genius evil

Chapter 462 Say You Love Me

Chapter 462 Say You Love Me
"Baby Lin, I know it's pity that you don't have a man, but can you stop being so shameless? Are you crazy about men or something?" Tang Tian was almost speechless.

"Tiantian, I know it's hard for you to accept this fact, but this is the reality, so just admit it." Baobao Lin said sincerely.

"Damn it, don't say that Jiang Chen just touched your chest, even if he just put you on the bed, you don't want Jiang Chen to be responsible for you." Tang Tian said angrily.

"Don't...don't...this baby is still young..." Lin Baobao began to cry.

"I don't want you to be a big ghost." Tang Tian said, rolling her eyes.

"Don't... don't put her on the bed... don't be so rude, be gentle and gentle, she is afraid of pain." Lin Baobao was as tender as a little white flower.

"Baby Lin, I'm finally sure of one thing now, that is, you are really crazy about men." Sighing, Tang Tian said in a pitiful tone.

"Tiantian, you are ruthless, cruel, and unreasonable." Baobao Lin said heartbroken.

"I am ruthless, cruel, and unreasonable." Tang Tian said triumphantly.

"But, how can you be so ruthless, so cold, and so unreasonable?" Lin Baobao's big eyes were shining with tears.

"Why can't I be ruthless, cruel, and unreasonable?" Tang Tian said in an incomparable understatement.

"Do you really want to plagiarize so blatantly?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"Who told you not to be responsible to me." Lin Baobao immediately pushed all the faults on Jiang Chen.

"It's not impossible to let me be responsible, I just want to ask you a question, did you deliberately seduce me when you knocked on the door early this morning?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Of course." Lin Baobao said without thinking.

Is it easy for her to make Jiang Chen responsible for her?I don't know how many brain cells died to come up with such a perfect method, okay?
"Sorry, I did it on purpose now." Jiang Chen stretched out a hand, rubbed Lin Baobao's chest vigorously, and said with an embarrassed face.


Lin Baobao's mouth instantly opened into an O shape. He looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost, and asked in a daze, "So, what is the purpose of you asking me that question?"

"Oh, I just want to tell you that in terms of shamelessness, you are far inferior to me." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Tiantian, Jiang Chen cheated on Hong Xing right under your nose, you still don't care about it?" Lin Baobao said angrily.

"Deserve it!" Throwing the word Lin Baobao lightly, Tang Tian was gloating.

As he was talking, he suddenly heard the doorbell ringing outside the courtyard of the villa.

"Another killer?" Tang Tian stood up from the sofa.

"Tiantian, don't be so nervous, it's not a killer." Baby Lin said, shaking his little arm.

"How do you know it's not a killer?" Tang Tian expressed doubts.

"Because they came to find me... By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. When I came to Yilan City, I told the guy who was going on a blind date with me that my boyfriend was in Yilan City. Tell them Tiantian your address here." Lin Baobao said.

"Baby Lin, do you know that you are going to die?" Tang Tian said sympathetically.

"How could it be, that guy who wants to go on a blind date with me will soon be able to meet my boyfriend, and he will be finished if he is finished." Baobao Lin pointed at Jiang Chen and said.

"Oh, if you want to blame it, you can blame this baby for being too beautiful, and there are too many courtiers under her skirt, but you can't completely blame me for this kind of thing, I just grow randomly, I didn't mean to be so beautiful. "Not waiting for Tang Tian to speak, Lin Baobao said narcissistically again.

Outside the yard of the villa, there is a Mercedes-Benz business car parked.

The one who rang the doorbell was a young man with a jade-like face. He stood there and rang the doorbell for almost 2 minutes. On his face, there was no sign of impatience at all. Light smile.

"Don't press it, it's too noisy." Lin Baobao was the first to jump out and shouted.

"Miss Lin, you are finally out." Seeing Baobao Lin appear, the young man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Baby Lin, that guy is your blind date?" Tang Tian and Shuang'er appeared behind Baobao Lin, and Tang Tian looked at the young man like a curious baby.

"It's not too long." Tang Tian said.

You know, when Tang Tian heard that Lin Baobao turned the blind date into a very, very disgusting thing, she thought that her parents introduced her to a bad old man, but she didn't expect that the other party was very young, and he was also skinny. good.

"Tiantian, what do you mean is not bad, what kind of aesthetic taste do you have, is it far worse than Jiang Chen?" Lin Baobao said with a curled lip.

"Baby Lin, I suddenly discovered that apart from your big breasts, your only other advantage is good eyesight." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was attracted, Lin Baobao ran over and hugged Jiang Chen's arm, squeezed into Jiang Chen's arms, made an intimate gesture, and said to the young man, "Zongzifeng, do you see this? My boyfriend, do you feel inferior and ashamed?"

Hearing what Lin Baobao said, Zongzifeng's eyes immediately fell on Jiang Chen, looked at him carefully several times, and said, "Hello, I'm Zongzifeng."

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You are not Miss Lin's boyfriend, are you?" Zong Zifeng smiled after introducing himself.

The tone of his speech was very polite, but such an extremely simple sentence, between the lines, revealed a sense of condescension.

"This kind of thing, is it you who have the final say? Or I who have the final say?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"I only trust my own eyes. I can tell that you are just a friend who has a good relationship with Miss Lin." Zong Zifeng said decisively.

Both Tang Tian and Shuang'er were slightly surprised by Zong Zifeng's sharp eyes.

You know, after Lin Baobao hugged Jiang Chen's arm, he wanted to squeeze his whole body on Jiang Chen's body. In the eyes of outsiders, a man and a woman must have an extremely intimate relationship. , Most people will naturally treat them as a couple.

After all, if they are not lovers, no matter how good the relationship is, a man and a woman will not be so close.

"Tell me your reason." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"It's very simple. First, I know that Ms. Lin is a rather self-willed woman. The person she loves should be the kind who is more aggressive and proactive. Second, even though Ms. Lin is in your arms now, you see You look very affectionate, but in fact, I couldn't find half of the love in your eyes, and Miss Lin treats you the same way, so unfortunately, I can only treat this as acting." Shrugged Shrugging, Zong Zifeng said regretfully.

"Baby..." Jiang Chen called out.

"Uh—" Lin Baobao was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was Jiang Chen calling her name, but this feeling was so strange that it almost made her skin crawl.

"This guy said that there is no love in my eyes, is that true?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"It must be him who is blind. You obviously love me to death. You can't leave me for a second. Once you leave me, every second is like a year to you." Lin Baobao reacted very quickly, understanding Jiang Chen is cooperating with her in acting, even if Zong Zifeng sees through that the two of them are acting, but the highest level of acting is to let the audience believe that they are acting, right?

"What you said is right." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly said seriously, "Say you love me."

"I...I love you." Baobao Lin said stammeringly, her pink face flushed slightly, and now the goosebumps really popped out.

"Jiang Chen, Ms. Lin, I think this kind of game can be over, if you continue, won't the two of you feel embarrassed?" Zong Zifeng smiled lightly, as if he had already seen through everything.

"Baby, it looks like he doesn't believe that you love me, what do you think you should do?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.


Lin Baobao's head is full of balls of thread, tangled and tangled, and she has never been in a relationship, so how would she know what to do?
Damn Jiang Chen, how could he let her answer such a difficult question? This is completely a test of her acting skills.

"Honey, of course you can do whatever you want." On the surface, Baobao Lin said with a smile, saying, "My dear, you can be as nasty as you want, which makes Tang Tian and Shuang'er feel disgusted." Very cold.

"Whether two people love each other, whether they are seen by others, whether they are believed by others, I have always been indifferent... But, from the perspective of a man, seeing his beloved woman being so denied by others, But it wasn't my original intention." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Is this, are you confessing to me?" Lin Baobao blinked quickly, his big eyes looked at Jiang Chen, his face was getting redder and redder.

Then, Baby Lin saw that Jiang Chen's head lowered little by little, and his warm breath sprayed on her face, making her breath full of Jiang Chen's smell.

For Lin Baobao, who had never been so close to a man before, it was destined to be a fresh and strange feeling. She instinctively lowered her head, only to feel her cheeks were hot and hot, and even her eyes were unconscious. closed.

Seeing Lin Baobao's expression of closing his eyes shyly, Zong Zifeng's face suddenly changed, and a bad premonition suddenly emerged from his heart.

Soon after, Zong Zifeng's premonition became reality, because he saw Jiang Chen's kiss land on Lin Baobao's lips.

Closing his eyes and lowering his head, Zong Zifeng didn't look any more. The fair and handsome face changed from cloudy to sunny, but it was only for a split second. When he raised his head again, Zong Zifeng still had a faint smile on his face. out...

(End of this chapter)

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