genius evil

Chapter 489

Chapter 489
As soon as they met, they spoke a few words, and the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, as if holding a spark and it would explode.

This was beyond the expectation of Old Man Lan.

He didn't expect that this gentle and harmless young man in front of him would be so talkative.

Moreover, Jiang Chen didn't show any kindness to Lan Xiu because of his relationship with Lan Xiu, because he was Lan Xiu's grandfather.

"Young people should pay attention to what they say." With a cold snort, Old Man Lan said.

"Some people are old and disrespectful, how can you tell me to pay attention?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Hmph, you keep saying that I sold my granddaughter for glory, but that's just because you can't give Xiu'er a lifetime of glory." Old Man Lan said mockingly.

"Finally, I still admit that I want to sell my granddaughter for glory." Jiang Chen sighed softly.

To be honest, Jiang Chen didn't want to make the relationship too rigid with Old Man Lan. After all, no matter what kind of man he was, Old Man Lan was Lan Xiu's grandfather after all.

Don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face, even if it is for Lan Xiu's face, he must be courteous to this old man.

But it was also with such an intention, so when Jiang Chen opened his mouth, it meant to be a bit of a head start, to forcibly force out the real purpose of old man Lan calling Lan Xiu back to the capital.

Because only in this way can Jiang Chen know how he should have a conversation with Old Master Lan, or simply make the meeting between the two parties quite unpleasant.

And the potential meaning of Old Master Lan's words naturally disappointed Jiang Chen to the extreme.

Hearing this, Mr. Lan couldn't understand that he was being tricked by Jiang Chen, and his expression turned extremely ugly. He said, "Jiang Chen, it may not be a good thing for young people to be too sharp-tongued. Even though we are meeting for the first time , but I have to tell you that I don't like you very much. If you are smart enough, you should know what you should do."

"What should I do?" Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen had a pure and innocent face.

"It's very simple. First, you leave the capital immediately. Second, even if you insist on not leaving, three days later, the old man of the Wu family will have his [-]th birthday. You'd better not show up, otherwise, you will be extremely embarrassed." " Mr. Lan said word by word.

"It seems that I am destined to be unable to be a smart person." Jiang Chen said regretfully, shook his head, turned and walked outside the study.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to leave, Old Man Lan had no intention of stopping him. When Jiang Chen walked to the door of the study, Old Man Lan said, "Jiang Chen, if you really want to do it for Xiu'er's sake, listen to me. Advice, leaving Xiu'er is the most correct choice."

"To you, it may be so, but to me, it is definitely the most stupid choice in the world." Jiang Chen said coldly, and while talking, Jiang Chen had already left the study.

The Lan family is in the capital, and it can be regarded as one of the famous and famous families. Of course, it cannot be compared with the four big families, and even compared with the four small families, there is a huge gap.

But even so, the Lan family still has a place that cannot be underestimated. A large area of ​​townhouses is neatly built, forming a small-scale villa manor.

Jiang Chen had just left the villa where Old Master Lan was, when Lan Bo, who had led Jiang Chen over earlier, appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"I invite you to have a cup of tea, do you have time?" Looking at Jiang Chen, Lan Bo said.

"You seem to know that Mr. Lan didn't prepare tea for me." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Because I know that the old man must not like you." Lan Bo said noncommittally.

"What about you?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Do you still need to ask this question?" Lan Bo said sarcastically.

"Then, I'm curious, why do you still invite me to drink tea?" Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

"Naturally, I want to chat with you. To be honest, although the capital city is a bit far from Yilan City, we all know a little bit about sister Xiu's situation in Yilan City. Almost everyone is curious about you. Why did my sister fall in love with you." Lan Bo said.

"This only proves that Xiao Xiuxiu is very discerning." Jiang Chen said narcissistically.

"You're too narcissistic. It's a pity that apart from a slight advantage in your appearance, I really can't see what narcissistic capital you have." Lan Bo said.

"You can't see it, it can only mean that you are blind." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"That's why I want to chat with you." Lan Bo said in a favorable manner.

"Forget it, it's too much if you don't speculate, and I'm even more upset if you are upset." Jiang Chen shook his head, walked away with strides.

Lan Bo moved his feet, blocked Jiang Chen's way, and said: "The left and right are already very upset, even if there is a little more, it's okay, isn't it?"

"You are so cheap." Jiang Chen's face turned cold.

"What did you say?" Lan Bo's face changed slightly.

"I'm already upset, and I want to make myself even more unhappy. If it's not being cheap, what is it? Get out of the way!" Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Are you angry from embarrassment?" Lan Bo laughed jokingly.

Lifting his foot, Jiang Chen directly kicked Lan Bo to the ground, and said unhurriedly: "Lan Bo, these tricks were left over from my play many years ago. If you play tricks in front of me, you still don't know how to do it." It's really not qualified."

"Jiang Chen, every time you offend one more person from the Lan family, every one more person from the Lan family doesn't like you, do you know what that means?" Being kicked by Jiang Chen, Lan Bo smiled instead of anger.

"You are really cheap." Jiang Chen stepped forward with a blank face, and kicked out again, kicking Rambo like a gourd, and rolled out.

Jiang Chen knew what that meant, it meant that he would gradually drift away from Lan Xiu, but Lan Bo thought that he could threaten him by doing this, so I have to say, he was really naive.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing, causing trouble in my Lan family, do you still pay attention to my Lan family?" An angry voice sounded, and four or five people came out immediately after.

These people are all young people, and the oldest one will not be more than 30 years old, so they should be the younger generation of the Lan family.

And the person who spoke was the oldest one. He walked over and glared at Jiang Chen, looking very angry.

"I'm beating someone, don't you see? As for you asking me if I take the Lan family seriously, I really don't." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The man never expected that Jiang Chen would answer like this, he couldn't help being stunned, and then became even more annoyed, and said loudly: "Jiang Chen, you want to enter the gate of my Lan family, it's just a dream."

"I have to make this clear. First, it's not that I'm going to enter Lan's house. Someone invited me. Second, if you're talking about Xiao Xiuxiu, when I marry Xiao Xiuxiu, I will marry you. It was Xiao Xiuxiu who entered the gate of my Jiang family, and it has nothing to do with your Lan family." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"What a sharp mouth, get out, we don't welcome you." The man was furious.


Lifting his foot, Jiang Chen kicked this guy over, rolled on the ground, and said, "Is this how it rolled?"


"court death."


Several other people who appeared with that person, upon seeing this situation, cursed one after another.

Jiang Chen ignored it lazily, kicking one by one, all of them fell to the ground.

"You say I'm presumptuous, I admit it, but when it comes to courting death, are you sure it's not you who are courting death?" Jiang Chen said nervously.

"Jiang Chen, congratulations, this Lan family has a few more people who don't like you." Lan Bo said calmly, patting the dust off his clothes.

Jiang Chen ignored Lan Bo's stupid look, and walked out on his own.

Not to mention that there are just a few more people who don't like him, even if no one in the Lan family likes him, so what?

However, Jiang Chen didn't see it. In the direction of the villa, in the study room on the second floor, the curtains were half-opened. A woman stood there quietly, taking in all his previous actions, her eyebrows frowned, and she was worried. .

"Grandpa, I don't understand." There was a hint of sadness in the woman's voice, but it was Lan Xiu.

"What don't you understand?" Old Man Lan said calmly.

"What I don't understand is that even if you don't like Jiang Chen, why bother to embarrass him on purpose." Lan Xiu said sadly.

Jiang Chen was his man, and if they embarrassed Jiang Chen, why didn't they also embarrass her?

"Xiu'er, do you think Jiang Chen can't bear such a little bit of embarrassment?" Old Man Lan didn't answer Lan Xiu's question, but asked instead.

"Grandpa, what do you mean?" Lan Xiu was taken aback.

"I gave Jiang Chen two choices. First, leave the capital. If you do that, you will be giving up on you. Second, after three days, go to Mr. Wu's birthday banquet... The current situation is enough to explain, Jiang Chen You chose the second point, what do you think will happen by then?" Old Man Lan said in a deep voice.

"If Jiang Chen really shows up, the people of the Wu family will definitely make Jiang Chen unable to step down." Thinking of what happened to Wu Menghua in Yilan City before, Lan Xiu pondered.

"That's right, but it's too easy to say, it's not just as simple as being unable to get off the stage...Compared to that situation, the embarrassment that Jiang Chen encountered in my Lan family today can be counted. What?" Old Man Lan said earnestly.

Lan Xiu heard the conversation between Old Man Lan and Jiang Chen in the study earlier in the next room.

At the beginning, when she heard that Old Master Lan had given Jiang Chen a choice, Lan Xiu was extremely angry and almost lost her mind and rushed out.

But now, Lan Xiucai suddenly realized that there was such a deep hidden meaning in the words of Old Master Lan.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you." Lan Xiu's eyes instantly became moist.

"Xiu'er, since you were young, you don't like things you don't want to do. I have never forced you. It's about your life. How can I force you?" After touching Lan Xiu's hair, the old man Lan sighed. endlessly.

"But Jiang Chen?" Lan Xiu became worried again.

"He's a good young man, smart and sharp, but he still needs time to grow up. To be honest, I don't really hope that this day will come so soon, but it has already come. I hope he is ready." Old Man Lan said in a concentrated voice.

Hearing the sound, Lan Xiu's heart tightened suddenly. She knew very well what it meant to be mentally prepared. Although Mr. Lan would not do something like sell his granddaughter for glory, but in this matter between her and Wu Menghua, It is an attitude of disapproval or disapproval.

The implication is that Jiang Chen is the only one who confronts the Wu family directly!
(End of this chapter)

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