genius evil

Chapter 481 Killing is justified

Chapter 481 Killing is justified

"Where did Dongxue offend you?" Fu Gongwen said in surprise.

Anger is anger, but Fu Gongwen has not completely lost his mind.

From Jiang Chen's words, Fu Gongwen heard the undisguised killing intent, and what Jiang Chen did was the best embodiment of that killing intent.

In order to kill Fu Dongxue, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to make trouble in the Fu family.

Leaving aside who Jiang Chen is and where his confidence comes from, just this courage is enough to shock people.

"By the way, someone should have asked me this question from the very beginning, right?" Jiang Chen pursed his lips and smiled, unreasonably, with an incomparably sarcastic smile.

"Before you, no one asked me this question. It seems to you that I am humiliating myself, or seeking my own death? But when you find out, I did come to kill Fu Dongxue, and I And when he did have the ability to kill Fu Dongxue, he panicked and was afraid, and then he remembered, what should have been done but didn't?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

After hearing the sound, Fu Gongwen was speechless for a while.

In terms of fear, although there are, but not many.

The panic is real.

Fu Gongwen couldn't help but panic.

The titles of the three major families in Tianhang City, and the lintel of the Fu family, are not unglamorous, but when someone ignores this layer of background, they will go on a rampage and crush them with their fists.

Under such circumstances, even if the Fu family has a huge background, it is useless, so they can only be forced to shake their fists.

Sadly, the Fu family's fists were not as tough as they imagined, so tragedy inevitably happened.

This has to be said to be a great irony.

When did the dignified Fu family encounter such a thing?
"Young man, I want to remind you that even if there is a big conflict between you and Dongxue, as a practitioner of ancient martial arts, you can't attack ordinary people casually. I will just sit back and watch." Fu Gongwen said with a frown.

"What, use the land group to suppress me? Do you think I will take the land group to heart?" Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

"Oh, when did people stop paying attention to the ground team? These days, some ancient martial arts practitioners are really getting more and more rampant, or is it that my team is too low-key?" A sarcasm The laughter spread into Jiang Chen's ears.

"You've been here for a long time, right? Why, you showed up just to wait for my words?" Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Boy, your observation skills are quite good." The man walked out.

Five short stature, chubby ball, face full of fat, when not smiling, it always gives people a feeling of smiling.

"Let me introduce myself, Earth Group Luo Ming." After the man appeared, he said his name first.

"You forgot to say, you are still a member of the silver rank in the ground group." Jiang Chen said indifferently after glancing at this person.

"Why do you need to say more about this? If you can see it, you can see it. If you don't see it, it's useless to say more." Luo Ming said, but he was already secretly startled.

Jiang Chen just glanced at him casually to see his level. In other words, Jiang Chen could tell the depth of his cultivation at a glance.

What this means is almost self-evident. For an instant, Luo Ming's heart tensed up. He knew that the Fu family's matter tonight might be a little tricky.

More importantly, since Jiang Chen could see his rank, then not giving him face was almost a sure thing.

"For some things, it's better to say it clearly, so as not to accidentally hurt you. For example, don't you think you showed up at Fu's house too early? Or, in fact, you were waiting for me at Fu's house early in the morning. "Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Luo Ming felt guilty for a while.

"The meaning is very simple. Someone knew that he was going to die, so he invited you here as the last trump card. He wanted to take me into the army. Am I right?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, you really are a fine person. No wonder Brother Mei is so determined to lure you into my team. Your failure to join my team has to be said to be a great loss to my team." Luo Ming said.

"This is, dating?" Jiang Chen smiled, and naturally knew that the big brother Mei that Luo Ming was talking about was Mei Lanting.

However, Luo Ming said that Mei Lanting's "big brother" not only reflects Mei Lanting's status in the local group, but also shows that there are no gold-level members in Hangzhou today.

There are three major families in Tianhang City, and there is also a super family clan.

Logically speaking, it is a bit out of place for this city to have no gold-level members, but it is only natural after a little thought.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly?
The Earth Group claims to supervise ancient martial arts practitioners, but the actual power may not really be that great. At least, a giant like the Zong Family really doesn't need to take the Earth Group to heart.

In this way, it is only natural that Tianhang City does not have gold-level members. You must know that such an existence is a threat even to the Zong Clan. an element of uncertainty.

"Are you familiar with Mei Lanting?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Brother Mei is my good teacher and helpful friend." Luo Ming said upon seeing this.

"It seems to be very familiar, but the problem is that you and Mei Lanting are familiar, but I don't know you at all, so don't talk nonsense in front of me." Jiang Chen said bluntly.


Luo Ming swallowed his words and coughed, with an embarrassing expression on his face.

He brought up Mei Lanting, on the one hand, to seek friendship and hope Jiang Chen would save face, and on the other hand, he was warning Jiang Chen with the existence of Mei Lanting.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would actually say such a thing, and he would be so angry that he would not pay for his life!

"Enough talking. If you feel that you have the ability to take care of tonight's matter, you can take care of it. If you think you are not capable enough, just stand aside and watch a good show for free, how about it?" Jiang Chen said.

His face flushed slightly, Luo Ming sighed softly.

He could tell that Jiang Chen was giving him steps to go down.

Moreover, this step is not something he can't go down if he doesn't want to, Jiang Chen is forcing him to go down the step.

"Just to ask, what is the conflict between you and Fu Dongxue?" Luo Ming said a little uncomfortable.

"It's not a big contradiction, but he wants to kill me, so I came here to kill him." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Chen, even if you came to kill me on purpose, you really think that you can kill me if you want." Finally, Fu Dongxue appeared.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, are you finally willing to show up?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Chen, you said I'm going to kill you, what is your evidence? If you don't have evidence, could it be just because you open your mouth that I, Fu Dongxue, will die? Is there such a reason in the world?" Fu Dongxue said.

"Yes, Jiang Chen, isn't it? Evidence is important for everything." Fu Gongwen also said, but what he said was not for Jiang Chen, but for Luo Ming.

Even though, Luo Ming is already unreliable, but Luo Ming is not alone, he appears here to represent the land group.

If Jiang Chen killed someone without sufficient reason, even if Fu Dongxue was killed, Fu Gongwen would definitely not make it easier for Jiang Chen with the help of the local group.

"It's reasonable, right? I really like this kind of thing." Jiang Chen chuckled, and said with a light smile, "What's the name of the ancient martial sect behind the Fu family?"

"Confluence Sect." Luo Ming didn't know if Jiang Chen asked knowingly, so he said something.

"Yes, it's the Confluence Sect, a group of guys who like to wear Taoist robes and pretend to be Taoist priests. I personally killed two of them, and the impression is still very deep." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Is there such a thing?" Fu Gongwen's face changed, obviously, he didn't know about it.

"Patriarch Fu, it's obvious that there are still many things you don't know about, such as the island in the middle of the lake in Tianhang City." Jiang Chen said.

"Dongxue, what is Zhang Yide's relationship with you?" Fu Gongwen asked with a gloomy expression.

"It has nothing to do with me. Dad, what are you doubting? Could it be that you would rather believe an outsider than me?" Fu Dongxue suddenly became anxious.

At the beginning, he thought that Jiang Chen was just suspicious of him. Now that he heard what Jiang Chen said, Fu Dongxue understood that Jiang Chen was not just suspicious of him.

"When I was in Yilan City, several killers appeared inexplicably, and each of them wanted to put me to death. This time, when I came to Tianhang City, there was an inexplicable car accident first. Not to mention, tonight, another killer appeared , Unfortunately, I really can't find a reason not to kill you." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

Many things, from point to line, once connected in series, it becomes very simple, Jiang Chen no longer needs Fu Dongxue's acknowledgment.

After saying this, without waiting for Fu Dongxue to respond, Jiang Chen said to Luo Ming: "I can kill people now, right?"

"Alas—" Luo Ming sighed, what else could he say for such a thing?

"Fu Dongxue, remember, I will kill you right now." Jiang Chen said to Fu Dongxue again, before he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and broke Fu Dongxue's neck.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen and Luo Ming walked out of Fu's house.

"Jiang Chen, thank you." Luo Ming said with a little emotion while clasping his hands together.

Whoever has the biggest fist is the reason. When Jiang Chen has the absolute advantage, no matter from which aspect, Jiang Chen doesn't need to reason.

There is no need to talk about the truth, let alone the evidence?

But Jiang Chen still said a few more words before killing Fu Dongxue.

Fu Gongwen might not be able to hear the clues, but Fu Gongwen understood that Jiang Chen was giving him face, and those words were meant for him to hear.

That is what Jiang Chen said, he wanted to kill Fu Dongxue, it was a matter of course, no one could stop him from killing, and after the killing, no one could but be speechless and unable to object.

"The people in the ground group are all mothers-in-law and mothers." Shrugging, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I don't want to have any sequelae about what happened tonight."

"Fu Gongwen is a smart man." Luo Ming said along the way, thinking that this should be Jiang Chen's other intention besides giving him face.

This young man is full of calculations, and his mentality is so sophisticated that it makes people chill.

Moreover, from another angle, Luo Ming also faintly realized that when Jiang Chen said that he killed two people from the Confluence Sect, he naturally killed not a small person, otherwise, it would be impossible for the huge Fu family tonight No one from the Confluence Sect ever appeared.

Things have come to this point, the Fu family is helpless to Jiang Chen no matter what, making small moves, it is undoubtedly courting death, and he himself does not want the Fu family to make some other things, this matter, of course, is to sell Jiang Chen back by the way face.

(End of this chapter)

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