genius evil

Chapter 485 There Are Idiots Everywhere

Chapter 485 There Are Idiots Everywhere

Hearing the sound, Lan Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then saw that there was an extra car in front of the Mercedes-Benz driving.

It was an orange Lamborghini sports car. In front of the Mercedes-Benz, it was drifting strangely from left to right. The speed was also fast and slow. It was just right, blocking the way of the Mercedes-Benz, and Jiang Chen was forced to, time and time again. Light the brakes, beware of accidentally bumping into it.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, do you think the idiot who drove that car did it on purpose? Or did he do it on purpose?" Jiang Chen asked annoyedly, curling his lips.

"It was on purpose." Lan Xiu nodded.

Anyone who is not blind can tell that the Lamborghini was intentional, otherwise, how could anyone drive like this?

"Xiao Xiuxiu, then do you think that idiot is coming after you or me?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"When I return to Beijing this time, no one else knows except for a few people in my family." After thinking about it, Lan Xiu said.

"Oh, that's for me." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Who could it be?" Lan Xiu asked wonderingly.

"I don't know for now, but I'll know soon." Jiang Chen grinned, and said with a smile, "Xiao Xiuxiu, are you ready to scream?"

Lan Xiu was stunned, she didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant when she came over, but when Jiang Chen kicked the accelerator, the Mercedes-Benz accelerated suddenly and rushed towards the Lamborghini ahead.

The owner of the Lamborghini probably also noticed this situation, the car suddenly moved sideways to the left, trying to block Jiang Chen's plan to overtake.

But soon, the face of the owner of the Lamborghini changed drastically.

Because Jiang Chen didn't want to overtake, just when the Lamborghini turned the steering wheel, the Mercedes-Benz, under Jiang Chen's control, roared and hit the left rear wheel of the Lamborghini.


There was a violent crash, and Lan Xiu could only feel the car shaking violently. If it was about to fall apart, she opened her red lips and screamed without any preparation.

Then, Lan Xiu saw that the orange Lamborghini rolled over under the strong impact and smashed straight to the side of the road.


When the Lamborghini landed on the ground, there was another shocking sound, which made Lan Xiu scream again.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I told you to be prepared to scream, why don't you listen to me, you are so disobedient. Next time if you do this again, I will spank your ass." Jiang Chen sideways He turned his head and looked at Lan Xiu innocently, as if what happened just now was not caused by him at all.

Lan Xiu's head is full of black lines. How should I prepare for this kind of thing?
No matter how much psychological construction you do, you can't help but scream.

"Is that car all right?" Lan Xiu asked, holding back her palpitations.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you asked the wrong question. You have to ask, is the guy driving the car okay?" Jiang Chen calmly reminded.

"Of course, you don't need to ask Xiao Xiuxiu. Even if that guy is fine for the time being, he will have a big accident when he meets me." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

The car stopped and stopped on the side of the road where the Lamborghini fell. As soon as the car stopped, Jiang Chen casually pushed the door and got out of the car.

The Lamborghini rolled over on the side of the road, and the driver was a young man who was struggling to open the door and climb out of the car.

However, the car door was deformed during the rolling, and there was no way to push it open.

The young man knocked hard for a while, but seeing that he still couldn't open the car door to get out, he couldn't help sweating profusely, and cursed angrily.

"Want to help?" Walking over, Jiang Chen squatted down and asked with a slight smile.

"You are that bastard Qian Fugui's driver, right? I order you now, quickly get me out of the car, or I will kill you in minutes." Seeing Jiang Chen, the young man sneered and shouted loudly.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen was confused. When did he become Qian Fugui's driver? If Qian Fugui was his driver, it would be about the same.

"Blind your dog eyes, you don't even know me?" the young man said angrily.

"After talking for a long time, who are you?" Jiang Chen was very depressed.

"My young master, Li Tianxing." Li Tianxing said through gritted teeth.

"Who is Li Tianxing?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Get out... Get out... Call that bastard Qian Fugui to come over, he dared to bump into my car, the bastard is getting impatient." Li Tianxing yelled.

"This means that you are here for money and wealth?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Could it be that I'm still here for you?" Li Tianxing sneered, implying that Jiang Chen wasn't qualified enough.

"Since you are here for money and wealth, then I have nothing to do with it." Jiang Chen felt very satisfied, as long as you didn't come for him.

"Well, no, there's still something about it. I was driving on the road perfectly, and you crashed my car. Should I pay for mental damage, nutrition, youth loss or something?" Jiang Dust asked solemnly.

"Are you an idiot?" Li Tianxing looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

"As for me, I've always been easy to talk to. How about this, 500 million, I won't bother with you." Jiang Chen said, stretching out five fingers.

"I'll give you 500 million, do you dare to take it?" Li Tianxing sneered.

"Why don't I dare to take it?" Jiang Chen was very angry and felt humiliated, and said, "Why don't you give me 5000 million to try and see if I dare to take it. If I don't dare Yes, I am your uncle!"

"5000 million is enough for you to die ten times." Li Tianxing said angrily.

"That five hundred million is fine." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Five...five billion?" Li Tianxing almost thought he was hallucinating, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

Even if he was an idiot, he could tell that what he said was ironic, but Jiang Chen actually followed his words like this, which made Li Tianxing feel a little bad.

"If you think [-] million is too little, I don't mind at all if you send me a little more money." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"As long as you have life flowers... Are you finished talking nonsense? After you finish talking, hurry up and tell Qian Fugui to come over." Li Tianxing obviously had no patience in front of Jiang Chen.

"Li Tianxing, right? You can think I'm talking nonsense, but what about the [-] million, if I don't see you come to me within three days, I will be very angry." Jiang Chen said seriously. Said.

"If I heard correctly, are you threatening me?" Li Tianxing looked at Jiang Chen coldly.

"Obviously, I'm indeed threatening you. Of course, don't pretend that you heard it wrong, I won't agree." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Okay... okay... [-] million, within three days, I will definitely give it to you with my own hands." Li Tianxing laughed back in anger.

A mere "driver" dared to extort [-] million from him, and even threatened him repeatedly, which made Li Tianxing feel depressed and want to vomit blood.

He swore that when he successfully escaped from the predicament, he would definitely make Jiang Chen look good.

"Then I'll wait for you to send me money." Jiang Chen chuckled, turned around, and left.

"Stop for me, where is Qianfugui?" Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to leave, Li Tianxing immediately became anxious.

"Who is Qian Fugui? I don't know him at all." Jiang Chen smiled, got in the car, and drove away.

"Qian Fugui, I am at odds with you?" Watching the Mercedes-Benz leave, Li Tianxing howled hysterically!

"Xiao Xiuxiu, did you have something to say to me just now?" Jiang Chen asked casually while driving the car on the road.

"I heard that man's voice just now. He said his name is Li Tianxing, and he is from the Li family among the four small families in the capital." Lan Xiu sighed.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, is this what you want to say?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"Li Tianxing is a very unpleasant existence." Lan Xiu also reminded.

"Understood, in short, he is a fool." Jiang Chen nodded.

At the end, he said again: "Xiao Xiuxiu, there are idiots everywhere, it's no big deal."

"You really understand?" Lan Xiu blinked.

"Of course I really understand. I have a lot of ways to deal with idiots. Please trust me." Jiang Chen said firmly.

Afterwards, without waiting for Lan Xiu to speak, Jiang Chen urged: "Xiao Xiuxiu, we can continue the topic just now."

"When I returned to Beijing this time, it was my mother who called me and said that grandpa was sick." Lan Xiu said helplessly.

"Are you suspicious of something?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"I doubt it, but I have to come back to visit Grandpa." Lan Xiu sighed again.

"Well, if your grandfather knows that you brought a grandson-in-law back, he will be very happy, right?" Jiang Chen said suddenly.

Lan Xiu smiled wryly, and said, "I can only make sure that I am happy. Whether the rest of the people are happy or not, I can't guarantee at all."

"This shows that those people in your family don't know how good I am." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, I'll come to you after I've settled the matters at home, okay?" Lan Xiu said shyly.

It wasn't that she didn't want to take Jiang Chen home, but she could almost imagine how the family would react once Jiang Chen appeared in the Lan family.

Some time ago, Wu Menghua went to Yilan City, and after returning to the capital, it caused an uproar. Naturally, Lan Xiu didn't want Jiang Chen to be criticized by her family.

The most important thing is that Lan Xiu doesn't want Jiang Chen to be wronged for herself at all. This is her man, and she herself is reluctant to let him be wronged, let alone anyone else.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded, knowing Lan Xiu's embarrassment. Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for him to add trouble to Lan Xiu.

Although the Lan family can be regarded as a big family, but looking at a place like the capital, it is obviously not enough.

Jiang Chen sent Lan Xiu to the door of Lan's house, watched Lan Xiu get out of the car and entered the villa, then turned around and drove to the hotel that Qian Fugui had booked for him.

Not long after the car was on the road, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang. It was Qian Fugui's call, calling in...

(End of this chapter)

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