came out of Jiang Chen's mouth, they were extremely awkward.

"Student Yanyan, do you know why people go to college?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What do you ask me for?" Jiang Yanyan was very puzzled.

"There is an old saying that if you are ugly, you need to study more. Look at you, you don't have a boyfriend in junior high school, and you don't have a boyfriend in high school. Maybe after you go to college, some men will fall in love with you? It's not possible. You can still go to graduate school, do a doctorate, and if you go on like this, there will always be a chance to meet a blind man." Jiang Chen said.

"What do you mean, you have to work hard to get into college so that you can find a blind girlfriend?" Jiang Yanyan retorted.

"No, I'm going to save more single girls." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Ouch!" Jiang Yanyan pretended to vomit.

Xu Anqi chuckled, and said, "Yanyan, don't disturb Jiang Chen, let's eat quickly."

"I can't see him putting on a show." Jiang Yanyan curled her lips.

"Student Yanyan, this is your fault, what do you mean I'm putting on a show, come on, you test me quickly." Jiang Chen expressed his anger, and reached out to throw the English dictionary to Jiang Yanyan.

"How to take the test?" Jiang Yanyan asked interestingly, feeling that Jiang Chen was definitely bringing shame on himself.

"Whatever." Jiang Chen was full of confidence.

"Whatever?" Jiang Yanyan smiled and said, "Don't think that memorizing a few words is a big deal. This is too pediatric. You can dictate a [-]-word English composition in English."

"I won't." Jiang Chen's face was a little uneasy.

"That's simple. Do you know how many English words start with W in this dictionary?" Jiang Yanyan said with a smile.

"--" Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, this girl didn't play cards according to common sense.

"You don't know how?" Jiang Yanyan sneered and said, "Then it's easier, you know..."

"Stop talking." Before Jiang Yanyan could speak, Jiang Chen interrupted her with a wave of his hand.

"Obviously you asked me to test you." Jiang Yanyan said innocently.

After dinner, Jiang Chen continued to go to Tangyue's dormitory, and also took an English test... Fortunately, this time, his self-confidence was brutally destroyed again!
"34 points." After marking the test paper, Tangyue marked Jiang Chen's test paper with a score.

"Do you know what this score is?" Tangyue said helplessly.

You know, she gave up Jiang Chen's English listening ability early in the morning. To Jiang Chen, it was completely equivalent to a heavenly book. In itself, giving up listening ability means giving up a large part of the score, which needs to be made up from other places.

However, this seems to be completely irreparable.

"What concept?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"For example, last year, the minimum score for the admission of Capital University in Jiangnan Province's liberal arts was 639 points. If you calculate with a total score of 750, if you want to go to Capital University, it means that even if you get full marks in other subjects, you will not be able to pass the exam. Can't pass the exam." Tangyue had to remind.

"So?" Jiang Chen asked.

"So, deducting [-] points for English listening, your English score must reach at least [-] to [-] points. In this way, you have almost [-] points of buffer to offset the lost points of other subjects." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, tell me, is it possible for me to score 120 in the English test?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.

Tangyue rolled her eyes, she didn't want to talk to Jiang Chen anymore.

Jiang Chen sighed, picked up the English dictionary and looked it up, looked at it for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said, "Teacher Tang, why are you ignoring me? Do you not believe me?"

"Unless you can get the answers to the test questions." Tangyue said angrily.

"How about this, if I get 120 points in the test, teacher Tang, how about you being my girlfriend for a month?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"This is simply impossible." Tangyue said helplessly.

"Anyway, Mr. Tang, you don't think it's possible, so it's okay to promise me, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"At most... a week at most!" Tang Yue said after hesitating for a while.

Even though she thought it was absolutely impossible, if it really became a reality, Tangyue felt like she would cry to death if she became Jiang Chen's girlfriend for a month.

Moreover, for some unknown reason, seeing Jiang Chen's confident appearance, Tangyue faintly felt that Jiang Chen's confidence did not come for nothing.

"One week is too short, at least half a month." Jiang Chen bargained.

"Okay, half a month." Tangyue agreed, and went one step further, sacrificing for the educational cause of the motherland.

"Teacher Tang, what kind of situation do you understand about male and female friends?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Date, eat, go shopping." Tangyue said simply.

"Hold hands, hug, go... go..." Jiang Chen stammered.

"Hurry up and read the book." Tangyue became angry from embarrassment.

"Teacher Tang, looking at you like this, I have a hunch that you will definitely regret it when the time comes, but unfortunately, I will never give you a chance to regret it." Jiang Chen smiled like a fox who has succeeded in stealing. .

"We'll talk about it after you've done it." Tangyue said, she wasn't afraid of hitting Jiang Chen anymore, anyway, this guy was inexplicably confident.


For the next week, Jiang Chen could almost be regarded as inseparable from Tangyue, except for sleeping time.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't mind sleeping with Tangyue at all, but Tangyue cared about this very much. After eleven o'clock in the evening, he was kicked out of the house, and he wouldn't be allowed to stay for a second.

When the college entrance examination entered the third-to-last day, the teachers and students of Quan Yilan Middle School were on vacation, but Jiang Chen and Tangyue did not.

Because of the holiday, the school cafeteria was closed, so Jiang Chen and Tangyue bought vegetables and cooked in the room by themselves. Of course, Jiang Chen did the cooking, and Tangyue was in charge of eating.

When the college entrance examination entered the penultimate day, Jiang Chen had a half-day rest.

Then, on the second day, the college entrance examination!

Time always passed quickly, after two days of the college entrance examination, Jiang Chen was completely relieved.

After the exam, all the senior high school candidates went back to school for a meeting, and on this night, all the students fell into madness.

Some people screamed, some cried and roared, some people made an appointment to see each other in college, and some people dragged them outside to get a room.

Jiang Chen stayed in Tangyue's dormitory that night.

In the teaching building a little further away, the shredded paper scraps were blown up like rain by the wind, and piles of books were moved to the playground and ignited, burning out billowing smoke.

"Liberated." Who knows who roared loudly, and then there were wolves howling like wolves, wave after wave.

With a lit book in her hand, Jiang Yanyan ran like a crazy woman on the playground.

The introverted and quiet Xu Anqi sat on the edge of the playground, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces and smiling innocently.

On a piece of grass farther away, Fairy Tale put down the fairy tale book in her hand, and she hummed a ditty and sang an unknown song about everyone's youth.

All the memories here will become unforgettable feelings in everyone's hearts in a few years, ten years, or even decades.

Boys and girls sweat, they will always remember that once, they cried and laughed here.

"Jiang Chen, why don't you go?" Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen sideways and asked softly.

"My books have been emptied long ago." Jiang Chen laughed.

Tang Yue subconsciously froze for a moment, what is the reason for this?
"If you don't go, don't go." Tangyue said, it was quite hard to imagine, if Jiang Chen was like those students, what would happen?
Thinking about it for a while, it seems quite inconsistent.

It is estimated that such a freak will hardly appear in Yilan Middle School in the next 500 years.

"Actually, the reason why I don't go is that I want to stay here with you." Jiang Chen said with a light smile, a group of people were having a carnival, Teacher Liutang, you are alone, how can I bear it? "

"I'm not alone." Tangyue said angrily.

"Teacher Tang, you are lonely, but you don't know it." Jiang Chen said seriously, "But soon, Teacher Tang, you won't be lonely, because you have a very good and handsome boyfriend. "

"Jiang Chen, are you talking about yourself?" Tangyue asked amusedly, she had never seen such a braggart guy.

"Teacher Tang, did you understand?" Tangyue asked puzzled.

"Even if you do what you promised me, I'm just your temporary girlfriend." Tangyue corrected.

"A girlfriend is a girlfriend." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"What are you thinking about?" Tangyue couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment.

"Teacher Tang, I didn't think about anything. Your thoughts must be too impure." Jiang Chen said calmly...

(End of this chapter)

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