genius evil

Chapter 493 The only problem is money

Chapter 493 The only problem is money
"Miss Luzhi, have you eaten yet?" Jiang Chen casually dropped the gun in his hand, wiped his hands, and asked with a smile on his face.

"You came here to ask me this question?" Lu Zhi looked at Jiang Chen who was like a psychopath.

You know, Luzhi originally thought that Jiang Chen came downstairs to keep her, and changed his mind and planned to help her.

Even though Jiang Chen had already helped her because of a mistake, otherwise, she would probably die here today.

But even if Jiang Chen helped her, Luzhi was still very speechless when Jiang Chen said such words.

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm here for? Have you eaten or not?" Jiang Chen was still grinning.

"It's none of your business." Luzhi snorted softly.

"Why is it none of my business? You are Ziyu's good sister, and I am Ziyu's man. If Ziyu knows that you come to see me, I will definitely blame me if I didn't even invite you for a meal." , so if you haven't eaten, I'll treat you to a meal." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"I've eaten it." Luzhi said bluntly, she didn't want to talk to Jiang Chen anymore, who made this guy not say a nice word from the time we met to now?

"It's good if you've eaten. I haven't eaten yet. You have to be busy. I'm going to eat now." Jiang Chen nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing Jiang Chen's behavior, Lu Zhi even wanted to shoot Jiang Chen.

This guy is obviously so smart, can't he hear that what she said was angry?

Or, he didn't invite her to dinner sincerely at all, but just said it casually, in order not to be blamed by Ziyu?

"Jiang Chen, you killed two people, so you don't care?" Lvzhi said after stomping her feet.

"I really thought it was a toy gun." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Do you think I'm as stupid as them, being played by you in the palm of your hand?" Luzhi said with a frown.

"Actually, you don't seem to be very smart." Jiang Chen teased.

"You—" Lu Zhi was furious.

"As a killer, it's not just a matter of IQ, not to mention being blocked for no reason because of someone's identity being found out?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's just an insignificant mistake, and it's just my negligence." Lu Zhi argued with a blushing face, and lowered her head in embarrassment, knowing that it was such a low-level mistake.

If she hadn't just come to find Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen hadn't appeared in time, if it had been a different time and place, she would probably be dead now.

Naturally, this couldn't be just an insignificant mistake, but Lu Zhi felt uncomfortable in her heart, she just insisted on refusing to admit her mistake in front of Jiang Chen.

"Then, if you died, you must have died by accident, right?" Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile.

"Then let me die, who asked you to help me." Luzhi was furious.

"Didn't you ask me to help you?" Jiang Chen said in great bewilderment.

"You obviously refused." Luzhi said.

"You mean, I'm meddling in my own business?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You're just meddling in your own business. My life and death have nothing to do with you." Luzhi's voice raised a lot.

"It doesn't matter in the first place. What are you talking about so loudly? If someone hears it, they will think that there is some inexplicable relationship between me and you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, I finally understand. You are deliberately making me angry. Am I that annoying to you?" Suddenly, Luzhi said.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said: "I'm a stupid person, I don't know how to deal with girls, if I say something bad, don't take it to heart."

"Just tease me on purpose, are you happy when I'm angry?" Lu Zhi scolded angrily.

Jiang Chen laughed, shrugged, and said, "Just kidding, but to be honest, when you are angry, I am really happy."

Luzhi's face turned black, her red lips were biting tightly, she was really going to be pissed off by Jiang Chen.

After a while, her body was a little stiff, she turned around, and Lu Zhi walked towards the parking place of the car step by step.

Walking to the side of the car, opened the door to get in the car, rubbed her face with her hands, Luzhi started the car, and was about to drive away, but the co-pilot's door was suddenly opened, and Jiang Chen sat in.

"Jiang Chen, get down for me." Luzhi scolded.

"You killed two people, so you don't care?" Jiang Chen said, imitating Lu Zhi's tone.

"Go down." Staring at Jiang Chen, Lu Zhi's eyes gradually became a little fierce.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said, "I said, big beauty Luzhi, why are you so stingy? In fact, I just want to take a ride. You don't even know that the food in this hotel restaurant How unpalatable it is, it's hard to swallow, I think you seem to be more familiar with the capital, or else, you can recommend a better restaurant for me."

"Go down!"

As if she hadn't heard Jiang Chen's words, Luzhi still said the same words, her emotions were on the verge of collapse.

Jiang Chen is such a smart person, when he heard Lu Zhi's tone of voice, he realized that something was wrong.

"Are you really angry?" Jiang Chen asked cautiously.

"Isn't this exactly the result you want?" Luzhi said indifferently.

"How could it be?" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

"I came to you, you must think that I have caused you trouble, so you spared no effort to stimulate me, so that I will no longer appear in front of you, right?" The voice suddenly dropped, Silently, Luzhi said.

"Of course not. I have always welcomed such things as beautiful women taking the initiative to come to your door. If the beautiful woman takes the initiative and offers some benefits, I will welcome it even more." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Luzhi asked confused.

"Oh, just talk casually, you can listen to it casually." Jiang Chen laughed.

"I will definitely listen to it casually." Gritting her teeth, Luzhi stretched out her hand and pushed hard, pushing Jiang Chen out of the car. The next moment, the car drove out like an arrow flying off the string.

"It seems that the beautiful lady Luzhi is really angry." Jiang Chen said to himself as he touched his nose as he watched the car go away.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and made a call to Ziyu.

Since Luzhi is currently in the capital, Ziyu might be there as well, but soon Jiang Chen was disappointed. He made two phone calls in a row, but Ziyu was in a state of being unable to get through.

Unable to help being a little depressed, Jiang Chen made a phone call to Qian Fugui and asked him to send someone over to deal with the four corpses. After that, he entered the hotel and went to his room.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chen received a call from Sun Haoyang. Half an hour later, Jiang Chen met Sun Haoyang at a bar called MINT.

The dress of this guy is exactly the same as when I saw it in Fushou Building during the day. It is still a pair of flip-flops. The only difference is that there is no toothpick in his mouth.

Before Jiang Chen came over, that guy was picking up a girl, chatting happily with a woman with heavy makeup, but after seeing Jiang Chen appearing, he was the first to wave his hand to signal the woman to leave. Jiang Chen was a little curious.

You know, Jiang Chen already thought that this guy was so interesting, and such a scene couldn't help but make Jiang Chen feel more interesting.

"Jiang Shao." Grinning, Sun Haoyang waved towards Jiang Chen.

"Where's the wine?" Jiang Chen walked over and sat down, seeing that Sun Haoyang was actually drinking soda, he asked.

"Hey, I'm just waiting for you, Young Master Jiang. I told you to invite Jiang Chen to drink a good wine. I'm too embarrassed to take out any wine that is close to it." Sun Haoyang smiled, greeted the waiter, and ordered a Fan, after a while, two bottles of good red wine were brought over.

Sun Haoyang picked up the wine bottle and poured wine, poured it for Jiang Chen first, then poured it for himself, raised his glass and said, "Young Master Jiang, I offer you a toast."

"What's the reason?" Picking up the wine glass and casually shaking it in his hand, Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Cheers to our acquaintance, isn't it fate?" Sun Haoyang said.

"Not counting." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Eh." Sun Haoyang was embarrassed all of a sudden, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Jiang Shao, I have a comrade in arms. He was on a mission two years ago and unfortunately suffered a little injury. Up to now, he has been injured. paralyzed in bed."

"And then?" Jiang Chen looked at this guy with a half-smile.

"That guy Qin Shaoyan has a good relationship with me, so in fact, I have heard of your name Jiang Shao a long time ago." Sun Haoyang said again.

"I finally heard a truth." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Finally, I understood why this guy was so enthusiastic when we met in Fushoulou.

After a moment of silence, Sun Haoyang said softly: "Jiang Shao, my comrade-in-arms was injured because of me. If she died unfortunately, it would be because of me. If she can't be saved, my whole life, Sun Haoyang, will be free from conscience. Everyone will feel uneasy. It is said that I am asking you to drink, Jiang Shao, but in fact I am asking Jiang Shao, I hope Jiang Shao can help you."

"Saving people is not a problem, the only problem is money." Jiang Chen said casually.

"If saving people is no problem, money will naturally not be a problem." Sun Haoyang said immediately.

"I finally found a reason, congratulations." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Sun Haoyang understood, raised his glass again, and said, "Jiang Shao, cheers."


After taking a sip of the wine, Jiang Chen had just put down the wine glass when someone patted his shoulder hard, and immediately a voice of surprise or surprise rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

"Jiang Chen, why did you come to the capital?"

The person who spoke said, after speaking, a pair of eyes, dripping on Jiang Chen's body, turned around non-stop. I don't know if it was because of drinking too much wine. The person's face was flushed, but his eyes were staring. It was very big, and he smiled playfully. That kind of smile was clearly telling Jiang Chen——he was doomed!

(End of this chapter)

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