genius evil

Chapter 456 The Beautiful Cohabitation Begins

Chapter 456 The Beautiful Cohabitation Begins
At around eight o'clock in the morning, at the gate of Yilan Middle School, a white Porsche flicked its tail and stopped steadily.

Tang Tian pushed open the co-pilot's door, stepped out with one long leg, and got out of the car with a bright face.Then, the door of the driving position was pushed open, and Shuang'er, who was wearing white casual sportswear, got out of the car.

The two girls, one gorgeous and the other charming, as soon as they got out of the car, many passers-by stared straight at them, but no one dared to strike up a conversation just looking at the Porsche worth over one million.

Tang Tian and Shuang'er were already immune to such a situation. Tang Tian quickly took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Jiang Chen, where are you now? Shuang'er and I are at the gate of your school... Alas, I didn't come here to play, but to find you... What, you haven't woken up yet, I'll give you 5 minutes, hurry up Get the old lady out."

The style of the painting changes three times in a second, and the passer-by who was enjoying admiring the beauty just a second ago suddenly felt like he was about to have a heart attack after being frightened.

Ten minutes later, a Range Rover drove out of the campus at a leisurely pace.

The car quickly stopped next to the Porsche, Jiang Chen put down the window glass, and said very speechlessly: "Xiao Tiantian, it's so early in the morning, I don't want anyone to sleep well."

"The sun is about to shine on your butt, so why not sleep, besides, when you go to my place, you can sleep however you want." Tang Tian yelled, opened the car door and got in.

"This sounds so ambiguous?" Jiang Chen's eyes were very pure.

"I've already slept, don't pretend to be a wolf with a big tail here." Tang Tian cursed, and urged: "Don't worry about it here, drive quickly, it will be too late in a while."

"What's too late?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment, this time he really didn't understand.

However, even though he didn't understand, for some reason, Jiang Chen suddenly had a not-so-good premonition. He had a vague feeling that he might be tricked by this little girl, Tang Tian.

"Don't worry about it, just drive." Tang Tian said vaguely with a flicker of eyes.

Jiang Chen smiled, but stopped asking.He drove the car on the road unhurriedly, and behind him, Shuang'er drove the Porsche to follow.

Not long after the car was on the road, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

"It's very dangerous to make a phone call while driving. Don't move. I'll answer the speakerphone for you." Tang Tian said, before Jiang Chen could speak, she grabbed the phone that was put aside and connected it.

"Jiang Chen, where are you now?" A voice came from the other end of the phone, it was Liu Yufei.

"Oh, in the car, let's go out for a while." Jiang Chen said casually.

"School is on holiday, do you have a place to live?" Liu Yufei asked.

"Er—" Jiang Chen gave Tang Tian a weird look.

"Look at what I'm doing. People ask you questions. Answer them quickly. If you don't speak, then I will." Tang Tian lowered her voice and said threateningly.

"Yes." Jiang Chen then said.

"Where do you live?" Liu Yufei asked suspiciously.

"A friend is driving there." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Female friend?" Liu Yufei said immediately.


After hanging up the phone, a little cold sweat broke out on Jiang Chen's forehead.

And soon, the cold sweat on Jiang Chen's head grew more and more, because afterward, Sleeping Beauty's phone call came in, Lan Xiu's phone call came in, and Ding Lingling also called him.

The content of the call was all about asking him if he had a place to live, especially Ding Lingling, who almost said it directly, asking him to live with her.

In fact, after the college entrance examination, last night, Xu Anqi and Fairy Tale were taken back to Tiannan City, while Jiang Yanyan simply returned home.

To Jiang Chen, having no place to live was indeed a small problem. The appearance of Tang Tian and Shuang'er could be said to have solved his urgent need.

If Tang Tian hadn't been sitting in the car, Jiang Chen would have laughed so hard at such gentle concern, but now, Tang Tian is stuck in the car like a one-kilowatt light bulb, and every phone call When they came in, they could hear clearly that Jiang Chen even wanted to die, this whole scene was a real rape scene!
"Jiang Chen, you should understand by now why I said it would be too late, right?" Tang Tian smiled like a little vixen while shaking Jiang Chen's mobile phone.

Can Jiang Chen not understand?
Even if she's an idiot, she still understands Tang Tian's intentions. This chick is one step ahead of others, and she doesn't even make a phone call, she just comes to lead her.

"I said, when did you become so smart?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

"What do you mean I've become smart? This girl has always been so smart, okay? It's just that you lack a pair of eyes to discover." Tang Tian said, curling her lips.

"So, are you inviting me to live together now? Or are you taking a fancy to my beauty, and are forcing me to be tied back to be your husband?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Neither, I just want to show you pity, and I'll just give you a place to shelter from the wind and rain. Don't think too much about it," Tang Tian said.

Jiang Chen is notoriously good-natured, Tang Tian felt that she had to suppress more, otherwise, she might have to provoke many flowers and plants.

You know, in this short period of time, there are four people who called, and I don't know how many people didn't call.

"This means that I can change places at any time, right?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"It's a beautiful thought." Tang Tian snorted coldly, and said with a frown: "Why, you are not satisfied with me and Shuang'er serving you together?"

"Contentment." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Then you still want to change places?" Tang Tian said angrily.

God knows, how much preparatory work she has done for today. When she was sleeping last night, she woke up so early after setting ten alarm clocks. She didn't even eat breakfast. She just drove here with Shuang'er. ?
If you want to blame it, blame Jiang Chen for being too careless, otherwise, why would there be so many troubles?

"I'm just talking casually." Jiang Chen said with a dry smile.

"It's better to just say it casually. I'm warning you, Jiang Chen. I know exactly who you are. To put it bluntly, I know what shit you're going to do when you poke your butt." Tang Tian Humming and chirping said.

"What shit?" Jiang Chen raised his butt and asked very curiously.

"Vulgar, vulgar, vulgar, vulgar!" Tang Tian rolled her eyes, almost kicking Jiang Chen out of the car in anger.

Metaphor, do you understand the metaphor? Wouldn’t it be nice not to use such a way to bury people?
The car arrived at Guilanyuan Villa and drove directly to the yard of the villa.

Tang Tian got out of the car, hugged Shuang'er, and laughed nervously.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Chen asked confusedly.

"Jiang Chen, you have come to my territory now, no one can take you away, let those women who try to trick you, go to hell with me." Tang Tian smiled out of breath , looking like he was about to die of laughter.

"Xiao Tiantian, so you are such a woman." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Are you only seeing my true nature now? It's a pity that it's too late, you can't escape the palm of this girl." Tang Tian was so triumphant that her face was about to die of laughter.

Jiang Chen looked at Tang Tian speechlessly, completely unable to understand where exactly Tang Tian's g-spot was obtained, anyway, he didn't see at all that there was something to be proud of.

This has to be proud, and he should be proud, right?

Then, Jiang Chen realized belatedly that the wonderful cohabitation life seemed to have started so unexpectedly!

"Jiang Chen, do you want to sleep?" Tang Tian asked after laughing.

Jiang Chen glanced at Tang Tian, ​​then at the blushing Shuang'er, nodded solemnly, and said quickly, "Sleep!"

Just like what Tang Tian said, with such two charming beauties accompanying him, what else can he be dissatisfied with?

Moreover, Tang Tian brought this up on her own initiative. This is the rhythm of sleeping with her. How could Jiang Chen not agree so quickly?

"Oh, then you can go upstairs to sleep first. There are two bedrooms upstairs, one is mine and the other is Shuang'er's. You can sleep in whichever you want." Tang Tian said.

"Where are you two?" Jiang Chen asked expectantly.

"Shuang'er and I need to take a shower and put on makeup. When you wake up, it's almost over and you can go shopping." Tang Tian said with a smile, she didn't know what Jiang Chen was up to.

"Shopping is boring. I think it's better to sleep together." Jiang Chen said seriously.

While speaking, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and hugged Shuang'er, and walked directly upstairs.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Tang Tian said angrily.

"Sleep." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"Sleep as long as you sleep, what are you doing to harm Shuang'er... No, I can't let Shuang'er harm you like this." Tang Tian chased up the stairs while talking.

Naturally, the final result was that, in order to save Shuang'er, Tang Tian did not hesitate to put herself in danger, and was harmed by Jiang Chen over and over again.

Shuang'er looked at Tang Tian who was harmed by Jiang Chen because of her own reasons, and felt very embarrassed, so she stepped forward to help, and was harmed by Jiang Chen again and again.

In this way, it directly led to the fact that when the three of them had time to go out, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Jiang Chen, you damn beast, you still have a lot of things to buy. My legs are weak now, how will I walk?" Sitting in the car, Tang Tian kept complaining.

"What to buy?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Your daily necessities, my daily necessities and Shuang'er's daily necessities, and in addition, your clothes, shoes, underwear, underwear, do you never look in the mirror? With your appearance, Shuang'er and I are almost ashamed to take you out." Tang Tian rolled her eyes and said.

"So here comes the question, why should I go out?" Jiang Chen blinked and said ambiguously.

"You..." Tang Tian gritted her teeth lightly, and exchanged glances with Shuang'er. The two girls didn't know what they remembered, and they both blushed and lowered their heads...

(End of this chapter)

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