genius evil

Chapter 460 The End of the Killer World

Chapter 460 The End of the Killer World

Jardine Hotel.

This is the closest three-star hotel to Guilanyuan Villa Manor.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, on the fifth floor of the hotel, room [-], suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" A deep voice sounded in the room.

"Sir, room service, our hotel has specially prepared a midnight snack, do you need it?" A voice sounded outside the door.

After the voice fell, the door opened, and a middle-aged man with a full beard showed his face.

"You need a copy of everything," said the bearded man.

"Okay." The waiter pushing the cart nodded and pushed the cart into the room.

The supper is very rich, except for buns, dim sum and porridge, there are all kinds of them. The waiter takes out a portion of each and puts them neatly on the table.

The bearded man grabbed a piece of cake, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it.

"Is it delicious?" the waiter asked with a smile.

"Not bad." The bearded man said.

"Eat more if it tastes good, because I'm afraid this will be your last supper." The smile on the waiter's face grew stronger.

"Who are you?" The face of the bearded man changed quietly, and he immediately asked vigilantly. After saying this, the bearded man's voice suddenly rose, and he said in a low voice: "No, you are not the waiter of this hotel, you are Jiang Chen."

"Congratulations, you got the answer right." Jiang Chen smiled with a gentle and harmless expression.

"How do you know I'm here?" The bearded man stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, looking left and right, thinking about the chance to get the gun.

The bearded man felt a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he should have carried his gun with him, but who would have thought that the person he wanted to kill would come to him in a grand manner. The killers have been working for so long, but they have never seen him. Been such a freak.

"How I know is not important, what is important is, do you still have the appetite to eat?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"After you die, I can eat all the food in this dining car." The bearded man said loudly.

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as in the rumors. You really like to take advantage. Are you not afraid of being stuffed to death after eating so much?" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth and said mockingly.

"It's okay to take advantage of free things if you don't eat them for free." The bearded man said as a matter of course.

"So, next, I will send you to die for free, and you will definitely like it very much." Jiang Chen said, and as he spoke, he stretched out his right hand like lightning, and clasped the bearded man's neck. The Hu man reacted and pinched it directly.


In the direction of Nancheng, Yilan City, there is a large-scale children's amusement park.

During the day, the amusement park is full of tourists, most of whom are parents and children come to play.

However, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and the interior of the amusement park, which had been busy during the day, was deserted.

The door was locked tightly, and the employees had already returned home from get off work. No one noticed that there was a figure haunting the direction of the slide.

"call out!"

Accompanied by a small scream, the figure slid down from above the slide.

After sliding down, the man patted the dust off his buttocks, climbed up the small stairs, and then slid down again, so that a person entertained himself and never tired of it.

"It's so innocent like a child." Suddenly, a soft sigh sounded.

Hearing the voice, the figure who just climbed above the slide smiled and said, "Are you here to play with me? However, I don't like others to grab my toys."

"You are a child. Every time you accept a killer mission and appear in a new place, you will go to the children's playground in that place. However, your favorite game is not a slide, but a carousel." The voice sounded, Jiang Chen said.

"You know so much." The killer named Kid said.

"It's not too much, but seeing you like this, I suddenly understand why you dare not show up during the day." Jiang Chen said.

"Why?" the child asked curiously.

"You are too ugly, no one would like to play with you." Jiang Chen said.

"Since you know my favorite game, then you should understand that what I hate the most in my life is when others call me ugly." The child was angry.

"The most important thing about being a human being is self-knowledge." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"That's right, but it's a pity that you don't have any self-knowledge at all. Do you think you didn't die fast enough when you appeared in front of me alone?" the child said sharply.

"call out!"

The figure slid down the slide like the wind, and in the next second, it appeared in front of Jiang Chen. The daggers held in both hands flashed a sharp cold light, and stabbed at Jiang Chen's heart and lower abdomen respectively. .

The basic quality of a killer is to act quickly, accurately and ruthlessly. The sudden action of the child fully interprets the essence of these three words.

If an ordinary person encounters such an attack suddenly, there must be only one dead end.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen is not an ordinary person, and it's a pity that the child's object is Jiang Chen.

With a casual lift of his foot, Jiang Chen kicked the child flying out. With a movement of the figure, he stepped on the child's neck again, with a click, and the sound of bones breaking.


This is an alley near the train station. There are various small hotels in the alley. Although it is already early in the morning, there are still people coming and going. It is very lively. From time to time, some middle-aged and elderly women bring Passengers with big bags and small bags come to shop.

A tall and strong young man, led by a middle-aged woman, appeared in one of the small hotels named Junjun.

"Handsome guy, there are some other services in our hotel, do you need anything?" The middle-aged woman asked ambiguously.

"How much?" The young man asked with a smile on his face.

"[-] for fast food, [-] for night package." It was obviously not the first time for a middle-aged woman to do this kind of thing, and the quotation was extremely straightforward.

"How much is two fast food?" The young man asked.

"Handsome guy, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby. It's rare. However, the price of two fast food is different, at least two hundred." The middle-aged woman stretched out two fingers and said.

"Here's the money, bring someone here. Remember, you have to be in good shape." The young man said.

"No problem, you go to the room first, and I will bring someone over in five minutes." The middle-aged woman took the money and left happily.

"One fast food costs 80 yuan, which is too expensive. Moreover, two fast food, no matter how you calculate it, is only one hundred and sixty yuan. You actually want to charge you two hundred. You actually agreed, old wolf, your mathematics is Chinese. Did the teacher teach it?" The young man had just entered the room when he heard a lazy voice from behind.

"As a person, I have never cared about money. What I care about is whether I am happy or not." Lao Lang said.

"Unfortunately, you must not be happy tonight." said the lazy voice.

"Actually, you can wait a few days. I'm not in such a hurry to kill you. I don't understand why you are in such a hurry to die?" Old Wolf asked with a puzzled expression.

"Because, I am very anxious and want to kill you." The lazy voice said, it was Jiang Chen.

A silver needle shot out silently from Jiang Chen's fingertips, and hit the old wolf's heart. When the silver needle entered his body, the old wolf's pupils suddenly shrank, and then, a fairly clean face twisted violently and painfully. fell to the ground.


It was close to two o'clock in the morning, on a bar street in Yilan City.

The nightlife gradually came to an end, and after having fun in the bar, some people left one after another.

At the door of a bar, a man wearing an expensive suit and looking quite successful stood there motionless, as if he was waiting for something.

Not long after, a woman staggered out of the bar. She seemed to be drunk and couldn't even walk steadily. As soon as she reached the side of the road, she opened her mouth and vomited.

"Beauty, are you okay?" The man walked over, patted the woman's back lightly, and asked with concern.

"Who are you, do I know you?" Although the woman was about to get drunk, she still had a little sobriety left.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you've drank so much that you can't drive a car, and it's dangerous to take a taxi alone. Tell me where you live, and I'll take you back," the man said.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" the woman asked curiously.

"Is there a reason for this?" the man asked.


The woman vomited violently again, her body was limp and weak due to the alcohol, and she couldn't even stand still. Taking advantage of the situation, the man put his hands around the woman's waist, hugged the woman into his arms, and walked towards a nearby hotel.

"When you bring this woman back to the hotel, this woman will lie on the bed like a dead fish, smelling of alcohol and stench... I'm really curious, why do you have such a hobby? "A voice suddenly rang in the man's ear.

"Don't you think that a drunk woman has a very special sense of beauty?" the man asked.

"I didn't notice the beauty. It's true that you are perverted. Now I finally understand why your nickname is perverted. You are indeed a very perverted guy." The voice said.

"Pervert? No, don't you have the heart to let a woman pass out drunk on the street? What a disgraceful act? As a gentleman, I will not allow that kind of thing to happen." The man shook his head and said.

"So, that's why you took advantage of the opportunity?" The voice laughed.

"I will provide her with a bed to sleep in, and she will stay with me for one night. This is a very fair deal." The man said calmly.

"I like fairness. You came to Yilan City to kill me. I will kill you now. This is the fairest deal." The voice said, and then shot.


Lei Gong, children, old wolves, perverts... This night, in Yilan City, killers died one after another. For the killers who accepted the task of killers and hid in Yilan City, this night is destined to be the death of all of them. Doom!
(End of this chapter)

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