genius evil

Chapter 479

Chapter 479

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Shaoyan sent Jiang Chen a good car. Not to mention, he was very careful and assigned a beautiful female driver for Jiang Chen.

The implication is that Jiang Chen is not familiar with the place, and the reason is perfect, which makes people unable to refuse.

However, Jiang Chen somehow failed Qin Shaoyan's good intentions, because Jiang Chen stayed in the hotel room all the time during the day.

"Young Master Jiang, my name is Hu Yin. Young Master Qin asked me to wait for you here. May I ask where you are going?" In the evening, I finally saw Jiang Chen open the door and get in the car. A beautiful girl named Hu Yin Driver, somewhat relieved.

Otherwise, she would think that it was a waste of time for her to wait here.

"Just wander around." Jiang Chen said casually.He was really not familiar with Tianhang City, and there was really no place to go, otherwise, he wouldn't be stuck in a hotel room during the whole day today.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, although Hu Yin felt a little strange, Qin Shaoyan told her to do her best to meet Jiang Chen's request, and that request refers to no matter what kind of request it is.

In comparison, this kind of request, although a little strange, is already considered a very normal request.

After starting the car and driving on the road, Hu Yin took Jiang Chen for a stroll.

"Is there a small park over there?" Jiang Chen pointed in a direction as the car was driving on the road.

"Yes, but during this time period, many old aunts are dancing in the square, which is quite noisy." Hu Yin said.

"Just let me play there, and then, you can go back." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, don't you use the car at night? Actually, I can accompany you to the park." Hu Yin said.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's for sure, Young Master Qin also said that anything is fine." Hu Yin said.

"That guy really understands my essence." Jiang Chen chuckled.

As Hu Yin said, the small park is indeed very noisy. The aunt who dances in the square can hear the Divine Comedy so loudly that it can be heard from a long distance away.

"Can you dance in the square?" Jiang Chen and Hu Yin walked into the small park and asked.

"No." Hu Yin said.

"I heard it's very simple, and you can learn it once you learn it. How should I put it, just listening to the Divine Comedy will make your body twist uncontrollably, close your eyes and spin to follow the rhythm, and you can go for a jump." Jiang Dust suggested.

"Young Master Jiang, I really don't know how to do this." Hu Yin said in embarrassment.

"If I remember correctly, you seem to have said just now that anything is fine." Jiang Chen said with a blush.

Hu Yin's face turned red, as if she was about to cry, but seeing Jiang Chen's complexion was not very good, she was still reluctant. After entering the small park, she joined the army of square dancers.

Jiang Chen randomly found a place to sit down, watching Hu Yin dance with relish.

When driving or walking, I didn't feel that Hu Yin's figure was so good, but when Hu Yin twisted her body following the rhythm of the music, that good figure was displayed intentionally or unintentionally .

It's not the traditional sense of butt augmentation or breast augmentation. This Hu Yin is tall, nearly 1.7 meters tall, with straight legs, well-proportioned, slender and powerful.

For the upper body, when Hu Yin swings her arms, it is very easy for people to notice that those hands are a bit wasteful for driving. Perhaps her hands are more suitable for killing people.

Of course, if it wasn't for the uncomfortable look on Hu Yin's face, Jiang Chen would have been more involved when appreciating it.

Jiang Chen didn't have any dissatisfaction with the square dance. It's good for old men and old ladies who are free to dance. Of course, it's best if the dance is a young, good-looking soft girl.

The old aunts were full of energy and danced for two hours before they called it a day, so Hu Yin also danced for two hours before she was released.

"Jiang Shao, I'm really tired." Walking to Jiang Chen's side, Hu Yin complained softly.

"Look at those old aunts, after dancing, their faces are full of red, radiant, as if they have been reborn, you feel tired, it must be because you don't exercise enough at ordinary times, if you have the opportunity, come and dance more square dances, after a month, Guaranteed that your waist will not be sore and your legs will not hurt, you will walk more vigorously, and you will not have to struggle to go up to the fifth floor in one breath." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Shao, don't be kidding, I'm just accompanying you today, if it's someone else, I definitely wouldn't dance." Hu Yin said embarrassedly.

If she had nothing to do to come here to dance in the square every day, it would be better to just kill her.

Moreover, when she was dancing just now, there were quite a few murderous eyes staring at her. Those old aunts were obviously dissatisfied because she stole the limelight.

This time it didn't happen, but once again, it will definitely happen.

"I'm not joking." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Shao, if you want to exercise, I think going to the gym is more suitable." Hu Yin said in a low voice.

"It's because you haven't invested in your emotions. Once you invest in it, you will find that square dancing is the most suitable for you... Believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Shao, where are you going next? Touring the park, or looking for a place to eat?" Hu Yin changed the subject.

"Are you familiar with this park?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I've been here once." Hu Yin said.

"Walk casually, go to places with few people, I don't like places with many people." Jiang Chen said.

Hu Yin looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously. He watched the square dance for two hours just now, and he was so engrossed in watching it. Now he actually said he doesn't like places with many people?
Moreover, what does it mean to go to places where there are few people, could it be...

That's what she thought in her heart, but Hu Yin still could only meet Jiang Chen's request, she simply did the most embarrassing things, there would never be anything more embarrassing than dancing square dances among a group of old aunts.

Hu Yin led the way, and led Jiang Chen into the park, walking more and more sideways, until they stopped at the edge of an artificial lake.

"There is no road, this park is too small." Hu Yin said.

"This place is very good. There are lakes and beauties, and no one bothers you. There is nothing better than this place." Jiang Chen was rather satisfied.

"Jiang Shao, in fact, if you need, we can go to the hotel where you are staying, it will be more comfortable." Hu Yin said with her head down.

"What do you need?" Jiang Chen asked with a look of astonishment.

Hu Yin's face was flushed, and she said, "Master Jiang, you asked me to take you to a place where there are few people, isn't it...not..."

"You don't think I'm a pervert, do you?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Jiang Shao, you are so handsome, and you are friends with Qin Shao. Even if you are a pervert, you are also a very tasteful pervert. Not any woman can fall into your eyes." Hu Yin's voice became lower and lower, The head is also getting lower and lower.

"Why do I feel that you are praising yourself?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Shao, I've never talked about a boyfriend before." Hu Yin hinted.

"Are you seducing me?" Jiang Chen just smiled.

"Jiang Shao, don't get me wrong, did I misunderstand what you mean?" Hu Yin said anxiously.

"You didn't misunderstand what I meant. Everything is right. The only thing wrong is that you are too ugly. Do you understand?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Shao, I don't understand." Hu Yin became even more anxious.

"You really look too ugly." Jiang Chen walked over suddenly, stretched out his hand suddenly, and clasped Hu Yin's wrist.

Hu Yin was startled by the sudden change, and looked at Jiang Chen in a daze.

But in the next second, Hu Yin raised her left hand, and a transparent silver thread quickly rolled towards Jiang Chen's neck.

"Actually, you can continue to pretend. There's no need to be so anxious to show your flaws. It's like, you're pretending that you've never had a boyfriend. You're clearly a decent woman, but you're serious about saying you don't have a boyfriend. , do you think I'm an idiot?" Jiang Chen sneered, and with a big hand, he grabbed the silk thread in his hand.

The silk thread was caught by Jiang Chen, Hu Yin moved her feet, and retreated, but Jiang Chen held one of her hands, and the arc of retreat was limited. In desperation, she raised her left hand again, like a fishing net. The transparent fishnet was about to cover Jiang Chen's head.

"Some tricks." Naturally, Jiang Chen would not be covered by the silver net, took Hu Yin's hand, and stepped aside.


The silver light flashed, and on Hu Yin's left hand, at some point, a small silver sword appeared.

The silver sword appeared and stabbed at Jiang Chen's heart at an incredible speed.

A series of movements, fast, accurate and ruthless, crisp and neat, without a trace of sloppiness, directly targeting the vital points, striving to kill with one blow.

"A killer like you should be very expensive." Jiang Chen said something, stepped back and quickly avoided.

At this moment, Hu Yin's hand held by him seemed to have no bones in an instant, and slipped away extremely slipperily.

"Next, should we continue to fight, or chat?" Shrugging, Jiang Chen asked.

"What do you want to talk about?" Hu Yin looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, ready to strike again at any time.

"Just chat casually, such as what's your name, how many people are there in your family, etc." Jiang Chen said.

"Are you sure you want to talk about this with me?" Hu Yin looked at Jiang Chen strangely.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "It seems that it is really not interesting, so let's talk about who asked you to kill me."

"You know it in your heart, don't you? Why bother to ask knowingly." Hu Yin said sarcastically.

"Then, there is one last question. I really think you are quite suitable for square dancing. Have you ever considered changing careers and learning square dancing?" Jiang Chen asked very seriously.

"My mouth is full of nonsense." Hu Yin sneered, and under the shaking of her two arms, a few silk threads turned into silver wires, spun rapidly, and entangled towards Jiang Chen.

"Okay, the last question, isn't Hu Yin your real name?" Jiang Chen asked pretending to be serious.

"My name is Silver Fox, you will remember my name." Silver Fox said.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction. No wonder he always felt that the name Hu Yin was a bit strange, and immediately murmured: "It's too weak. I really don't understand how you have the cultivation base of the sixth floor of Houtian. The courage to come and kill me, is this the so-called asking for money rather than life?"

With an incomprehensible look, Jiang Chen avoided Silver Fox's attack, and punched her on the neck, killing her directly!

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen appeared outside the park, walked towards the parking lot, opened the trunk, and saw a woman, knocked out, stuffed in the car.This woman is the real female driver.

Jiang Chen carried the woman out of the car, and patted her body a few times with his big hands seemingly casually, gradually recovering the unconscious woman's consciousness.

Then, Jiang Chen drove away in person. Tonight's good show, at this moment, has just begun...

(End of this chapter)

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