genius evil

Chapter 491 I just want to be a good person

Chapter 491 I just want to be a good person

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Lvzhi said in a panic as she hurriedly covered her chest with her hands, trying her best to avoid having a good time.

But soon, Luzhi realized with frustration that she didn't even have a piece of clothing to cover her body, and if she covered her upper body, her lower body was lost.

So, Lu Zhi, who was almost at a loss, covered her lower body with her hands in panic.

For a moment, I only saw Lu Zhi's two hands, walking up and down, looking at that appearance, I really hated my parents for giving her two arms, in desperation, tears were almost on the verge of tears. popped up.

Then, Xu Shi suddenly realized that going on like this was not an option, but would more likely arouse Jiang Chen's animal desire. A flash of inspiration flashed in Lu Zhi's mind, she reached out and grabbed a bath towel that was placed beside her, and wrapped it quickly body, finally solved the problem of not having enough hands.

"Jiang Chen, have you seen enough?" After solving her own problems, her beautiful eyes shot out flames and stared at Jiang Chen's body, Lu Zhi said angrily.

"I think you are a very problematic person." Jiang Chen's eyes shot up and down on Luzhi's body, making sure that he would never see half of the spring light again, so he regretfully shifted his gaze and looked at Luzhi's face. A flawless face.

Probably because of being smudged by the mist of hot water, there are two blobs of light blush on Luzhi's fair face, as if a layer of faint rouge has been traced.

The color of the rouge spreads out little by little following the bulging curve of Luzhi's breasts, making it extremely glamorous.

"Why do I have a problem?" Luzhi said angrily.

She was bathing in the bathroom, and Jiang Chen broke in through the door. It was obvious that his intentions were not righteous, he wanted to take advantage of her, and he actually said seriously that there was something wrong with her.

Who is the problem?
"Let me ask you, whose room is this?" Jiang Chen asked slowly.

"So what about yours?" Luzhi said with widened eyes.

"Finally you still know that this room is mine, the room I live in, you don't need to come in without asking, but you are still taking a bath in the bathroom I used, do you understand what this means?" Then, Jiang Chen asked.

"Can't I take a bath?" Luzhi said nonchalantly.

"As long as you want to take a bath, you can do it at any time. But there are so many rooms in the hotel, you can open a room to take a bath at will, right? If you come to me to take a bath, you are clearly seducing me. "Jiang Chen said calmly.

"I... seduced you?" Pointing at herself, then pointing at Jiang Chen, Lu Zhi had a ghostly expression on her face.

"Don't deny it, you are just seducing me." Jiang Chen said decisively.

"I didn't." Luzhi yelled loudly.

"You want to seduce me with all your heart. Although I'm not a flirtatious person, and I can even be said to be a peerless good man who guards his body like a jade, but in order not to disappoint you, I sacrificed my reputation, entered the bathroom, and accepted your seduction... ...And you actually asked me what I was going to do, and asked me not to look around, if I didn't look around, wouldn't I be sorry for your painstaking efforts? Is it really okay to beat me like this?" As if you didn't hear Luzhi's words Normally, Jiang Chen said to himself.

"Stop talking." Luzhi was furious.

"It seems that I've got everything right, so next, don't waste time between the two of us?" Jiang Chen said, throwing a wink at Luzhi.

"It's a waste of your head." How could Lu Zhi know what messed things Jiang Chen was thinking about, she couldn't bear it any more, raised her leg, and kicked Jiang Chen.

Seeing Lu Zhi's kick, Jiang Chen didn't dodge it, and casually stretched out his hand, grabbing Lu Zhi's ankle in the palm of his hand.

When I touched it, I felt that the skin was so firm and smooth, especially when Lu Zhi raised her legs, she who had been strictly guarded against death, once again had a charming spring light, which made Jiang Chen's heart twitch.

"No wonder you said that I might only hope to be a good person in my next life. Judging from the fact that you have spared no effort to seduce me, even if I am a good person, I will be seduced by you. But I am true, I just want to be a good person " Smacking his mouth, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

When Lu Zhi kicked Jiang Chen, she regretted using this attack method. She was wearing nothing but a bath towel. This attack method was completely creating opportunities for Jiang Chen to take advantage of. .

But it was too late to regret, the ankle was firmly grasped by Jiang Chen in the palm of his hand, and after listening to Jiang Chen's words, Lu Zhi was so angry that her whole body suddenly rushed towards Jiang Chen.

The soft body instantly fell into Jiang Chen's embrace.

The soft fragrance enters the bosom, and the delicate fragrance comes to the nostrils.

Taking advantage of the situation, Jiang Chen stretched out his arms and hugged Lu Zhi into his arms.

"Great beauty Luzhi, you've thrown yourself into your arms, how dare you say you're not seducing me?" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

Luzhi didn't speak, and at the moment Jiang Chen hugged her, she opened her mouth and bit Jiang Chen's neck.

"Great beauty Luzhi, are you going to kiss me?" Jiang Chen leaned back slightly, then let go of the hand holding Luzhi's ankle, and took Luzhi around for a spin.

Lu Zhi only felt dizzy for a while under the spinning, and then her eyes suddenly widened, and the eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

Luzhi found that she didn't bite Jiang Chen's neck, but on Jiang Chen's mouth... To be exact, it wasn't a bite, but her lips, which just happened to stick to the corners of Jiang Chen's lips.

"Great beauty Luzhi, if you want to kiss me, just say so. I have made up my mind to accept your seduction. No matter what you do, I will not refuse." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Ah—" Luzhi screamed again, almost going crazy.


Ten minutes later, in the hotel room, Lu Zhi, who had finally put on her clothes, was still staring at Jiang Chen in annoyance like a defeated rooster.

"Jiang Chen, I warn you, if you dare to treat me like this again next time, be careful that I will kill you." Lu Zhi warned.

"Are you willing?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"If you are willing or not, you will know if you try it." Lu Zhi snorted coldly, then changed the subject and said, "I heard that you came to the capital, and I came here specially to find you. I need your help with something. .”

"I won't help." Jiang Chen said without thinking.

"I haven't even said what kind of help I want from you, why did you refuse so quickly?" Luzhi was a little upset.

"Anyway, there must be nothing good, right?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"Of course it's not a good thing, otherwise why would I ask you for help?" Luzhi said speechlessly.

"Miss Luzhi, this is your fault. If you don't come to me for good things, you will come to me for bad things. Did you do this?" Jiang Chen was also a little unhappy.

"I took on an assassin mission, and the other party was quite difficult to deal with. There was nothing I could do to him over and over again, and one more time, I almost died at his hands. If you don't help me, I might really die at his hands It's in your hand." Luzhi said with a look of weakness, helplessness and sadness on her face.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Just die, people die every day in this world, it doesn't matter if you die one or two more."

"If I die, will you be sad?" Luzhi blinked hard, looking at Jiang Chen with red eyes.

"No." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Well, die as long as you die, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost." Gritting her teeth and stomping her feet, Luzhi walked towards the door.

"Go slowly, I won't see you off." Waving his hand, Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Lu Zhi didn't intend to really leave at first, she did it on purpose so that Jiang Chen could ask to stay, and then she could take advantage of the situation to force Jiang Chen to agree to help.

Luzhi never thought that Jiang Chen would have such an attitude, it didn't mean to keep him at all.

If Jiang Chen hadn't looked at him in the bathroom before, and couldn't look away, Luzhi would have suspected that she wasn't charming enough.

It's just that it's good that Jiang Chen doesn't speak, but when he speaks, Lu Zhi is a bit in a dilemma, even if she doesn't want to leave, she still has to leave, otherwise, Jiang Chen might laugh at her.

I don't know why, I felt a little lost in my heart for no reason, and there was still a little bit of grievance, a complicated feeling, welling up in my heart, Lu Zhi bit her lip, clenched it slightly, sighed in her heart, quickened her pace, and reached the door in a blink of an eye .

Stretching out her hand, she opened the door. Luzhi stepped out of the room with one foot, and finally stepped out of the room with the other. Luzhi was a little unwilling, and turned her head quietly, wanting to see, Jiang Is Chen really so cruel, really so indifferent?

But when she turned her head, Luzhi saw a very tired smiling face, that smiling face was so close to her that it filled her eye sockets, leaving only that smiling face in her eyes.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Looking at Jiang Chen fixedly, Lu Zhi's heart felt warm. Finally, this guy is not so cruel. He is here to keep her, right?
"You go as you please, don't worry about me, I'm here to close the door, otherwise it will be bad if there is a thief." Jiang Chen said.

As soon as these words came out, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured head-on. Lu Zhi's heart became cold from head to toe in an instant, and even the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that were a little more chilly. .


Going out, he slammed the door forcefully, the sound was like a sky-shattering sound, making the walls vibrate accordingly.

"With such a big temper, it's no wonder I can't find a boyfriend." Jiang Chen touched the nose that was almost hit with his hand, and smiled softly.

Lu Zhi walked quickly, and after a while, she appeared outside the hotel, her footsteps hurried, as if fleeing.

The wind was blowing, obviously the wind was very warm, but when it blew on Luzhi's body, it made her feel a deep chill, she subconsciously shrank her shoulders, Luzhi quickened her pace, and walked towards the parking place of the car, but it was very difficult. Quick, after seeing the figure standing beside the car, Luzhi felt that the coldness was even more serious!
(End of this chapter)

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