genius evil

Chapter 466 The wicked have their own grind

Chapter 466 The wicked have their own grind

"I heard." The beauty in the green skirt said blankly, looking a little dazed, obviously shocked by the conversation of the four people in the room.

" bad." Her delicate fingers tremblingly pointed at the four people in the room, and the beauty in the green dress trembled a little.

It's just that she obviously doesn't know how to swear, and it took a long time before she uttered a harmless sentence.

"How could you intentionally break that little boy's leg, and break his other leg and hand? You can't do that." Immediately afterwards, the beauty in the green skirt said again very angrily.

"If we don't break that little bastard's legs, where will we get the money to eat, drink and play?" Old Liu grinning, leaned over, looked at the beauty in the green skirt, and said, "Beauty, now you know our biggest secret, We're going to kill people."

" can't." The beauty in the green dress became nervous.

"Is it possible? What you say doesn't count. We say what we say. However, it would be a pity if a beautiful woman like you is killed. I am old Liu, but I am a man who loves fragrance and loves jade." In Liu's eyes, there was a lustful light.

"You made a mistake, I'm the one who said it." Jiang Chen said lightly, with a random kick, he kicked Lao Liu out of the room and smashed it heavily on the wall of the room. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"Boy, you are so brave, you dare to do something." Baoya was angry.

"Otherwise, why do you think I'm here?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said slowly to the middle-aged man: "Don't pretend to be dead there, take out the money."

"What money?" The middle-aged man said with a guilty conscience.

"It's 300 yuan in total, am I not mistaken?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"You follow me." The middle-aged man called out loudly.

"Lao Hai, stop the fucking nonsense, what two thousand and three hundred yuan, you guys are carrying our black money, right?" That buck-tooth immediately looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously.

"Don't doubt it, he's carrying your dirty money. See if he has pockets in his trousers, but there's money in them." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, Baoya and another person immediately rushed at the middle-aged man, throwing the middle-aged man to the ground, one of them tightly hugged the middle-aged man to prevent him from struggling, the other , is to reach out for money.

A handful of money was quickly withdrawn.

"Okay, Lao Hai, our brothers are so devoted to you, and you are carrying our black money." Bao Ya and the other guy were suddenly furious, and they punched and kicked Lao Hai until they beat Lao Hai. The immorality is to stop.

"Little sister, do you know what this means?" Looking at the bustle, Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"What does it mean?" The beauty in the green dress was puzzled.

"This is called, the wicked will be punished by the wicked." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"That's right, we are villains." After Baoya and that guy dealt with Lao Hai, they stood up and said in a vicious voice.

"You two, hand over all the money to me so that we don't have to do anything else, and besides..." Baoya pointed a finger at the beautiful woman in the green dress.


Jiang Chen kicked Baoya's chin, breaking one of Baoya's teeth.

"I'm sorry, in order to prevent your words from being dirty, I can only move quickly." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said embarrassedly.

Buck toothache was crying and howling on the ground, his face was covered with blood, and he looked extremely hideous and terrifying.

"Boy, you are looking for death." The only guy left said grimly.

Immediately he said again: "Boy, your girlfriend is so beautiful, she can be seen as a person of status, why bother with us sleazy people, there is a saying that is good, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, give us If you are in a hurry, you will not end well."

"Finished?" Jiang Chen asked indifferently.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" That guy has a tendency to jump over the wall in a hurry.

"Of course you're joking." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course, and kicked again, directly breaking several ribs of this guy.

One minute later, Jiang Chen led the beauty in the green dress out of the alley.

"Jiang Chen, that money?" the green skirt beauty said in a daze.

"Little sister, do you only have that money in your eyes?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"The money is for the little boy's medical treatment." The beauty in the green skirt said anxiously.

Jiang Chen was full of black lines, knowing that if the little boy's problem was not resolved, today's problem would definitely be unavoidable, so he had no choice but to call the police.

"Alright, the little boy will be dealt with by the police." Jiang Chen said after finishing the phone call.

"What about them?" The beauty in the green skirt pointed to the direction of the alley.

"Does it matter whether they live or die?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"They should be damned." The beauty in the green dress said, biting her teeth.


When this kind of thing happened, it obviously ruined the good mood of the beauty in the green dress shopping, and after shopping for a while, she just didn't want to go shopping.

"Jiang Chen, I'm going back to the hotel." The beauty in the green dress said without interest.

"Let's go, I'll see you off." Jiang Chen smiled.

After hailing a taxi, Jiang Chen took the green-dressed beauty back to the hotel. When the green-dressed beauty entered the hotel, Jiang Chen was about to leave by car when a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Do I look like a bad guy?" Jiang Chen said as if he was talking to himself, touching his face with his hand.

"You don't look like a good person at least." The man said, it was a middle-aged woman in a green dress.

Jiang Chen just smiled: "You don't think I'm a good person, and if you dare to let my little sister follow me, don't you worry about what I will do to her?"

"Do you have the courage?" The middle-aged woman mocked.

"Are you forcing me to be a bad guy?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"I said, as long as you have the guts, you can be a bad person, but don't blame me for not reminding you, if you lose your life at that time, don't regret it." The middle-aged woman said coldly.

"You really are forcing me." Jiang Chen sighed, turned around, and walked directly into the hotel.

"What are you going to do?" The middle-aged woman froze for a moment.

"You have forced me to be a bad person. If I'm not a little bit bad, wouldn't I be sorry for your good intentions? Besides, I have to make it clear that, let alone other advantages, I'm absolutely courageous. It's very big." Jiang Chen said, walking quickly while talking, and soon appeared in the lobby of the hotel.


It seemed that he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would say such words. The middle-aged woman had a hard time reacting. After finally reacting, Jiang Chen had already entered the hotel.

"I said, I have been forced by you to be a good person, and I can only be a bad person. What else do you want?" The expression on Jiang Chen's face was that of helplessness.

"I will kill you." The middle-aged woman said coldly.

"Hey, did you hear that she said she was going to kill me, why don't you hurry up and call the police?" Jiang Chen yelled towards the front desk of the hotel.

The front desk of the hotel was full of black lines, and the middle-aged woman also had black lines on her head.

"Shut up." The middle-aged woman was very annoyed, and she had to say that Jiang Chen was really good at making troubles.

"You're going to kill me, and you still can't let me have two voices? Can you be a little human?" Jiang Chen was not happy.

"I think you are really looking for death. Could it be that you think that I dare not kill you?" The middle-aged woman said in a deep voice as she approached Jiang Chen step by step.

At this moment, her heart was burning with anger, and she really had the urge to kill Jiang Chen.

"It's not that you don't dare, it's just that you can't kill me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


The middle-aged woman's right hand suddenly stretched out, moving the air, and grabbed Jiang Chen's neck.

Can't kill?

She wanted to see if she could kill Jiang Chen.

"I said you couldn't kill me, so why bother?" Jiang Chen sighed, and when the middle-aged woman's right hand grabbed her, he didn't retreat but advanced. With the movement of the figure, he suddenly took a few steps forward, At the same time, a punch was thrown out.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman's complexion changed slightly, and she hastily retaliated, turning her grasp into a fist, and the clenched fist collided with Jiang Chen's fist.


The two fists collided, and a dull sound came out.

The figure of the middle-aged woman flickered, and she couldn't help taking two steps back, but Jiang Chen approached again, smiling, and said, "How's the taste?"

"You—" the middle-aged woman was furious, and looked at Jiang Chen very strangely.

She didn't take Jiang Chen seriously, but just shot casually. This time, it can be said that she was prepared to fight unprepared, but inadvertently, she suffered a small loss.

But even so, the middle-aged woman was greatly surprised to be knocked back by Jiang Chen's punch. You must know that with her strength, even if she made a random shot, a strong person with a sixth-level cultivation of the ancient martial artist might not be able to deal with it. too easy.

In other words, Jiang Chen has the strength to compete with the masters of the sixth-level cultivation of the ancient martial arts, and he is still able to compete with the top-level masters of the sixth-level cultivation of the acquired. Otherwise, Jiang Chen would not be able to beat her. To shock back.

But, how old is Jiang Chen?
Moreover, before that, she had always looked down on Jiang Chen.

"This guy hides his strength." Gritting her teeth secretly, the middle-aged woman said in her heart.

"Did you suddenly admire me a little bit, and feel that I am a person who is hiding something?" Jiang Chen said smugly.

"I admit, you are indeed quite special." The middle-aged woman said thoughtfully.

"It's a pity, I'm such a special person, I'm going to become a bad guy after all, maybe, I'm going to be a very special bad guy eventually." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"Jiang Chen, don't make excuses." The middle-aged woman said angrily.

"Tsk!" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth, looked at the middle-aged woman with a smile that was not a smile, and said unhurriedly, "When you think that you can handle me casually, am I a good person or a good person?" Bad guys, in your eyes, there is no difference at all, because you can send me to die at any time, now you realize that you can't handle me at all, I have become unreasonable, I am unreasonable...reasonable Is that what you said?"

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged woman stared blankly at Jiang Chen, unable to refute for a while, because she thought that way in the first place.

"Auntie, what happened?" But at this moment, a voice came over.

(End of this chapter)

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