genius evil

Chapter 465

Chapter 465

Hearing the words of the beauty in the green dress, Jiang Chen couldn't help but burst out laughing.

However, when he thought of the uniqueness of the beauty in the green dress, Jiang Chen felt a sense of guilt for no reason, and let go of the beauty in the green dress.

"I came to Yilan City with my aunt to do some business. My aunt was resting in the hotel, and I went shopping alone." The beauty in the green skirt said in a low voice.

"She can rest assured." Jiang Chen's expression was a little strange.

In his impression, the aunt of the beauty in the green skirt is a rigid and mean existence. When walking on the road, if some men look more at the beauty in the green skirt, they may violently kill people at any time, which makes sense They won't talk about it.

How could such an existence allow the beauty in the green dress to go shopping alone?
"When I was in Tianhang City, I often went shopping alone." The green skirt beauty explained.

"Oh." Jiang Chen seemed to have suddenly realized, and nodded, although he still couldn't understand why this happened.

Did he look like a bad guy, or did he have a bad guy face?
So, the aunt of the beautiful woman in the green dress is only wary of him, not other men?

However, not to mention that the concept of this kind of situation is less than one ten thousandth, even if he is unfortunately guessed, Jiang Chen will never admit it.

He obviously has a heart-throb face, okay? What makes him look like a bad guy?

Prejudice, must be damned prejudice.

"Little sister, do you think I'm taking you back to the hotel? Or do you want to continue shopping?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I just came out of the hotel." The beauty in the green dress said.

"This means that we will continue to go shopping." Jiang Chen understood.

"Jiang Chen, do you have time? Can you..." The beauty in the green skirt looked at Jiang Chen expectantly, her big eyes were full of longing.

If it was another woman staring at a man with such a mood, the man being watched would definitely be distracted every minute,
However, when the beauty in the green dress looked at a man like this, it didn't happen in the kind of daydream-like situation. Her eyes were too pure, and her pupils were as black as ink, like two glowing black gemstones. , so that people will not have unreasonable delusions at all.

If one had to find a suitable adjective for the woman in the green skirt who looked at people like this, it would be elation.

That means trust, means dependence!

"I'll make a call first." Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and gestured. He just found an excuse to sneak out while eating, and Tang Tian and the three daughters were still waiting in the western restaurant.

Jiang Chen made a phone call to Tang Tian, ​​told Tang Tian that he had something to do, and told them to go home after eating, put away the phone, and Jiang Chen said, "It's ok."

"Jiang Chen, are you calling your girlfriend?" The beauty in the green dress looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

"Smart." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, your girlfriend must be very beautiful." The beauty in the green skirt looked at Jiang Chen with incomparable curiosity.

"Um, you're really smart." Jiang Chen was still smiling.

"Damn it, it's like a child talking about it." The beauty in the green skirt pouted, looking unhappy.

Jiang Chen was sweating profusely. Although the beauty in the green dress in front of him couldn't be called a child from any angle, the biggest problem was that she was just a child.

It can be seen that the beauty in the green dress really likes shopping, or in other words, she likes all kinds of new things.

Unlike other women who like to go to shopping malls for shopping, the beauties in green skirts are wandering on the side of the street. What they look at is not clothes, bags, jewelry, or cosmetics, but all kinds of cute and fun gadgets.

Well, this can be said to be innocence.

After strolling around for a while, Jiang Chen casually bought a few small toys for the beauty in the green skirt, and the beauty in the green skirt seemed to bloom like a flower on her pink and tender face.

"Jiang Chen, look there." Suddenly, the beauty in the green skirt stretched out her hand and pointed in one direction with a shocked expression on her face.

Following the direction pointed by the finger of the beauty in the green dress, Jiang Chen casually looked.

Impressively, I saw a little boy curled up begging on the side of the street corner... Except for a pair of clean eyes, the whole body of the little boy was dirty.

What's more, when the little boy was curled up there, his posture was particularly awkward. It wasn't that the little boy deliberately pretended to be pitiful and put on an awkward posture, but that his left foot was obviously broken, and it was placed crookedly. On the side, it was like an extra object in the little boy's body.

"Jiang Chen, did you see that?" the green skirt beauty said hastily.

"I'm watching." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Jiang Chen, can you give him some money? I think he is so pitiful. With money, he can go to the hospital for treatment. Do you think it's okay?" The green skirt beauty said in a begging tone.

"No problem." Jiang Chen responded, and took out a handful of money from his pocket.

"How much?" asked the beauty in the green skirt with her head turned.

"Give it all to him." The beauty in the green skirt said, pulled Jiang Chen over, and threw the handful of money into the small bowl in front of the little boy.

"Jiang Chen, thank you, I will ask my aunt to return this money to you." After giving the money, the beauty in the green skirt said to Jiang Chen, as if she was embarrassed because she spent so much money on Jiang Chen.

"It's okay, there's no need to return it. Let's go, let's go shopping elsewhere." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

The beauty in the green dress hummed, but she seemed a little absent-minded, obviously because of the tragic situation of the little boy, which affected her mood.

She was dragged away by Jiang Chen, and looked back at the little boy every step of the way.

"What a kind girl." Seeing the beauty in the green dress like this, Jiang Chen sighed softly.

Just when Jiang Chen was feeling so emotional, the beauty in the green dress suddenly changed her expression, and said loudly: "Jiang Chen, look quickly, the money we just gave the little boy for medical treatment was taken away."

A middle-aged man appeared in front of the little boy, stretched out his hand, held the handful of money in his hand, stuffed it into his pants pocket, and then threw a steamed bun and half a bottle of water to the little boy.

After doing this, the middle-aged man was about to walk away when he suddenly heard the words of the beautiful woman in the green skirt, and immediately cast a vicious look over him, and said displeasedly: "Beauty, don't meddle in your own business."

"That's the money we paid for the little boy's medical treatment. You return the money to him." The beauty in the green skirt said anxiously.

"Don't meddle in other people's business, didn't you hear?" The middle-aged man was furious, and stared at the beauty in the green dress several times, but he turned around and walked away soon after.

"Jiang Chen, that person took all the money away." The beauty in the green dress became sad.

"The money was meant to be taken away by him." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

"Why?" The beauty in the green skirt was puzzled.

"It can only be said that people's hearts are sinister in this world." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

He couldn't tell the beauty in the green skirt that the little boy's legs were probably broken on purpose, and that some people, in this way, controlled some street children to cheat money.

It is estimated that if you really say that, the whole world view of the green skirt beauty will collapse.

"However, we gave that little boy the money, and he can't take it away." The beauty in the green skirt said angrily.

"That's right, the money, in a sense, is mine, and he really can't take it away." Jiang Chen agreed.

Having said that, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Little girl, shopping is a bit boring, I'll take you there to get the money back."

"You must come back." Waving her small fists, the beauty in the green dress said angrily.


In a narrow and dilapidated alley, a middle-aged man was counting money while walking.

"It's 300 yuan in total." After counting the money, the middle-aged man chuckled, spat forcefully on the ground, and said in a strange way: "If there are a few more idiots like this, I will soon make a fortune." gone."

While talking, the middle-aged man walked quickly and got into a small broken house next to him.

Inside the dilapidated house, there were three ragged men who looked like beggars playing poker. Seeing the middle-aged man come in, one of them asked, "Third brother, how is your performance today?"

"Fart performance, these days, there are too few sympathetic people, that little bastard lay there for a long time, and didn't get any money." The middle-aged man said.

"I can't go on like this. I used to smoke the Yellow Crane Tower, but now I can only smoke Huangshan. Could it be that the little bastard is not miserable enough, or we will break his other leg, If it doesn’t work, break his two hands too.” A guy with buck teeth grinned and said, he took out a cigarette from the crumpled cigarette case, put it in his mouth and lit it.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. If it doesn't work, I'll do as you said." The middle-aged man said, with a look of disdain flashing in his eyes.

Then the other guy laughed and scolded: "Bao Ya, it doesn't count if you have Huangshan smoke, but I haven't touched a woman for half a month, and I'm about to suffocate to death."

While talking, the guy who was speaking suddenly wiped his eyes vigorously. This is an action that only occurs when hallucinations occur.

In fact, this guy really thought he was hallucinating. After wiping his eyes once, he wiped them hard again.

"Woman!" the guy yelled.

"Old Liu, I think you are crazy about women. There is not even a bitch in this damn place, so there are no women." Baoya and the other person laughed out loud, mockingly.

"Look, there are really women, fairies." The old Liu stammered.

Baoya and the other person followed the sound, and the two of them were dumbfounded. That's right, there is indeed a woman, and indeed, it is a fairy.

Only the middle-aged man who had just entered the door, after seeing the two people standing at the door clearly, his expression became cloudy.

At the door, those two people were none other than Jiang Chen and the beauty in the green skirt.

"Little sister, did you hear what they said?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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