genius evil

Chapter 487 Why Are You So Bad

Chapter 487 Why Are You So Bad
"Li Pan'er, you made a mistake. Not only did he not come to trouble me, but he came to give me money." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Send money? To you?" Blinking, Li Pan'er was confused.

Then, Li Pan'er saw that Jiang Chen grinned brightly and smiled brightly, and said to the young man with a smile: "Although your taste is not flattering, I didn't expect you to be quite trustworthy." Yes, I came here to pay back the money so soon, I must have brought the money."

The young man was none other than Li Tianxing who had met Jiang Chen on the airport highway before.

However, at that time, Li Tianxing was in the car, while Jiang Chen was outside the car.

"What money?" Upon hearing Jiang Chen's question, Li Tianxing was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, you just said that you are trustworthy, and you want to renege on your debt so soon?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"Boy, it seems that you really want money and don't want your life. It's this time, and you still think about money." Li Tianxing quickly understood what Jiang Chen meant by paying back the money.

"You owe me the money, of course I have to worry about it, right?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Very well, then you should think about it for me." Li Tianxing smiled coldly, waved his hand, and ordered to the group of people behind him: "See clearly, all of you will fight me to death!" .”

"Yes." The uniform shouts sounded.

"Aren't you here to pay back the money?" Jiang Chen's face suddenly darkened.

"I'm here to kill you." Li Tianxing said noncommittally.

"You want my life? Are you not afraid of accidentally losing your own life?" With a move of his feet, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Li Tianxing, stretched out his hand, grabbed Li Tianxing's collar, and pulled Li Tianxing Lifted off the ground.

"My life is in your hands now, do you dare to take it?" Li Tianxing not only showed no trace of panic when caught by Jiang Chen, but said in an extremely disdainful tone.


As soon as he raised his left hand, Jiang Chen slapped Li Tianxing on the face.

"Idiot, I really don't understand, where did you get the confidence to think that I dare not kill you?" Jiang Chen said very speechlessly.

The sudden slap made Li Tianxing blindfolded, he looked at Jiang Chen in shock, his eyes were completely filled with disbelief.

"You hit me?" Li Tianxing said in astonishment.


Raising his hand, another slap was slapped on Li Tianxing's face, and he said lazily, "I'm just hitting you."

"I think you are looking for death." Li Tianxing was furious.


Jiang Chen slapped Li Tianxing's face for the third time.

"I will kill you." Li Tianxing screamed hysterically.

"Clap clap clap..."

Jiang Chen shot one after another, and the money-free slaps fell on Li Tianxing's face like raindrops.

"Do it, you all do it to me, kill this bastard." Li Tianxing couldn't take it anymore, and roared at the top of his voice, he felt that he was going crazy.

"Okay, let's do it, but I have to remind you first, if they punch me, I will punch you ten times, if they kick me, I will kick you ten times." Jiang Chen did not rush Said.

Li Tianxing was stunned for a moment.

When he received a call from Qian Fugui and learned that Jiang Chen was at the Caesars Hotel, he immediately brought a lot of people here just to trouble Jiang Chen, who dared Jiang Chen to threaten him over and over again? Woolen cloth?
How could he endure such a bad breath?

However, Jiang Chen's words sounded complicated, but the meaning was actually very simple.

That is, those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes.

If he really dared to let those people do it, Jiang Chen would certainly have a hard time, but he himself would be overwhelmed.

"Do it, don't be in a daze." While Li Tianxing was in a daze, Jiang Chen yelled instead, as if he couldn't wait to do it.

"Wait a minute, don't do anything." Li Tianxing said hastily.

"I said, what are you going to do?" Jiang Chen was very dissatisfied.

"Let go of me, and speak up if you have something to say." Li Tianxing said.

"It doesn't matter if you are an idiot, is it possible that you still want to bring my IQ to the same level as yours? I am an idiot so I let you go." Jiang Chen said angrily.

Li Tianxing was speechless, and said in a broken voice, "What are you trying to do?"

"It's okay to do anything. If you bring money, just return it to me. If you don't bring it, call your family immediately and ask them to take money to redeem someone. If your family has no money, then, just I'm sorry."

"You are crazy!"

Li Tianxing blushed and had a thick neck. In Jiang Chen's hand, he struggled vigorously, trying to break free from Jiang Chen's control.

However, Jiang Chen held him with one hand, like holding a marionette, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless at all.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I love money like my life, and I will do anything for money." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Are you sure you want money?" Li Tianxing was annoyed.

He has been in the capital for so many years, but he has never seen such a freak as Jiang Chen.

Doesn't this guy know that even if he took the money by coercion, he would definitely lose his life by then?

"Affirmation, and affirmation, stop being wordy here, hurry up." Jiang Chen urged impatiently.

"Okay, I'll call." Li Tianxing said after taking a breath.

After saying this, Li Tianxing immediately took out his mobile phone, made a call, and asked Jiang Chen for a bank card number.

Within a few minutes, Jiang Chen's mobile phone received a transfer message.

Jiang Chen took out his phone, looked at the message, and smiled happily.

"Can you let me go now?" Seeing Jiang Chen's rippling smile, Li Tianxing was about to bite his teeth.

"Of course it is possible." Jiang Chen nodded and put Li Tianxing down.

Li Tianxing moved his hands and feet, quickly backed away, and was about to call out to the people he brought to do it again, when he heard Jiang Chen talking again.

"Li Tianxing, right? I know that after I let you go, you will definitely do it unwillingly, but it's still the old rules." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Li Tianxing didn't care what the old rules were, he slipped to the back of the crowd and shouted, "Do it."

Those people brought by Li Tianxing were gearing up for a long time, eager to show off in front of Li Tianxing. When they heard Li Tianxing's order, they rushed towards Jiang Chen like a tide. go.

"Jiang Chen, with so many people, can you do it?" Li Pan'er finally had a chance to speak, and said with blinking eyes.

"It's your fault for saying that. How can a man not do it? Don't say that there are only so few people, even if it is doubled... no, ten times more, I can do it very well." Jiang Chen was a little unhappy .

"I'm a little worried that they will beat you to death." Li Pan'er stuck out her tongue.

"This is even more wrong. If they want to kill them, I should kill them." Jiang Chen became more and more unhappy.

Because of his unhappiness, Jiang Chen took the lead before those people did.

Without any rules, and without paying attention to any skills, Jiang Chen combined his punches and kicks, and with every punch or kick, there was bound to be someone lying on the ground.

Within 2 minutes, all the people brought by Li Tianxing were left standing.

"See, I'm really good at it." Jiang Chen said narcissistically.

Both Li Pan'er and Xie Beier had black lines all over their heads, looking at Jiang Chen like a monster.

That's not one person, but a dozen people, not to mention the combat effectiveness, the number alone is already quite scary.

Who knew that Jiang Chen would be so perverted, with so many people in front of him, without even a chance to make a move, they were all overthrown by him.

Not only Li Pan'er and Xie Beier, Li Tianxing also looked at Jiang Chen like a monster at this time, his face turned pale for a while.

Originally, he thought that bringing so many people to teach Jiang Chen a lesson was a bit of an overkill, and it was all for the sake of a bigger battle.

But now Li Tianxing realizes in horror that he is still too naive. Not only are the people he brought not enough, it is obviously too little, too little.

Because, Li Tianxing could clearly see that these people, to Jiang Chen, were just at the level of a simple warm-up.

Jiang Chen walked up to Li Tianxing again, grabbed Li Tianxing's collar again, and lifted Li Tianxing up.

"Clap clap clap..."

Apart from anything else, Jiang Chen slapped Li Tianxing's face more than a dozen times without any gap.

"I heard Qian Fugui say that you are a mad dog, and now it seems that it is true, but I am very curious, if your mad dog has no teeth, can it still bite people?" Jiang Chen seemed to smile. Said non-smiling.

"Qian Fugui?" Hearing the sound, Li Tianxing gritted his teeth.

"Hey, don't get the point wrong." Jiang Chen had to remind.

"This matter is caused by Qian Fugui, right?" Li Tianxing said hysterically.

"Anyway, I won't admit it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, anyway, I, Li Tianxing, have kept this account in my heart, and I will get it back sooner or later." Li Tianxing said gloomyly.

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, and threw Li Tianxing aside. Li Tianxing got up from the ground with a grunt, waved his hand, and led the people away quickly.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so bad?" As soon as Li Tianxing left, Li Pan'er came over and said dumbfounded.

"Am I really bad?" Jiang Chen had a pure and innocent look on his face.

"Don't think I don't know. The last thing you said to Li Tianxing was to deliberately drag money and wealth into the water. Otherwise, Li Tianxing would leave so easily?" Li Pan'er curled her lips, as if she had seen through everything look like.

Hehe smiled, and Jiang Chen said: "Li Pan'er, have you ever heard a saying that the sky is falling and you have to let tall people hold it up. In this kind of thing, money and wealth are not the first, so it is possible to let me Is it okay to be in the front?"

Speechless, Li Pan'er said: "Qian Fugui knew you, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes."

(End of this chapter)

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