genius evil

Chapter 461 One Disgusting Thing

Chapter 461 A Disgusting Thing
"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Early in the morning, Jiang Chen was sleeping soundly, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. It didn't sound like knocking on the door, but it was like knocking down the door.

"Jiang Chen, get up quickly, I have a new discovery." Lin Baobao said loudly while knocking on the door vigorously.

Rubbing his hair, Jiang Chen casually wrapped a bath towel around his body, walked over and opened the door, yawned and asked, "What new discovery?"

"When I woke up this morning, I found that on the killer forum, the killer mission for you was cancelled." Lin Baobao said.

"And then?" Jiang Chen yawned again.

"No more, isn't this discovery enough? You have to understand that this means you are safe." Lin Baobao blinked and said.

"No one can kill me, I've always been very safe." Jiang Chen said speechlessly, before closing the door.

"Wait, I suddenly made another discovery." Lin Baobao blocked the door, preventing Jiang Chen from closing the door.

"Say it quickly." Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

"I found that my breasts have grown bigger again." Baby Lin puffed up her chest and said with a look of annoyance.

"Really?" Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, touched it twice, and said solemnly: "No, it's still the same size as before."


In an instant, screams like killing a pig sounded in the villa.


"Tiantian, I found that my breasts have grown bigger again, can you help me see if this is the case?" After breakfast, Lin Baobao ran to Tang Tian's side and said.

"Damn woman, you're hitting me again." Tang Tian said unhappily.

Big breasts are amazing.

Well, she admitted that big breasts are indeed a great thing, referred to as talent.

As for her, the only thing she was a little dissatisfied with about her whole body was her breasts.

However, even if she has big breasts, is it necessary for this woman to show off in front of her all day long?
"No, I just want you to help me take a look, because Jiang Chen said that my breasts haven't gotten bigger, they're still the same size as before." Baby Lin chirped.

"How does he know that your breasts are as big as before? He touched them with his hands?" Tang Tian expressed doubts.

"How do you know?" Lin Baobao exclaimed.

"Ah—you dead woman, you seduced my man again." Tang Tian broke out in an instant, grabbing Lin Baobao and ravaging her.

After a while, Lin Baobao, who was ravaged, said pitifully: "Tiantian, don't you think this is unfair to me? It's obviously your man who bullied me, why even you bullied me."

"Is it fair to me that you have such big breasts?" Tang Tian asked back.

"--" Baobao Lin opened his mouth, but he couldn't refute for a while, so Baobao Lin got up, and ran to Shuang'er's side again in a flutter.

"Shuang'er, what about your master, don't look at him on the surface with a serious face and a gentleman's appearance, but in fact he is a hungry ghost. I doubt why he accepted you as an apprentice." Lin Baobao provoked discord Said.

She didn't know the relationship between Jiang Chen and Shuang'er for the time being, but she knew that Shuang'er had worshiped Jiang Chen as a teacher, and Shuang'er's address to Jiang Chen had not changed, she still called Jiang Chen her master.

"Master, does he look like a gentleman?" Shuang'er asked in confusion.

Let alone now, from the first second she knew Jiang Chen, has Jiang Chen ever given such an impression?

If someone thinks that Jiang Chen is a gentleman, it must be a delusion and an illusion.

"Oh, I said something wrong, he looks like a lustful maniac, you must be careful, don't give unspoken rules." Lin Baobao immediately changed his words.

"The master has something to do, and the disciple does his job." Shuang'er said softly, she couldn't explain the relationship between her and Jiang Chen clearly, so she could only use this method to implicitly hint to Lin Baobao.

"Shuang'er, what kind of feudal thinking do you have here? Your business is your business, and Jiang Chen's business is his own business. What does it have to do with you?" Lin Baobao said dissatisfied.

Shuang'er laughed and said, "It's all the same."

"So, even if Jiang Chen rules you, you don't mind?" Lin Baobao said dumbfounded.

"Why do you mind?" Shuang'er asked, Lin Baobao became more and more dumbfounded, feeling that she didn't want to live anymore, there were only four people in this room, Jiang Chen and the three were in a group, she was the only one being rejected Outside, there was no way to live anymore, so he screamed again.

"Baby Lin, don't call me Chun here, I haven't asked you why you came to Yilan City for no reason." Tang Tian said at this time.

"How could it be for no reason? I miss you and Shuang'er so much, that's why I came." Baobao Lin said with a small mouth.

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense?" Tang Tian rolled her eyes, and said unceremoniously, "You woman, when you came to me in the past, did you not make a fuss? This time It's sneaky, there's definitely something eccentric about it."

"No." Baby Lin shook his head like a rattle.

"Say it quickly." Tang Tian sneered.

"My baby is bitter, and my baby doesn't want to talk about it." Lin Baobao suddenly felt aggrieved.

"Speak human words!" Tang Tian said angrily, she really knows this girl too well, she knows exactly what's going on in her stomach.

Tang Tian should have asked this question last night, but she was distracted by Jiang Chen's affairs. At this time, since she asked, she naturally wouldn't give Lin Baobao the chance to cheat.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow? I don't miss you, or Shuang'er, but a very, very disgusting thing happened, and I came here to escape."

"Very, very disgusting? How disgusting is that? Tell me more specifically, and I'll help you analyze the situation." Tang Tian said with a lot of fun. She had no sympathy at all, and she was just looking at a joke.

"It's like this. My parents, seeing that I'm at home all day and don't have a boyfriend, just arranged a blind date for me. Do you think this is disgusting? Don't you think I look like no one wants me?" Is it a woman?" Lin Baobao said casually.

"Like!" Tang Tian nodded vigorously.

"I'm so beautiful, with such a good figure, and such big breasts. I'm so cute, and I can act coquettishly and cutely. My whole body, even my toes, exudes an unparalleled charm." Lin Baobao yelled.

"So what, anyway, you just don't want a man." Tang Tian said with great certainty.

"You lied." Lin Baobao got up from Tang Tian's body, pointed a finger at Tang Tian's nose, extremely angry.

"I'm not lying, I'm just telling the truth. If you don't have a man to want, how come you haven't even talked to a boyfriend?" Tang Tian analyzed seriously.

"There are too many men chasing me, but this baby doesn't like it. Do you think this baby is the kind of woman who is hungry? Is this baby very high-sighted?" Lin Baobao said dismissively.

"Illusion, this must be an illusion. If there are really many men chasing you, why would your parents arrange a blind date for you? Don't struggle to your death, just admit it honestly." Tang Tian laughed loudly.

Lin Baobao's head was full of black lines, and he asked speechlessly: "Tiantian, I don't have a man, why are you smiling so happily?"

"I don't know, I just want to laugh, it's so funny." Tang Tian laughed louder.

"Jiang Chen, Shuang'er, this kind of thing is funny? Isn't it disgusting?" Lin Baobao asked Jiang Chen and Shuang'er.

"Do you want to hear the truth? Or do you want to hear a lie?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Wait a minute, listen to the lies first." Out of caution, Lin Baobao said.

"It's just a lie, this kind of thing is really funny." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then tell the truth, tell me quickly." Lin Baobao's eyes lit up.

"The truth is, this kind of thing is very funny." Jiang Chen said jokingly, making Shuang'er laugh out loud.

Lin Baobao felt that he suffered [-] points of damage in an instant, and almost didn't want to live.

"Stop laughing." Lin Baobao said loudly.

"I'm sorry, let me laugh for a while, I haven't encountered such a funny thing for a long time." Tang Tian couldn't stop laughing.

Who let this woman rely on her big breasts to hit her mercilessly again and again, finally had a chance to fight back, how could Tang Tian not make good use of it?

She just wanted to laugh, just to see Lin Baobao's shame and indignation, but to see if this woman would dare to sell her breasts in front of her in the future.

"Okay, Tiantian, you can laugh if you want to, anyway, you won't be able to laugh any longer, so hurry up and laugh while you still have the chance." Baobao Lin wrinkled his nose and said.

"What do you mean?" Tang Tian asked.

"The meaning is very simple, it means literally, I am about to do something that will make you laugh no longer...Didn't I tell you just now, I am here to escape, but what , The reason why I had a chance to escape was because I told my parents that I had a boyfriend." Lin Baobao said.

"Do you think your parents will believe your words?" Tang Tian said sarcastically.

"Seeing is believing, hearing is believing. As long as I bring my boyfriend to them, they will believe it." Lin Baobao said.

"The question is, do you have a boyfriend?" Tang Tian was a little worried about Lin Baobao's IQ.

"Yes, Jiang Chen is my boyfriend." Lin Baobao pointed to Jiang Chen and said.

"When did I become your boyfriend?" Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen asked in astonishment.

"Yeah, Jiang Chen is my man. When did he become your boyfriend? Why didn't I know about it?" Tang Tian said in confusion, even Shuang'er was looking at Lin Baobao. , Waiting for Lin Baobao's explanation.

"Jiang Chen, you are my boyfriend, okay? Otherwise, you think my breasts are touched by you for nothing, and you will be responsible for touching them. Since you are responsible for me, then I will become your girlfriend, so you It's my boyfriend." Baobao Lin said sternly, and I have to say, the logic is very powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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