genius evil

Chapter 490 The Cowardly Girl

Chapter 490 The Cowardly Girl

Not long after Jiang Chen left Lan's house, his cell phone rang.

The call was made by Tang Tian, ​​Jiang Chen picked up the phone and picked up the call, but the person speaking on the other end turned into that girl Lin Baobao.

"Jiang Chen, where did you die, tell me quickly, did Hong Xing cheat again?" Lin Baobao yelled loudly on the other end of the phone.

"I'm in the capital." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Ah—" Baby Lin screamed.

"It's called Chun." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, I rushed to Yilan City eagerly, but you are good, you went to the capital, are you doing me any favors?" Lin Baobao was furious.

"Why are you talking so ambiguously? As if I have something to do with you." Jiang Chen was speechless.

"You have hugged me, kissed me, and even touched my breasts. Do you dare to say that you have nothing to do with me? You are the modern version of Chen Shimei, a heartless man!" Baobao Lin said with a heartbroken heart.

"If you are not convinced, you can hug it back, kiss it back, and touch it back." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"You think I'm an idiot." Lin Baobao moaned and asked again, "Jiang Chen, why did you go to the capital?"

"I have some things to do here, and I'll be back in a few days." Jiang Chen said casually.

"No, you must not come back so soon. You must stay for a few more days. I bought the ticket to return to the capital the day after tomorrow. If you come back, what should I do? You can't treat me like this. People will die of grief." Lin Baobao yelled again.

"The day after tomorrow? What are you doing back in the capital?" Jiang Chen asked strangely.

"Hee hee, I just miss you so much, it's like three autumns since I don't see you every day." Baobao Lin said sweetly.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt cold.

Immediately afterwards, the phone was snatched by Tang Tian, ​​and Tang Tian said: "Jiang Chen, this woman is probably crazy about men, you are in the capital, it is best to avoid meeting her, no, you must not meet her, Otherwise, crazy women can do anything."

"Tiantian, you made me angry, what do you mean I can do anything, am I that kind of person?" Lin Baobao said aggrievedly together.

"Then tell me, why did you smile so rippling after you knew Jiang Chen was in the capital?" Tang Tian asked.

"Is there? She's smiling cute, okay? She's always been so cute. You're just jealous that someone's parents are prettier than you." Lin Baobao stuck out his tongue, so he wouldn't admit it.

The second daughter was on the other end of the phone, making a fuss for about ten minutes before hanging up the phone.


Jiang Chen had just hung up the phone when he heard a violent impact sound, and then, the car shook violently, and the car was hit by someone.

Through the rearview mirror, Jiang Chen saw that a red Beetle rear-ended his car.

A little speechless, Jiang Chen got out of the car, and then saw that the owner of the Beetle also got out of the car.

It was a young girl who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, and her development seemed to be a little underdeveloped. She looked extremely thin, with a height of nearly 1.7 meters, and she estimated that she didn't even weigh eighty catties. As for the chest and butt, it was even more It was so horrible that Jiang Chen couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

It was also fortunate that the girl was dressed conservatively, and she didn't show what she shouldn't. Otherwise, Jiang Chen really didn't know where to look with his eyes.

The young girl's complexion was also slightly pale. It was unknown whether it was from birth or because of the fright caused by the car accident.

The facial features are quite square, big eyes, very aura, but it is obvious that the corners of the eyes and the brows have not yet fully opened.

"Isn't that right... I'm sorry..." After the girl saw Jiang Chen, she hurriedly apologized, looking like she was about to cry.

"Is it useful to say sorry for this kind of thing?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

I don't know why, obviously he didn't do anything, but the girl's weak and pitiful face made him feel like she was being bullied viciously.

It would be fine if he was really bullied, but the problem is, he didn't do anything, he is still a victim, what kind of trouble is he going to do?
"I... I'll pay you money? Is that okay?" the girl stammered.

As she spoke, the girl hurriedly took out money from her pocket for a while, her face turned red, she lowered her head, and whispered, "Sir, I'm sorry, I forgot to bring money when I went out."

Jiang Chen was teased and said deliberately: "Then tell me, what should we do with this matter?"

"How about, sir, please leave a mobile phone number. When I get home, I will have someone send the money to you." The girl said very cautiously.

"No, I can't trust you." Jiang Chen said.

"Sir, I will definitely give you money." The girl was anxious and dissatisfied, sweating profusely.

"That doesn't work, unless you mortgage something with me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then...what is the mortgage?" The girl blinked and asked blankly.

"I think it's better to mortgage you with me. When your family sends money, I'll let you go back. How about it?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"No...I can't..." The girl shook her head desperately, and stepped back with a little panic. Seeing her reaction, it was like Jiang Chen in front of him, who could turn into a big bad wolf in a second, and could turn into a big bad wolf at any time. It's like eating her into the stomach.

"Eh..." Jiang Chen looked at the girl strangely, and asked in bewilderment, "I said, have you always been this timid?"

While talking, Jiang Chen couldn't help touching his face again. He shouldn't look like a bad guy, right?

After all, does the bad guy look as good-looking as he does?

"I'm not timid, don't try to bully me." The girl summoned up her courage and said, her cheeks were also bulging, as if she wanted to take this opportunity to try her best to express her bravery. Unfortunately, this kind of behavior , obviously making her look more like a little white rabbit.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said: "Okay, you are very courageous, very courageous...Since you are so courageous, then I will definitely not bully you, so you can feel free to mortgage it with me."

"You obviously want to bully me." The girl said angrily.

"Did I do anything to you?" Jiang Chen asked innocently.

"You say..." The girl was about to say that you want me to be a mortgage with you, but when she got to her mouth, she was a little speechless, stomped her feet, and said angrily: "I don't want to talk to you anymore .”

"Girl, do you know what your behavior is called?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"What's it called?" the girl asked suspiciously.

"Young girl is cute." Jiang Chen smiled narrowly, got into the car, and drove away.

It wasn't until Jiang Chen drove away in the car that the girl came to her senses. Jiang Chen didn't ask her for compensation and just left.


The girl chased after the car, yelling loudly, wanting Jiang Chen to stop the car.

The car drove further and further away, and soon disappeared from sight. Seeing that there was no way to catch up, the girl stopped in frustration.

"You bad guy, I will definitely pay you back." The girl murmured.


Jiang Chen drove back to the Caesars Hotel, swiped his card, and entered the room. Suddenly, he discovered that someone had entered the room.

On the bed, there was a dress and a pair of trousers. The clothes and trousers were both women's styles. The style was not sexy, and naturally it was not conservative.

Jiang Chen casually picked up the dress, put it close to his nose and sniffed it, smelling the scent of perfume left on the clothes, he couldn't help smiling, and then, Jiang Chen quickly walked towards the bathroom.

In the bathroom, there was the sound of drizzling water, and at the same time, it was accompanied by a shallow humming sound. The singing voice was low and melodious. Just relying on that singing voice, it is not difficult to imagine that the woman bathing in the bathroom at this moment , How stunning and enchanting it will be.

Under such circumstances, even with Jiang Chen's concentration, his breathing couldn't help being slightly suffocated, and immediately, little by little, it became hotter.

"Miss Luzhi, can I say that I am a good person?" Jiang Chen said lazily, knocking on the bathroom door with his hand.

Just now, just looking at the clothes, Jiang Chen already knew who the woman who sneaked into his room would be.

Moreover, after sneaking into the room and taking a bath in a stately way, he didn't pay attention to him as the master at all, and he had such an ability to pick doors and locks, and the woman he knew well, among all the women he knew, still There are really not many, and it is too easy to judge.

But even if he guessed that the person was Lu Zhi, Jiang Chen was still a little bit surprised. You know, even though Ziyu and Lu Zhi went to the capital last time after Tianhang City, Jiang Chen did not expect that Lu Zhi will appear in such a way.

"Good guy? What kind of nice guy are you?" A sneer came from the bathroom, and Luzhi's tone was full of disdain.

In the bathroom, there was mist and mist, and under the floor-to-ceiling mirror, stood a graceful and graceful figure, with no strands of hair on his body, and his skin was as white as jade.

The hair that was wet with water was casually held together with hands, hanging behind the head, revealing a smooth and full forehead, and a few mischievous drops of water dotted on the delicate face.

Dreamlike beauty, everything is so beautiful, full of sexiness that directly seduces the hormones deep in a man's heart.

If it wasn't for the slight sneer at the corner of Luzhi's mouth at the moment.

There are many definitions of a good person, but in Luzhi's view, no matter what kind of definition is aimed at a good person, Jiang Chen doesn't fit any of them.

Just like that, dare to call yourself a good person?

"Great beauty Lu Zhi, can I tell you that I really want to be a good person?" Hearing Lu Zhi's sneering voice, Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"I think you may have some hope in your next life." Luzhi said.

"In this way, it seems that I can only be a bad person in this life." With a low sigh, Jiang Chen pushed hard with his big hand, and the bathroom door, which was locked, was directly given by Jiang Chen. It shook.

The bathroom door was shaken open, and Jiang Chen entered the bathroom unhurriedly.


Accompanied by the sound of the door being shaken open, goodbye, suddenly there was another sound in the bathroom, Luzhi, who was still there before, suddenly let out a sharp scream from the depths of her throat... …

(End of this chapter)

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