genius evil

Chapter 473 Jiang Chen cheated again

Chapter 473 Jiang Chen cheated again
One minute later, a Land Rover left Guilanyuan Villa.

On the second floor of the villa, the lights suddenly came on, the curtains were pulled open, two little heads gathered together, and looked downstairs.

"Isn't Jiang Chen already asleep? Why did he drive out again?" It was Lin Baobao who asked.

"You ask me who am I asking?" Tang Tian muttered.

"Oh, it's not good, Jiang Chen went to Hongxing to cheat again. Could it be that the three charming beauties in this villa can't satisfy him anymore? I think Jiang Chen will die on the woman's belly sooner or later. "Baby Lin yelled.

"Baby Lin, was your math taught by your physical education teacher?" Tang Tian said quietly.

"No, look, you are one, Shuang'er is one, and I am one, aren't there three women?" Lin Baobao counted one by one with his little fingers, counted twice in a row, and said with great certainty.

"That means your Chinese is also taught by the physical education teacher. Shuang'er and I are right, but let me ask you, does Jiang Chen have anything to do with you?" Tang Tian said angrily.

This woman is really shameless, she insists on pretending to be Jiang Chen's woman, no one wants her, she is determined to rely on Jiang Chen, Tang Tian expressed her worry!

What Tang Tian was worried about was not that Jiang Chen couldn't control herself, but that Lin Baobao, a shameless woman, would climb onto Jiang Chen's bed while Jiang Chen was asleep!

At this time, Jiang Chen had already driven away from the villa.

"Tell me, why did you come to see me?" Jiang Chen asked casually while driving the car.

"I saw your car today." The man said after being silent for a while.

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled. It seems that this woman has not been idle at all since she came to Yilan City. She has investigated a lot of his information, otherwise she would not know what car he drives, let alone him. Now I live in Guilanyuan Villa.

"I'm about to die. The reason why I came to you is to ask you to do me a favor." The man said again, but it was the middle-aged woman who was with the beauty in the green skirt.

"I refuse." Jiang Chen shook his head suddenly.

"You don't even know what I want from you," said the middle-aged woman.

"You don't need to know, it's definitely not a small favor. What I hate the most is trouble." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I'm going to die soon. After my death, my little sister has no whereabouts. I don't feel relieved that she is alone in Yilan City. I want you to help me send her back to the Zong family in Tianhang City." The middle-aged woman said.

"I have already refused." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, I don't know anyone else in Hangzhou today, and if there is anything, you are the only one who has the ability to help me and my little sister." The middle-aged woman became excited.

"It's one thing to be capable, but another thing to be able to do it. In the final analysis, we don't know each other well. Moreover, it seems that your enemy has a lot of background." Jiang Chen said calmly.

The matter of moral kidnapping depends on the object and the relationship.

It doesn't matter, no matter how kidnapped, it won't work.Unless you don't kidnap morality, but tie his hands and feet directly.

"Before, I saw you parked your car on the side of the road for a while. Now, it seems that you have seen a lot. That's right, that woman has a lot of background, but you don't have to worry, she is just asking me for trouble. , you still dare not trouble the Zong family, and besides, you are not necessarily afraid of her, are you? I can see that your background is not small." The middle-aged woman said.

"Thank you for the compliment. Unfortunately, I really have no background." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Jiang Chen, at your age, your cultivation is so terrifying. If you say you have no background, who will believe it?" the middle-aged woman said angrily.

"Well, you can think whatever you want. You said you were dying, right? Should I send you to the hospital? Or after you die, just find a place to drop your body?" Jiang Chen Off topic.

"You don't need to go to the hospital. If you don't agree to me, I will die with regret." The voice of the middle-aged woman gradually dropped, panting continuously.

She was badly injured, her body was covered in blood, and she looked ugly.

"It has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Please... I beg you... help me..." The middle-aged woman suddenly stretched out her hand to grab Jiang Chen's hand.

Her hand was on Jiang Chen's shoulder, and she held it tightly, but she couldn't raise her breath anymore, her pupils shrank for a while, and then turned white, her eyes widened, and the eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets. Whimpering, even if the neck drooped, there was no movement.

"This is, I won't let me go even if I die." Jiang Chen had a headache.

He just happened to see someone fighting while driving, and stopped the car for a while out of curiosity. This was completely sleeping on the bed at home, and disaster fell from the sky.

After straightening the middle-aged woman's body, Jiang Chen parked the car on the side of the road and called Brother Dao.

Ten minutes later, Brother Dao came in a van and took away the middle-aged woman's body without saying a word.

Jiang Chen sat quietly in the car for another ten minutes before he was speechless. He drove the car towards the hotel where the beauty in the green dress was.

It didn't take long for the car to go, and it stopped at the downstairs of the hotel where the beauty in the green skirt was. Jiang Chen opened the door and got off the car, and walked straight inside.

"Help me find out which room a person lives in." Walking to the front desk, Jiang Chen asked casually.

The MM at the front desk still remembered Jiang Chen. Seeing that it was Jiang Chen, her expression changed for no reason, and she said cautiously, "Sir, this is not in compliance with the rules."

"I have a lot of time. If you don't check for me, I don't mind knocking on the door from room to room." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Sir, what you're looking for is the beauty in the green dress, right? She lives on the 27th floor, the presidential suite." The MM at the front desk said hastily.

"That's right." Jiang Chen grinned and went straight to the elevator.

On the 27th floor, Jiang Chen appeared at the door of the room where the beauty in the green skirt was. Jiang Chen reached out and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and a beautiful woman in a green dress appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Seeing Jiang Chen, the beauty in the green skirt was a little surprised, but also seemed a little happy.

"Your aunt went out to run some errands, and she asked me to take you back to Tianhang City. When do you plan to go back?" Jiang Chen said directly without saying anything.

"When will aunt come back?" the beauty in the green dress asked.

Before the middle-aged woman went out, she had greeted her. The beauty in the green skirt knew that the middle-aged woman was going to do something.

"I don't know for now, but she probably will go back to Tianhang City directly." Jiang Chen said.

"Then I... will go back to Tianhang City tomorrow." After thinking for a while, the beauty in the green skirt said.

"That's it. You pack your things and come with me." Jiang Chen said.

"Where are you going?" Looking at Jiang Chen with big eyes, the beauty in the green skirt asked in confusion.

"Go to where I live... What I mean is, you stay at my place tonight, and we will drive to Tiannan City tomorrow morning. It will be more convenient, and we don't have to run over to pick you up." Jiang Chen explained a little.

The middle-aged woman had an accident, Jiang Chen didn't intend to tell the beauty in the green skirt.Otherwise, it would definitely be unacceptable for such a pure personality of a beauty in a green skirt.

Let's just tell a lie to the end, and send the beauty in the green dress back first. At that time, whether you know the truth or not is not so important.

"Okay." The beauty in the green skirt nodded, invited Jiang Chen in, and went to pack his things.

The middle-aged woman basically didn't have any luggage. Most of her things belonged to beauties in green skirts. There were two big boxes full of various clothes and small toys.

As for cosmetics and the like, Jiang Chen hadn't seen them, but in fact, he hadn't seen any beauties in green dresses with makeup on. Naturally beautiful women were talking about this kind of women.

It took less than half an hour to pack it up. Jiang Chen carried two big boxes and led the beautiful woman in the green dress out, got off the elevator, checked out, and boarded the car. The whole process didn't delay even a second.

The beauty in the green skirt didn't say anything, but quietly followed behind Jiang Chen, letting Jiang Chen decide everything, but the MM at the front desk, seeing Jiang Chen leading the beauty in the green skirt, looked at her with weird eyes. How weird.

Fortunately, the MM at the front desk didn't know about the beauty in the green skirt, otherwise she would have to call the police and complain about Jiang Chen abducting and selling a girl from a good family.

Half an hour later, the car returned to Guilanyuan Villa.

"Tiantian, did you hear the sound of the car? Did Jiang Chen come back?" Lin Baobao jumped off the bed, opened the curtains and looked downstairs, saw the Land Rover, and said again: "Tiantian, really The most important thing is that Jiang Chen is back, the question is, didn't Hong Xing leave the wall? Why did he come back so soon?"

"Baby Lin, can you still point to Jiang Chen?" Tang Tian said angrily.

"I just think it's just that Jiang Chen came back too soon. It's really weird. Didn't the person he cheated on keep him overnight?" Lin Baobao asked suspiciously.

While thinking about this issue, Baobao Lin suddenly yelled: "Tiantian, it's not good, something big is going to happen."

"Stop getting nervous." Tang Tian couldn't take it anymore.

"I didn't lose my nerve. Something really happened. No wonder the person Jiang Chen cheated on didn't keep him overnight. It turned out that he brought the woman back. Hurry up and take a look." Lin Baobao jumped up and down.

Tang Tian was confused, she leaned over to take a look, and then her face turned dark.

Jiang Chen drove the car into the courtyard of the villa, and after the green skirt beauty got off the car, he led the green skirt beauty into the room.

Just entering the room, Jiang Chen was stunned by the scene in the living room. He suddenly saw three women sitting on the sofa in the living room.

The three women, the three pairs of eyes, clearly came in after he and the beautiful woman in the green skirt, and they swept over the two of them like X-rays.

"Aren't you all asleep yet?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Jiang Chen, you must be wishing that we fell asleep earlier, and then you can mess around, can you be so shameless?" Gritting his teeth, Baby Lin said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, is she your girlfriend? She's so beautiful and cute." The beauty in the green dress looked at the angry and runaway Lin Baobao, and said in a low voice.

"Fox spirit, you know that Jiang Chen has a boyfriend, and you still seduce him... No, what do you think I am him? Girlfriend? Haha, why are you so good-looking, you can tell it at a glance..." Lin The baby switched freely between various states, and suddenly realized what the beauty in the green dress had said, opened his mouth wide, as if he had won 1000 million in the lottery, his mouth was crooked.

(End of this chapter)

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