genius evil

Chapter 467 You Are Really Stupid

Chapter 467 You Are Really Stupid
The speaker was still outside the hotel, and the voice had already come in.

Accompanied by that voice, soon, a young man walked in slowly from the outside.

His walking speed is the same as his speaking speed, and they are both so slow and unhurried. Just listening to the voice of the question, it is easy to make people feel that this is undoubtedly an extremely proud guy .

And when the young man finally walked into the hotel lobby, looking at his slightly raised chin, people would find that this was indeed a very proud guy.

"Auntie?" Hearing the young man's words, and then looking at the young man's face, Jiang Chen's expression was a little astonished for no reason.

"It's you?" At this time, the young man also noticed Jiang Chen's existence at a glance, and his brows frowned inadvertently when he saw Jiang Chen, looking a little surprised.

"Zifeng, do you know Jiang Chen?" the middle-aged woman asked.

That young man was none other than the Zongzifeng that Jiang Chen had seen this morning at Guilanyuan Villa.

"It's not considered acquaintance, it can only be said to have met once." Zong Zifeng said indifferently, the simple answer, condescending meaning is beyond words, the underlying meaning is nothing more than telling everyone that Jiang Chen has no need for him to know.

The middle-aged woman is so smart, once she heard what Zong Zifeng said, she understood that there must be conflicts between Jiang Chen and Zong Zifeng.

The middle-aged woman just said: "Zifeng, you go up first."

"Don't worry." Zong Zifeng shook his head, looked at Jiang Chen, and said, "Your name is Jiang Chen, right? I don't know why you are here, but I can only tell you that you are really not at all. pleasing."

"I have to say, you give me exactly the same feeling." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You first offended me today, and now you offended my aunt. You don't need to worry about my affairs, but you must care about my aunt's affairs. How about this? You apologize to my aunt , and then leave here, I will pretend nothing happened, what do you think?" Zong Zifeng said in a discussing tone.

"What if I don't apologize? What should I do?" Jiang Chen asked interestingly.

"If you don't apologize, you still have to leave here. The difference is whether you walk away or I throw you out." Zong Zifeng said with his chin raised.

"It looks good. After all, having a choice is better than not having a choice." Jiang Chen nodded.

"It can be seen that you are annoying, but you are not too stupid." Hearing the sound, Zong Zifeng just laughed.

Today at Guilanyuan Villa, he had a confrontation with Jiang Chen. Although he was not embarrassed when he left, the scene of Jiang Chen kissing Baby Lin was stuck in his throat like a fishbone. , making him very unhappy.

Originally, if Jiang Chen had always been with Lin Baobao, his Zongzi Peak would not have troubled Jiang Chen so quickly.

However, Jiang Chen appeared in front of him again in a very inexplicable way. For Zong Zifeng, this was undoubtedly an excellent opportunity given to him by heaven.

Zong Zifeng was too lazy to bother about the conflict between Jiang Chen and the middle-aged woman. He would not even ask. What he wanted was a chance to challenge Jiang Chen.

On the surface, he was saying to give Jiang Chen a chance, but in fact, he was impressively forcing Jiang Chen to bow his head to him.

As for whether Jiang Chen would bow his head, Zong Zifeng didn't care that much. If Jiang Chen bowed his head, at most he would humiliate Jiang Chen.

Therefore, Zong Zifeng's smile at this time was clearly a mockery, and Zong Zifeng was even slightly disappointed. If Jiang Chen was a little bit stupid and unwilling to bow his head, how good would it be?

"Since you gave me a sub-question, I have no choice but to choose not to apologize." Jiang Chen said calmly at this time.


Zong Zifeng originally thought that Jiang Chen was going to apologize and bow his head when he said that, but he didn't expect that things would take such an abrupt turn of events.

"Now, come here and throw me out of here." Jiang Chen hooked his fingers and asked solemnly.

"Hmph, are you so impatient? But since you are so anxious, I will naturally fulfill you." Zong Zifeng snorted coldly and said mockingly.

As he spoke, Zong Zifeng strode towards Jiang Chen.

"Zifeng, don't act rashly." The middle-aged woman saw that something was wrong and said hastily.

"Auntie, don't worry, I'm just playing casually, and I won't kill anyone." Grinning, Zong Zifeng said indifferently.

"Zifeng, don't be fooled by him!" The middle-aged woman was a little anxious.

She had just fought against Jiang Chen, and she had a very intuitive understanding of Jiang Chen's strength. Even if she tried her best, she might not be able to do anything against Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen wanted Zong Zifeng to go over and throw him out. This sounded like provocation at first, but in fact, he was digging a hole for Zong Zifeng to jump down.

Zong Zifeng couldn't figure out the situation, didn't know that Jiang Chen had dug a hole, and really jumped into it with all his heart, how could the middle-aged woman not be in a hurry?
"Tricked?" Hearing the middle-aged woman's words, Zong Zifeng was puzzled and didn't understand what the meaning was. He had already walked in front of Jiang Chen, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Jiang Chen's collar.

However, Zong Zifeng soon discovered that before his outstretched hand could even touch a corner of Jiang Chen's clothes, his neck tightened suddenly.

Jiang Chen's five fingers, like pliers, grabbed his neck inconceivably, lifting him up from the ground.

The face changed drastically in an instant, and Zong Zifeng finally understood why the middle-aged woman told him not to act rashly, and even more so told him not to be fooled.

You know, when Jiang Chen clasped his neck with his hand, let alone resisted, he didn't even see clearly when Jiang Chen made his hand.

This can only show one thing, he is not Jiang Chen's opponent at all, if he wants to throw Jiang Chen out of this hotel, the final result will only be to bring shame on himself.

However, after realizing this, it was already too late.

His neck was tightly held by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen's five fingers were slowly tightening. Under the pain, Zong Zifeng's pale face gradually turned red, and his breathing became weak. Extremely hasty.

"Listen to the words of the elders, there is nothing wrong... Can I say, are you really too stupid?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Jiang Chen, let me go." The middle-aged woman pushed over and said in a cold voice.

"I think it's better for you to stand aside and watch honestly. I have been forced into a bad person by you, and it is extremely natural for a bad person to do bad things." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

The middle-aged woman's face was uncertain, but she had to be honest, although she didn't know what Jiang Chen's temperament was, whether he really dared to kill someone.However, no matter what, she dared not joke about Zong Zifeng's life.

"Auntie, leave me alone, this guy dares to treat me like this, kill him." Zong Zifeng shouted.

"You still have the strength to speak. It looks like you like being abused very much." Jiang Chen smiled playfully, raised his left hand, and slapped Zongzifeng a few times.

"Jiang Chen, let me tell you, kill me today if you have the ability, otherwise I will definitely play you to death." Gritting his teeth, spat out a mouthful of blood, Zong Zifeng said sinisterly.

"Did you hear that? He's forcing me." Jiang Chen looked at the middle-aged woman and said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen, don't be impulsive." The middle-aged woman said hastily.

"I've always been rational and never impulsive. My biggest hobby is to help others. Since this guy wants me to kill him today, if I don't kill him, or wait until tomorrow, I will be embarrassed. "Jiang Chen said embarrassedly.


Suddenly, such a thought popped up in the middle-aged woman's mind.

That's right, it's shameless. It's really too shameless for Jiang Chen to say such a thing. Shamelessness has no limit.

"Yes, it's today, kill me, you kill me." Zong Zifeng roared.

"Zifeng, are you impatient? Shut up." The middle-aged woman shouted angrily.

"Auntie, I don't believe it, this idiot really dares to kill me." Zong Zifeng screamed.

The middle-aged woman suddenly felt very helpless. A person like Zong Zifeng, at first glance, looked high and his eyes were very high. He had never experienced any setbacks, and few people had dared to offend easily.

He was so proud that he had the illusion that no one could really do anything to him in the whole world.

But he has forgotten that the premise of that is that his life is not in the hands of others.

To gamble with your own life when your life is pinched by others and may be pinched to death at any time, that is not pride, it is naive, and more directly, it is stupid.

"If I tell you to shut up, just shut up." The middle-aged woman was so angry that she wanted to slap Zongzifeng a few times.

When Zong Zifeng heard the middle-aged woman's words, he knew that the middle-aged woman was really very angry. Although she was still very upset, she could only calm down a little.

"Jiang Chen, do me a favor and let him go." Then, the middle-aged woman said to Jiang Chen.

"Do you have a lot of face?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"Just take it as a face for the Zong family, how about it?" The middle-aged woman said again.

Zongzifeng's life was in Jiang Chen's hands, and the middle-aged woman had to bow her head.

"Which clan?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Tianhang, the Zong family." This time, before the middle-aged woman had time to speak, Zong Zifeng rushed to speak, and the sense of superiority in the words was almost bursting.

"Well, it turned out to be the Tianhang Zong Family. In this way, the face is indeed quite big, but even so, so what? Why should I give the Zong Family face?" Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

"Jiang Chen, then... can you give me some face?" The elevator door opened at some point, and a figure in green staggered over. It was the beauty in the green dress...

(End of this chapter)

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