genius evil

Chapter 472 I didn't see anything

Chapter 472 I didn't see anything

"Jiang Shao, I didn't know you were here, or I would have changed places." Xiao Zhong didn't dare to get too close to Jiang Chen, and stopped about two meters away, and kept slapping himself on the face. After a while, his face was swollen.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Young Master Jiang, I'm hanging out with Brother Gong Xi." Xiao Zhongfen said hastily.

"Oh." Jiang Chen nodded.

Xiaozhong didn't know what Jiang Chen's nodding meant. He was extremely nervous and stared at Jiang Chen, at a loss.

"Go back." Jiang Chen didn't have the mind to pay attention to these things, raised his hand, and drove away.

"Yes... yes..." Xiao Zhongfen nodded hurriedly, not daring to say a word, waved his hand, led the people who brought him, and left quickly.

"Brush... brush..."

When Xiao Zhongfen left, the eyes of the rest of the people fell on Jiang Chen involuntarily, with surprise, weirdness, and a little bit of shock and fear.

"Haha, that guy with the parted hair is really funny, and he slapped himself so hard, Jiang Chen, don't you think he has a tendency to be abused?" Looking over, Jiang Yanyan smiled dryly.

"I hired them with money, not to mention slapping them, even if they make him three times, he will do it." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"It's fine for you to rent a car, and you have hired so many people. You have no money in the first place. What are you doing?" Jiang Yanyan muttered.

"It's very cheap, 300 people per person, and there are discounts for packaged rentals. The total cost is only [-] yuan... How about it, I'm pretending to be good, right?" Jiang Chen said triumphantly, as if he had taken advantage of the sky. It seems cheap.

"Student, did you really rent them?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"Really, it's more real than gold. If you need it, I can give you their contact information, and I can guarantee a fair price. No one can deceive you." Jiang Chen said calmly.

The man didn't dare to ask any more questions.

The others didn't make a sound.

If they believed it, the Land Rover that Jiang Chen drove was rented, which is nothing, but to say that this person also rented it is obviously a bit ridiculous.

After all, even the best actors in the world couldn't act with such sincerity and fear when facing Jiang Chen.

That was exactly the reaction of gangsters who met big bosses.

And that is, when Xiao Zhongfen slapped himself, it wasn't acting, it was a real slap, his face was swollen like a bun.

If they believed that the person was rented by Jiang Chen, they would all become idiots.

"Why don't you guys talk anymore, do you not believe my words or what's going on?" Jiang Chen's face sank, a little unhappy.

"Believe it, we believe it." Everyone hurriedly said, especially Jiao Yan and Guo Lin, their voices were especially loud.

"Jiang Chen, it's boring, let's go first." Seeing this, Jiang Yanyan said dejectedly.

Jiang Yanyan was looking forward to today's class reunion. Even though she was in the same city, many of her elementary school classmates hadn't seen each other for several years.

Who knows, many things are completely different from what she thought.

Moreover, Jiang Chen's existence obviously made the already coy relationship even more coy. Jiang Yanyan knew that if she stayed here with Jiang Chen, these people probably wouldn't be able to eat.

"My dishes have just been washed." Jiang Chen said.

"The time for your car is almost up, return it quickly, or you will have to pay more." Jiang Yanyan reminded.

"Well, that's right, then let's go first, you guys have fun." Jiang Chen said reluctantly.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan left soon.

Everyone looked at the backs of the two of them leaving, and each of them looked at each other speechlessly.

"Pretending to be a criminal." Guo Lin whispered when Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan were no longer in sight.


Everyone's eyes immediately fell on Guo Lin.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Guo Lin looked embarrassed.

"Actually, Jiang Yanyan and her boyfriend are not pretending at all." The little freckled female classmate said.

"Yeah, it's just that we don't believe what they say."

"Who is Jiang Yanyan's boyfriend? The second generation of the rich and the second generation of officials, or the boss of the gangster?"


They discussed one after another, and put various identities on Jiang Chen, so as to fit a certain conjecture in their hearts.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't know, even though he and Jiang Yanyan had left, it still made people daydream, but even if he knew, Jiang Chen wouldn't take it to heart.

Being caught by Jiang Yanyan in the way of a strong man to pretend to be a boyfriend, Jiang Chen really didn't want to do this kind of thing. In terms of his status and realm, this kind of coercion is also meaningless at all.

If it wasn't for the leader of the little middle school who appeared recklessly and then recognized who he was, Jiang Chen wouldn't have thought of shaking his body like a tiger. Good.

Anyway, idle is idle, right?

The location of this farmhouse is a bit out of the way, close to the suburbs.

When Jiang Yanyan came, she asked the driver to bring it. She knew that Jiang Chen would drive over, so she asked the driver to drive back first. At this time, she got into Jiang Chen's car.

"Jiang Chen, are you not unhappy?" After getting into the car, watching Jiang Chen drive on the road, Jiang Yanyan said embarrassedly.

"After dinner, don't make me pay the bill, I won't be angry." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Hee hee, I knew you wouldn't be angry. That Guo Lin, who is pulling like two to eighty-five thousand, is actually not worthy to lift your shoes." Jiang Yanyan said with a curled lip.

"Student Yanyan, is it really okay for us to close the car door and brag about ourselves?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"I'm not wrong." Jiang Yanyan said.

"I know, I'm excellent, but, after all, I'm not your boyfriend, no matter how excellent I am, it has little to do with you." Jiang Chen said.

"As a friend, why can't I be with Yourong?" Jiang Yanyan said sourly.

"Okay, but, I'm just a little worried about your overthinking." Jiang Chen said.

"Then I will say in my heart, you are An Qi's boyfriend, so it's okay?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"That's right." Jiang Chen finally nodded, making Jiang Yanyan so angry that she wished she could bite to death.


The car was driving on the road, heading towards the urban area. This is a rather deviated arterial road with very little traffic. While driving the car, Jiang Chen frowned suddenly, braked, and stopped the car. down.

"What happened?" Jiang Yanyan asked in confusion.

"It's okay, I'll leave later." Jiang Chen said lightly.

While speaking, she put down the window glass and looked out of the car. Jiang Yanyan was a little confused about the situation, but followed Jiang Chen's gaze, and then Jiang Yanyan saw two figures in a little distance away. Running fast.

The two silhouettes, one green and one yellow, the two colors are extremely conspicuous, even if they are a little far away, they can be seen quite clearly.

"Is that filming?" After watching for a while, Jiang Yanyan asked in a daze.

Impressively, I saw those two figures, moving and jumping, like martial arts masters in a blockbuster costume fact, they were hanging on Wia.

"Yeah, it looks like there will be a big costume movie released soon." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, just take me for a fool." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

"You didn't say it yourself, was that filming?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"I'll just talk casually...but, are there really martial arts masters now?" Jiang Yanyan asked thoughtfully.

"For such things as martial arts masters, it depends on how you look at them. If you think there are, then there must be." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then let's go quickly, if they find out that we are peeping, maybe they will come to make trouble." Jiang Yanyan said hastily.

Those two figures, up and down, fighting fiercely, a bit subverted Jiang Yanyan's three views, watching them was excited and frightened, lest it would hurt Chi Yu, and if they were not careful, they would lead like those passers-by in TV dramas. bento.

"What did you see? Such a nervous look?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"My eyes are blurred, I can't see anything, is it okay?" Jiang Yanyan asked Jiang Chen strangely, so she just said.

"Student Yanyan, I have to say, I like smart women like you." Jiang Chen kicked the accelerator and started driving again.

"No, it's not a woman, it's a girl." Jiang Yanyan corrected.

Women and girls, from the literal point of view, there is only one word difference, but the meanings are very different.

It's like when someone scolds someone, they scold an old woman. Who ever scolded an old girl?

She, Jiang Yanyan, doesn't even have a boyfriend, and she doesn't even know what it's like to be a man, so she doesn't want to become a woman out of nowhere, that would be too much of a disadvantage.

"Student Yanyan, why is your mind smaller than the tip of a needle? I'm really worried that you won't pay for the meal later." Jiang Chen felt melancholy.

"Jiang Chen, I think your mind is smaller than a sharp needle. You have said it several times for such a trivial matter. Even if I don't pay the bill, so what. I am a girl, and I have the right to go back on my word at any time." Jiang Yanyan said.

"So, you really don't intend to pay the bill, right?" Jiang Chen said.


This night, around eleven o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chen had just fallen asleep in Guilanyuan Villa, when he heard slight footsteps in the yard of the villa.

Suddenly, under the darkness of night, a figure climbed over the courtyard wall, landed on the ground, and staggered towards the villa.

"You came to find me?" Jiang Chen suddenly appeared and stopped the man.

"Yes, I'm here to look for you." The man was a little surprised when he saw Jiang Chen appear, his already pale face turned paler for no reason, and his chest suddenly bulged.

"You're about to vomit blood, right? Hurry up and hold it back. I'll find you a basin, so don't dirty the place." Jiang Chen said hastily.


The man had already restrained himself, but when he heard Jiang Chen's words, he suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood...

(End of this chapter)

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