genius evil

Chapter 488

Chapter 488

At around eight o'clock in the morning, a black Audi car was parked at the gate of the Caesar Hotel.

The car is just a very ordinary Audi A6. Compared with other luxury cars that usually appear in the hotel, it can be said that it is ordinary and cannot be more ordinary.

But this seemingly ordinary Audi car has a license plate that is not too ordinary.

The pure digital license plate composed of several 6s is low-key and luxurious, showing the extraordinary identity of the owner.

After a while, in the hotel, a young man in casual clothes, Shi Shiran, came out.

With the appearance of the young man, the door of the Audi car was pushed open, and a middle-aged man with half-white hair quickly got out of the car.

"Jiang Shao, please forgive me for disturbing you." The middle-aged man said, it was Qian Banshan, the head of the Qian family.

"You came alone? Where's the money and wealth?" Jiang Chen looked around and said.

"The dog accidentally brought you a big trouble, Young Master Jiang. How can we let him come over to embarrass you, so as not to make you angry, Young Master Jiang." Qian Banshan said.

"It doesn't matter, I won't be angry, anyway, I'm not ashamed of myself." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Qian Banshan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Young Master Jiang, have you had breakfast yet? I know there is a good place, and I would like to ask Young Master Jiang to give you a face."

"I would never refuse such a thing as a treat." Jiang Chen had nothing to do with him, so naturally he would not refuse Qian Banshan's request for a treat.

After getting in the car, Qian Banshan ordered the driver to drive. Ten minutes later, the car stopped in a slightly remote area.

A small three-story bamboo building stood there alone. Compared with the surrounding high-rise buildings, it was particularly conspicuous.

"This is Fushou Building. I came here to eat ten years ago. Ten years have passed without knowing it, and there is still no change at all." Qian Banshan pointed to the small building and introduced it to Jiang Chen. , with a hint of regret.

"This can only explain one problem." After taking a look, Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and said, "To be able to build such a small building in such a large area in the center of the capital, the owner of the Fushou Building, the owner of the Fushou Building, must not I'm afraid the scene is not simple."

"It's not simple." Qian Banshan did not deny it, and while leading Jiang Chen forward, he said, "Young Master Jiang, have you ever heard of the nickname of the most beautiful woman in the capital?"

"Let's hear it." Jiang Chen was quite interested.

"The owner of this Fushou Building is the number one beauty in the capital. Her name is Shen Shijing. Ten years ago, when she appeared, she became famous in the capital and attracted countless young talents to compete." Qian Banshan said reminiscently. .

"Hearing your tone, could it be that you are the suitor of the number one beauty in the capital?" Jiang Chen couldn't help teasing.

"I'm ashamed." Qian Banshan shook his head and said, "Speaking of which, I've only met her twice in the past ten years. What about a suitor?"

"That is, what you ask for?" Jiang Chen said.

Qian Banshan smiled awkwardly and said, "That's probably what it means."

"Although the meaning is the same, I'm very curious. It's been ten years. No matter how beautiful the Shen Shi Jing is, it's like yesterday's flowers. It's worth you to keep thinking about it?" Jiang Chen was curious. asked.

"Jiang Shao, Shen Shi Jing was only in [-]." Qian Banshan explained.

"Two eight one sixteen, how much is sixteen plus ten, I'm not very good at math, how about you do the math for me?" Jiang Chen said vaguely.

Qian Banshan just laughed, and said: "Jiang Shao, if you have the opportunity to meet Shen Shijing, you will find that age is meaningless to her."

"These words are too disappointing. I thought you specially introduced the most beautiful woman in the capital to me this time. It turned out that you were just trying to whet my appetite." Jiang Chen was greatly disappointed.

"Brother, don't think about such a good thing. Brother, I have been squatting here all year round, but I haven't been able to see what Shen Shijing looks like. Is his figure really as good as the legend... I have to say, That woman's airs are really too big." As soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a complaining voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

The one who spoke was a young man with a slightly greasy face and a toothpick in his mouth. Not to mention, he was actually wearing a pair of flip-flops under his feet, which looked quite carefree.

"Maybe it's not that Shen Meimei is too airy, but you are too ugly." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Brother, I'm not convinced when you say I'm ugly, I'm just a little slovenly." The young man said resentfully.

"It seems that you are not only ugly, but also very ignorant?" Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"Brother, I'm not as handsome as you, so you don't have to hit me like this?" The young man said with a sad face.

"I'm just telling the truth." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Yes, you are the only one who dares to tell the truth." The young man also shrugged, and finally greeted Qian Banshan and said, "Uncle Qian, come to have breakfast."

"Haoyang, go get busy if you have something to do." Qian Banshan said indifferently.

"I don't have anything to do, I'm just fooling around all day long." The young man giggled, and then said to Jiang Chen, "Dude, I heard yesterday that Li Tianxing's bastard's car was smashed to death I guess it was you who did it, do you have time in the evening? How about I buy you a drink?"

"Without good wine, I won't go." Jiang Chen said.

"Don't worry, it's definitely good wine. Although I, Sun Haoyang, don't have much money, I've always been very generous to my friends." Sun Haoyang patted his chest and assured.

"Are we friends?" Jiang Chen asked interestingly.

"It doesn't matter, even if I'm not a friend, I'm always generous." Sun Haoyang said with a smile.

"This Sun Haoyang is the eldest grandson of the Sun family." Sun Haoyang asked Jiang Chen for his contact information and then left. As soon as he left, Qian Banshan introduced him to Jiang Chen.

"Quite an interesting guy." Jiang Chen said.

For the younger generation among the four small families in the capital, he had met Qian Fugui and Li Tianxing, but he had to say that the slovenly Sun Haoyang left a deeper impression on Jiang Chen after just a meeting.

The breakfast at Fushou Building tastes really good. Even if you don't go for the golden sign of the most beautiful woman in the capital, coming here for breakfast can be regarded as a pretty good choice.

Of course, the price of breakfast here is far beyond what ordinary people can afford.

In this situation, on the other hand, I am afraid that none of the people who eat breakfast in Fushou Building are ordinary people.

"Jiang Shao, it's about the treatment." Qian Banshan asked tentatively while eating breakfast.

After Jiang Chen came to the capital, the first person he contacted was Qian Fugui, that is to say, Qian Banshan was one of the few people who got the news first.

According to Qian Banshan's plan, he originally wanted to come over to see Jiang Chen yesterday, but he was afraid that his purpose would be too strong and cause Jiang Chen's disgust, so he dragged it until today.

"Don't worry, you won't die yet. Before you die, I will definitely cure your illness." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Shao, you can go to Qian's house at any time. The door of my Qian's house is always open for you, Jiang Shao." Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Qian Banshan had no choice but to say.

Although Qian Banshan hoped that Jiang Chen could treat him immediately, he knew very well that he could only compromise on this matter.He had to lower his posture as much as possible.

Naturally, such an approach would not prevent Qian Banshan from being annoyed, but no matter how annoyed Qian Banshan was, it would not be easy for Qian Banshan to show it in front of Jiang Chen.

How could Jiang Chen care about what Qian Banshan was thinking, he finished his breakfast contentedly, and was sent back to the hotel by Qian Banshan.

After getting off the car, Jiang Chen walked directly into the hotel, and within a few steps, he saw a person walking towards him.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Lanbo." After walking over, the man first introduced himself.

"A member of the Lan family?" Jiang Chen asked, frowning slightly.

"It seems that I found the right person, you are Jiang Chen, right." Lan Bo said.

"What do you want from me?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"My grandpa wants to see you, when do you have time?" Lan Bo just said.

"Lead the way." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen came here for Lan Xiu, and if the Lan family wanted to see him, Jiang Chen naturally had time.

Not to mention that he really has time, even if he has no time, he must make time.

Soon, Lan Bo was leading the way in a car, while Jiang Chen followed in a car sent by Qian Jiaxin.

Half an hour later, in the Lan family's study, Jiang Chen saw Old Man Lan.

Old Man Lan sat there, watching Jiang Chen come in from the outside, with probing and sizing eyes, and fell on Jiang Chen, although he was old, there was still a bit of sharpness in his eyes.

"Old man, I heard from Xiao Xiuxiu that you were sick a while ago, are you well now?" Jiang Chen greeted with a smile.

"This man is old, and there are many small problems. It's nothing serious. It's hard for Xiu'er to come back." Old Man Lan was stunned for a moment, before he realized that the little Xiuxiu Jiang Chen was talking about was Lan Xiu. Knowing such a title undoubtedly means that the relationship between Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu has reached a very close level.

Therefore, when Old Master Lan was speaking at this time, the way he looked at Jiang Chen inevitably had a deeper meaning.

"Old man has many minor ailments, but I see that you, Old Man Lan, are in good health, but you don't show any signs of illness at all." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you want me to have a health problem?" His face darkened, and Old Man Lan said.

"I didn't mean that. It's just that you are not sick, Mr. Lan, but you just used the guise of being sick to lure Xiuxiu back to the capital. It is really easy for people to think that you are doing this with ulterior motives, Mr. Lan." Jiang Chen Said unhurriedly.

"Xiu'er is my granddaughter, how could I harm her?" Old Man Lan said extremely displeased.

"It's hard to say. These days, there are many who sell their daughters for glory. Maybe there are one or two. What about those who sell their granddaughters for glory?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

Hearing the sound, Mr. Lan's face inevitably turned blue and black, and even his breathing became hasty unconsciously!

(End of this chapter)

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