genius evil

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Turning his head, Jiang Chen made contact with that person's eyes.

Jiang Chen's eyes were so vicious, how could he fail to see what the meaning in that person's eyes meant.

But naturally, Jiang Chen didn't have the slightest awareness that he was dead.

"I have something to do, so I'm here." Jiang Chen said casually.

"What are you going to do, do you need my help?" the man asked with a smile.

"What can you do for me?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, are you kidding me? You don't even ask me who I am. This lady is very capable. Whatever you want, I'll settle it for you every minute!" Waving his arms, the man looked dissatisfied. said, but it was Wu Qingya who hadn't seen him for a while.

"Heroes among women!" Jiang Chen cupped his fists and said disrespectfully.

Wu Qingya giggled and said, "Don't dare to act, dare not act."

Then, Wu Qingya seemed to have just discovered Sun Haoyang's existence, she curled her lips and said, "Sun Haoyang, when did you meet Jiang Chen, why didn't I know?"

"Just met." Sun Haoyang smiled wryly.

"Drinking together when we first met? You think I'm a fool." Wu Qingya snorted coldly.

"How dare I." Sun Haoyang cried out incessantly.

"You, Sun Haoyang, are very courageous. If you don't dare to do anything, don't put on an air in front of me." Wu Qingya jokingly said.

Raising his hand as a sign of surrender, Sun Haoyang said: "Miss, I really dare not, I am not tired of work, how dare I tell lies."

"Could it be that the two of you really just met?" Wu Qingya murmured to herself, squinting at Jiang Chen and said, "Is this the so-called congeniality?"

"Can you talk? This is called heroes cherishing heroes." Jiang Chen corrected angrily.

"Are you telling a joke? It's really too funny." Wu Qingya said narrowly, giggling, and the branches of her laughter trembled wildly. Looking at her, it seemed that she had really heard a very funny thing. It was like a joke, so that I couldn't stop laughing.

"Laughing so much, let's laugh a little longer." Jiang Chen said, with a flick of his finger, a silver needle sank into Wu Qingya's body soundlessly.

Of course Wu Qingya wasn't really laughing. She pretended to be funny on purpose, but she was just deliberately mocking Jiang Chen. Who let Jiang Chen bully her.

Wu Qingya originally thought that Jiang Chen should feel ashamed if she laughed like this, but how could she know that after laughing for a while, Jiang Chen didn't react at all.

There was nothing funny at all, Wu Qingya smiled, she just planned not to laugh, otherwise, it would probably be very embarrassing.

Moreover, she is a bit of an idiot for laughing like this alone.

But soon, Wu Qingya discovered that she couldn't stop laughing, as if someone had tapped her acupuncture point, she couldn't control her facial expressions at all.


Wu Qingya just kept laughing, her face flushed so red that she was about to burst into tears.

"Jiang Chen, what did you do to me?" Wu Qingya's facial expression twitched, and she asked stutteringly, unable to even speak clearly.

"I suddenly felt that the way you smile is quite cute. Why didn't I realize that you have such a cute side before." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Cute ass!"

Wu Qingya shouted.

She used to think that she was a bit of an idiot when she laughed alone, but now, it's not like, but a real idiot at all.

No, because she was too cheerful and her smile was too devilish, countless eyes were attracted to her in the huge bar, which really gave Wu Qingya the urge to kill her head-on.

Thinking of her, Wu Qingya, the dignified young lady of the Wu family, when was she ever ashamed.

"I've never lied. Is it really cute?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen--" Wu Qingya gritted her teeth, her face twisted, she didn't know whether she was laughing or angry.

"What?" Jiang Chen replied unhurriedly.

"Can you stop making me laugh?" Wu Qingya cried with a sad face and her voice was vague.

"You laugh at you, does it have something to do with me?" Jiang Chen looked confused.

"I beg you." Wu Qingya said pitifully.

"If you want me to say, there is nothing funny in the first place, but you have such a low point of laughter. As for this, you probably have to ask for trouble." Jiang Chen said.

"Can you stop talking nonsense for now?" Wu Qingya laughed and burst into tears, almost going crazy.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and patted Wu Qingya's body casually. A silver needle was put into his palm without anyone noticing it, and disappeared in an instant.

After taking out the silver needle, Wu Qingya finally stopped smiling. With her hand, she rubbed her face vigorously. After feeling the stiff face, she finally felt a little bit of consciousness. Wu Qingya flung her teeth and claws at Jiang Chen.

"Not laughing enough?" Jiang Chen sat there motionless, and said leisurely.

As soon as Jiang Chen's words came out, Wu Qingya seemed to have cast the body-fixing technique on someone, and she didn't dare to move any more, and said through gritted teeth: "Jiang Chen, you are so brave, you dare to threaten me, you know What is this place?"

"Isn't this the MINT bar?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"This is the capital city!" Wu Qingya was very angry. She felt that Jiang Chen was really good at playing dumb.

"And then?" Jiang Chen was even more puzzled.

"The capital city is my territory, you threaten me on my territory, do you know what that means?" Wu Qingya said bitterly.

"What does it mean?" Jiang Chen asked interestingly.

"It means...means..." Wu Qingya subconsciously wanted to answer, but she was a little discouraged when the words came to her lips.

Because Wu Qingya understood that it was right that Jiang Chen threatened her, but if she wanted to threaten Jiang Chen, she would be unable to do so. After all, even Wu Menghua never paid attention to Jiang Chen.

"What exactly does it mean?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

To put it bluntly, what does it mean to be so hesitant?
"It's nothing." Wu Qingya stomped her feet in frustration, probably worried that she would be teased by Jiang Chen again, and Wu Qingya walked away.

Jiang Chen didn't stay in the bar too long, drank a few glasses of wine, and made an appointment with Sun Haoyang to meet tomorrow, then got up and left.

Just now Jiang Chen walked out of the bar, and saw Wu Qingya, that woman, with her legs spread apart and her arms folded around her chest, standing at the door, impressively waiting for him.

"Jiang Chen, do you have time?" Seeing Jiang Chen coming out, Wu Qingya asked.

"No time, no appointment." Jiang Chen said very simply.

"Appointment? What is the appointment?" Wu Qingya was confused.

"Why are you pretending to be stupid, you asked me if I have time, didn't you just want to make an appointment with me?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"About your size." Wu Qingya almost exploded like a defeated rooster!
Jiang Chen's words were too shocking, and Wu Qingya was frustrated. Although she really didn't mean to make an appointment with Jiang Chen, why did Jiang Chen say no?

Is she that bad?
Thinking of her Miss Wu, the suitor is like a crucian carp crossing the river, okay? What kind of aesthetics does Jiang Chen have?

"This one is even more out of date." Jiang Chen said casually.

"You think beautiful, even if you want to date, I won't date, do you think Miss Ben is that kind of casual woman?" Wu Qingya said with a whimper.

"I don't know if you are a casual woman, but I am definitely not a casual man." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. Tonight, there is a racing event at Jiuqu Mountain. It's underground. Are you interested in going there with me?" Wu Qingya said with a glance at Bai Jiangchen.

"Not interested." Jiang Chen said directly.


Wu Qingya looked at Jiang Chen depressedly, and said, "It's very fun, exciting, and explosive. Besides, there are many beauties. You are definitely not interested."

"I can't believe your words, especially the statement that there are many beauties." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"I swear." Wu Qingya raised her right hand and said cursingly.

"Send it." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

"I swear, there are really many beauties." Gritting her teeth, Wu Qingya said.

"No." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Ah—" Wu Qingya yelled, feeling that she was going to be spoiled by Jiang Chen.

"You still make me swear if you don't go?" Wu Qingya asked angrily.

"Idle is idle, it's good to have fun, I should go, why should you go." Jiang Chen said, and walked away.

"Jiang Chen, are you still a man? I won't eat you, I just take you for fun. Is this necessary? Are you energetic?" Wu Qingya yelled.

Stopping in footsteps, turning his head, Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Chen and waved his hand. Wu Qingya stepped forward and said with a smile, "Changed your mind?"

"Don't think too much, I just want to prove one thing to you." Jiang Chen said, as he spoke, he grabbed Wu Qingya's arm with his big hand, dragged Wu Qingya, and walked towards his car parking place .

Opening the rear door, Jiang Chen pushed Wu Qingya in, and then quickly got into the car.

"Prove what?" Wu Qingya was taken aback by Jiang Chen's series of actions.

"Prove that I'm a man." Jiang Chen said indifferently, "Are you going to sit up and move yourself, or do I?"

"Sit up and move by yourself?" Wu Qingya felt a chill, seeing Jiang Chen's complexion, she hurriedly said, "Jiang Chen, I'm joking, why are you so serious... Haha, I'm really joking, don't scare me How about me? You are a pure man, a man of iron and blood, so there is no need to prove that it is unnecessary... If it is really not good, can I apologize to you?"

Wu Qingya was really worried that Jiang Chen would eat her in one gulp. God knows, Jiang Chen would have such a big temper, otherwise, she would never have said such a thing.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, and looked at Wu Qingya quietly. Wu Qingya felt terrified when Jiang Chen looked at her. He felt extremely uncomfortable in every cell of his body.

"I was joking too." Jiang Chen said suddenly after almost 2 minutes.

"What do you mean?" Wu Qingya asked in a daze, unable to respond.

"You look so ugly and have such a bad figure, do you think I'm interested in you?" Jiang Chen sneered and said with a curl of his lips!
(End of this chapter)

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