genius evil

Chapter 486 Women Are Not Bad, Men Don't Love

Chapter 486 Women Are Not Bad, Men Don't Love

Caesar five-star hotel.

Jiang Chen drove his car and appeared at the entrance of the hotel. Just as he got out of the car, there was a figure walking over quickly. It was Qian Fugui who hadn't seen him for a while.

Qian Fugui ran to the front of the car, checked around the car, looked at the Mercedes-Benz with the bumper off, and said with a sad face: "Jiang Shao, you hit the car too hard. .”

"Could it be that the Qian family is short of such a small amount of money? Or, I'll pay for the repair of the car? If not, I'll pay for a new car?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Shao, don't get me wrong. I don't mean that. As long as you're happy, don't talk about bumping into one. He has ten or eight cars, so there is no problem at all." Qian Fugui said hastily, lest Jiang Chen misunderstand.

As for Jiang Chen's temper, Qian Fugui somewhat understood it.

Qingzhi knew that if Jiang Chen accidentally misunderstood, the consequences would probably be a bit serious.

"The only problem is that I hit the wrong car... No, I hit the wrong person, right?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Jiang Shao, you just came to the capital, and you don't know much about the situation. That guy Li Tianxing is a real villain, a typical mad dog, who bites anyone he sees. You hit his car this time, and he is not with you. If you bite off a piece of meat from your body, you will definitely not let it go." Qian Fugui said helplessly.

"Whether he will let it go, it has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I will never let it go...By the way, do you have Li Tianxing's contact information? If so, call later To Li Tianxing, help me collect debts." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"What debt?" Qian Fugui was taken aback for a moment.

"Oh, that's right. He accidentally owed me [-] million yuan. Although he doesn't have a lot of money, it's only natural to pay back the debt. You tell him to pay me back quickly." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Five billion?"

Hearing the sound, the corners of Qian Fugui's mouth twitched violently, and even his heart couldn't help twitching violently!
Indeed, [-] million is not a huge amount of money for Li Tianxing. If Li Tianxing wants to take it, he can take it out at any time.

However, it is one thing to be able to take it out at any time, but it is another thing to be willing to take it out, and it cannot be generalized at all.

Furthermore, it is very important to know that Jiang Chen just came to the capital today, why did Li Tianxing owe Jiang Chen such a large sum of money?This is too inexplicable, making it difficult for Qian Fugui to understand.

"Young Master Jiang, may I ask what is going on with the money?" Qian Fugui asked anxiously in a low voice.

"Spiritual loss fee, nutrition fee, youth loss fee, etc., are added together in a mess, and that's it... Originally, I planned to let that guy pay a little more, but that guy is too stingy, and he doesn't care about life or death. Yes, it really makes me very upset." Jiang Chen said a little angrily.

"Will Li Tianxing say he will give you money?" Qian Fugui asked again, his voice even softer.

"Qian Fugui, it seems that you like to tell jokes. If he doesn't give it, you can make it up for him? You will be considerate of others, why don't you give me the money now? I don't want more, give it How about a [-]% discount?" Jiang Chen's voice suddenly turned cold as he stared at Qian Fugui.

"Jiang Shao, I will call Li Tianxing and urge him to pay back the money." Qian Fugui immediately changed his words, and he didn't want to take the blame.

"That's right. Give me the room card. I'll go to rest for a while. It's best. After I rest, the money will be sent to me." Jiang Chen said, stretching out his hand.

Qian Fugui hurriedly handed the room card to Jiang Chen, and watched Jiang Chen swagger into the hotel, feeling pain in every part of his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Qian Fugui knew that Jiang Chen would come, but even if he knew this and broke Qian Fugui's head, he would never have expected that Jiang Chen would come to trouble like this, and he just came to the capital, so he just reached out Ask Li Tianxing for [-] million.

And looking at Jiang Chen's posture, Li Tianxing wouldn't do without the money.

But, will Li Tianxing really give it?
Qian Fugui smiled wryly. He had a premonition that the capital would probably become lively because of Jiang Chen's arrival.


Around six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chen woke up after taking a nap, and went to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

Jiang Chen entered the restaurant, but before he could sit down, a figure quietly appeared behind Jiang Chen, standing on tiptoe, his soft hands quickly covered Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Guess who I am?" A narrow voice sounded from behind Jiang Chen.

"Xiaoli?" Jiang Chen guessed casually.

"No, guess again." The voice was a little dissatisfied.

"Cuihua?" Jiang Chen said again.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to die or what's going on?" Suddenly, the pair of soft little hands moved away, and a puffy face was exposed under Jiang Chen's eyelids.

Her eyes were wide open fiercely, as if she wanted to use this to express her resentment very hard, but unfortunately, Jiang Chen didn't look into her eyes at all, and his gaze was instantly fixed on her chest.

A woman's breasts are already very big, and she is dressed coolly. The pair of breasts are towering, which easily gives people a feeling that they are about to come out.

Moreover, standing at Jiang Chen's angle, he could just see half of the woman's chest in white, which was indeed quite alluring.

"Jiang Chen, I think you are really going to die." After a while, Jiang Chen failed to respond, and seeing Jiang Chen's eyes was a little strange. The woman couldn't take it anymore, and yelled.

"I said, you dressed like this, didn't you just show it to me?" Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"I didn't know you came to the capital again." The woman rolled her eyes.

"This means, if you knew that I had come to the capital, would you dress more so than now?" Jiang Chen was immediately delighted.

"Yes, yes." Chick nodded like pecking at rice, and there was spring water rippling in his eyes, "Anyway, Xiaoyueyue is not here, you red apricot, you can blatantly come out of the wall. You want If you really like to watch it so much, how about I go to your room at night and you can watch it casually?"

"You are so bad." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"There is a saying, women are not bad, but men don't love, right?" Women are especially bold.

"Li Pan'er, I think you are going to die. Is it really okay for you to spare no effort to seduce your good friend's boyfriend?" Jiang Chen said with a chuckle.

"What do you think?" Li Pan'er said with winking eyes as she stuck out her tongue and licked her lips.

"Er—" Jiang Chen felt a chill for no reason, and he hadn't seen him for a while, why did this woman become more and more hungry.

Li Pan'er didn't come to eat alone, there was another person with her, a big beautiful woman with big breasts.

In many cases, people are divided into groups, which is reflected in this way.

After being seated, Li Pan'er happily introduced the woman to Jiang Chen, named Xie Bei'er.

Xie Bei'er was obviously very curious about the relationship between Jiang Chen and Li Pan'er, her eyes kept sizing up Jiang Chen.

"I'm handsome, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile after touching his face.

Xie Belle blushed suddenly, and said, "Have you always been this unprincipled?"

"Okay, then let me ask seriously, am I handsome?" Jiang Chen said seriously.


Li Pan'er was teased by Jiang Chen, and said with a smile: "Jiang Chen, I just like the way you talk nonsense in a serious manner."

"Don't laugh, just ask a question." Jiang Chen was very serious.

"Pretty handsome." Xie Belle said shyly.

"Then do you like my prudish appearance, or my unscrupulous appearance?" Jiang Chen asked again.

As a result, Xie Belle's face turned even redder, clearly unable to hold back.

"Or, you like both?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Smelly shameless." Li Pan'er wanted to save Xie Beier from the siege. She didn't want Xie Beier to molested Jiang Chen for no reason. Moreover, Jiang Chen's molesting like this had no other meaning at all. Bad fun.

"Although you didn't answer my question, I can tell that you definitely like them all." Jiang Chen said, sighed, and said helplessly: "This man is so handsome, he is It's easy to be liked, but I really didn't mean to be so handsome."

"Yes, yes, we all know that you are just as handsome as you want." Li Pan'er said angrily.

"You understand me." Jiang Chen was a little moved.

Li Pan'er almost vomited.

After ordering the food, Li Pan'er was not displeased to see Jiang Chen in the capital. She always had a happy smile on her face. In the eyes of outsiders, she looked nothing like a nymphomaniac. Two things.

Li Pan'er talked a lot, Jiang Chen talked a lot, Xie Bei'er was much quieter, and habitually responded to Jiang Chen's gags with a smile. In terms of personality, she was completely different from Li Pan'er.

But I have to say that whether it is the talking Li Pan'er or the quiet Xie Beier, they are all quite pleasing to the eye. No, even in a place like a five-star hotel, Jiang Chen still attracts many envious and jealous eyes. .

After eating, Li Pan'er and Xie Bei'er wanted to leave first, Jiang Chen also wanted to go back to the room, and the three of them went out together.

The three of them had just walked out of the restaurant, and when they came face to face, they saw a group of people walking over bluffing.

Walking in the front is a young man, walking swaggeringly, small and round, with a thin and long face, a little beard on his chin, wearing a suit and tie, probably trying to look like a yuppie.

It's a pity that this guy's temperament is too different. No matter how you look around you, you can only see ruffians, not elegant at all, and you don't look like a prince in a dragon robe.

The young man was leading a group of people to the restaurant. After seeing Jiang Chen, his footsteps stopped in an instant. Immediately, his heavy eyes fell on Jiang Chen, and he didn't move any further. Not open.

"Jiang Chen, someone is here to trouble you, you are finished." Seeing that something was wrong with the situation, Li Pan'er stuck out her tongue and said, no matter how you look at it, there is a taste of gloating.

(End of this chapter)

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