genius evil

Chapter 495 is so arrogant

Chapter 495 is so arrogant
"Am I ugly?" Wu Qingya said silently in her heart, really wanting to take out a mirror to take a look at her face.

"Am I in poor shape?" Wu Qingya lowered her head again, looked at her breasts, then pinched her slender waist with her hands, and even her buttocks with her hands.

Well, it must be because of the makeup. Wu Qingya quickly found a reason for herself so that she would not think that she was ugly. Of course, Wu Qingya still has such a little bit of confidence.

As for the figure, Wu Qingya is more confident. Her breasts, thighs are long, her waist is thin, her waist is round and her buttocks are round. It couldn't be more perfect, okay?

Anyone who says she has a poor figure is absolutely blind.

Jiang Chen wasn't blind, but what did Jiang Chen's sarcasm mean?
So, Wu Qingya exploded all of a sudden, and said angrily: "You say I'm ugly, you say I'm in poor shape, are you sure you're talking about me?"

"It's not you, is it me?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with my figure?" Wu Qingya also asked back.

"It's okay to be ugly, but you don't even have any self-knowledge. I have to say, I'm really worried about you. I'm afraid you won't be able to find a man in your life." Jiang Chen sighed.

Wu Qingya's eyes were wide open, and the eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets. If eyes could kill, she wished she could use her eyes to cut Jiang Chen into pieces!

"I said what are you doing looking at me like this? Could it be that you know you can't find a man, and you want to hit me? You think beautifully." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"Jiang Chen, I warn you, if I really can't find a man, I will depend on you for the rest of my life." Wu Qingya said like a rascal.

"Don't talk about this life, you have no hope in the next life." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Really? Let's see." Wu Qingya snorted coldly, and asked again: "Are you going to Jiuqu Mountain or not? If you don't, I should set off."

"Go." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Wu Qingya looked at Jiang Chen strangely, thinking that this is the legendary slap to a candy?However, Jiang Chen's slap was too hard, right?

Jiuqu Mountain is located in the western suburbs of the capital. The mountain is not high, but the mountain road is quite rugged and steep.

As early as a few years ago, this mountain was contracted by someone, and a huge amount of money was spent to build a road around the mountain. After that, this area gradually developed into a paradise for underground racers.

When Jiang Chen and Wu Qingya drove up the mountain, they were already a little late, and saw a lot of cars parked on the specially opened flat land on the top of the mountain.

When in Yilan City, Jiang Chenyou and Tang Tian went to Pipa Mountain for a little fun, but obviously, no matter the scale or the luxury of the car, it was far from being comparable to this place.

As for Wu Qingya, it was obviously not the first time she came to this kind of place, she just got out of her sports car, and several young men and women surrounded her.

"Sister Big Eyes, we have been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come here?"

"Yes, big-eyed sister, we thought you wouldn't come tonight."


"Sister Big Eyes, don't you know who I am? I'm sure I'll come." Wu Qingya said with a smile.

While talking, Wu Qingya saw Jiang Chen staring at her unblinkingly, and asked in bewilderment, "Jiang Chen, what are you looking at?"

"Are your eyes big?" Jiang Chen was more puzzled than she was. He stared at it for a long time, but he didn't realize that Wu Qingya's eyes were big.

"My eyes are very big." Wu Qingya blinked.

"Your eyes are so small, I think it's more appropriate to call you Sister Squint Eyes." Jiang Chen said.

"You are the one who squinted, and your whole family squinted." Wu Qingya said angrily.

"But your eyes are really not big." Jiang Chen felt innocent.

"Uh, big-eyed sister, is this handsome guy your boyfriend?"

At this moment, the few guys who came over seemed to have discovered Jiang Chen's existence, and a man asked.

"He's a handsome guy, but he's not a boyfriend." Before Wu Qingya could speak, Jiang Chen flatly rejected it.

"Jiang Chen, people are asking me, not you, why are you rushing to talk?" Wu Qingya was quite dissatisfied.

She felt that it was right for her to say this, Jiang Chen rushed to say it, as if she was not good enough for Jiang Chen, which made Wu Qingya a little unhappy.

"If I don't rush to say it, if you say yes, wouldn't it be taking advantage of me?" Jiang Chen became even more innocent.

"Would it be embarrassing if I were your girlfriend?" Wu Qingya said through gritted teeth.

"I wouldn't be so tasteless." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

"Sister Big Eyes, so, you two, are you boyfriend and girlfriend?" A woman asked gossipingly. She felt that Jiang Chen and Wu Qingya were going around like this, and she knew that she was going to be close. I got dizzy.

"I said the wrong thing." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"What did I say wrong?" The woman was confused.

"She is called Sister Squint Eyes, not Sister Big Eyes. Besides, I have already denied the relationship between me and her. Why do you still have this illusion? Well, I know I am too handsome Yes, many women want to be my girlfriend, but my taste is really not that bad." Jiang Chen said in a rambling manner.

"I'm sure now that you are really boyfriend and girlfriend." The woman said firmly.

"No." Jiang Chen and Wu Qingya said in unison.

"There is such a tacit understanding, and you still say no." That woman, the old god said.

"Really, you guys, stop talking nonsense here. Is everyone here? When will it start?" Wu Qingya changed the subject embarrassingly.

"It's all here early, I'll just wait for you, big-eyed sister." The woman said with a smile.

As he was talking, he saw a few people coming over again, a mix of men and women, a total of six people, three young men, each hugging a flamboyantly dressed woman in revealing clothes.

Although Wu Qingya's dress is not conservative, and her style is quite different and bold, but compared with those three women, it is not enough.

Those three women are the typical kind who want to show all the places that should not be exposed, as if they want to be stared at a few more times.

"Hey, big-eyed sister brought her family?" One of the men with long hair glanced at Jiang Chen and said with a smile.

"What's the matter, you guys are allowed to take it, but I can't take it?" Wu Qingya rolled her eyes.

"Of course it doesn't mean that. It's just that I haven't heard that you have a boyfriend, big-eyed sister. But big-eyed sister, your vision is too bad. This man is not good at all." The long-haired man laughed.

"What's wrong with me?" Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen immediately became upset. He was shot even while lying down. Who did he provoke?
"I said you can't, but you just can't, are you not convinced?" the long-haired man said jokingly.


Raising his hand, Jiang Chen smacked the long-haired man's face, and said slowly, "What about you, are you convinced?"

"Boy, do you dare to hit me?" the long-haired man said in disbelief.


Another slap in the face, Jiang Chen said, "I'm asking you a question, are you convinced or not?"

"I'm not convinced." The long-haired man was furious.

"Clap clap clap..."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, slapped his face like crazy, and directly knocked the long-haired man onto the ground. His face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Are you convinced?" Jiang Chen was full of patience.

"I...I..." The long-haired man stammered, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"Big Eyed Sister, isn't this a bit outrageous?" Another bald young man cast a sideways glance at Jiang Chen, but said to Wu Qingya.

"So what if you're not authentic, don't tell me you're not convinced?" Jiang Chen said aggressively.

"Boy, you are too arrogant." The bald young man was very displeased.

"There's no way, he's so handsome, he's just so arrogant." Jiang Chen said, rushed over, kicked the bald youth to the ground, and stepped on the bald youth's head with one foot, making him unable to move. Said: "If you want to talk about arrogance, this is arrogance."

"Boy, do you know what you're doing?" The third man who hadn't spoken all this time said with a gloomy face.

"I know, beat someone up." Jiang Chen said simply.

The man's words were suffocated, and for a while, it was difficult to refute.


Wu Qingya laughed coquettishly, and said, "Jiang Chen, if you beat someone up, just beat him up, why don't you say something so grandiose."

"I've always convinced people with virtue." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Is this how you convince people with virtue?" Wu Qingya said as she looked at the bald young man trampled by Jiang Chen.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm sure I'm fine, but you have a problem. Do you know who the three of them are?" Wu Qingya said with a smile.

"They don't know who I am, why should I know who they are?" Jiang Chen said dismissively.

"Then, do you know who I am?" Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, a voice rang out.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of people came over, shouting and embracing. The one walking in the front was a tall and strong fat man. In the arms of the fat man, there was a petite and exquisite girl.

"I know." Jiang Chen glanced at the fat man and said.

"Oh, tell me, who am I?" The fat man asked interestingly.

"Fat pig." Jiang Chen said with a grin.

The fat man was still smiling, but when he heard Jiang Chen's words, his face immediately darkened. He stared at Jiang Chen gloomyly, waved his hand, and said, "It's useless."

"Abandon your sister." Jiang Chen violently kicked, no, violently kicked the fat man's stomach.

Then, I suddenly saw that the fat man's fat body, like a fired shell, fell to a distance of more than ten meters behind him, and when he landed, there was a dull sound.

The fat man landed on the ground, crying and howling like a pig, and with that howling sound, everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body, even Wu Qingya looked at him incomparably weirdly. Looking at Jiang Chen, the corner of his mouth twitched!
(End of this chapter)

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