genius evil

Chapter 484 You Are So Cruel

Chapter 484 You Are So Cruel

Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu stayed in Tiannan City for one night, but they didn't alarm others, and returned to Yilan City together the next morning.

As soon as he returned to Yilan City, Lan Xiu immediately returned to the city hall and started to work, while Jiang Chen became idle again and went back to Guilanyuan Villa.

"Jiang Chen, answer my question loudly, you must have been fooling around with other women last night, right?" Jiang Chen had just entered the door when Lin Baobao came bouncing over.

"I said you are young, why are your thoughts so impure?" Jiang Chen said with a guilty conscience.

I really don't know how this girl has such a brain, how she even knows about his fooling around last night.

"Jiang Chen, it's because of my impure thoughts that I know that you went fooling around last night... You actually asked someone to drive the car back for you, saying, which woman is it that makes you so happy to leave?" Lin Baobao asked.

The car that Jiang Chen threw at Tiannan City Airport was Jiang Chen who asked Ji Feng to get someone to drive it back. The car arrived before Jiang Chen.

"Naturally she is a beautiful, elegant and sexy woman, otherwise, how could I be so happy?" Jiang Chen then said.

"Cheat ghosts, if I'm an idiot, I'll believe what you say." Lin Baobao snorted coldly.

"Why don't you believe me when I tell the truth?" Jiang Chen stared at Lin Baobao, feeling innocent.

"Pretty, sexy, and elegant, do you know what it means for a woman to combine these three into one?" Lin Baobao asked arrogantly.

"Naturally, it means that the woman is very charming." Jiang Chen said casually, if it wasn't so, how could it make him want to leave?

"This is just one of the small aspects. In addition, it means that it is impossible for you to date such a woman, such as me, Lin Baobao. If you combine these three into one, you will not be able to date me at all." Lin Bao Bao said sternly, really wanting to create a deafening effect, but unfortunately, her loli face can't be serious no matter what.

"Baby Lin, why are you saying such disgusting things? I'll throw up." But at this moment, Tang Tian and Shuang'er came down from upstairs, Tang Tian rolled her eyes and sneered endlessly.

"Tiantian, why don't you believe me when I tell the truth?" Lin Baobao imitated Jiang Chen, looked at Tang Tian with wide eyes, and put on an innocent face.

"You woman is a typical money-loser, rushing to get on Jiang Chen's body, wishing that Jiang Chen would grab you to warm the bed immediately, preferably tossing three, four, five, six, seven or eight times in one night, and you have the nerve to say Jiang Chen He won't be able to pick you up at all, so he doesn't need to pick you up at all, okay? Can you still ask for some face?" Tang Tian pinched Baobao Lin's face with her hand.

"Sweetie, three, four, five, six, seven or eight times in one night, how many times?" Baby Lin asked innocently.

"How many times do you want?" Tang Tian asked back.

"He is so simple, but you want to make him think wrong, how can it be so many times, just seven times, if there are more, people will definitely not be able to bear it... No, no, Jiang Chen will definitely I won't be able to bear it." Lin Baobao said whiningly.

"This means that you have seven erotic dreams in one night, right?" Tang Tian hit.

"Tiantian, you were the one who said it first, why can you tell me why you can't? You are too much, and you just don't like me." Lin Baobao also went to pinch Tang Tian, ​​and the two women soon had a quarrel. group.

Jiang Chen wrapped his arms around Shuang'er's slender waist, put Shuang'er on his lap, wiped the oil with his hands up and down, and began to watch the show with a smile.

It's just a pity that I don't know what went wrong. The two women were dressed very tightly, and they made a big fuss, but they didn't show any spring...


three days later.

In the afternoon, the flight from Tiannan City to Beijing passed through the clouds and landed slowly at the airport.

The woman is dressed in casual clothes, blue jeans and a pair of white canvas shoes, her hair is tied into a ponytail, and it hangs casually behind her head.

A pair of wide sunglasses covered half of her face, only revealing her smooth and full forehead, but this still couldn't conceal her beauty.

After getting off the plane, the woman dragged a small suitcase and walked out. Her eyes were fixed and her steps hurried, but she also attracted the attention of many people.

Walking out of the airport terminal, the woman was about to take a taxi, when she suddenly glanced over and saw a man.

After seeing the man, the woman was stunned for a moment, and immediately her delicate body seemed to be stiff, standing there stupidly, even forgetting to leave.

The man, however, also saw the woman's appearance, with a slight smile on the corner of his lips, smoothed his hair with both hands, trying to make himself look more handsome, and then walked towards the woman with big strides .

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I have a premonition that I must have become handsome again, and I just stunned you, right?" The man stepped forward and said with a smile.

The woman watched the man approaching, and saw the man appearing in front of her eyes, she was still dumbfounded, and seemed to be a little hard to react, only under the cover of the sunglasses, a pair of big eyes blinked and flickered constantly, It seems that he wants to use this to see clearly whether he is hallucinating.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" After a while, the woman, that is, Lan Xiu, asked stutteringly.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you understand clearly, don't you? Last time you picked me up from the plane, it's my turn to pick you up this time. Don't be too surprised." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I still don't understand why you are here." Lan Xiu said blankly.

While talking, Lan Xiu took off her sunglasses with her hands. After taking off the sunglasses, she was able to see Jiang Chen's face more clearly. A feeling like a dream.

This is the capital.

It's not Tiannan City, let alone Yilan City.

She set off from Yilan City and transited through Tiannan City. She never notified anyone, nor did she tell Jiang Chen that she was going back to the capital.

But when she got off the plane, she saw Jiang Chen.

Although Jiang Chen seemed to take his appearance for granted, it was like a wife who came home from get off work and saw her husband when she opened the door and entered the room.

However, Lan Xiu's head was in a daze, completely unable to understand what was going on.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, what you said is wrong, of course it is why you appear here, and why I appear here." Jiang Chen smiled, stretched out his hand, and hugged Lan Xiu into his arms.

Nestling in Jiang Chen's arms with her soft body, breathing the familiar smell of the man, Lan Xiucai gradually realized that this was not an illusion, not a dream, Jiang Chen was really here.

"Jiang Chen, did you already know that I'm coming to the capital?" Lan Xiu asked softly.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, how can I answer your question?" Jiang Chen looked embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to lie to you." Lan Xiu's voice became even softer.

"Obviously, I don't mind anything." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

If you mind, he, Jiang Chen, will not appear in the capital right now, and will not appear in front of Lan Xiu.

As for Lan Xiu asking him if he knew that she would come to the capital, Jiang Chen could only say that he had seen some clues.

That day, when he returned from Tianhang City, Lan Xiu picked him up, and he was extremely active and enthusiastic. It is impossible to say that Jiang Chen didn't have any thoughts in his heart.

After Jiang Chen returned to Yilan City, he called Ji Feng and asked Ji Feng to pay attention to Lan Xiu's movements. Soon after, Ji Feng gave him the news that Lan Xiu bought a ticket back to the capital today.

Lan Xiu wanted to return to the capital, but she didn't tell him, but kept silent. Even though she didn't know if something happened, Jiang Chen was not at ease.

After all, if there is nothing wrong, it is impossible for Lan Xiu to know him.

Thus, Jiang Chen came.

"I really don't want to lie to you." Lan Xiu suddenly became a little anxious.

"Little Xiuxiu, why do I hear you seem a little guilty?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"No." Rolling her eyes, Lan Xiu left Jiang Chen's embrace, and said, "Have you booked a hotel yet, do you want me to find you a place to live?"

"Xiao Xiuxiu, do you want me to live alone? You are so cruel!" Jiang Chen became dissatisfied.

"I want to go home." Lan Xiu got up helplessly.

"It just so happens that I seem to have already booked a hotel. Moreover, I just prepared a car. I wonder if I would be honored to take Xiao Xiuxiu home?" Jiang Chen smiled and pointed in one direction.

Looking in the direction Jiang Chen pointed, Lan Xiu suddenly saw a black Mercedes-Benz commercial sedan parked there. Seeing the car, Lan Xiu couldn't help being startled.

"The hotel's car?" Lan Xiu asked.

"It was sent by a friend. Oh, as for me, I know all over the world and have many friends." Jiang Chen grinned.

When she saw the license plate of the car, Lan Xiu knew who sent the car.

Qian's car!
When Lan Xiu was in Yilan City, she met Fang Tongjun. Fang Tongjun could be regarded as half of the Qian family, but he had a good relationship with Jiang Chen. Lan Xiu had already known that Jiang Chen should be related to the Qian family.

However, Lan Xiu was quite surprised that the Qian family had arranged a car for Jiang Chen. After all, it was not difficult to see how much the Qian family attached importance to Jiang Chen.

After getting in the car, Lan Xiu gave an address, Jiang Chen turned on the navigation, and drove the car along the airport highway.

"Jiang Chen, I have something to do when I return to Beijing this time, and I don't want to disturb you, so I didn't tell you." After the car got on the road, Lan Xiu said softly.

"It's okay." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Aren't you angry at all?" Lan Xiu was a little uneasy.

"Perhaps I should be angry, but unfortunately, I have never been in the habit of being angry with my own woman." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Then don't you ask, why did I go back to Beijing?" Lan Xiu said sullenly.

"Should I ask?" Jiang Chen looked at Lan Xiu and asked solemnly.

Lan Xiu was a little discouraged immediately. This guy is too shrewd. He probably waited for her to say it herself. After hesitating for a while, Lan Xiu was about to speak, but the car shook violently, and Jiang Chen yelled: "Bastard!" Egg!"

(End of this chapter)

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