genius evil

Chapter 480

Chapter 480 Make a big fuss

The family is in Nancheng of Tianhang City.

Perhaps it was because the king didn't see the king. It is very interesting that the other three major families in Tianhang City, that is, the Qin family, the Fu family and the Ren family, are scattered in the other three directions of the city.

The Qin family is in the east city, the Ren family is in the west city, and the Fu family is in the north city!

Different from the architectural style of the Zongjia ancient garden, this is a typical western-style building, which is simple and exaggerated.

This kind of exaggeration reminded Jiang Chen of Fu Dongxue's behavior style.

After a short look, Jiang Chen walked towards the gate.

"What are you doing, do you know where this place is? Why don't you hurry up and get away?" Jiang Chen had just approached, and the two guards probably saw his strange face, and one of them was rude immediately. said angrily.

"I want to say that I came to kill Fu Dongxue, you or you, do you believe me?" Jiang Chen pointed to the two guards clearly, and said with a light smile.

"It turned out to be a psychopath." The doorman who spoke laughed loudly when he heard the sound.

"Is it funny?" Jiang Chen expressed his innocence. He really came to kill Fu Dongxue, and he didn't lie. This kind of thing is not a joke. On the contrary, the two guards heard him say that, It must have been a panic reaction.

He didn't understand how the guard could smile so happily.

"It's not very funny, it's too funny, I'm almost dying of laughter, boy, you said you came to kill Fu Shao, right, you go in and kill him if you have the ability, of course, the premise is that you can enter this door Just do it." The guard looked at Jiang Chen like a madman.

"Is this door difficult to enter?" Jiang Chen said, talking, walking towards the inside.

Seeing this, the two guards immediately took action.

They didn't know who Jiang Chen was, maybe Jiang Chen had some status, but so what?They had never met Jiang Chen before. Even if Jiang Chen had any status, how could he still compare to the Fu family?
Jiang Chen said that he was here to kill Fu Dongxue, no matter whether Jiang Chen was joking or just lost his mind, the two of them hadn't planned to let Jiang Chen leave smoothly.

Not only did Jiang Chen not leave, but he also walked towards Fu's house recklessly. This undoubtedly gave the two guards a reason to do something. They pulled out the sticks they carried with them, and slammed them viciously at Jiang Chen's head. .

When the two of them held glue sticks and smashed them at Jiang Chen, the back of Jiang Chen's head seemed to have eyes. On the heads of the two guards.

"Congratulations, starting today, you can freely be crazy." Jiang Chen said indifferently, playing with the glue stick in his hand, and continued to stride inside.

What kind of owner raises what kind of dog, just two guards, in this Fu family, can be said to be the bottom of the existence. Usually, I don’t know how many people will stare at me, but in front of outsiders, I am so arrogant , really made Jiang Chen amazed.

But Jiang Chen didn't go very far, and soon, from inside the Fu family, more than a dozen guys in security uniforms rushed out, lined up, and blocked Jiang Chen's way.

"Boy, you are really brave. How dare you come to my Fu's house to make trouble. I think you are impatient." A middle-aged man in uniform at the front stared at Jiang Chen and said sinisterly. .

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

He came in from the gate of Fu's house. He didn't intend to kill Fu Dongxue secretly. The more people were alarmed, the better.

After the guard was alarmed, the security guard was alarmed. Next, the owner of this place should show up soon.

"It seems that you are really impatient, do it." Seemingly surprised by Jiang Chen's answer, the middle-aged man froze for a moment, then waved his hand and shouted sharply.

The security guards and the door guards had the same weapons, they were all glue sticks. More than a dozen people, holding glue sticks one by one, rushed towards Jiang Chen like a tiger descending a mountain. The glue sticks fell on Jiang Chen like raindrops. Greeting.




Jiang Chen took the glue stick in his hand, and shot it unceremoniously. Every time the stick was shot, one person fell down and twitched.

In less than a minute, more than a dozen security guards were all lying on the ground.

"Boy, do you know where this is?" The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, his voice changed.

"If I remember correctly, you just said that this is the Fu family." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, hooked his fingers, and said, "Don't waste time, come quickly and let me knock you out."

"Bold!" The middle-aged man roared fiercely.

"Bold!" Almost as soon as the middle-aged man's voice fell, another voice came into Jiang Chen's ears.

In that voice, there was anger, shock and bewilderment, and various emotions. Obviously, the visitor's heart was very complicated and contradictory.

Accompanied by the voice of speaking, three people appeared, and the one who shouted boldly was a man with a mustache standing in the front.

"Steward Miao, you came just in time." The middle-aged man, seeing this person appeared, walked over quickly as if he had found a backbone, and said with an aggrieved expression.

"Trash, a bunch of useless things." Steward Miao raised his foot, kicked the middle-aged man aside, and said viciously.

"I said, this is endless, right?" Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

First the guards, then the security guards, Jiang Chen thought that the main one appeared, but who knew it was a housekeeper, this was too disappointing.

"You are right, today's matter is indeed endless...Boy, let me tell you, no matter who you are, no matter what status you have, if you dare to mess around in my Fu's house, you are finished." Pointing at Jiang Chen with one finger, Steward Miao said in a stern voice.

"Steward Miao, right? Have you ever heard a saying? A dog that bites doesn't bark, and a dog that barks doesn't bite?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"You say I'm a dog?" Butler Miao's face instantly turned livid.

"I can only say that you are very determined to be a dog." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You two, do it, break his two legs first." Steward Miao ordered ghastly to the two people beside him.

Didn't Jiang Chen say that barking dogs don't bite people?Then he would first bite off two pieces of meat from Jiang Chen's body.

After the two appeared, they had been staring at Jiang Chen with hostility in their eyes. When they heard Steward Miao's order, they shot without hesitation.

"It's too slow, let me make the first move." After yawning, Jiang Chen also made the move.

Those two were faster, Jiang Chen was faster, but what was faster than the start of the battle was the end of the battle. The two of them didn't even have a chance to fight, but they were thrown backward by Jiang Chen with a stick. .

After getting rid of these two people, Jiang Chen said: "Don't waste time, call the person in charge to come out."

"Who are you?" There was no need to shout, Jiang Chen made such a big fuss, the entire Fu family was already alarmed, and someone came over.

"You asked the wrong question." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Then what question should I ask?" the voice asked suspiciously.

"You should ask, what am I here for?" Jiang Chen said.

"What are you here for?" Asked the voice like a follower of kindness.

"That's right. I'm here to kill people. Originally, I only planned to kill one person. Now it seems that I need to kill a few more people." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Kill who?" the voice asked again.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not killing you, tell Fu Dongxue to get the hell out of here." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Dongxue?" The voice was slightly hesitant, and a figure appeared in front of Jiang Chen, "This joke is not funny at all."

"I don't understand why when I speak seriously, people always think I'm joking, or else, I killed Fu Dongxue under your nose, probably in that way, you won't Think I'm joking." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Young people are very angry. I can understand. Maybe the dog has some conflicts with you, but you have made such a big fuss today, it is almost the same. Leave my Fu's house immediately. I, Fu Gongwen, may not have to talk to you about this matter tonight." Comparing." The man said.

"Is this big?" Jiang Chen smiled, and his figure suddenly moved. Wherever Jiang Chen passed, it was like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, one figure after another fell down.

In a blink of an eye, there were only two people standing in this place, one was Jiang Chen and the other was Fu Gongwen.

"See, as long as I want to, I can make things worse." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Speaking of which, I don't know how many people there are. No one has ever caused trouble in my Fu's house. You are the first one in these years. Do you know what this means?" Fu Gongwen stared at Jiang Chen with an incomparable expression. gloomy.

"Naturally it means that your Fu family has offended someone who can't afford to offend, and that person is me." Jiang Chen pointed at himself and said solemnly.

"Young man, you are talking too much. Could it be that you naively think that my Fu family, as one of the three major families in Tianhang City, only has such a little energy?" Fu Gongwen said angrily.

"What's the use of talking so much nonsense? If you have a means, just show it, like this." Jiang Chen said, raised his hand and slapped Fu Gongwen, and then added, "I'm sorry, I just directly a bit."

"You—" Fu Gongwen was furious, and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief. Damn it, he was actually slapped by a young man who appeared from nowhere. If he went out, where would he put his old face?
"You're finished." Fu Gongwen was furious.

"Someone said this just now. I have to remind you that my patience is limited. If I don't see Fu Dongxue again within 5 minutes, I will demolish your Fu family." Indifferently, Jiang Chen said word by word!

(End of this chapter)

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