genius evil

Chapter 468 I Like Smart People

Chapter 468 I Like Smart People
That speaking voice was so anxious, slightly crying, yet so cautious.

It's like doing something inadvertently, lest it will affect other people around me, so, so cautious, so restless.

Jiang Chen has seen many women, and experienced many women.

Among those women, there were of course very special ones, which made Jiang Chen extremely unforgettable no matter whether it was in his past life or his present life.

However, it has to be said that the beauty in the green dress in front of him is definitely one of the most special ones among the many women he has ever seen and experienced.

She is too much like a child, although in essence, she is indeed a little girl... Although, in terms of her figure and the femininity exuded from her, she is indeed, Not a little girl anymore.

"Sister, why are you here? Go back quickly." Just when Jiang Chen was a little dazed at the appearance of the beauty in the green dress, Zong Zifeng, who had always been rather strong and ruthless, became anxious, as if It was the appearance of the beauty in the green dress that made Jiang Chen discover a pearl treasure that he treasured.

"Sister? Huh?"

Jiang Chen was slightly surprised by Zong Zifeng's address to the beauty in the green dress.

Even though, because the beauty in the green skirt called the middle-aged woman Auntie, and this Zongzifeng was also called the middle-aged woman Auntie, Jiang Chen had already thought that there should be a certain relationship between Zongzifeng and the beauty in the green skirt.

But it was also unexpected that the relationship between the two would be so close.

This guy is actually the younger brother of the beauty in the green skirt.

At the same time, Jiang Chen understood why the beauty in the green skirt and the middle-aged woman appeared in Yilan City. The beauty in the green skirt said that she came to Yilan City to do business. Dare love, she accompanied Zong Zifeng to Yilan City for a blind date.

I have to say that the world is sometimes very big, but sometimes it is too small and too small. There will always be some inexplicable connections between related and irrelevant people at certain inadvertent times.

"Jiang Chen, can you let Zifeng go? He looks so uncomfortable." The beauty in the green dress said distressedly.

"Sister, don't ask him." Zong Zifeng said loudly.

"Zifeng, don't talk." The beauty in the green skirt said angrily.

"Sister, you go up to rest first, my aunt and I will take care of things." Zong Zifeng struggled in Jiang Chen's hands, as if he didn't want the beauty in the green dress to worry about his affairs.

"What a brother and sister who love each other deeply." Jiang Chen sighed softly.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to kill me, kill me quickly, don't embarrass my sister." Zong Zifeng yelled at Jiang Chen.

"You clearly heard it. Your sister and I know each other, don't we?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"I said before, I won't let my sister beg you." Zong Zifeng said noncommittally.

The beauties in green skirts all know Jiang Chen's name, there is no doubt that they know Jiang Chen, even if he doesn't know when Jiang Chen and the beauties in green skirts met, and how they met.

"That's what I said, but, deep down in your heart, you must have thought that for the sake of your sister's face and because your sister is a beautiful woman, I will definitely not embarrass you, right?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean by that?" Zong Zifeng looked at Jiang Chen warily.

Even if he really has this idea, he can't admit it, otherwise, he is really too stupid.

"It's not interesting, I just want to tell you, if you really have such thoughts, it can only show that you are too naive." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Zong Zifeng was so angry that he thought that Jiang Chen said so many words to win the favor of the beautiful woman in the green skirt. Who knew, this guy didn't play cards according to common sense at all.

"Little sister, it's not that I don't give you face, but that I have always believed that in this world, anyone who does anything has a price. The premise is that someone is ready to pay the price, and someone No." Jiang Chen said to the beautiful woman in the green skirt.

The beauty in the green dress stared wide-eyed, half understanding.

"You may not know that if I am a little weaker, I will be humiliated by your younger brother if I am a little weaker. If I am worse, I will be beaten by him, and then, like a dog, I was thrown out from here by him, so I really can't give this face." Jiang Chen said very sincerely.

He has a good impression of the beauty in the green dress, and thinks it is one thing for the beauty in the green dress to be special, but another thing is the family and friends of the beauty in the green dress.

It is simply impossible for him to do such a thing as a so-called smile to wipe away all grievances because of the beauty in the green dress.

Maybe someone can do it, but he, Jiang Chen, really can't do it, his heart is not that big.

Look, Jiang Chen is such a stingy man!

"Then, can you not kill him?" the beauty in the green skirt said softly.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head decisively.

With her eyes slightly closed, the beauty in the green skirt said, "Then I don't beg you, can I?"

"Of course." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and then said: "Even if I really kill your brother, you can still avenge him in the future."

"Jiang Chen, if you want to kill me, kill me, stop talking nonsense." Zong Zifeng called out.

"Jiang Chen, since you know the Zong family, you should understand what the Zong family means, and whether you want to kill Zifeng, you'd better think clearly." The middle-aged woman said at this time.

She no longer threatened or warned, but said such words very calmly, just like what Jiang Chen said, everything has a price.

If Zong Zifeng paid the price for his actions, would Jiang Chen be able to pay the price for his actions?
What she said was at most reminding Jiang Chen that once Zongzifeng died, Jiang Chen would absolutely have to pay the price, and that price would be extremely tragic.

Grinning, Jiang Chen said, "I like things like reasoning the most. Next, let's talk about reasoning. This guy just gave me a multiple-choice question. Now, I'll give him a multiple-choice question." , this should be fair, right?"

"First, I'll kill you, and second, you apologize to me." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

Zongzifeng was completely messed up. He gave Jiang Chen two choices, and Jiang Chen gave him two choices now. The only difference was that if Jiang Chen didn't apologize, he would at most throw Jiang Chen out of the hotel , and if he didn't apologize, Jiang Chen would kill him directly.

"You only have three seconds, I don't have time to waste with you." Frowning, Jiang Chen said.

"I...I apologize." Zong Zifeng said hastily.

Compared with death, an apology is undoubtedly a more acceptable result.His Zongzifeng was still very young, he didn't want to die so early.

Moreover, even if the Zong family can avenge him after he dies, so what if he takes revenge, death is death.

But if he didn't die, the result would be different. In that case, the humiliation Jiang Chen gave him today, in the future, he will return it to Jiang Chen himself.

As a result, Zong Zifeng chose to apologize almost without thinking about it.

"Very good, I like smart people." Jiang Chen smiled happily, and let go of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have troubled you." After being let go, Zong Zifeng straightened his collar and apologized to Jiang Chen very sincerely. At least on the surface, he was absolutely devout. .

The beauty in the green skirt covered her face with her hands, feeling a bit unbearable to look at this scene.

As for the middle-aged woman, seeing Zong Zifeng's appearance, she sighed from the bottom of her heart.

At this time, how could a middle-aged woman not understand that Jiang Chen might not kill Zongzifeng?

Therefore, the final result may be nothing.

However, at this time, she realized that it was already too late, and it was too late to say anything.

Zong Zifeng has already apologized, and it seems that he is willing to bear the humiliation for future revenge, but this is actually a big joke.

This day was destined to be the most humiliating day in Zong Zifeng's life, but Zong Zifeng himself hadn't realized it yet.

"Very good, good attitude." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand at the green skirt beauty, and said, "Little sister, I should go."

"Oh." The beauty in the green dress was dumbfounded.

"By the way, I think it's a good behavior to let the little girl walk alone. This way is worthy of praise." Jiang Chen said to the middle-aged woman again.

The corner of the middle-aged woman's mouth twitched, she didn't need Jiang Chen's praise.

After saying these two sentences, Jiang Chen turned around and left.

"Jiang Chen... You said that if I came to Yilan City to look for you, you would give me a gift. Do you mean what you say?" the beauty in the green skirt asked suddenly.

"Of course it counts." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Okay, I see." Yan Ran chuckled, and the beauty in the green dress said.

Jiang Chen quickly left the hotel, hailed the car and left. The middle-aged woman glanced at the beautiful woman in the green dress, then at Zong Zifeng, and said, "Let's all go up."

"Auntie, I'm going back to Tianhang City." Zong Zifeng said.

"In two days, we will go back together." The middle-aged woman said.

"You and sister are here to play for two more days, I'll go back and do some errands by myself first." Zong Zifeng said stubbornly.

"You can go back alone, don't fight with others anymore." The beauty in the green skirt said.

"Okay, I won't fight." Zong Zifeng responded with a smile, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he can't fight, he can only kill!
"Then you go back. When you get home, give me a call." The beauty in the green skirt said.

"No problem." Zong Zifeng nodded, turned around and left.

"Little sister, let's go up." The middle-aged woman took a deep look at Zongzifeng's back, and led the beauty in the green skirt into the elevator.

When Jiang Chen returned to Guilan Garden Villa, it was already evening. In the kitchen, Shuang'er was preparing dinner, while Tang Tian and Lin Baobao were lying on the sofa watching TV.

The weather was quite hot, and the two girls were dressed in extremely cool clothes, showing their arms, thighs, and breasts. Anyway, spring is alluring.

"Jiang Chen, where have you been?" Seeing Jiang Chen walking in from the outside, Lin Baobao jumped up from the sofa, ran over to hug Jiang Chen's arm, and questioned.

(End of this chapter)

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