genius evil

Chapter 463 A friend can't be bullied

Chapter 463 A friend can't be bullied
Jiang Chen's kiss only lightly landed on Lin Baobao's lips, and then moved away. He would not take advantage of Lin Baobao's advantage.

It's just that Lin Baobao blinked faster, and pouted his pink mouth, as if he was reminiscing about Jiang Chen's kiss, and it seemed that he still had something to say.

"I know this, it looks a bit naive, but you have to understand that couples in love are like this often, they will instinctively and can't help doing some extremely naive things." Jiang Chen said to Zong Zifeng with a smile.

"I still say that, I only trust my own eyes." Zong Zifeng said, pointing to his own eyes.

"I think you are not only blind, but also mentally retarded. Could it be that Jiang Chen and I had sex before you believed him to be my boyfriend?" Lin Baobao scolded angrily.

Smiling disapprovingly, Zong Zifeng said: "Even if the two of you have sex, you are still not a couple. At best, it is just a one-night stand. Of course, it is more likely to be a multi-night stand. Unfortunately, one-night stand No matter how many nights you stand, that's not love."

"Let's go, Jiang Chen, let's roll the sheets." Lin Baobao was so angry that he dragged Jiang Chen into the room to see the situation. He might roll the sheets once to show Zong Zifeng, so as to prove that she and Jiang Chen What a loving trend there is between them.

"Baby, don't be impulsive. People with mental illnesses usually won't admit that they are ill. This is the so-called taboo disease." Jiang Chen smiled.He grabbed Lin Baobao who was running away.

Lin Baobao is invincible in figure, delicate and cute, and her feminine charm is unquestionable. Whether it is a multi-night stand or a one-night stand, she is undoubtedly the best object.

But of course Jiang Chen would not be so stupid that he pulled Lin Baobao back to the room in front of Tang Tian and Shuang'er. Even if he did nothing after returning to the room, Tang Tian and Shuang'er must be jealous of.

"Then, just treat me as mentally ill." Zong Zifeng said lightly, then looked at Baobao Lin and said, "Miss Lin, if you think this will make me retreat in spite of difficulties, then I can only tell you , I always like to challenge high difficulty. The higher the difficulty, the more I like it.”

"I really don't understand at all, you are so confident and confident, where does the confidence come from?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"If you were me, you would know where my confidence comes from." Zong Zifeng said.

"If you want to say this, it will be even more difficult for me to understand. After all, no matter from what point of view you are compared, you are no match for me." Jiang Chen curled his lips and said.

"Then, where does your self-confidence come from?" Zong Zifeng asked back.

"Do you have to tell me the irrefutable fact that I'm more handsome than you?" Jiang Chen looked speechless.

Therefore, Zong Zifeng was really speechless.

He looks pretty good, even if he is thrown in the crowd, he belongs to the type that is easy to find, but there is no doubt that there is still a big gap between him and Jiang Chen.

There was no way, his face was born with a fixed shape from birth, while Jiang Chen was tantamount to cheating, changing his appearance and temperament in a very special way.

"You really can't refute it." Jiang Chen smiled.

"It's too boring." Zong Zifeng said indifferently.

"It can't be more boring than your behavior. If I were you, I would have turned around and left long ago in this situation. Why bother to make a mess?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You are right, I should go." Zong Zifeng said.

After saying this, Zong Zifeng turned and left, got into the business car, and drove away.

"Jiang Chen, this Zongzifeng, did he believe it, or didn't he?" As soon as Zongzifeng left, Tang Tian hurriedly asked.

"He believed it." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"You said he believed it, so why does he still have such an attitude?" Tang Tian said a little puzzled, because she didn't feel the slightest bit of belief in Zong Zifeng's appearance.

However, she believed Jiang Chen's words very much. After all, Jiang Chen was a man, and when looking at such issues from a man's point of view, it was always easier to see them more accurately than she did.

"It's very simple, it's just possessiveness." Jiang Chen said lightly.

For cooperating with Lin Baobao in this play, Jiang Chen had no such plan at the beginning, but after Zong Zifeng's first sentence, Jiang Chen changed his mind.

No, he doesn't like that guy.

Not liking it is enough to constitute all the reasons.

Coincidentally, Baby Lin didn't like it either, so Zong Zifeng could only be out!

As for Jiang Chen's claim that Zong Zifeng was possessive, the reason could not be simpler. There are three beauties here, whether Tang Tian or Shuang'er, no matter in appearance or temperament, they are not inferior to Lin Baobao.

However, after Zong Zifeng appeared, he didn't even look at the two girls.

In theory, this kind of person can be called a gentleman, but from another point of view, no matter what he says or does, this kind of person has an extremely strong purpose.

Zong Zifeng's goal was Lin Baobao, so he naturally ignored the existence of Tang Tian and Lin Baobao.

"Possessive?" Tang Tian looked at Baobao Lin.

Lin Baobao was a little guilty, and murmured: "Tiantian, what do you think of me like this, and I didn't provoke that guy. The last time I was in the capital, it was the first time we met, okay?"

"So, where did his possessiveness come from?" Tang Tian just asked.

"He's a pervert." Lin Baobao said with a whimper.

"Whether he is a pervert or not, it has nothing to do with me anyway. Since he believes it, Baby Lin, shouldn't you let Jiang Chen go?" Tang Tian asked.

"Tiantian, why are you so stingy." Lin Baobao pouted.

"If I were stingy, I would have exposed your little trick just now." Tang Tian gave Lin Baobao a white look.

Smiling, Baby Lin let go of Tang Tian, ​​went over to hug Tang Tian, ​​and said, "Tiantian, I knew you were the best for me, so, in the future, I can borrow your boyfriend's clothes from you at any time, right?" ?”

"It depends on how you use it. If you dare to use Jiang Chen to make sex, I will definitely break your legs." Tang Tian threatened.

"Tiantian, this is your fault. If Jiang Chen had sex with me so easily, it can only mean that he is a man who is prone to flirtatiousness in his bones. You should break his third leg." Lin Baobao corrected.

The problem is, Jiang Chen was originally a watery man, Tang Tian thought in her heart depressedly, but on her lips, Tang Tian said: "Baby Lin, why do I think that you wish Jiang Chen could be a watery man, okay? Seduce him into bed?"

"Illusion." Lin Baobao was very serious and serious, and said solemnly: "Sweet, I understand the truth that a friend can't be bullied, how could I do such a crazy thing, but if Jiang If Chen drags me to have sex, then it has nothing to do with me."

"Even if Jiang Chen strips you of all your clothes, you still have to guard yourself like a jade." Tang Tian warned.

"Is that really okay?" Lin Baobao asked confusedly.

"Baby Lin, I think you are impatient. Why didn't you ask me why your clothes were stripped by Jiang Chen? I think you seem to be expecting that kind of thing to happen." Tang Tian was angry. endlessly.

"Where do I have it?" Shrinking his head, Lin Baobao muttered, his eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The appearance of Zongzifeng was just an insignificant episode, which did not affect the mood of the few people.

At noon, Baobao Lin also took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the kitchen to make lunch with great interest, and declined anyone to visit.

"Can Baby Lin know how to cook?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I've never seen her cook before." Tang Tian said.

"Master, Miss, do you smell something burnt?" Wrinkled her nose, Shuang'er said.

In the air, at some point, there was a burnt smell, a bit like the smell of plastic being scorched by fire. Smelling this strange smell, Jiang Chen and the three looked at each other, unable to understand what Lin Baobao was doing in the kitchen. What is there is such a strange taste.

Not long after, when Baobao Lin ran out of the kitchen under the heavy smoke, Jiang Chen and the three finally understood the source of the burnt smell.

"Baby Lin, you idiot, you actually put the rice cooker on the gas stove, you're out of your mind." Tang Tian couldn't take it anymore.

"Isn't the rice cooked like that? I looked at it just now, and it seems that the rice is almost cooked. If it wasn't for the smoke, I would have fried the vegetables." Baobao Lin said aggrievedly.

"Baby Lin, don't tell me that you haven't seen Shuang'er cook before, I think you are deliberately making trouble." Tang Tian said angrily.

"No, how could I do such a thing." Lin Baobao said pitifully.

The rice cooker was directly burned by Baobao Lin. This meal was destined to be uneatable, so the four of them could only drive the car and go out to find a place to eat.Then, have to buy a rice cooker again.

"Tiantian, I want to eat ice cream." Sitting in the car, Lin Baobao said.

"Isn't it in the refrigerator at home? You didn't know how to take it just now?" Tang Tian asked.

"I've seen it. We've finished eating all the food at home." Baobao Lin said.

"So, you set the rice cooker on fire on purpose, right?" Tang Tian understood in an instant, the cause and effect of this incident, and she was so angry that she almost wanted to strangle this woman to death.

She didn't choose a place, just found a western restaurant, ordered something and started to eat. After so much trouble, Lin Baobao finally got the ice cream she wanted.

While eating, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a piece of watery greenness drifting across his line of sight, and raised his head slightly in surprise, Jiang Chen just saw, outside the floor-to-ceiling window, a woman in a green dress walked by.

Even if he couldn't see the appearance of the woman in the green skirt clearly, just looking at that back, there was an unusually familiar feeling rushing towards him.

"Why did she come to Yilan City?" Jiang Chen murmured slightly astonished.

(End of this chapter)

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