genius evil

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

"It's interesting, why don't you scold me a few more words to listen." Fu Dongxue also looked at Jiang Chen with eyes like an idiot, as a reciprocation.

"Crazy, mentally retarded, forgot to take the medicine. If you haven't taken the medicine, go home and take it quickly, and don't embarrass yourself outside." Since the other party has a request, even if it is this request, it sounds unreasonable, but it is based on the principle of adult beauty Jiang Chen would naturally try his best to be satisfied.

Fu Dongxue was stunned, and Qin Shaoyan was also stunned.

Anyone with a little bit of brain would definitely be able to understand what Fu Dongxue said was an irony, and what he said must be heard in reverse.

However, Jiang Chen actually scolded a few more words, and each sentence was worse than the last one.

"Boy, I think you are impatient."

"Boy, do you know what you're talking about?"


The first ones who couldn't help it were the two people brought by Fu Dongxue. Hearing the sound, they immediately went into a fit. Their fingers almost pointed to Jiang Chen's nose. Judging by their posture, there was a possibility of making a move every minute. .

"Do you think it's more interesting?" Jiang Chen ignored the two guys and said to Fu Dongxue.

"That's right, it's very interesting. To be honest, I haven't encountered such an interesting thing for a long time. Your boldness is beyond my expectation." Fu Dongxue nodded and said.

"Do you know what this means?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Just say what you want." Fu Dongxue didn't intend to play riddles with Jiang Chen.

"This shows that you are a cheap person from the bottom of your heart, and you have to be scolded to be comfortable." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Even being scolded by Jiang Chen like that, Fu Dongxue didn't react much, but at this moment, that face instantly sank.

"I think you really want to die." Fu Dongxue said coldly.

"It's you who is looking for death." Jiang Chen's right hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed Fu Dongxue's neck, lifted Fu Dongxue off the ground, and said indifferently: "Let's play a little game, guess, I will will kill you?"

"Let go!"

"Let go!"


Those two guys who appeared with Fu Dongxue shouted again.

"Jiang Shao, show mercy." Qin Shaoyan also said in a hurry.

Jiang Chen is strong, Qin Shaoyan knows it, he has often suffered in front of Jiang Chen, but he did not expect Jiang Chen to be so strong.

If they disagree with each other, they will kill, no matter what the identity of the other party is.

But Qin Shaoyan didn't dare to let Jiang Chen kill Fu Dongxue. At least, if Jiang Chen wanted to kill Fu Dongxue, he couldn't do it right under his nose, otherwise he would definitely cause trouble all over this matter.

"Shut up." Jiang Chen said displeased.

"Do I have to guess?" Fu Dongxue asked.

"I said before that this is just a small game. Whether the game is fun or not depends on the answers you give me." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"I'm afraid of death, so I guess you will kill me." Fu Dongxue said.

"The game is over, it's really not fun at all." Jiang Chen casually threw Fu Dongxue out, and smashed it heavily on the road outside.

The two yelling guys stopped yelling now, and hurried over to help Fu Dongxue up from the ground.

"Jiang Chen, right? Very good, you managed to let me remember your name." Fu Dongxue was supported to stand up, staring at Jiang Chen, and said sinisterly.

"Remembering my name is not enough, you still have to take revenge on me. I will stay in Tianhang City during this time, waiting for your revenge at any time, but don't make me wait too long. Patience is very limited." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Until he got into the car with Jiang Chen and the driver drove on the road, thinking about what Jiang Chen said to Fu Dongxue last time, Qin Shaoyan still had black lines all over his head.

This Jiang Chen thinks the matter is too small or something, why does he look like he is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

He stomped on Fu Dongxue fiercely once. Although Fu Dongxue's personality is certain, revenge is certain, but whether to retaliate or not is Fu Dongxue's own business. Is it necessary to remind Fu Dongxue to take revenge?
After thinking for a long time, Qin Shaoyan couldn't figure out what to do, or, in fact, he had no intention at all, just being bored and looking for some excitement?

However, this is really too exciting, if you are not careful, you will die!
"Tell me, what is the situation of that Fu family in Tianhang City?" Jiang Chen didn't care what Qin Shaoyan was thinking, and asked casually.

"Jiang Shao, you have dealt with the Zong family. You should know that the Zong family is the first family in Tianhang City. However, under this Zong family, there are three other families. These three families are my Qin family, Fu The family and the He family." Hearing Jiang Chen's question, Qin Shaoyan thought that Jiang Chen wanted to inquire about the background of the Fu family, so he started talking.

"It seems that this Fu family has quite a bit of energy in Tianhang City." Jiang Chen said.

"Among these three families, the Fu family ranks first." Qin Shaoyan explained, which is why, to a large extent, Fu Dongxue may not give him face, but he has to.

"Ranked first, there is another clan above it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"So, it can also be said that the Fu family is the most ambitious family among our three families." Qin Shaoyan said.

Speaking of this, Qin Shaoyan just asked: "Jiang Shao, what happened just now? Fu Dongxue, did you offend you before?"

"No, it's just that he doesn't like it." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Shao, I can see that you proposed to play that game just now. If Fu Dongxue said you would not kill him, you would have killed him immediately." Qin Shaoyan said with a solemn expression.

One game, two choices, the difference is whether Fu Dongxue is willing to bow his head.

Fu Dongxue lowered his head, so he naturally sensed Jiang Chen's killing intent, otherwise, with Fu Dongxue's arrogant personality, how could it be possible for me to bow my head for no reason?
Fu Dongxue felt it, and Qin Shaoyan felt it too. At that moment, his back was tight and he felt a little hard to breathe. For the first time, he realized that the young man in front of him had such a hideous and terrifying side.

Compared to Jiang Chen's attack this time, whether it was him, or Qin Junfeng, the friction with Jiang Chen was nothing more than a petty fight that was not on the table.

"Murder is illegal, you think too much." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

On this point, Qin Shaoyan guessed right, if Fu Dongxue refused to bow his head, Jiang Chen would definitely kill Fu Dongxue.

The reason, of course, is not as simple as seeing Fu Dongxue displeased.

There are too many people he doesn't like, and he can't see one and kill the other, not to mention that killing is against the law, even if it is not against the law, it can't be finished, right?

The real reason was that Jiang Chen saw a strong provocation in Fu Dongxue's eyes, as well as a hidden killing intent.

Jiang Chen came to Tianhang City twice before and after, counting the last time, Jiang Chen can be sure that he has never met Fu Dongxue, let alone dealt with Fu Dongxue.

However, when the two met for the first time, Fu Dongxue looked at him with murderous intent hidden in his eyes, which made Jiang Chen feel strange.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen turned his face indiscriminately. On the one hand, he couldn't bear an existence that had murderous intent on him; on the other hand, he wanted to use this to force Fu Dongxue to find out why Fu Dongxue treated him There is killing intent.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen said he was waiting for Fu Dongxue to take revenge on him in the end. Only when Fu Dongxue really took revenge on him could he figure out what kind of situation Fu Dongxue was.

However, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to tell Qin Shaoyan about these things, and he could only deny them.

When Jiang Chen said this, Qin Shaoyan didn't ask any more questions.

As for saying that murder is illegal, at most it is just a joke.

After sending Jiang Chen back to the hotel all the way, Qin Shaoyan didn't stay long, and soon left by car.


Night, eight o'clock in the evening.

In a bar in Tianhang City, Fu Dongxue was drinking alone in a box.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and Fu Dongxue answered, and there was a person who opened the door and came in from the outside.

"You want to see me in such a hurry, what's the matter?" the man asked after walking in.

"Help me kill someone." Fu Dongxue said directly.

"Who?" the man asked.

"A man named Jiang Chen."

"I want specific information. In other things, the old rules are different. Different objects have different prices. Some people are worthless, while others are sky-high prices. Collect the money first, and then kill people. Money can only be more, not less, and even less. .” The man said sternly.

"Money is not a problem, but I don't have time to wait too long. Tomorrow night at the latest, I want to see his body." Fu Dongxue said.

"Then prepare more money." The man said, opened the door and left.

After the man left, Fu Dongxue took out his mobile phone and made a call, and arranged for the people below to investigate Jiang Chen's information.

After the phone call, Fu Dongxue was still sitting alone in the box drinking, with murderous intent boiling deep in his eyes.

It was the first time he formally met Jiang Chen today, but he almost died in Jiang Chen's hands. Although he didn't know where he showed his flaws, Fu Dongxue understood one problem, that is, he caused Jiang Chen's suspicion.As a result, he, who was originally taking the initiative in the dark, suddenly fell into a passive position.

If he wanted to resolve this passive situation, he would have to take the initiative to kill Jiang Chen first, otherwise, if Jiang Chen's suspicion of him further deepened, then he might be the one who died.

And that kind of ending is absolutely intolerable to Fu Dongxue.

And almost an hour later, in the hotel room, Jiang Chen also received a call from Qin Shaoyan.

"Jiang Shao, I received news that Qin Shaoyan is investigating your information." Qin Shaoyan said.

"Very good, it seems that he will take revenge on me soon." Jiang Chen expressed his satisfaction.

"Jiang Shao, if you want, you can stay at my Qin's house for a few days." Qin Shaoyan took advantage of the opportunity and invited, helping Jiang Chen keep a close eye on Fu Dongxue is one thing, this is Qin Shaoyan's real purpose, otherwise wait Jiang Chen had time, but he didn't know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

Jiang Chen didn't answer, hung up the phone directly, smiled coldly, and said to himself: "Fu Dongxue, don't make too much thunder and rain, otherwise, I will be very disappointed."

(End of this chapter)

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