genius evil

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

"Jiang Chen, is this guy a killer?" Looking at the gun in Jiang Chen's hand, Tang Tian asked.

"Probably so." Jiang Chen wasn't very clear either.

The reason why he doubted this guy was mainly because this guy was too stupid to deliver the courier according to common sense, but he actually delivered the courier to him.

You know, he just moved in today, for no reason, Jiang Chen felt sorry for this guy's IQ.

"Are you a killer?" Tang Tian asked.

The courier wants to cry but has no tears. How should he answer this question?

"Ask you a question, are you dumb?" Tang Tian said displeased.

"I'm not, I'm just a courier." The courier said.

"So, you are a courier and a part-time killer?" Tang Tian summed up the courier's words.

"I'm not a killer, I'm just a courier." The courier said.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you are a courier or a killer, just kill it." Tang Tian said casually, as if what was going to be killed was not a person, but a chicken.

"Xiao Tiantian, this is your fault, you should at least ask, what is he doing here?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Don't ask, the killer's tone is very tight, and you can't find out even if you ask." Tang Tian said indifferently.

"It seems very reasonable." Jiang Chen nodded.

The courier wanted to cry a little, and said, "You didn't even ask me, how did you know you couldn't?"

"Okay, then I'll ask you, who asked you to kill me." Jiang Chen then asked.

The courier was stunned, and immediately realized that under Jiang Chen and Tang Tian's harmony, he was fooled and indirectly admitted the fact that he was a killer.

"I don't know." Bite the bullet, the courier said.

"Xiao Tiantian is right, the killer's tone is really tight." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"I really don't know." The courier was about to cry, feeling that he was about to be played by Jiang Chen and Tang Tian. If he had known that the person he was going to kill was like this, he would never accept the task no matter how much money he had of.

"Xiao Tiantian, this guy won't say anything, what should we do next?" Jiang Chen asked Tang Tian.

"Didn't you just say it? Kill it." Tang Tian said bluffing.

The villa is obviously not suitable for killing people. After 10 minutes, Gong Xi personally brought someone over and took the courier away.

Jiang Chen continued to move things, Tang Tian didn't go to help in the kitchen at this time, mainly because she was always doing more harm than good, she nestled on the sofa and played with her mobile phone.

"Jiang Chen, I asked the baby to check it out, and the baby said that guy is indeed a killer, but his name is the courier." Tang Tian said while playing with her mobile phone.

"What else?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"What's more, the baby said that she is coming to Yilan City, no, she is already in Yilan City..." Tang Tian said, and suddenly screamed.

"Xiao Tiantian, what's your name?" A crisp voice sounded from outside the door.

The first thing that caught Jiang Chen's eyes was a pair of exaggerated big breasts that were disproportionate to his figure, so cruel that Jiang Chen only saw a pair of breasts when he glanced at it.

However, that chick has an incomparably pure appearance, so pure that people can't even have blasphemous thoughts.

As a result, there is a huge irreparable contradiction, a body that makes people want to commit crimes for a second, and a face that makes people not even have criminal thoughts, so the question is, what kind of food does this chick eat big?

"Jiang Chen, do you look good?" Twisting her slender waist, the chick blinked.

"It's not pretty." Jiang Chen looked away a little reluctantly.

"Bad guy, it's not good to see you still staring at my chest for so long?" The chick rolled her eyes.

"Baby Lin, you are going to die, seduce my man as soon as you come." Tang Tian jumped off the sofa and said loudly.

"You...a man?" Who else could that chick be if she wasn't Lin Baobao, after hearing the sound, she pointed at Jiang Chen and then at Tang Tian, ​​with a strange and confused expression on her face.

"So what if it's my man?" Tang Tian was full of confidence.

"Hee hee, you two dogs and men are finally together." Lin Baobao laughed, "Hurry up, who seduced who, don't tell me, you are seducing each other, bastard pair Mung bean, even if I were an idiot, I wouldn't believe it."

"Baby Lin, you damned woman, can you still talk properly?" Tang Tian rushed over to pinch Baobao Lin's neck. Baobao Lin, not to be outdone, went to grab Tang Tian's chest, and the two women quickly scuffled into one Group, all kinds of happy together.

Especially that Lin Baobao, whether it was on purpose or what happened, twisted this way and that, the swaying arc of those big breasts almost dazzled Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Tiantian, your man is lecherous, he always stares at his chest, he will be shy." The two girls hugged each other, and Lin Baobao complained.

"It's obvious that you showed him on purpose, okay?" Tang Tian said angrily, this woman's actions are so obvious, do you think she is blind?
"Even if someone showed it to him on purpose, he can't read it. He hasn't even dated a boyfriend yet." Lin Baobao was aggrieved.

"Could it be that you still want Jiang Chen to be responsible for you?" Tang Tian said through gritted teeth.

"That's right, it's not that he is responsible for me, should I be responsible for him?" Lin Baobao asked innocently.

"Smelly woman, can you show some face?" Tang Tian screamed again.

"Tiantian, she just has bigger breasts than you, a better figure than you, and a little prettier than you, why is she so shameless?" Lin Baobao asked innocently.

"You have a better figure than me? Are you prettier than me?" Tang Tian sneered.

"Even if you don't admit these two points, at least you have to admit that my breasts are bigger than yours." With her chest up, Baby Lin said proudly.

"Looks like a cow, doesn't have any sense of beauty, okay?" Tang Tian looked disgusted.

"Ah—" So this time, the screaming person became Lin Baobao.


One woman equals five hundred ducks, three women equals one thousand fifty-eight ducks, this villa can't be crowded even if you want to.

With the appearance of Lin Baobao, the villa was noisy, like a vegetable market.

"Jiang Chen, a killer called the courier came to kill you today, right?" After dinner, Lin Baobao took out a popsicle from the refrigerator, stuck out his small tongue, and licked and licked, attracting attention. People have infinite reverie.

"Baby Lin, just say what you want to say directly, don't scratch your head here." Tang Tian was also eating popsicles, she rolled her eyes, and this woman started to seduce Jiang Chen again.

"I'm not posing, I've always eaten popsicles like this." Lin Baobao said coquettishly.

"Speak well." Tang Tian's head was full of black lines, and every minute she had the urge to throw Lin Baobao out.

"You are just jealous that people are cuter than you, I won't care about you... That's right, I just know that there will be many killers coming to kill Jiang Chen recently." Lin Baobao said with a playful smile, as if this is a very interesting thing same thing.

"Who wants to kill me?" Frowning, Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know who is behind the scenes, but I have a way to know which killers will come to kill you." Lin Baobao licked the popsicle very happily.

"Who?" Shuang'er asked a little nervously.

"Shuang'er, why are you so nervous? Could it be that you and Jiang Chen... between you..." Lin Baobao looked at Shuang'er suspiciously.

"It's nonsense here, let's talk about the main point." Tang Tian interrupted Lin Baobao's thoughts of crooked buildings.

"I don't know who it is, I just said, I have a way to know." Lin Baobao said delicately.

"Then you should check quickly." Tang Tian urged.

Although that courier is nothing but a trivial matter, according to Lin Baobao, there will be many killers coming to kill Jiang Chen. Who knows if there is any powerful guy among those killers?

"My baby is bitter." With a small mouth, Lin Baobao said.

"Dead woman, what the hell are you doing?" Tang Tian looked at Baobao Lin warily.

"My baby is suffering, and I want some compliments. You can praise me for my big breasts, my beauty, or my good figure. Only three compliments per person will do." Lin Baobao said pretendingly.


Jiang Chen walked over, grabbed Lin Baobao, raised his hand without saying a word and slapped her buttocks, and asked, "Is it still suffering?"

"Jiang Chen, men and women can't kiss each other, how can you flirt with flowers in front of Tian Tian? You flirtatious man, are you worthy of Tian Tian?" Lin Baobao yelled, if an outsider accidentally overhears this , as if Jiang Chen had done something to her.

" it still bitter?" Jiang Chen twitched twice in succession and asked solemnly.

"It's not bitter anymore." Lin Baobao waved his hands in a panic, so depressed that he was dying.

A minute later, Shuang'er came over with a laptop, and Bao Baolin pressed a few white fingers on the keyboard indiscriminately, and soon, a black web page appeared.

"Here is a killer forum... When killers accept missions, they usually only need to check here to see if there is a mission reward." Lin Baobao explained.

While talking, Lin Baobao clicked randomly again, and in the blink of an eye, he invaded the backstage of the forum and got the highest authority. The information about some killers is clear at a glance.

"Every killer has his own unique professional characteristics. For example, the courier, when he kills, the most common method is to pretend to be a real courier to contact the target, and then kill him. So, in the future, you Be careful when buying things online, maybe the one delivering the goods is a killer... Another example is this killer nicknamed Lei Gong. The most important thing is the hotel's free supper and breakfast... By the way, according to the information, this Lei Gong also accepted the mission to kill Jiang Chen." Lin Baobao said.

Hearing what Lin Baobao said, Jiang Chen grinned. He had to say, this Lin Baobao really came at the right time.

(End of this chapter)

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