genius evil

Chapter 458

Chapter 458
"Jiang Chen, why are you so bad? I can assure you that that guy absolutely hates you. He probably even wants to kill you." Tang Tian said overjoyed.

"Xiao Tiantian, I have to explain. You misunderstood me. My greatest virtue is to fulfill other people's good intentions... As for hating me, just hate me. I have already decided to be a good person." It's over." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"You...good guy?" Tang Tian looked at this guy like a ghost.

Looking at the feet from the head, and then seeing the head from the feet, it is impossible to see that Jiang Chen is a good person.

While talking, the three of them continued to stroll in the shopping mall. After a while, the middle-aged man ran over panting and sweating profusely, "You two beauties, please stay, I don't know your names yet. As for the name, I don’t know if it’s convenient or not, but leave a contact information.”

"Inconvenient." Tang Tian said without thinking.

I understood early on, what is the purpose of this guy jumping out to show off for no reason? How stupid must she be to leave a contact information?
"It's okay if it's inconvenient, my name is..." The middle-aged man quickly took out three business cards from his pocket, and introduced himself while handing out the business cards.

"Needless to say, we all know your name." Jiang Chen interrupted the middle-aged man.

"Know my name?" The middle-aged man was puzzled. Is he famous?
"Your name is **." Jiang Chen said seriously and solemnly, while the middle-aged man was full of black lines.

In the end, after the three of Jiang Chen walked away, the middle-aged man suddenly came to his senses. Wasn't his behavior today just the same as that of **, doing good deeds without leaving a name?
It's just that, a little different from the real one, the real one didn't want to leave his name, but he was squeezed out, so he couldn't even keep his name.

"Well, you little bastard, I lost more than 50 yuan, and I didn't get any benefits. This matter is endless." Slowly, the middle-aged man's eyes became a little more cruel, and he said silently in his heart , picked up the phone, made a call and went out.

The three of Jiang Chen walked around the mall for almost three hours, and they left after buying everything they wanted to buy. They really didn't know what to buy.

Just walking out of the mall, four people walked towards me.

"You three, come with us." A man with white hair who walked in the front, hooked his fingers at Jiang Chen and the three, and said in an orderly tone.

"Get out, get out as far as you can." Before Jiang Chen could speak, Tang Tian became irritable.

"Beauty, you have a big temper." Bai Mao stared at Tang Tian and smiled, with a weird smile.

"I told you to get the hell out, didn't you hear?" Tang Tian's face was ugly.

Think of her as the majestic underground queen of Yilan City, if she is threatened by a few gangsters, if it gets out, people will die of laughter.

"I heard it, but I don't know how to get out. How about letting this one demonstrate?" Bai Mao pointed at Jiang Chen with a provocative expression.

"Of course there is no problem with this. As I said just now, I like the beauty of adults very much." Jiang Chen grinned, with a gentle and harmless face, and kicked the white hair to the ground, rolling on the ground .

"Have you seen it clearly? Get out like this." After the demonstration, Jiang Chen said to the other people who appeared with Bai Mao.

Those few people looked at each other in blank dismay, all confused by Jiang Chen's behavior.

"Boy, I think you are impatient." Bai Mao got up from the ground and shouted angrily.

He hadn't even made a move yet, yet Jiang Chen actually did it first, which didn't surprise Bai Mao.

"It seems that the demonstration is not perfect, so let's demonstrate it a few more times." Jiang Chen said lightly, raised his foot, and kicked Baimao to the ground again, and then kicked it like kicking a ball. Baimao kicked and flew out.

"This time, you should see clearly." Jiang Chen said lazily.


"Give me your hands!"


Bai Mao was in excruciating pain from being kicked by Jiang Chen, with tears and snot pouring out of his nose, lying on the ground, unable to get up, shouting loudly.

After those people heard the sound, they rushed towards Jiang Chen one by one.

"Stop all of them." Tang Tian yelled, and at some point in her hand, there was an extra gun, and the muzzle of the black gun was aimed at the guys who rushed up.

Those guys were just punks on the street. Where had they seen such a battle? When they saw the gun in Tang Tian's hand, they were all dumbfounded.

"A group of idiots without eyes, do you know who I am, my aunt?" Tang Tian was very angry.

"Who are you?" One of the guys asked cautiously.

"Grandma, I... I'm..." Tang Tian just wanted to announce her name, but when she thought about these low-level gangsters, she probably wouldn't even know who she was, so she couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, and said loudly: " Forget it, I'll shoot anyway."

"Don't... little aunt, don't shoot." That white hair, his bones are so frightened, his face is even whiter than his hair.

"What are you, you say you won't shoot if you don't shoot?" Tang Tian pouted and said dismissively.

"Yes, I don't count anything, but we don't want to die. We were ordered by someone. He said to give us 5000 yuan, let us teach you a lesson, really...otherwise we won't come to trouble " Bai Mao said in a hurry, sweat pouring down his body.

While talking, he suddenly saw a figure, Bai Mao pointed out and said, "It's that guy, he ordered us."

That person was none other than the middle-aged man. He came here secretly to watch the excitement. He didn't expect the situation to be a little different from what he thought, let alone Tang Tian had a gun in his hand.

When Bai Mao stretched out his finger, the middle-aged man was completely dumbfounded and ran away.

"Bastard, don't run away." Seeing this, Bai Mao yelled loudly.

"Are you pigs? You won't chase him when he runs away?" Tang Tian said speechlessly.

"But..." Bai Mao looked at the gun in Tang Tian's hand in fear.

"It's nothing to worry about, just chase after me if you don't want to die." Tang Tian said with a frown.

Baimao understood, nodded like a chicken pecking rice, got up from the ground with a gulu, led a few people, and quickly chased after the middle-aged man.

And after a while, not far away, there were bursts of howling ghosts and howling wolves, indirectly accompanied by the sound of broken bones, which made people's hair stand on end.

Five minutes later, Bai Mao and the others reappeared at the entrance of the mall.

Tang Tian just told them to chase them, but didn't say that they could leave. Although they caught up with the middle-aged man and gave him a hard lesson, but without Tang Sweets, they didn't dare to say that leave.

There was no way, when they saw Tang Tian take out the gun, they knew that Jiang Chen and the others were definitely not ordinary people... Besides, ordinary people, who would carry a gun when shopping?
Since they were not ordinary people, it was fun to kill a few of them. Bai Mao didn't want to die, so he had to come back honestly.

"Brother Baimao, they're leaving." Looking around, one person said to Baimao.

Bai Mao nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Baimao, have you noticed that the woman with the gun looks a bit like a person?" The man said again.

"Like who?" Bai Mao asked suspiciously.

"The queen of the Bauhinia Society." The man reminded.

Only then did Bai Mao let out a breath of relief, and in an instant he raised his throat again, his face flushed red with purple in the red.

"Bastard, I was killed." Bai Mao wanted to cry, but in an instant, he even wanted to kill the middle-aged man.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

After punching and kicking, in an empty corner, the middle-aged man let out another inhuman scream.

At this time, Jiang Chen was already driving the car, on his way back to the villa.

Tang Tian and Shuang'er were chatting in the back seat, but it was Tang Tian who said, and Shuang'er listened, the two daughters didn't take what happened just now seriously.

It is really difficult for a few low-level gangsters to catch their eyes, and it is enough to teach the perpetrators a lesson.

The car returned to Guilanyuan Villa, Tang Tian and Shuang'er went to cook dinner, and Jiang Chen was responsible for moving the things he bought back in.

"Sir, here is your courier, please sign for it." Jiang Chen was carrying his things and was about to enter the room when suddenly a voice sounded behind him.

"My courier?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment.

"Sir, isn't this Villa NO.18? If so, the courier is yours." The courier said in an affirmative tone.

"Oh, that should be mine." Jiang Chen put down the things in his hands, walked over slowly, and said casually, "Isn't this place hard to find?"

"It's hard to find." The courier said.

"It's really hard work, why don't you go in and drink a glass of water to rest?" Jiang Chen invited.

"No, I have other couriers to deliver." The courier said.

"What are you doing so politely, just drink a glass of water, it won't take long." Jiang Chen smiled, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he buckled the courier's collar and lifted it up.

"What are you doing?" The courier was startled, his expression changed.

"Didn't you understand? I said, please drink a glass of water." Jiang Chen smiled sinisterly, carried the courier, and walked into the villa.

"Jiang Chen, what happened?" Tang Tian ran out of the kitchen.

"There is an idiot here to deliver the courier." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Why did the courier deliver to the house? Isn't there a door guard outside? In the past, the guard was in charge of signing on his behalf. How did he get in?" Tang Tian asked suspiciously.

As soon as the words came out, the courier's face changed even more, and he said in a panic: "I really deliver the courier."

"Well, are all couriers equipped with guns now?" Jiang Chen took out a gun from nowhere, pointed the muzzle at the courier's head casually, and asked lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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