genius evil

Chapter 496 I have no interest in playing with you

Chapter 496 I have no interest in playing with you
"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Wu Qingya asked, almost speechless.

"Didn't you just say, beat someone up." Jiang Chen said with a curled lip.

"I know you are beating people, the problem is why are you so violent." Wu Qingya said angrily, she brought Jiang Chen to Jiuqu Mountain to play with cars, not to beat people, okay?

Jiang Chen was good. He beat up three people in succession. This is a rhythm that makes people unable to continue playing.

"The three of them, one asked me if I was convinced, one said I was arrogant, and the other wanted to abolish me. In this case, what do you think I should do?" Jiang Chen said even more angrily.

Jiang Chen felt that he was the biggest victim. He came here to play with Wu Qingya. What do these people mean by targeting him one by one?
Could it be that he has a face that looks easy to bully?

"Obviously you were the one who scolded him as a fat pig first." Wu Qingya said.

"It looks like a pig, so what is it if it's not a fat pig?" Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Jiang Chen, you're swearing again." Wu Qingya was speechless.

"It's not okay to tell the truth?" Jiang Chen was helpless.

"Abolish him, let me abolish him."

While Jiang Chen and Wu Qingya were talking here, the fat man was helped up, pointed at Jiang Chen, and yelled loudly.

"Fatty, if you yell again, believe it or not, I will turn you into a fat pig?" Jiang Chen threatened.

"Do you dare to move my finger again?" The fat man said angrily.


Ever since, the fat man flew out again.

"I feel sorry for him." Wu Qingya looked at the fat man who was kicked away by Jiang Chen with pity, and said.

"Poor man, there must be something wrong with him. If he wants to be mean, who can he blame?" Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"That fat man is one of the organizers here, you beat him up, what shall we do next?" Wu Qingya said with a bitter face.

"This couldn't be easier. If he won't let me play, I'll just play with him." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Then, Jiang Chen said to the fat man: "Fat pig, you heard what I said, do you want me to play with the car or you?"

"Playing with cars!" Fatty said without thinking.

This is simply a free question, even if Fatty is an idiot, he would not dare to let Jiang Chen play him, otherwise, he will definitely be ruined by Jiang Chen tonight.


A while later, on the top of the mountain, several sports cars parked side by side on the starting line, and several women in bikinis walked over enchantingly.

The organization of the car race seems to be fairly formal.

The handicap was opened. I don't know if it was because of Jiang Chen's behavior that caused public outrage. In terms of odds, Jiang Chen's side was quite high, reaching [-] to [-].

Unexpectedly, the odds on the fat man's side were only one to one point one. Although it looked a bit funny when the fat man squeezed into the car, but through the odds Look, this fat man should be regarded as a flexible fat man.

"Jiang Chen, they are trying to abuse you." Wu Qingya said.

"Usually, those who want to abuse me are usually abused by me." Jiang Chen was full of confidence.

"You're going to blow the cows to heaven." Wu Qingya rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you believe me when I tell the truth? How about I be a little more humble?" Jiang Chen said.

"Don't, I just like your smelly and shameless look." Wu Qingya hurriedly stopped.

10 minutes later, the signal gun sounded,

The engine roared, and almost at the same time, several sports cars rushed out, and the leader was indeed the Ferrari driven by the fat man.

"Oh, not bad." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

"Jiang Chen, can you hurry up?" Wu Qingya urged.

"I'm already fast, okay?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

Wu Qingya was frantic, and asked speechlessly: "Jiang Chen, have you forgotten something?"

"I have a good memory." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You forgot to step on the gas pedal." Wu Qingya almost fell headfirst.

Watching those cars rushing away, they couldn't even see their shadows in an instant. Jiang Chen actually stopped at the starting line. Even if he wanted to admit defeat, he shouldn't make it so obvious, right?

Wu Qingya felt very ashamed. Just now, Jiang Chen said that he wanted to torture others completely.

"Oh, I'm giving way to them, let them run for a while, otherwise, if the loss is too ugly, wouldn't it be very suspenseful?" Jiang Chen said, finally stepped on the accelerator, and the car slowly ran away go out.

"Stop pretending, okay? If you fail to pretend to be a fool, we'll see how you end up." Wu Qingya sneered.

"I like it the most when others pretend to be aggressive in front of me, turning them into idiots." Jiang Chen laughed, and suddenly, he kicked the accelerator to the end, and the car rushed out like an arrow flying off the string.

After 10 minutes, the orange sports car appeared at the finish line.

The car had just stopped when Wu Qingya pushed the door, staggered out of the car, crouched on the ground and vomited wildly.

"Jiang Chen, why are you driving so fast? You want to die, but I don't want to die." After throwing up for a while, turning her head, Wu Qingya yelled at Jiang Chen, of course.

"It's not good to drive slowly, and it's not good to drive fast, so how do you drive?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Who knew you were driving so fast?" Wu Qingya said, feeling that she was a bit out of control, she vomited again, her face turned pale.

So scary.

Where is playing with the car, it is completely playing with one's life.

Wu Qingya had never seen anyone driving like Jiang Chen, who never slowed down on corners or curves, and drove wildly with the accelerator pedal all the way to the end.

Wu Qingya saw that the speed was over [-] at that time.

At that speed, if there is a slight error, it will definitely end in a car crash.

Although, that kind of situation did not happen, Wu Qingya's heart jumped into her throat all the way. If her little heart was not strong enough, she would probably have a heart attack from fright.

"It's not that I drove too fast, it's that you are too timid." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

It took another few minutes before they saw several sports cars rushing towards the rear. As expected, the Ferrari driven by the fat man was in the lead.

But even so, compared to Jiang Chen, he was already three or four minutes behind.

The fat man kicked the car door and got out of the car, his face would not be much prettier than Wu Qingya's.Even if Jiang Chen kicked him again, his face would not be more ugly than it is now.

"Sister Big Eyes, where did you find such a freak to play with us?" The fat man murmured.

"What the fuck, am I about to be played to death if I don't see my old lady?" Wu Qingya said angrily.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in playing with you." Jiang Chen interrupted suddenly.


Wu Qingya's head was full of black lines.

The fat man had black lines on his face, and said with a wry smile: "Brother, I am really convinced this time. If I have time in the future, I will come to play often."

"No time." Jiang Chen said lightly.


The fat man is also full of black lines, this guy is really not polite at all, he deserves a beating.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen grinned happily when he saw a sum of money credited to his phone.

"Jiang Chen, you must treat guests to supper tonight." Wu Qingya said.

"No, is it easy for me to work hard to earn some hard-earned money?" Without thinking, Jiang Chen directly refused, walked towards his own car, opened the door and got into the car.

"Big man, are you embarrassed to be so stingy?" Seeing Jiang Chen getting into the car, Wu Qingya pulled the door and got into the passenger seat.

"Excuse me." Jiang Chen nodded.

"You—" Wu Qingya was so angry that she couldn't speak.

This guy made tens of millions just now, but he didn't even want to buy a supper. Wu Qingya wondered if there was something wrong with her own charm.

Jiang Chen didn't care that Wu Qingya was angry, and drove the car down the mountain. After driving for a while, Wu Qingya yelled: "Stop, stop quickly."

Jiang Chen looked at this woman as if he was insane, stepped on the brakes, and said unhappily: "Wu Qingya, do you believe that I will throw you out?"

After the words fell, Jiang Chen couldn't wait for Wu Qingya's answer, but saw Wu Qingya's big eyes, looking at her without blinking.

At the same time, Wu Qingya's eyes gradually became strange little by little. Slowly, her eyes were closed, and her delicate face gradually became a few traces of crimson.

"Do you have a fever?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

The long eyelashes fluttered, Wu Qingya still didn't speak, and shook her head slightly.

"Did you get water in your head?" Jiang Chen was even more puzzled.


Wu Qingya opened her eyes, looked at Jiang Chen angrily, and said, "Jiang Chen, didn't anyone tell you that when a woman closes her eyes in front of you, they want you to kiss her?"

"I understand the truth, but why should I kiss you?" Jiang Chen asked confusedly.

"They saw that you were so handsome and masculine in your driving just now, so how about rewarding you... Let me tell you, she is still a virgin, and it's her first kiss." Wu Qingya complained.

"But, I told you just now that I'm not interested in playing with you. Didn't you understand? Or, let me repeat it again. I'm really not interested in playing with you." Jiang Chen said sternly.

Gritting her teeth, Wu Qingya stretched out her hands to hug Jiang Chen's neck, as if to force a kiss, Jiang Chen smiled, parted Wu Qingya's hands, and said, "So it's not a fever, but a fit of fuss."

"You're the one to get mad." Wu Qingya was quite dissatisfied.

"I know, you women, you can't hold back when you see a handsome guy, especially a peerless handsome guy like me, you can't wait to take off your clothes and recommend yourself as a pillow mat, but, I'm really not a casual man. .” Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Well, I believe you are not a casual man, but can't you make an exception just once?" With a wink, Wu Qingya said coquettishly. people!
Jiang Chen shuddered. He was extremely cold. They said that a man in heat is scary, but he didn't expect a woman to be in heat. It's not heat. It's like treating him like a Tang monk and wanting to eat his flesh!
(End of this chapter)

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