genius evil

Chapter 492 I Was Frightened Since I was a Child

Chapter 492 I Was Frightened Since I was a Child
It was a thin young man with a hooked nose and dark eyes.

At this moment, seeing Luzhi walking towards the car, the young man's gloomy eyes locked on Luzhi's body.

"Hawkeye, you are so brave, you dare to appear in front of me." Luzhi also looked at the young man coldly, and shouted.

This Hawkeye was the one she wanted to kill when she accepted the killer mission.

At this time, suddenly seeing Hawkeye appearing, how could Luzhi not understand that her identity was exposed, which meant that she was completely exposed to danger.

Although she is not very clear about why her identity was exposed, Luzhi also knows that she has become dangerous.

"The mouth is still as hard as ever. Could it be that you naively think that you can really kill me?" Hawkeye sneered and said: "You have killed me so many times, don't you understand that it was just me Just to tease you on purpose."

"I think you are the dead duck with a stubborn mouth." Luzhi said unhappily.

Even though she had nothing to do with Hawkeye, she couldn't kill him no matter what, but what Hawkeye said naturally made Luzhi very upset.

After hearing the sound, Hawkeye smiled and said: "Believe it or not, it doesn't matter at all. The important thing is that I have decided to end this not-fun game. It's just a pity that you are such a charming and charming beauty. It’s about to fade away.”

"You want to kill me? I think you are the one who is going to die." Lu Zhi said, with an extra pistol in her hand, pointing the muzzle at Hawkeye.

"It's useless, you can't kill me at all, if you don't believe me, look behind you, there will be surprises." Hawkeye said indifferently.

Lu Zhi looked back, and saw behind him, at some point, there were three more people.

The three of them held three guns in their hands, all aimed at her.

"Aren't you the only one?" Looking at the three of them, Luzhi asked in shock.

"Kill me without even finding out my identity. Should I say you are too naive and cute, or should I say you are too stupid?" Hawkeye said jokingly.

"No wonder, when I wanted to kill you before, I always missed at critical moments. It turns out that there are four of you." Luzhi suddenly realized.

Luzhi is still very confident in her own strength. Although this Hawkeye has some tricks, Luzhi doesn't pay much attention to Hawkeye.

In fact, that was exactly the case. At the beginning, when Lu Zhi accepted this task, she was very relaxed. She thought that she would be able to complete this task soon.

In the process of carrying out the task, there were problems again and again, and Luzhi realized that something was wrong. I am afraid that it would be difficult for her to kill Hawkeye.

This is also the reason why Luzhi came to Jiang Chen after learning that Jiang Chen had come to the capital.

Regarding Jiang Chen's perverted methods, Tianhang City and his party, Lu Zhi had an incomparably intuitive and profound understanding. If Jiang Chen was willing to help, Hawkeye would definitely have nowhere to go to heaven or to earth.

Jiang Chen refused to help, this incident made Luzhi feel very disappointed, and Hawkeye was actually not alone, but four people, this accident was completely beyond Luzhi's expectations.

"Boss, this woman is not bad. Wouldn't it be a pity to kill her directly?" Just as Luzhi was thinking this, a strong man among the three said in a low voice, with a pair of thieves' eyes greedily sizing up Jiang Chen. , looking at that appearance, it is obvious that the saliva is about to flow out.

"Whether to kill directly or not depends on whether this woman cooperates." Hawkeye said with a smile, as if he had the winning ticket in his hands.

"What do you think?" Luzhi asked indifferently.

"It's very simple, I'll give you a choice, either we'll kill you straight away, and you'll be done with it, or you'll get caught and go with the four of us..." Hawkeye said.

"Dream!" Before Hawkeye could finish, Luzhi interrupted him angrily.

From the eyes of the strong man, Luzhi couldn't see what kind of plan that guy was planning. If she just caught her and followed them, the result would definitely be more unacceptable than death.

Compared with such a result, Luzhi would rather be killed directly.

Of course, even if the final result is death, Luzhi is confident that she can kill one or two opponents before she dies.

"Boss, this woman doesn't seem to be very cooperative, what should I do?" The strong man said again in a low voice.

"What else can I do? Shoot him." Hawkeye said lightly.

"Hey, what game are you guys playing here?" Just as Hawkeye finished speaking, a lazy voice sounded out of nowhere.

Hearing that voice, Luzhi was pleasantly surprised, she didn't need to look, she could also hear from that voice, who was speaking.

Only that nasty bastard can always speak in such a nonchalant tone.

"Boy, it's none of your business here, I don't want to die and get away." Suddenly being intervened by someone, Hawkeye was displeased, frowned and scolded at the speaker.

"I just saw that the game you guys are playing seems to be quite fun, and I plan to play it together, you won't be so stingy?" The guy who spoke said with an innocent face, who else could it be except Jiang Chen.

"You really want to play?" Hawkeye looked at Jiang Chen like a monster.

Including the gun in Luzhi's hand, there are four guns in total. Even if he is an idiot, it is enough to see what this situation means.

But Jiang Chen was nice and leisurely, as if he didn't see those guns at all, and it seemed that these four guns were all toy guns in his eyes?
"That's right, that's right." Jiang Chen nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and walked over step by step. When passing by the strong man, he suddenly reached out and took the gun from the strong man's hand. come over.

He casually weighed it in his hands, and Jiang Chen said to himself, "Is the counterfeiting technology so powerful now? Why does this toy gun look exactly like the real gun?"

When he said that, he seemed a little confused and a little puzzled.

The strong man's face changed suddenly, and he said loudly, "Boy, give me back the gun."

"I said that you are such a big person, why is your mind smaller than a sharp needle? It's just a toy gun, so what if you lend it to me?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"This is not a toy gun." The strong man said hastily.

He didn't even react just now, the gun in his hand was taken away by Jiang Chen.

Of course, even if he broke the strong man's head, he wouldn't know it. No matter how prepared he was, it would be no more difficult for Jiang Chen to take away the gun in his hand than to eat and drink.

"It's not a toy gun, could it be a real gun?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"This—" The strong man didn't know how to answer Jiang Chen's question.

"I don't believe it." Jiang Chen said again, and as he spoke, he lifted his wrist, and the muzzle of the gun was pressed against the strong man's forehead, and he said with a displeased face: "It's obviously a toy gun, but you just say it's not, so I don't believe it , I shoot at you, and I can really shoot a bullet."

"Don't, don't..." The burly man waved his arms in a panic, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

If Jiang Chen really fired a shot, he would definitely die, and it would be the kind of unjust death, so there is no reason for it.

"Boy, are you done pretending to be crazy? Hurry up and put down the gun in your hand, or I'll kill you as well." Hawkeye couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily.

"Isn't it? I just want to join your game, and you're going to kill me. Do you still have public morality?" Jiang Chen yelled loudly.

"Shut up." Hawkeye was extremely impatient.

"If you want to kill me, don't allow me to yell a few times... ah..." Jiang Chen shouted even more cheerfully.

Seeing Jiang Chen's pretentious appearance, Luzhi wanted to laugh a little, but she still held it back. She still remembered what Jiang Chen did just now, but it was not so easy to forget it.

As for Hawkeye and the others, they all had black lines all over their heads. They wondered if Jiang Chen was a psychopath who had just escaped from a mental hospital. Otherwise, this would be too funny.

"Kill him." Hawkeye said to the other two.

The other two understood, turned their guns and pointed at Jiang Chen.

"I'm not afraid of you." Jiang Chen said nonchalantly, "You think you can scare me with two toy guns? I was scared from childhood."

"Whether it's a toy gun or not, you'll know soon." Hawkeye said coldly.

At the same time, the two of them pulled the trigger one after another.

"Bang... bang..."

Gunshots rang out, and the pistol with the silencer installed in advance, when the bullets were fired, the sound was extremely soft.

Hearing that gunshot, Hawkeye smiled contentedly.

Although Jiang Chen somehow took the gun from the strong man's hand, but fortunately, this idiot thought it was a toy gun, and it was not threatening at all.

Otherwise, once it is confirmed that it is a real gun, things will probably be more or less troublesome.

He was eagle-eyed and meticulously prepared. He was here to kill Luzhi. Although the situation changed a bit, he had to kill one more person as a last resort.

But both the left and the right want to kill, so what's the difference between killing one more and killing one less?
It's just that the smile just surfaced on Hawkeye's face, and it froze on his face in an instant. He widened his eyes and stared at the two people he brought, and suddenly saw that the two On the forehead of the person, at some point, there was a blood hole.

Blood spurted out, and the two of them fell to the ground before they even had time to make a sound.

"What's going on?" Hawkeye felt a little uncomfortable.

"Ahhh... so it's really not a toy gun." Jiang Chen yelled loudly again, as if he had been deceived by the sky, and it was extremely unacceptable.

Hearing Jiang Chen's yelling, Hawkeye's face twitched non-stop. At this moment, how could he not understand that since Jiang Chen's appearance, everything he did was pretending to be crazy.

"Bang... bang..."

Immediately afterwards, two more gunshots rang out, Luzhi pulled the trigger, and the two bullets were sent to Hawkeye and the strong man respectively.

"What are you doing here?" After killing the two of them, Luzhi asked Jiang Chen without even taking a second look.

(End of this chapter)

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